A/N: Thank you all who reviewed. I was really uncertain in continuing this story as I wasn't sure if most people are still reading it. So, please continue to review and I will continue to update! It really motivates me to write faster and keep the flame alive for this story.

To C.A.: Thank you for the back to back reviews! I enjoyed reading every one of them!

To Byakuyaislife & everyone else: My current fanfic ships are Steven/May (Pokemon), N/Touko (Pokemon), Ash/Misty (Pokemon), Hotch/JJ (Criminal Minds). Do let me know if you find any good fanfics of these ships! Would really love to read them! Thank you!

When Rukia arrived at the front steps of his mansion, she was greeted by one of his butlers and was allowed in.

A familiar voice greeted her enthusiastically as soon as she entered, "Oi Rukia! Are you here to have dinner with Taichou?"

Rukia smiled at Renji as she replied, "No, I'm leaving after I've collected my things."

Confused, Renji stared at her, "What things? Why are you leaving so soon?"

Rukia made no reply and Renji continued, "I miss you hanging around here. The mansion has been dull without you."

Rukia raised an eyebrow, "Are you implying that I'm loud?"

"You are loud." Renji pointed out to which Rukia shot him a glare. "Things have gotten really sullen since Sakuya's arrival."

Rukia flinched at the mention of Sakuya as Renji said, "I mean, I know she went through a lot and I do feel bad for her but it's wearing Taichou out too. It had been really hard for him these few days and it doesn't help that he blames himself for what happened to her."

Again, Rukia made no reply until Renji perked up and said, "Anyway, I'm glad you're here to see Taichou. You'll be able to cheer him up! Go! Don't keep him waiting!"

Rukia nodded and headed up the marble stairs to the second level. He was usually in his study if he wasn't asleep so Rukia headed straight to his study and pushed the door open.

Byakuya who had been looking at a few documents on his desk, looked up and upon noticing that it was Rukia, he let out a tired smile and stood up.

"You're here." He said as he walked towards her.

Rukia felt her heart clench painfully at the sight of him and she quickly looked down as she was afraid that he would be able to see her emotions on her face.

She felt Byakuya embrace her and she stiffened from his touch, which unfortunately, did not go unnoticed by Byakuya.

"Is something wrong?" He asked as soon as he released her.

"Nothing." Rukia murmured.

"Liar." Byakuya said as he stared at her.

Clearing her throat, Rukia looked up and asked, "I wanted to come and grab a few things actually."

"What things?" Byakuya asked.

Nervously, Rukia licked her lips, "Just some necessities."

Byakuya frowned, "You are upset about something."

"Upset?" Rukia forced a laugh. "Of course not. I'm fine! Don't worry! I'm just going to grab my stuff and I'd be gone. Don't worry, I won't impose and will leave soon."

"Impose? What are you talking about?" Byakuya asked as Rukia made her way out of his study and headed to the bedroom.

"Rukia, wait. Don't open-

Rukia's hand which was already on the door handle opened the door and she froze as she noticed a figure in Byakuya's bed.

"Rukia," Byakuya started. "Do not misunderstand. She wanted to sleep in my bedroom and I have been sleeping in the other guest bedroom."

Rukia stepped into the dark room as she watched the woman sleeping peacefully in Byakuya's bed. Sakuya didn't look out of place at all. Her gracefulness and beauty even as she slept astounded Rukia. She looked like the lady of this mansion, the woman who can stand next to Byakuya proudly and the woman whom Byakuya could bring to his meetings and business functions without worrying that she would embarrass him. Sakuya was everything she was not. Sakuya belonged here, Rukia realised.

Maybe this was for the best. Byakuya together with Sakuya while she bowed out of this mess. She was still torn between her parents' death and Byakuya so maybe this was what fate had arranged for them. Maybe there was a purpose of Sakuya's return. It was time Rukia should leave.

"Rukia," Byakuya said softly as he put a hand on her shoulder gently.

