AN - Well it's been quite a while since I've posted something that I alone wrote. Seems like I work on too many collabs anymore. lol. Although I will say this will probably be the last fic of this content that I write. It's just not really my cup of tea. -_- Consensual sex for the win. lol.

Hope you all enjoy!

Thank you to EienNi for betating! ^^

WARNINGS - Dark and twisted themes, Noncon (but tactfully done), and shouta.

DISCLAIMER - I don't own Kuroshitsuji, nor do I make money from this fic.

Berceuse du Diable

Part One

A steady stream of mournful tunes flowed through the small room. They were careful and planned, ranging in volume from high then coming back around in a low hum. The tune turned sharp, melding into a set of tricky notes. It was then that everything became shaky as the fluidity was lost and the whole sonata fell apart in an eerie screech of bow against strings.

Curses followed the fumble as a boy threw down his violin onto his lap. He looked no older than ten, perhaps younger. Across from him sat a man looking like a carbon copy of the child with his ashen black hair. The only difference was their eyes. Where the child's were the purest of blue, the man's were a pretty chestnut.

"Ciel, watch your language," Ciel's father admonished. "You know your mother doesn't appreciate it." the man sighed and was silent for a moment, eyes trained on the small violin. There was a slow resignation building behind those brown eyes.

Seeing the look in his father's eyes, Ciel picked up his instrument again, fitting it under his chin and getting ready to play once more. "Sorry, Father, I'll try again," he said in a hurry as he began to follow the notes once more. The piece was something Ciel should have been able to play with ease, Vivaldi No. 2. He'd been playing since he was big enough to hold a violin. It came with your father being a composer.

"Ciel." He continued to play, ignoring his father. "Ciel, stop!" Another screech and the tune ended abruptly. "I just don't think this is going to work."

Ciel jumped from his seat as his father got up to leave the room. "No! I can do this. Just let me try it once more." His small hands gripped at his father's jacket, keeping the man from leaving the room.

"I just don't think music is your thing. You've been practicing this piece for months." Ciel's father massaged his temples, feeling a headache coming on. "Maybe another instrument would be better. The flute, oboe, or some other wind instrument instead. Perhaps string instruments just aren't for you."

"But father-"

"Ciel, not now." The man left the room quickly after that, leaving his son alone to contemplate the reality of the situation. Tiny hands balled up into fists while steely blue eyes glared down at the wicked violin. It was to blame for all of this. All Ciel ever wanted was to be someone to make his father proud; to be as good as his father.

Not matter how much he tried, Ciel could never master the blasted violin. Countless times, his parents had tried to make him switch to a wind instrument, and countless times Ciel had refused. His father didn't play the clarinet or the flute. He played the violin and made music for the violin. Ciel wanted to play his father's sonatas and to be able to make his mother smile.

"Damn it all!" The small boy forced back the tears. He picked up his violin, tucking it close to his chest. Without a second glance towards the spot where his father had stood, Ciel moved slowly across the room and into the hall leading to his bedroom.

The violin was deposited back into its case with care, the top being clicked into place. Ciel stared at the plain black case for a moment before moving back over to his bed. He slid onto the soft mattress and buried his head into the plush pillow.

His tears soaked the material, no longer able to hold them back. How he wished for things to be different, that he had talent in the one passion he had. It didn't help that he was good in his studies or in art. None of that mattered compared to the violin.

Ciel sobbed heavily, his tiny frame shaking from the force. The fit went on for several minutes as he tired from the force of the sobs. He hiccuped, eyes drooping in exhaustion. Sleep was coming quickly. Ciel could feel his eyes closing on their own accord.

As the last thread of consciousness clung to Ciel, he let one thought, one wish, pass through his dry lips.

"I want to play; I want to be the best."

It was a child's wish, dramatic and as big as the world, and something reality would forcibly change with time. Unfortunately, something far more wicked had plans to make that wish come true.

Hidden deep within the shadows, in a dark corner of the room, a silent stranger watched. His gaze was hard and cold as he looked upon the small boy in bed. Red eyes flashed as they followed a stray tear falling down a cherub's cheek. The smile that stretched across the stranger's face was anything but kind.

The night went on, the stranger standing still in watch. Midnight chimed, the big grandfather clock in the hall calling out the witching hour. ( At the last chime,everything went quiet once more. Even Ciel in his bed was silent, his tears having long since dried up.

