Epilogue Ten Years Later:

Marshall stood watching the door waiting for the bride to appear. The wedding march started and he wrapped his arms around Mary as he watched Gavin lead Drae down the aisle. Mary leaned into his arms and he couldn't help but think about how much things had changed in the last ten years.

Mary had gone to therapy and willingly talked to Shelly Finkle about her Dad leaving, bad relationships, personal insecurities and him. It had taken awhile but Mary had made progress. They started dating officially a year after Mary started therapy and a year later they had gotten married. Two years after that Mary had been injured in a witness transfer and was unable to stay in an active marshal role. It was desk duty or nothing. Mary had of course tried to beat the odds but the injury remained. His wife had decided to retire. She couldn't stand the idea of being stuck behind a desk.

A month after her retirement Mary asked Marshall to take a vacation with her. They had flown to Boston where Mary had him take her to a park. They sat on a bench for a couple of hours talking when a little blonde girl came walking into the playground area. Marshall knew why they were there. His mind completely drifted to that moment.

"Mare?" Marshall asked, knowing it was the little girl she had given up for adoption.

Mary watched the girl run into her Dad's arms and get swung around before being placed back on the ground only to run into her Mother's arms. The little girl was smiling and laughing.

"I needed to know that I made the right choice," Mary whispered, softly.

"She looks happy," Marshall said, placing a comforting arm around her.

"She is. I did the right thing. Marshall, I've been thinking and talking to Shelly lately about something. I wanted to make sure what I was thinking was for the right reasons," Mary replied, watching Marshall's reaction.

"Don't keep me in suspense," Marshall teased, hoping to make Mary feel better.

"I want us to have a family. I think I'm finally ready to be a Mom. I want to bring another Marshall into this world. This world needs more of you in it," Mary replied.

"Mary, I would love to start a family with you, but I need to know it's not because you feel obligated to do so. I love you no matter what," Marshall said, knowing Mary had talked to his Mom before the trip.

Mary couldn't help but smile. "Relax Doofus; it has nothing to do with your Mom. For me it was always about giving up the job. I wasn't sure I could do that for a child. In some ways the injury was a blessing in disguise. I can be a Mom and not feel like I'm leaving a part of myself behind. I really want to do this."

"Well in that case, there is this motel that has a bed that I'm positive that you would look really good lying naked in," Marshall replied.

The stopping of the wedding march brought Marshall back to the present. He looked around Mary to see their three children. Their first child had been conceived in Boston. Ryan Seth Mann was the spitting image of himself. The second child stole his heart the minute her green eyes opened and her little hand wrapped around his finger. Megan Rose was his little version of Mary. The third and unplanned surprise was their other son, Daniel James Mann. He was the perfect combination of both of them. They had been blessed in life.

Mary looked up and had watched Marshall and knew he was lost in thought. She loved to watch him that way. She didn't know when it started, but for some reason that distant look and silly smirk always seemed to warm her heart.

"Where'd you go?" Mary whispered, softly into his ear.

"A decade's journey of joy and happiness; that I hope Dracen and Patrick have the fortune of sharing together," Marshall replied, softly.

Mary smiled. "I'm glad on got on board. I love you, Marshall Phillip Mann."

"I love you, Mary Elizabeth Shannon Mann,"