Disclaimer:SM owns Twilight

Ch1:The Evil One

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. Oh. My. God! Harder. Harder. Harder!"

Leah Clearwater strode toward the master bedroom of her condo with her eyes and mouth wide open. She had a love and hate relationship with how good her ear shot range was. It always picked up the strangest things but now…

There was no way could possibly be hearing what she thought she was hearing.

Not in her house.

Not in her bedroom.

No damn way was this happening to her after the day she had just had at work!

But the squeaking of the bedsprings and the bang of the headboard didn't lie.

Paul was cheating on her…

That lowlife had another woman in her bedroom in her bed! And he had better be thankful that she had taken an oath not to phase and that she didn't own a firearm. The old motto that protected babies and fools was obviously true, because if she had a gun… heaven help the chump! And if she had decided to phase after her full year of being hairy free he would have probably ran screaming to the police. Not that they would believe him but still… the bastard!

At one time not all that long ago, Leah's job had been all-important to her. She had known that she was damn good at it. As an executive in the corporate finance department of the huge media firm Mainstay, she was well known all across Washington for her business insight, knowledge and cut throat style of getting business done. She had style and talent for the business that made money appear with such ease that people had hardly realized that money was moving.

Now, however, her new passive aggressive, anal-retentive division leader, Samuel Uley, barely gave her breathing room, and the workplace had become a hostile environment.

Her new division leader had graduated from Seattle Pacific University, as she had, and she tried on several occasions to build a better working relationship with the excruciating man. But he wouldn't budge, and she was starting to think that she might need to start beating the pavement, looking for another position.

She'd had hopes of moving up the corporate ladder. She had hoped to try her hand at corporate development so that she could work in mergers and acquisitions and really make deals, not just get the money to make the deals happen. She had thought she was a shoo-in to get the division leader position in the corporate development department when it opened up. But she had no such luck.

The promotion should have been hers. It would have gotten her away from the division leader from hell and in charge of her own department. Instead, she had just found out, it was going to some meddler who was more than likely a friend of Sam "The Evil One"—as she had grown fond of calling him—Uley.

Home sweet home was usually her space of refuge, a place to wind down and relax. But now she had come home after a particularly hard day at work to find her nice, quiet, nerdy, handpicked-because-he-would-never-hurt her boyfriend Paul in the bed with another woman.

Can a girl freaking catch a break? Seriously!

He was supposed to be waiting for her so that they could both revel about the advancement she had thought was hers when she came back from celebrating after with her girls. Thirty year old Leah, who looked no older than twenty five because of phasing in the past, had just given the cheater a key to her place after a year and a half of being a couple. It seemed like the logical next step, since her living-a-normal-life clock was ticking loudly. It was starting to sound like a hurricane warning tone on full blast. And he had seemed like the perfect candidate for a future husband.




Not too bad on the eyes.

Even if he did have an anger problem that was easy to ignore when Leah had a slight anger issue herself. Okay, maybe his anger problem was worse seeing as he was completely human and she wasn't… but he was sweet… definitely sweet…

And he wasn't supposed to hurt her like this!

She took a few deep breaths as she reached the door shakily.

Whatever you do. Don't phase. Do. Not. Phase. Leah.

His cheating just proved her original beliefs, the ones she had almost all her life… No man is safe when it comes to matters of the heart.

The only person who can protect your heart is you.

It's better not to fall in love. Ever.

She had decided a long time ago that she would never get caught slipping and falling in love. But she did have deep feelings for Paul, the kind of companionship they could have built a nice, strong, sturdy lifetime on.

She was certain that if she was really in love with Paul, the lying, cheating, bumping another woman in her bed jerk, she wouldn't be able to open the door and calmly do what needed to be done. And if he was to have been her imprint… so help the girl he slept with.

That was why love was a problem. If she loved him she might have thought twice about kicking his untrustworthy behind to the curb!

She opened the door and saw exactly what she thought she would see. Paul was screwing some floozy.

She slammed the door behind her and cleared her throat. She had to remain calm but her vibrating body wasn't allowing her to do that, so she took to thinking about her happy place as she watched the startled lovers break apart, each grabbing for the cover.

Leah frowned because she had purchased those 500-count ecru Egyptian cotton sheets just a few weeks ago and now she would have to burn them or a least throw them in the trash. Because there was no way in hell she would ever sleep on them again. She glanced around at her recently remodeled—so it wouldn't look so girlish and make the cheating boyfriend she had just given a key to uncomfortable—bedroom. Everything from the auburn duvet to the ecru sheets would have to go.

"Sorry to interrupt," Leah sneered showing more teeth than lip before she took a breath and continued, "but since this is my bedroom in my condo and all… I would appreciate it if you both get your nasty asses out. Now!" Leah almost took to growling as she pointed toward the door with her hand. She could smell the fear the two were giving off and it was quite potent even over the lingering smell of sex.