"It's okay. I'm fine." Rukia forced herself to whisper as she bit the inside of her cheek to stop herself from crying.

"No, you are not." Byakuya said. "Let us talk outside."

Shaking her head, Rukia headed straight to the closet and started grabbing some of her clothes as she stuffed it into her bag.

"What are you doing?" Byakuya asked, not bothering to lower his voice any longer.

Rukia made no answer as she continued stuffing her clothes into the bag. Her hands were shaking as a tear ran down her cheek. Shit, she wasn't supposed to cry.

"Rukia, what is going on?" Byakuya demanded.

Byakuya had grabbed her arm and whirled her around to face him. Her crying face shocked Byakuya as he released her.

"I said I'm fine." Rukia sniffled as she picked up her bag and made her way to the door.

She had not even finished packing all her clothes but Rukia was afraid that she might break down any moment.

"I thought you were okay with Sakuya." Byakuya said as he held on to her arm, effectively stopping her from leaving.

Rukia said nothing as another tear ran down her cheek.

"Just bear with me for a little longer." Byakuya said. "I owe her this much."

Sakuya who had been sleeping started to stir awake and finally she sat up and looking at the scene before her, she stumbled out of bed, confused.

"What's going on, Byakuya?" Sakuya asked tiredly and then smiled at Rukia. "Hi Rukia. It's nice to see you again."

Rukia forced a small smile as Sakuya walked over. Sakuya was now staring at Byakuya's hand that was on Rukia's arm.

"Is everything okay?" Sakuya asked carefully.

Wrenching her arm away from Byakuya's grasp, Rukia replied, "Y-Yes, everything's fine. Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. I just came to grab some things."

"That's okay," Sakuya said warmly and then switched on the lights.

Light flooded the room and Rukia's eyes took a moment to adjust to the brightness. The first thing she saw was Sakuya in Byakuya's shirt.

"So... what did you need from Byakuya?" Sakuya smiled.

Tearing her eyes from the shirt she was wearing, Rukia replied, "Nevermind... I got what I needed. Thanks."

"Stay for dinner, Rukia. I want to thank you properly for helping me the other day." Sakuya smiled. "That's alright, isn't it, Byakuya?"

Byakuya stared at Rukia as he answered, "Of course it is. There are some stuff Rukia and I need to talk about too."

Sakuya stretched as she walked to the closet, "Why don't the both of you talk while I change?"

Rukia's eyes followed Sakuya and watched as she retrieved a clothing from Byakuya's closet. When she realised Sakuya had picked out her favourite blue Versace shirt of Byakuya's, Rukia found herself shouting, "Not that!"

"What?" Sakuya turned to her, confused, her hand still holding on to the shirt.

"Pick something else." Rukia stammered. "J-Just not that shirt."

Sakuya let out a laugh, "Sorry, I'm sure you wouldn't want to see me in such sloppy attire. I haven't had time to shop much so I'm wearing Byakuya's shirts at the moment. I'll go shopping first thing tomorrow."

Rukia could only stare at the girl in anger and jealously as Sakuya started walking towards the bathroom.

"Sakuya," Byakuya called out. "You can't wear that shirt."

Sakuya stopped in her tracks and stared at Byakuya, baffled. "What?"

Byakuya walked swiftly to his closet and picked out another shirt.

Handing it to Sakuya and taking the blue shirt back, he said, "Wear this one instead. This Versace one is off limits."

"A-Ah, okay... I'm s-sorry." Sakuya said, hurt and confused at Byakuya's actions.

After Sakuya had disappeared into the bathroom, Rukia said, "I should go now. Please give my regards to Sakuya-san and thank you... for not letting her have that shirt..."

"Why are you running away again?" Byakuya asked, stepping in front of her.

Rukia looked up with her watery eyes and then quickly looked down again as his gaze was just too intense.

"I thought you were fine with me last night. You even said that you wanted to help Sakuya." Byakuya said.

"I do... but, I don't know. I just think that maybe it will do us some good to stop seeing each other for a while to sort out our thoughts." Rukia mumbled.