It was only when the house seemed dead and decaying in the tight grip of night that the stranger advanced with slow and practiced steps. Each footfall made not a single sound upon the hard wood floor. He was nothing more than a ghost, no more belonging to this world than those of the dead.

Scarlet eyes looked down on the small, frail body cuddled amongst dinosaur sheets. The cruel smile was back and the man reached out to thread his spindly fingers through soft hair. Ciel did not stir, too deep in the land of dreams to realize the violation of his person.

A long nail trailed from Ciel's hair to scratch down a perfect chubby cheek. The action sent a shiver down Ciel's spine. His body huddled further into itself in an attempt to flee the touch. The stranger only chuckled as he leaned down to whisper into the child's ears.

"Wake, my Ciel," he urged, sinful lips kissing at a tender earlobe. Ciel shuddered and his eyes began to flutter to wakefulness. Sleep clouded gems of blue blinked away the haze that surrounded Ciel. He was confused and sleepy, not used to being woken up in such a manner and at so late a time.

The child went ridged as his wits came to him and he stared at the stranger sitting cross-legged on his bed. His mouth instantly flew open in an attempt to scream for his parents like his mother had always advised. Ciel screamed, screamed harder and louder then ever before. His lips parted but not a sound slipped past the small boy. Fearful eyes regarded the stranger as Ciel worked his jaw, trying to force a single sound from between his lips.

The stranger patted Ciel on the head. "Now, now, I can't let you wake your darling parents before I've had my chance to talk with you." Not that it mattered; he had made sure that nothing within this room would be heard past the barrier of the door.

Ciel shook the hand off and glared fiercely at the man. His hair was mussed, but at the moment that was not Ciel's biggest issue. "Don't give me that look. I'll allow you to speak if you promise not to scream. You have nothing to fear from me," the man chastised him.

Ciel did not trust this dark man, no matter how wide that smile could stretch across his face. He looked the man over quickly, finding him well dressed in a simple suit and tie. They were the same color as his hair. The man was black from head to toe, only his piercing red eyes and ivory skin standing out amongst the darkness of the attire. From the looks of things, the man had no weapons on him, so Ciel relaxed ever so slightly and nodded his head, agreeing to adhere to the man's request.

The stranger waved his hand, and Ciel felt a tightness leave him as he cleared his throat. The small sound of a cough seemed loud in the room, but it eased Ciel to know that he could now at least make such a simple sound. He gave the man a reluctant but thankful look.

"Who are you?" Ciel asked, although he was inclined to ask 'what are you' after the muting stunt. Unfortunately, it would be rude to ask such a thing, and Ciel knew to be polite, even if the man was being rude himself.

The stranger smiled. "You may call me Sebastian," he said and left it at that.

Ciel waited for half a moment, thinking that this man Sebastian would say more than just that. He only continued to smile that sickly sweet smile.

"Sebastian." Ciel tested the name on his tongue, finding it a strong name and oddly fitting of the man. "What do you want?" He asked. It seemed he wasn't getting answers any other way.

"It's more about what you want." Sebastian patted Ciel on the head once more, making his bed messed hair even worse.

"I don't want anything." Because Ciel didn't, at least nothing that this man could give him.

Sebastian looked affronted for a moment, his hand going up to grip his jacket covered chest. "Don't lie. I wouldn't be here if you didn't wish for something."

Ciel huffed, childishly crossing his arms. "It's not something you could help me with." Who could magically make Ciel good at something he was not? Never mind the fact that Sebastian had already proven to have odd abilities. Which could be reasonably explained, Ciel was sure. There was nothing magical about it.

"What if I could?" Sebastian was pushing the subject. His eyes blazed with an intensity that startled Ciel. It seemed as if the man was serious, and it made Ciel compelled to believe, even if just a little.

"Can you?" Ciel challenged. "I wish to be a great violinist, better than my father; better than anyone, you know." Why not go for the impossible? If it can be given, then why not be greedy? "Can you give me that?"

Sebastian stayed silent for a moment, and Ciel was quietly led to believe that he had been right. This man could not grant such a which. A smug smirk never reached Ciel's lips, beaten by a similar smirk that slipped quickly upon Sebastian's own lips.

From out of nowhere, Sebastian swept up a magnificent violin, all polished wood and seductive curves. Ciel's eyes sparkled at seeing such a masterpiece; it was surely an instrument of astonishing skill. Only a genius craftsman could create something so perfect. The tune hadn't even been heard, but Ciel could sense that it would be heavenly.

"I do believe this will help you in your plight," Sebastian explained, handing out the violin to a gaping Ciel.