Paul went to grab something off the dresser and the sheet dropped. The woman pulled more of the sheet over herself, and Leah wondered when they were going to get their nasty asses off of her platform bed.

Ew. Just. Ew. Would she have to get a new bed too?"

She rolled her eyes as Paul struggled with the woman for the sheet and tried to explain himself at the same time.

"Baby, I can explain… she means nothing to me… it was just a one night thing… She's been throwing herself at me for months… I'm just… Baby please..." Paul's words started to jumble together as he flew from the bed and pulled on his boxers.

Once the other woman resigned herself to getting out of the bed, she at least had the good taste to get dressed quietly and quickly. Leah did notice that the woman cut Paul more than a few nasty looks while he was rambling out his explanations and apologies.

The woman was average looking if you liked short, slim model types, big doe eyes and layered haircuts. Once clothed, she wore a rather nice purple pantsuit and killer matching shoes. Leah had to give it to her she picked some awesome looking shoes. That helped her stay calm for a few minutes.

The woman walked over to the bedroom door where Leah was firmly posted. With her arms folded over her chest to hide the fact that her hands were shaking extremely bad Leah gave the woman a once over. With on scathing look she dared her to say anything that would push her over the edge. She was close, so very close.

The woman took a deep breath and bit her lip.

Leah arched an eyebrow.

"Look. I don't want any trouble. He distorted his situation to me. And for what it's worth, I'm sorry for my part in this. I would just like to leave now. I didn't mean you any harm, Leah." She turned to Paul and spat out. "You're a jerk."

Surprised that the woman knew her name, Leah gave her a more thorough once over. She realized she knew the woman. She was the lobby receptionist in the office building that both she and Paul worked in.

The accounting firm that Paul worked for was on the ninth floor of the building and the company Leah worked for was on the fifteenth floor. Leah couldn't help rolling her eyes then.

Why hadn't she thought of, if Paul and she had initially hooked up by meeting in the elevator of that building, then why not Paul and the lobby girl?

With so many other companies and employees located in the high rise office building, who really knew how many other women this guy had been with or was still sleeping with?

As if he could hear her thoughts out loud Paul began pleading his case all over again. "This was the first time. I have never… I would never, ever, do something like this to you. You have to believe me. I love you… I just started to get cold feet, that's all… moving in together and all… it's a big step…"

Both Leah and the lobby woman grimaced at the same time.

Leah stared at the woman again.


Her name was Bella. Leah now remembered that she had always thought that Bella's smiles and greets were a bit false whenever the woman would say hello as she signed into the building in the morning.

Now she knew why.

Leah stepped aside and let Bella leave. Hearing the front door close, Leah turned her attention back to the cheater.

Paul's usual toasted cinnamon complexion was looking almost ruby red. He ran his hand across his close cropped hair several times. He always did that when he was thinking. Leah was just glad she didn't have to smell the fear coming off him any longer, it wasn't a pleasant smell. She wondered if he was trying to come up with some sort of lie.

"I love you Leah, you have to know that…" Paul stated. "I thought you were going out with your girls for happy hour?"

The mention of her canceled girls night out celebration focused her attention on yet another reason why this had to be the worst night ever. After finding out that she had been passed over for the promotion, she had called her two best friends to cancel their impromptu celebration. She had felt like curling up on the sofa with some Chunky Monkey ice cream, her favorite boy shorts and SPU T-shirt, maybe a blanket if she didn't feel too hot and her boyfriend, feeling sorry for herself.

That shouldn't have been that hard to ask for.

Instead, she came home to her boyfriend in her bed with another woman.

Paul reached out and touched her shoulder, trying to pull her closer to him.

"Uh-uh. No. don't you ever touch me again! And I want you out of my condo. Give me your key and get the hell out. Take anything of yours here because you will never back!" She turned and walked out of the master bedroom.

She couldn't stay in the condo tonight. Finding him in her bed with another woman had left her feeling almost violated. He had tarnished the sacred space of her home. She had to get out of there. At least until the smell was completely gone. Leah wondered how long that would take.

He followed her with his pants half-zipped. Leah bit back a laugh.


"Baby, please don't do this. Please don't go. Where are you going? Are you going to your brother's place?"

"That's irrelevant. Give me my keys and get the fuck out." She hissed out her words with all the venom she felt for him. Her practice with not phasing was finally paying off since she was still in her human form even though she was livid.

"I don't want to go I want to work this out. Can't we work this out?" He gave her a pleading look and a nervous grin. "I made a mistake. But if you love me we can get past this."

If she loved him?