"I do not need to sort out any thoughts." Byakuya said firmly. "I know what I already want."

Rukia looked up at him and the image of her parents flashed across her mind. She quickly looked away, pain evident on her face.

Byakuya stared at her thoughtfully and was about to open his mouth to say something when Sakuya's voice drifted out from the bathroom.

"Byakuya, are you still out there?" Sakuya called out. "I forgot to bring in my pair of shorts. Could you grab it for me?"

As Byakuya walked to the closet, Sakuya's head popped out from the bathroom and noticing that Rukia was still in the room, she blushed, "Oh sorry! I thought you've left the room, Rukia."

"It's alright... I was about to leave actually." Rukia replied.

"Leave?" Sakuya's eyes widened. "I thought we were going to have dinner!"

As Byakuya came back and handed Sakuya a pair of shorts, Sakuya said, "Please stay for dinner, Rukia! Don't leave yet. Wait for me, okay?"

Sakuya disappeared back into the bathroom after shutting the door and Rukia slowly turned to face Byakuya, "You haven't told Sakuya about us... right?"

Byakuya stiffened and then said, "No. Not yet. I intend to tell her when things are more settled for her."

Rukia felt her chest ache as disappointment filled her. She knew that Byakuya wasn't wrong. Sakuya had suffered so much for him. How could Byakuya break the news to her right now when she was starting to recover from her ordeal? The news would probably shatter her all over again.

Byakuya continued, "I have already asked Renji to keep a look out for an apartment for her. I will also deposit 500 million yen into her bank account by this week. Sakuya looks like she is recovering well so I will break the news to her in a week or two."

Rukia looked up at Byakuya and said softly, "What if she doesn't want the house or money? Then what?"

Byakuya's frown deepened as he replied, "I will make it work, Rukia. Just give me some time."

Rukia ran a hand through her hair tiredly, "I still think it's best if we take a break. It'll do us some good. Sakuya can take her time to recover and it'll give me some time to myself too."

"I do not want a break." Byakuya said firmly. "It is ridiculous. There is nothing to think about. Once I have Sakuya settled down, everything will return to normal."

"I don't think it will be." Rukia mumbled as her thoughts drifted back to her parents.

The door to the bathroom opened and Rukia quickly stepped away from Byakuya as Sakuya smiled at them.

"I want to take you out for dinner as a thank you, Rukia, but I'm not really dressed for it now. So let's make do with dinner here first, alright?" Sakuya laughed, embarrassed. "I'll treat you to dinner another time!"

"You really don't have to..." Rukia protested gently.

"Come on, it'll be good for us to get to know each other too! I don't have any friends left and it would be nice to get along with Byakuya's friends!" Sakuya smiled.

Rukia froze for a second as she watched Sakuya gaze at Byakuya adoringly.

"I think dinner should be ready. Let's go eat and talk somemore." Sakuya said.

Sakuya pulled Byakuya out of the room as Rukia trailed behind them reluctantly. When they reached the dining room, Sakuya took her seat beside Byakuya naturally which left Rukia to sit opposite them. It felt strange to Rukia as she felt like she was a guest to their house. The thought made her heart sink even further and she tried to distract herself by re-folding the napkin on the table.

"Rukia," Sakuya called out. "Are you okay? Is the food not to your liking?"

Rukia looked up from her napkin and forced a reply, "I-I'm fine. The food looks good."

Sakuya smiled in relief and the three of them started eating, with Rukia mostly poking at her food.

"So... did Byakuya tell you about what happened to me?" Sakuya asked slowly.

Rukia stared back in surprise as she struggled to find an answer. Was she supposed to know of Sakuya's disappearance? Was Byakuya allowed to tell her? Was it supposed to be a secret?

Thankfully, Byakuya replied, "I have told Rukia about what happened."

Sakuya smiled gently, "Ah, okay. I was going to tell you anyway if Byakuya hasn't told you."

"I'm sorry about what happened to you." Rukia said sincerely.