He could only stare at the instrument, not daring to touch it. Ciel felt as if his clumsy hands would sully such a thing. He couldn't possibly play a melody worthy of a violin of this caliber.

When Ciel did not take the violin, Sebastian drew it back with a shrug of his shoulders. He placed it in the proper position and began to play. A melody Ciel had never heard, nor thought possible, filled the room. The music was seductive and innocent at once; pure and sinful. It was a contradiction, and it sent Ciel's senses into a pleasurable tingle. He had never heard anything more beautiful. Even his father's sonatas could not hope to compare. Who was this man to be able to create such a sound?

Sebastian finished the song off with a flourish and set his sharp eyes back onto the boy. Ciel met the look, expecting an explanation for what he had just heard. "With this, I do believe you could make your dreams come true." This time when the violin was handed to Ciel, he took it. He was amazed by how light it felt, as if it were made of feathers. The image of heavenly angels sitting amongst the clouds playing harps and violins, their wings glistening in the sunlight, came to Ciel's mind.

He looked towards Sebastian with a sort of awe that was only befitting of a child. "Are you an angel?" Ciel had to ask, not knowing if he could believe such a thing.

Sebastian looked amused by Ciel's inquiry. "What makes you say that?" He asked almost too innocently.

"Only an angel could play such a beautiful tune," Ciel explained. Sebastian said nothing to neither confirm nor contradict that statement.

"Is that so? I do believe you'll find that not to be the case." Sebastian's hand trailed down from a petite shoulder, slender arms, to child hands as they toyed with the delicate strings. "With these hands, you shall play tunes far more beautiful than any angel could hope to compose. Can you do that for me, little one?"

"You want me to compose a melody more splendid than an angel's hymn?"

Sebastian smiled and withdrew his hands. "If you can do that, then this violin is yours." He paused, scarlet eyes glittering with a suppressed mirth. "Forever."

Ciel's head snapped up, locking eyes with Sebastian. His small body shifted as his heart pounded and mouth went dry. "And what if I can't?" The prospect of losing such a gift that had just been presented before him was shattering. Ciel couldn't lose this blessing before it had been fully granted to him.

"I will give you five years; enough time to create a sonata of such caliber and so much more." Sebastian's words were tantalizing and promising. With five years in front of Ciel, he knew he could not fail. Excitement sparkled in his eyes as Ciel opened his mouth to voice his acceptance. Before a word could be uttered, Sebastian held up his hand as a silent demand for quiet.

"But," Sebastian said, eyes suddenly blank. "If you cannot produce for me what I desire, then I will reclaim my violin and something of value from you."

"Something from me?" Ciel reclined back from Sebastian, putting more space between them. His tiny hands curled tighter around the instrument and his eyes scanned his room. They settled on toys and items that held some value to the young boy. After a quick assessment, he decided that he could sacrifice anything he owned for the violin that would grant his dreams. "What do you want?" Ciel momentarily hoped that it wouldn't be the large teddy bear his mother had given to him on his seventh birthday. What use would a man have for such a thing?

Seeing Ciel's line of gaze, Sebastian chuckled and shook his head slowly back and forth. "I want nothing of that sort," he said lightly. "What I want isn't tangible to you, nor is it anything you have grown to cherish; not like the insignificant things your parents have given you."

Ciel frowned, not understanding the man's words. What value could something like that hold? He would be more than eager to hand something so unimportant over to this man. Ciel's little brows scrunched together, a cute collection of wrinkles settling between them.

"What is it then?" He asked, finding his lack of patience getting the best of him.

Sebastian's grin broadened as he spoke simple words. "Your soul," he said with a friendly tone, eyes crinkling like a man who was all too pleased with himself.

"My soul?" It was something Ciel had heard once or twice in a passing conversation, or from the preacher's lips during Sunday mass. His fingers groped at his belly and then traveled up towards his chest. He knew his soul was something that rested inside of him, but its exact location was lost to Ciel. His hand stopped on his heart, feeling the powerful and lively thuds. Whatever his soul was, Ciel knew it wasn't something akin to his heart, lungs, or stomach; he had learned as much from his lessons. If they didn't teach it in school, then it must not have been of much importance.

Ciel's eyes regarded the violin once more, deciding that he really didn't need to worry. This instrument would allow him to grant Sebastian's request without much trouble. Whatever importance his soul might have, it would stay right where it was. He would not lose it or this violin.

"Do you accept my offer?" Sebastian questioned, hands coming out to grasp at the violin.