She cared about him deeply. She had committed herself to building a life with him because he was supposed to be a safe bet. But she didn't love him in that way that always landed women in trouble unless they existed in some make believe romance novel or chick flick where everything always turned out perfectly and everyone always lived happily ever after. That might have only happened if she imprinted and it had been over ten years since she first changed, so the whole idea of imprinting was a no go with Leah.

That was why she had thought she would be safe. She knew enough not to believe that fairy tales existed in the real world. That's why she'd picked Paul. He wasn't the fairy tale type, far from it. But he was her shot at a nice, secure, hot and somewhat happily ever after life.

Was this her fault for settling into a relationship she thought was safe?

She shook her head.


This wasn't her fault.

It was his sorry, no good, two timing fault. She went to her closet and started packing a bag. Since the day she had promised herself to no longer phase she had been a nonviolent, peaceful person. But she had to get out of there before she broke her promise.

Paul reached out and touched her shoulder. She turned and glared at him, giving her eyes just enough squint to show that she meant business. The fear spiked and the irritating smell came back.

"If you want to keep that hand you might want to get it off me. And get the fuck out." She spoke through clenched teeth as she counted to ten in her head.


He pulled his arm back quickly as if he had been shocked and she continued packing in silence.

She had no idea where she was going to go. She just knew she had to get the hell out of there. She thought about going to her brother, Seth's house. But then she'd have to put up with her younger brother feeling like he had to fix things for her with his fists since he no longer phased anymore. And he would probably tell his imprint/wife, Keilani, who would probably make it her business to kick Paul's butt personally even though she was a tiny little thing.

And if she thought to go to her mother's house then she would put a hurting on Paul worse than anything Keilani and Seth could ever do. Even in her day and age, Sue wasn't anyone to mess with and she didn't tolerate people messing over her kids, regardless if they both could defend themselves.

No, it was best that she go to a hotel for the night. Yes, a luxury hotel with lots of amenities and a top of the line snack bar to raid would be the perfect place her to lick her wounds. She would pamper herself for the night, or maybe the weekend, and come back as good as new to her now defiled condo. She would then be ready to have her bleach party for one where she would spend hours cleaning every inch of the room. And she definitely needed to buy some new sheets and a new duvet on the way home from the hotel.

I can do it, she told herself.

She pulled up the handle on her small rolling suitcase, cut a sneer at the now sniveling idiot sitting on her bed and walked over to him with her hand out.

"Key please."

He reached in his pants pocket and took her key off his key ring.

"Finish getting dressed and get to stepping."

She watched as he slowly finished dressing, then walked him to the door, barely resisting the urge to kick in him in his backside as he exited her condo. That would definitely probably end up killing him she thought.

She waited for him to be good and gone before she exited, too. She didn't know where she was going, but she knew she was getting the hell out of there.

Jacob "The Wolf" Black took a sip of his drink after toasting to the good old days and brand new beginning with his college buddy Samuel Uley. Jacob's taking the job as the head of the corporate development division at Mainstay Media where Sam was the head of the finance department was the reason for their little happy hour celebration.

He was actually thirty three years old but he was frozen forever looking twenty six until the moment he chose to stop phasing. Jacob had more than a name for himself in the business world. Jacob had made his former employer lots of money by relying on his keen kill-or-be-killed instincts. His instincts helped him in his personal life as well, especially in his relationships with the opposite sex. His law-of the-forest approach to dealing with the selfish, money-grabbing women he had become used to; reinforced his nickname of "The Wolf," in the bedroom, the boardroom and whenever he phased as well. No one ever saw that side of him though. No one expected "the wolf," to actually turn into one physically. It was a secret that only his family and one other person knew. And he wanted to keep it that way.

But in the boardroom, his former superiors had started to second guess him and question his actions in unproductive ways. Jacob refused to be stifled. So he landed a sweet new position based on a top from his college buddy, Sam Uley. He planned to start the new job as soon as he took a trip to Blake Island, the island he had been born on and the place he still called home.

His narrow focus on work and only work had caused him to miss the chance to be at his grandmother's bedside when she had passed away. He felt more than a little guilty about missing her passing and missing the chance to tell her how much she meant to him. He planned to use the trip home to reevaluate his priorities and reconnect with what was important. He wouldn't let work keep him away from the rest of his relatives, especially his mother Sarah.

The job at Mainstay was slightly different from Jacob's former job. He would still be in charge of mergers and acquisitions. However, the "corporate raider" aspect of his former job would be missing. He would be more hands on in development instead of swooping in and gobbling up struggling companies so that they could be taken apart and sold off piece by piece. He would be building things now.

"You're going to love it at Mainstay, Black." Sam slapped him on the back and let out a chuckled.

