Disclaimer: I do not own the Fairly Oddparents.

Spiraling purple and white. A vortex leading to nothingness. A heart pounding in fear as a female being felt herself being tugged closer and closer against her will.

"Because they're my fairy godparents!" A child had screamed before her worst fear was realized. Right after he had said so, the glass orb around them shattered, making the psychotic 5th grade techer scream in surprise.

His sad eyes as he screamed that he was doing this just to set them free. Her gut hurt to see he was only trying to help. But no one knew how wrong he was.

After screaming how much they didn't need it and how much they loved him, her green-haired love's grip slipped and she experienced the most traumatizing moment.

They were pulled in.

As they tumbled through the whirlpool of magic and color, her eyes glued shut while she screamed as loud and as high-pitched her lungs would allow. It wasn't until a few minutes in the lobby of the godparenting office did she realize the vortex was gone and many a fairy were staring at her, yelling and sobbing as fear quaked her in her husband's arms. Instead of acting embarrassed or ashamed to be seen with her in public like that, she noticed he held her close as he stroked her hair and wings comfortingly, one hand on each.

She didn't quiet until a moment of him whispering sweet nothings into her ear. After he had seen her calm to the point where she could wipe away the tears on her own, he had asked worriedly what was wrong.

Shaking her head, she said she didn't want to leave their very special godchild. He looked at her suspiciously, but finally nodded his head in trust.

How she hated lying to him. God, she hated lying to him.

Wanda jolted up in a cold sweat. She placed her throbbing head in her hands. It's been a full week since the incident with the magic muffin, but the sight of the endless vortex had triggered a very very miserable memory of hers. One she hoped to suppress for the rest of eternity. The memories and nightmares plagued her every day and night until she either woke up in a startled, cold sweat. But when they ate her insides during the day, she had to wait until both Timmy and Cosmo weren't looking before she could reach up and pull at her hair until she almost screamed in pain.

Wanda looked over to where her sleeping husband would usually be in the place next to her. Confused to find the sheets tossed all over the place, and him not there, she glanced up when she heard the door open with a crash. Standing in the doorway was her husband with a glass of water and a worried expression. He ran over to the bed.

"Wanda! Wanda! Are you okay?" Cosmo placed the glass on the side table and kneeled next to the bed, taking Wanda's hand in his.

The pink-haired fairy nodded, wiping the tears falling down her cheeks.

Cosmo shook his head in disagreement, "The only reason I asked was so you had a chance to tell me what's wrong." He climbed over her to his side of the bed and laid down, pulling Wanda as close as possible to his form. His wife shifted so her head could fit in the crook of his neck. She calmed herself by inhaling deeply and taking in the deep rainforest scent her husband used as his cologne.

"I-I can't tell you…" Like hell she couldn't tell him. She was fully able to, and he was her husband who deserved to know what was wrong.

"You can if you need to."

Wanda shook her head. Not to disagree, mind you, but she found it the best way so far to cope with the pain. If she shook her head hard enough, it would be as though the memories could just fall right out of her head. No more suffering.

Sobs shook through her as her cries and moans got louder. She concluded by the end she must've been louder than a scream, because they soon felt the entire fishbowl shake slightly.

"Cosmo? Wanda? What's going on?"

Both fairies froze as they looked at each other. Never before had they woken Timmy up with one of their problems. Cosmo watched his wife expectantly, waiting for her to make the call. She finally nodded. Cosmo put one arm around just under her wings, and the other under her knees. Her husband poofed them both out into their godchild's room.

Cosmo, still cradling Wanda, looked up at Timmy, who had gotten back in bed and twisted the sheets with his fingers. The male fairy sat on the bed, Wanda's back to Timmy. Cosmo used one hand for Wanda to hold onto and the other around the small of her back so he didn't fall from his lap. She continued to sob.

Timmy and Cosmo shared a glance. Timmy noticed that his godfather kept glancing at her wings, like he was indicating something. Confused, the godchild watched the green-haired fairy's response as he made a move for them. He nodded. Taking that as an indication to keep going, Timmy placed his fingers on the base of the wings, and smoother them towards the tip, creating a soft stroking motion. He raised an eyebrow as she shivered slightly, then completely relaxed. Curious, and encouraged by his godfather's nod, he stroked her wings again. This time, she let out a small growling sound from deep in her throat. Timmy smiled and moved to the other side of Cosmo to look Wanda in the face.

"Wanda, were you purring?" He snickered.

She blushed, "No."

"Yes you were!"

"Okay, okay. Fairies live forever, right? So we didn't exactly evolve as much as humans, so we still have some animalistic characteristics."

"Hm…" Timmy pretended to think, "Would it work on Cosmo?" He reached over and did the same thing he did to Wanda on Cosmo's wings. Cosmo instantly fell against Wanda, purring with a content smile on his face. Wanda swatted his hand away.

Timmy grinned at the two blushing fairies, "Well now I know how to get whatever I want!"

"Ha. Ha. You're so funny." Wanda rolled her eyes playfully, brushing off the lingering tears threatening to fall from her cheeks.

Cosmo wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer, fitting her perfectly against him.

"Wanda…What were you crying about?"

The pink-haired fairy's eyes glossed over. She choked on her words.

"Cosmo… There's something I need to tell you, that I should have told you a long time ago…"

She looked up at him with the same lost look in her eyes. Husband and godchild waited patiently.

"I need to tell you…what happened to my mother."


Why, why, why m I adding ANOTHER story to my list of fanfics to finish NOW?

*quadruple facepalm*