"I do!" Ciel nearly screamed, grabbing the instrument to tuck it safely to his chest. He would not allow Sebastian to take it back, not now.

"Five years then," Sebastian spoke, leaning forward into Ciel's personal space. He didn't seem to be bothered as the child tried to back away from him. His hand grabbed at a small shoulder and held Ciel still. "Now sleep. You have a busy life ahead of you." Sebastian kissed his forehead, tender and sweet.

The touch was ice cold to Ciel and he felt himself growing heavy and panicked. His vision began to blur and darken around the edges. The last thing he could remember seeing was Sebastian's smile and those burning red eyes.

The first year passed by in a whirlwind for Ciel. The school year was over and summer had come. Between homework and class, Ciel's father had renewed his son's lessons with a fevered vigor that was to be commended.

"I knew you could do it," he would often say once Ciel had finished a sonata, clapping and cheering with unsuppressed joy. His father had been floored when Ciel had woken up that morning, so long ago it seemed, and had played him a perfect rendition of Vivaldi No. 2 that Ciel had suffered through the night before.

It was as if his son had experienced a moment of brilliance in a dream, awakening him into the composer he was meant to be. Ciel, on his part, absorbed every moment of flaunting and doting that his parents bestowed upon him.

His mother had him performing for all her friends; they all fawned over him and fed him words of encouragement. It was his father who got him out of playing for mediocre family scenes to large scale public showings.

Five months after the night Sebastian had come to him, Ciel sat amongst a group of aspiring young men and woman. They ranged from ages ten, Ciel being the youngest, to seventeen. The orchestra was known for pruning youths into being the next great musicians of their time.

Ciel stood there, violin in hand as he was talked through the performance they would be giving in a matter of minutes. The theater was packed to the brim. His whole family was there, along with most of the city it seemed. This would mark Ciel's first ever large scale public appearance. His heart was thumping hard in his chest, butterflies taking over his stomach.

He wasn't given much time to mull over his nervousness as he was ushered quickly out onto the stage. Ciel found his spot easily enough, getting comfortable and looking over the sheet music in front of him. They would be playing a mixture of music from Corelli, Bach, Kreutzer, Tartini, and more that Ciel couldn't remember at the moment.

The lights dimmed and then suddenly Ciel was playing, his lovely tunes flying out to blend in the mixture of instruments to make up a most delicious sound. His eyes closed, having no need to read the notes as the violin guided him in the most natural of ways, making it seem almost instinctual.

Trumpets began to blare in the background and Ciel felt himself frown as his melody was drowned out by the boisterous brass instruments. The violins faded out, replaced by sweet sounds of oboes and flutes. Ciel opened his eyes and took a deep and calming breath. Bright lights blinded him for a moment, leaving him unable to see the audience. His eyes flew up to the balcony seating, finding it easier to make out the spectators.

Ciel was unsure where his parents were seated, but he doubted they would have settled for anything less than front and center. From what he could see, everyone was dressed in satin and silk, women wearing brightly colored dresses and the men in finely pressed tuxedos. Once again, Ciel brought up his violin as his next part neared, eyes still glued to the audience.

A flash of black, pure and untainted by colorful ties or snow white dress shirts, caught Ciel's eye. His attention waned, but his skill did not suffer. Standing within the shadows of an isolated balcony was Sebastian. Ciel felt his heart flutter with a subtle anxiety that he could not figure the reason for.

The man that had given Ciel such a blessing looked down at him, face wiped clean of emotion. Ciel did not take any offense to it, knowing that he should not expect to please Sebastian with his sonatas as of yet; most certainly not when they had been composed and replayed countless times before. Something new and never before heard was what Ciel knew Sebastian was looking for, and in time he would play just that for the man.

Ciel closed his eyes once more, becoming lost in his music, and missed as Sebastian's eyes flashed a dangerous red just before he disappeared into the engulfing darkness.

Within the next two years, Ciel pushed himself past the suffocating world of orchestras and group performances. He focused on making a name for himself, leaving behind any lasting connection he once had to anyone else. Ciel's father had gotten him small solo gigs that began a slow but growing buzz of his name within the music world.

By the age of thirteen, Ciel was introducing himself to internationally known composers and influential individuals know to music. It was mind blowing and Ciel was enjoying every moment of it. He became lost in the glamour of the life he had just begun to live.