Sakuya shook her head sadly as she said, "I can't believe how much time I had lost. But thankfully, Byakuya had made it so much easier for me."

Sakuya's hand came to rest on top of Byakuya's hand that was on the table and Rukia flinched at the sight.

Byakuya who seemed to have seen Rukia's discomfort, gently pulled his hand away from Sakuya who didn't seem to notice as she chattered on.

"Oh, Rukia, you have to be my bridesmid!" Sakuya's eyes light up. "I think I would like a small wedding this time. You know, after what happened, I think it's best to lay low."

Rukia's throat went dry as she stared at the beautiful girl in front of her, "W-What?"

"Don't you think a small intimate wedding with just friends will be better?" Sakuya asked.

"N-No... I mean... what wedding?" Rukia stammered as her eyes flicked to Byakuya.

Byakuya himself, was looking at Sakuya and then he asked, "What are you talking about, Sakuya?"

Sakuya turned to Byakuya and then with a blush, she said, "Sorry, I was getting ahead of myself. I know we haven't discussed this but I was so excited at the thought of Rukia being a bridesmaid that I kind of blurted it out. You'll be okay with Rukia as my bridesmaid, won't you?"

Byakuya stared at her and then said slowly, "Why are you talking about a wedding?"

Sakuya laughed softly, "Our wedding. I was talking about our wedding, Byakuya. We can finally pick up where we left off six years ago although I should probably start looking for a new wedding dress since the one I picked out was probably out of fashion."

By this time, Rukia's face had paled as the chopsticks she had been holding dropped to the table with a noisy clatter.

Sakuya turned her attention to Rukia, "You will come to the wedding, won't you? I remember you told me you have a boyfriend when we first met. Why don't you bring him along?"

Shakily, Rukia pushed back her chair and stood up, "I... I have to go... S-Sorry but..."

Rukia couldn't even finish her sentence as she grabbed her bag of clothes and headed towards the door.

"Wait." Byakuya's authoritative voice spoke up.

Rukia stopped but didn't turn around as she heard Byakuya got up from his seat and his footsteps drawing closer to her.

She felt his hand on her wrist as he spun her around and then said, "I cannot marry you, Sakuya."

Sakuya's gaze drifted to the way Byakuya held on to Rukia and then she stared at Byakuya, confused.

"I have been with Rukia for months." Byakuya continued. "I told you that Rukia is my friend so as not to hurt you but I think it is time to tell you the truth."

Sakuya cupped a hand over her mouth in disbelief and then she started muttering, "Oh my god... I... I'm so sorry... I thought that..."

Tears started falling as Sakuya stood up and stared at Byakuya, "I'm sorry... I assumed you will still be waiting for me... I'm so stupid to think that you would be waiting for me after six years..."

Byakuya's gaze softened as he said, "I am the one who should apologize, Sakuya. I promise I will make it up to you. I have asked Renji to look for an apartment for you and I will deposit-

"You're already sourcing out apartments for me?" Sakuya asked shakily. "I can't believe how naive I had been and how pathetic I must have looked as I was planning the wedding. I just... I'm so sorry..."

Rukia felt a rush of pity and sadness towards Sakuya immediately as she watched the woman in front of her trying to put on a brave front. She wanted to say something to comfort her but what could she say? She knew nothing could comfort Sakuya at this point unless it was Byakuya saying that he had a change of mind.

"I should leave." Sakuya stammered. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disrupt the both of your lives. I just didn't know anyone else and thought that Byakuya would still be waiting... Oh my god, I truly am sorry..."

Without another word, Sakuya dashed out of the dining room and made her way out of the mansion. Rukia was worried for her and she could see that Byakuya was, too.

"Go. Chase after her. Make sure she's okay." Rukia said worriedly.

Byakuya looked conflicted as he turned to Rukia.

"I'm okay." Rukia replied. "Just go. Don't let anything happen to her again, Byakuya."

Byakuya gave a nod and then said, "I will call you later. Wait for me."