Sam hadn't changed all that much in the years since college. He was tall and somewhat lanky. He had what some would call a swimmer's build. His formerly thick, wavy hair was now making a slow creep away from his forehead, but he hadn't gone the shave it all off route that most men went when faced with balding. He had a weird comb it all to the front thing going on that really did nothing to hide the fact that he was going bald. His eyes were still sharp and focused and didn't give anything away about the man behind them.

"And I'm going to love the fact that everyone knows I was influential in bringing you to Mainstay. It gave me major points with the boss, and as long as you do your thing the way you've done it in your previous job. I'm sure we'll both be moving on up to the vice president slots soon."

Jacob's eyes narrowed a little. He wasn't sure how he felt about Sam grouping their possible future promotions together like that. He had always been a man who went by his own merit, played by his own rules and made his own way. When he had pledged Omega as an undergraduate, he had earned the line name "The Lone Wolf" because he pledged solo with no line brothers, just himself. He had been the only boy born to his mother. Since his sisters were far older than him and off in their own world Jacob always felt like an only child. He always had been and always would be his own man.

He hadn't needed Sam to get the job, and he certainly wasn't going to allow Sam to ride his coattails to a promotion. Sam telling him about the position was not equivalent to his hard work and preparation giving him the experience and tools he needed to get hired into the position. He didn't like at all what Sam was implying.

But rather than spoil the celebratory mood, Jacob made a mental note to watch Sam. Watch him very closely.

"It'll be great man. Just like the old times when we ran the student government at SPU," Sam added.

Jacob frowned. "I'm looking forward to the new job and developing my strengths in other areas. The change will be nice, and it will keep me sharp, help me keep my edge."

"There aren't many men sharper than you, Black, that's for sure. Aside from that unfortunate election for president of the student government back at SPU, you've pretty much achieved everything you went after." Sam chuckled.

Jacob felt the veins in his neck pulse just a little as he arched his left eyebrow. Sam was lucky that Jacob was good at keeping his composure or he would have seen a whole new view of "The Wolf."

Sam laughed. "Hey, we all have to lose sometimes. You'd been on top all through undergrad. And you're making big moves all throughout the business world now. Who cares about something as small as the student government race from our undergraduate days? Although…" Sam opened his mouth and closed it.

Jacob's nostrils flared. Now he knew Sam was trying to start something with him. Everyone who knew him back in college and still had the privilege of being in his inner circle of associates knew he did not talk about the student government association election that took place at the end of his junior year.


It wasn't just that he had lost the election.

It was so much more than that.

So. Much. Fucking. More.

It was personal, very personal. And he didn't like anyone bringing it up.

Rather than tell off an old friend he was now going to have to work with, Jacob opted to change the subject. "So, Sam what can you tell me about Mainstay the day to day work environment?"

"Oh. I'm sure you'll find it interesting." Sam took a swig of his beer. "With the two of us there now, having each other's back, it will be a lot like old time. A lot like old times…"

Jacob took note to how he said that, something else to store in the back of his head. "Our college days are over. We're grown men now. Those days are long behind us." Jacob heard the slight edge in his own voice and wondered yet again if he was doing the wrong thing by joining a company where his old friend was also employed. Everything was already complicated enough without bringing in the extra drama or building alliances before he even got a chance to learn the lay of the land.

Friend or no friend, Jacob wasn't about to let Sam pull him into any mess. "Well, I'm quick to study. I'm sure I'll be able to assess the situation once I start in two weeks."

"Must be nice to be able to vacation." Sam said with a smirk.

Jacob paused because he knew he detected a slight shade of snide and a small dose of snark in Sam's voice.

"I haven't taken a proper vacation in so many years I almost don't remember what a vacation is, and I haven't been home to Blake for a visit in so long my mother has threatened on a number of occasions to disown me and find herself another son. I think two weeks on my home island is just what I need before starting a new job with a whole new set of demands."

Sam rolled his eyes. "I'll hold down the fort until you come on board. Once you're there, I'll fill you in on all the dirt and all the stuff you really need to know. But for now, it's good to be working with you again my friend."

Jacob simply nodded noting everything that had happened during the drink with Sam. He hoped that he wouldn't walk into Mainstay in two weeks to find that he made a huge mistake by taking this job offer instead of one of the countless others that had been offered to him when the business world got wind that The Wolf was ready to make a move.

Soooo I'm only having Jacob and Leah in this story as their wolfy self...

and so far everyone else is plain old human except Seth who stopped phasing

As always everything will be explained soon..

Jake wasn't born in La Push if you missed that small tidbit.

But there is a reason for why things are the way they are now.

I'm playing around with everything

since I want nothing to do with Jake following around Bella's ass the whole story she was merely a casualty in my little game haha.

She may be back though.

And the only reason I used Paul instead of Sam as the cheater because I have other plans for our Sammy lol

Any guesses or questions Review or PM me!