Ciel's parents poured praise upon him, giving him a world of confidence that he knew he deserved. And it was then that Ciel knew that he could give Sebastian something that the man would be impressed with. It had been far too long since Ciel had seen the mysterious man's face, and Ciel would be ready for when he made another appearance.

In a week, Ciel would be opening for an orchestra that he had once played in, melding into the tunes of many. Only this time, he would have no one to drown out the lovely tunes of his violin. He sat playing now, alone in his room as he thought of the pride and pleasure that would be etched upon Sebastian's face. Ciel had never been so sure of himself before.

The violin was put aside as Ciel got ready for the night. In no time at all, he would be up on that stage, only himself and his talent, in front of many who had come to see him. The thought excited him and Ciel found it hard to sleep that night, too caught up in things to come.

When that day did arrive, Ciel was all nerves despite his confidence. Butterflies swarmed his stomach and he had to swallow them down. The lights dimmed before Ciel found himself ready, heart beating wildly as he was introduced.

With calming breaths, he walked forward, violin in hand and a sea of strange eyes all bearing down on his small frame. The weight of them seemed crippling, each step adding pound upon pound. It was amazing, Ciel thought, that when he sat on the lone stool it did not shatter to the ground.

A hush settled then, and Ciel swallowed thickly. Violin was poised and ready and the silent count of one, two, three repeated in Ciel's head. On the third round of the count, he found his nerve and brought bow to string. The melody hushed the crowd in an instant and Ciel felt his anxiety melt away like butter on a hot summer sidewalk. He was in his element, at ease now that the world seemed to fade away only to leave him with his violin and its heavenly music.

All too soon it ended and a roar of applause hit Ciel like a cool, soothing wave. He had done it, and it felt damn good. In a fluid movement, Ciel stood and took his bow. An hour had passed and he had played four sonatas in a row, all by heart and without the use of any sheet music. Standing there, he gazed out at the crowd, looking past his beaming parents and to the darkest and most desolate reaches of the theater.

It was all too expected to see two shining rubies piercing through all else and boring down on Ciel. When once they had given Ciel a slight sense of accomplishment, they now gave him an uneasy sense of failure. There was a disappointment in Sebastian's eyes, and a displeased frown scarring poisonous lips. Ciel's stomach turned at the look, and his mind raced with what he could have done. A blink of lush lashes and Sebastian disappeared, leaving behind a sick feeling in the pit of Ciel's stomach.

The walk off stage was a daze and Ciel barely recognized the pats and congratulations he was given. They were smiling faces that really didn't mean much to Ciel at the moment. His heart was hammering in his chest as the contents of his stomach churned and bubbled like the lava in the pit of a volcano. Ciel's mind continued to race. Questions assaulted him; had he failed? Did Sebastian not find his accomplishments thus far worth of even some praise? What was he doing wrong?

"Is that the best you can do?" Ciel jumped but did not move away in time to avoid the hands that snaked out to claim him. He was pulled into a narrow, dark side hall that led to stairs and the scaffolds of the stage. The hands were removed and Ciel spun, coming face to face with Sebastian. Even the sight of the man did not relax him. It was the look in the creature's eyes that had Ciel wanting to retreat back into the light. No longer was the kind smile present, nor the calming aura.

Furiously, Ciel shook his head. "N-no, I can do better," he defended, but his voice lacked conviction that it had dearly needed.

"I don't think you can," Sebastian mocked, his garnet eyes flashing an inhuman color. "Perhaps I put too much faith in you. Perhaps your soul isn't of value." There was a moment when the man looked truly upset and disappointed. It lasted for all of a minute, before turning into cruel excitement. The look both confused Ciel and sent a prickly chill down his spine - the sort of thing you got when watching a horror film and knowing that something bad was just around the corner.

"I will do it! I'm getting there!" Ciel continued to protest. Tremors rocked his slight frame and exposed his weaknesses all too well. "I just had my first solo performance. Isn't that something?"

Frowning, Sebastian pushed forward and forced Ciel back against the wall. The man bore down on him, pressing against him so fully that Ciel could not resist a blush. "It's nothing when it should have happened within your first month." Sebastian's smooth voice spoke into Ciel's ear. Hot breath ghosted and tickled at him, and Ciel shivered despite himself. "Know that you do not have a lifetime to waste, my boy. You now have only three years to do what would have normally taken you a lifetime. That violin can only take you so far, and the overused drivel you've been playing will get you nowhere."