Rukia nodded and she watched Byakuya rush out of the mansion.

It had been two hours and Rukia had returned back to Miyo's apartment as she considered the fact that if Byakuya managed to bring Sakuya back to his home, it would be awkward for her to be there as the both of them probably would have a lot of personal issues to discuss.

She wasn't sure if she should be glad that Byakuya had told Sakuya about their relationship as her original plan to visit Byakuya was to take a break from their relationship. Furthermore, the look of anguish on Sakuya's face when she received the news kept appearing in Rukia's mind, fuelling to her already depressed and confused state.

Miyo who was home when Rukia arrived, was concerned to see a depressed looking Rukia entering.

"Rukia, what happened? Is everything okay?" Miyo asked worriedly.

"I'm fine," Rukia forced herself to answer.

"You're not fine!" Miyo countered. "Rukia, if you don't wish to talk to me, at least eat something! You look like you're about to pass out! Just sit down, I'll cook something for you, okay?"

Rukia was too tired to argue and was actually feeling a little famished so she took a seat at the small dining table. She couldn't even remember when was the last time she had eaten a proper meal. With all that had happened recently, her appetite was the last thing on her mind.

Rukia watched Miyo fill a pot of water and set the pot on the stove. She was about to thank Miyo when her phone rang. It was Byakuya. Without a second thought, Rukia picked up the call immediately.

"Byakuya? Is everything okay? Did you manage to talk to Sakuya?" Rukia asked.

"No, she boarded a cab before I could even catch up to her. By the time I got a car, I could not locate her anymore." Byakuya answered. "I had sent Renji and some men to look for her. Rukia, if you need me to be with you right now-

"No," Rukia replied quickly. "I'm fine. You should look for her. She doesn't know anyone here and she's upset. I don't want anything to happen to her."

"Are you sure?" Byakuya asked softly. "Because if you need me to be with you, I can stop looking for her. Renji and the others should be able to handle it."

"No, it's really okay," Rukia repeated. "We both know you have to look for Sakuya first. If anything happens to her again, I know you'll never forgive yourself. Don't worry about me. Just look for her."

Byakuya was silent for a moment before finally saying, "You are right. I have owed her too much. Thank you for understanding, Rukia. I will call again if there are any updates."

"Okay... I hope you find Sakuya soon." Rukia said softly before hanging up.

"Here's your noodles, Rukia," Miyo said as she placed a bowl of instant ramen in front of her. "Is everything okay?"

Rukia shot Miyo a grateful smile and nodded. She picked up her chopsticks just as her stomach gave a small rumble.

Miyo smiled, "If you want to talk, I'm here, okay? Don't bottle up your feelings. It's not healthy."

"Don't worry, Miyo. I'm fine," Rukia reached across the table and gave her friend's hand a squeeze. "Thanks for taking care of me and letting me stay here. I don't know what would happen to me if you hadn't let me stay here."

Miyo smiled, "Don't worry about it. I could use some company here too. I really like it when you're here. Besides I could use the rent as well since my old roommate left suddenly."

"You mentioned you have a brother," Rukia said after swallowing a mouthful of ramen. "Does he have his own place?"

Miyo's face fell as she mumbled, "Ah, my brother got into an accident a month ago... A truck rammed into his bike while he was on his way to fetch me home from work."

"Oh my god," Rukia whispered. "I'm so sorry..."

Miyo sniffled, "He's still in the hospital and hasn't woken up from his coma."

Rukia stared at her friend in sympathy as she said, "The hospital bills must be expensive."

"It is. Furthermore, with my salary, how am I supposed to pay the bills? It's just piling higher and higher everyday and I don't know what I can do! I've been taking odd jobs here and there but it still isn't enough!" Miyo burst into tears.

Rukia got up from her seat and headed into her room immediately. She started digging around for her bank book as she called out, "How much do you need? I'll loan some money to you first. Don't worry, there is no rush in paying me back!"

She heard Miyo's footsteps drawing nearer and her friend said frantically, "No no, Rukia. I didn't tell you that for the money! I'll be alright!"

Rukia looked up, "Let me help you. How much do you need? I may not have enough but at least my share will help you tide over for a little longer."

Again, Miyo shook her head, "Thank you, Rukia, but really, you don't have to! I'll figure this out myself."

"I'm not taking no for an answer." Rukia replied as she rummaged through her bag and fished out her bank book. "I'll withdraw the money first thing for you tomorrow morning."

Miyo stared at Rukia and then finally, she nodded, "Okay, thank you so much. I swear I'll pay you back as soon as I can."

Rukia smiled. "Don't worry about it. I just hope whatever I have will be able to help you in some way."

It was almost five in the morning when Byakuya found Sakuya sitting alone at a bus stop at the outskirts of Tokyo.

He stopped his car and got out to see her shivering from the cold, her eyes all wet and puffy. Hearing his footsteps, Sakuya jolted in alarm and looked up. Realizing that it was Byakuya, she relaxed a little but turned away from him.

Without saying a word, Byakuya took off his blazer and draped it over Sakuya. He sat down beside her and after a few minutes of silence, he said, "I did not mean to break the news about me and Rukia to you like that. I wanted to wait until you have recovered. I'm sorry."

"Is there really no way for us to be together anymore?" Sakuya asked painfully.

Byakuya turned away and stared at the sky that was starting to drizzle as he said slowly, "I don't think so. I know I haved owed you a lot and I will make it up to you in every way possible but my heart already belongs to Rukia."

Sakuya said nothing and Byakuya continued, "But me being with Rukia does not mean I have stopped caring about you. Let me help you, Sakuya. Tell me what you would like to do and I will fulfill those wishes."

Sakuya stood up and replied shakily, "I understand... Your mind is made up. I'm sorry, I should never have returned. Tell Rukia I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to hurt her with my return..."

Byakuya stood up as well and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "Sakuya, I am glad you are back. I promise I will help you in any way I can. You're shivering. Let's go back, alright?"

"Just take me to a hotel please." Sakuya whispered, tears falling down her face.

"Come back to the mansion with me and dry up first." Byakuya insisted.

Sakuya shook her head stubbornly, "Please, just bring me to a hotel. If you would like to help me, then please bring me to a hotel now."

"You're unprotected there. You will be safe in my mansion." Byakuya explained. "Besides, Rukia will understand."

"Just bring me to a hotel, alright?!" Sakuya cried out in distress. "I don't want to stay with you anymore! Please, Byakuya, just let me live with a little dignity! Do you think I can still stay with you? It's not fair to me and Rukia! I understand that we can't be together anymore but that also means that you can't keep taking care of me!"

Byakuya stared at Sakuya and said softly, "I know, but I want to help you get back on your feet first. I want to ensure that you will be able to live a happy life on your own before I stop taking care of you. After all, it was me who landed you in this state. I cannot let go of you right now. So, just let me take care of you in the meantime."

Tiredly, Sakuya closed her eyes in defeat and eventually said, "Okay... But I can't stay with you anymore. I will feel better staying in a hotel."

Byakuya nodded as he led her to his car, "I will get some of my men to watch over you and do not hesitate to call me if you need anything. I mean it, Sakuya."

Sakuya said nothing as she silently got into Byakuya's car, her head turned stubbornly to the window. Byakuya stole a glance at her before starting his car and driving off. Sakuya looked distraught and he was sorry that she had to find out about him and Rukia like this but what other choice did he have? At least the cat is finally out of the bag and he would be able to continue where he left off with Rukia.

A/N: Don't forget to review and fave if you've enjoyed the story so far! I really enjoy reading all your thoughts so please keep them coming!

Also, do let me know if you know of any good fanfics from these ships: Steven/May (Pokemon), N/Touko (Pokemon), Ash/Misty (Pokemon), Hotch/JJ (Criminal Minds). So obsessed with them now. Lol