There was a cruel truth to Sebastian's words, and Ciel couldn't help the tears that stung at his eyes. "But I-I've worked so hard." So many nights of practicing and weekends with no fun had been dedicated to his violin. How could he not be up to Sebastian's standards? The thought that he was so behind was frightening, and Ciel did not want to face the reality that Sebastian was forcing upon him.

"Not hard enough." A kiss was placed lightly to Ciel's cheek and he jumped back. Harsh hands dug into soft dark locks and Ciel's face was tilted and forced to the side, exposing the tear streaked face. Wet warmth met Ciel's cheek as Sebastian licked away the liquid saltiness.

When Sebastian pulled away and released him, Ciel was trembling and slid down the wall on weak knees. He didn't bother to look up at the man, not wanting to see the disgusted look that mostly likely marred that handsome face. His own face was aflame with both shame and embarrassment.

After moments of silence, given to allow the situation to fully sink into Ciel's young mind, Sebastian spoke. "You have three years." This time his voice was the light and affectionate tone that he had used with Ciel when he had first appeared in Ciel's bedroom.

Ciel said nothing and could only listen as the man's footstep grew farther away, turning to faint taps before disappearing altogether. It was then, when the silence settled in and wrapped around him in its comforting coolness, that Ciel realized that perhaps it hadn't been an angel to visit him on that night years ago. As to what Sebastian truly was, Ciel didn't not have the strength to fathom the dark truth. For now, ignorance was bliss and he would eagerly welcome it.

The December air was chilly as Ciel walked up the grand marble steps of his church. It was another Sunday morning and through his mother's pleading, he had found himself sitting in his parents' car and traveling to the marvelous chapel. He couldn't remember the last time he had come to Mass. With his busy schedule, Ciel just never had the time, nor was religion growing to be an important role in his life. That fact, more than so many others, was what concerned his mother and why he was now being forced to attend.

Once inside, Ciel shed his jacket to reveal khaki slacks and a sky blue dress shirt that he had been given for his thirteenth birthday last week. He had hoped to wear it to his concert the coming weekend, but once more his mother had a say in his life. It didn't matter much to Ciel. A new shirt would be bought, a nicer one, for the occasion. The concert would be Ciel's first in which he would showcase sonatas that he had personally composed.

Minutes ticked by, slow and heavy, until the organ played its haunting tone amongst the opening hymn that the choir sang. From that point on, Ciel tried to ignore the songs and the drone of the old haggard priest. It was a surprise to Ciel that the man was still alive; the man looked ancient, not that it was any concern of his.

"Please rise." The whole of the church stood and prayed. Ciel had his head bowed, mind blissfully blank. Every move and action from this point was purely robotic, his body having memorized them years before. Whatever words of faith that passed among them was lost to Ciel, and he ignored the prayer as it was given and received.

They sat, stood, knelt, and sat once more times. Ciel grew tired of the monotonous acts, finding his legs growing sore. He sat now, reclined back as far as he could, bottom pushed to the very ledge of the pew. The priest spoke, and Ciel listened with an absentminded respect.

Words of warning and damnation were given if one did not follow the teachings of the Lord and fell into temptation. Ciel's attention was caught as the sermon continued. Tales of people giving into the temptations of the devil. Promises given in return for their damned souls as the devil promised wondrous goods of wealth and fame.

A stirring twisted within Ciel's gut and he swallowed thickly as blood red eyes flashed within his mind. Once in Ciel's young life, he had seen his violin as a gift from a dark-haired angel, but with time came age, and with it came wisdom. Ciel, as he listened to the priest's words, had to wonder just what sort of blunder he had allowed himself to make in his thirst for approval and fame.

When he had last seen Sebastian, the man's touch had not been the comforting heat he once remembered it to be. Those pale fingers had sent shocking chills down Ciel's spine, leaving him shaking in the man's wake. There was no comfort to be had, only the distinct feeling of being threatened by those hungry crimson eyes.

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." The devil was hungry. Hungry for the souls of the naive and innocent. What was more naive or innocent than a child of only ten years? Ciel felt suddenly sick. His world spun as he forced himself from the pew, ignoring his parents' protest as he went.

The enormity of his situation hit him in its entirety as he fell to his knees in the church's front lawn. Acid and thoroughly digested food tainted the hallowed ground as Ciel retched. Dry heaves took hold, forcing tears from his eyes to stain his cheeks. He cried then, there beneath the watchful eyes of a God he had unknowingly forsaken.

What had he done? Oh, God, what had he done?

To Be Continued . . .

This fic has only two parts, so I'll post the next part soon! Hope ya'll enjoy it so far. ^^