New chapter's finally here :) Big thanks to Claire for reminding me for updating...

By the way, I've recently been reading this story called Finding A New Home by relytt.. It's really good (: Check it out!

Travis POV

I had to calm down. There was just no reason to start a fight to a guy who offered his apartment to me. But what really set me off was how Katie, the one specific person I'm trying to find, is here. Basically, I'm just surprised and pissed.

Overall, I was glad to see her. No wounds or injuries. Part of me wanted to jump right off the couch and tackle her. Take her away from this place and drive off anywhere we wanted. But what made me stay in my position were her eyes. The ones that were a forest full of content, ease, innocence, and happiness. Like she was unstoppable in what she desired to pursue.

All of that burned down as soon as she made eye contact with me. I felt guilty of what I supposedly did, but fear and hurt from her bored into mine.

For a while, I forgot about Nick's presence. I didn't want to be straightforward on what I wanted to ask. I decided to do what I do best: play him.

"Nice to meet you, Katie." I said with a smile. Walking towards her, I stuck my hand out. She knew me well to play along.

"Travis, right?" As our hands connected, a small jolt shocked me. Quickly composing myself, I looked at her briefly for her reaction. Nothing.

"So Nick," I sat down across from him, "How come I've never heard of her? Katie, I mean."

"Well, we've been childhood friends in the past. It was up until I turned 9 that I moved. Her dad and mine have stayed in contact with each other over the years, without the nerves to tell me to when I asked," He chuckled.

"Even if I haven't seen her in 10 years, I could recognize her anywhere." Nick momentarily searched for Katie and smiled. She grinned back. Silently, Katie moved and sat at a single love seat that was between Nick and I.

"So this is the famous dark haired blue eyed pal of yours that practically did the craziest things with you?" Katie spoke. I missed her voice. What amazed me was how she never showed a trace of our relationship, like I was a stranger to her. It hurt.

"He's been telling me quite a lot about you really." She said nonchalantly turning towards me.

"Yeah, sorry about that," Nick barged in, rubbing the back of his neck. "I was drunk last night. Everything seemed to pour right out of my mouth."

He was drunk. I looked back and forth between them if anything happened. Nick seemed fine, but Katie did not.

I've got to change the topic. It was too much for me to take in. All I know now is that Katie's safe and I'm here with her.

"So, you guys have anything planned? I have a feeling you do, Nick." I urged.

"Well, you're in perfect timing. My buddies from my work came back from training, so I wanted to celebrate. I didn't go because I work ahead. I like to get things done ahead of time." He stated.

"Really? I do that too." Katie said, impressed. "I never want to be late at assignments."

"Exactly." Nick smiled at her. I just watched as they shared their little inside joke. I slightly frowned. We never had anything in common. We were... Opposites. I barged in.

"When exactly? You know how much I love to party." I smirked at Nick. He stopped his trance and looked towards me.

"Uh, tomorrow night, if that's okay with you, since you just got here and all."

"You kidding me? I can party whenever. I just won't want to barge in with your schedule."

Katie snorted. "Sure you can. I can tell. You seem like those people. Someone who doesn't care who sees them, and does what they want."

She was telling me something. Was it from that night? I didn't remember. This was too frustrating.

"That reminds me when we were back at school. Travis was such a dance freak. He could get anybody's attention by shredding the dance floor." Nick boasted. I did have a talent to it... Maybe I'm rusty?

"Oh really? Well I can't wait to see those moves, Travis." She winked and smiled.

I managed a small smile. How is it so easy for her to control my emotions like this? Hell, I don't even know if she still has feelings for me or not.

"By the way Travis, aren't you still looking for your camp mate?" Nick said.

I simply said, "I think she's all right. I have a feeling she's back. I'll call the camp if she is, but for now, I'll be right here." I was looking at Katie the whole time.

"Great! So, I'll make arrangements for tomorrow. Be right back, I'm going to the bathroom for a sec." He stood and walked to the direction where Katie previously was.

We just stared at each other. When we heard the click of the door, she spoke first.

"Why the Hades are you here?" The transition was quick and shocking. I couldn't respond right away. As I recovered, I told her my intentions.

"I-I was looking for you. I was gonna explain-"

"Don't explain anything to me." She snapped. "You know what you did, and you can't take it back. I shouldn't have came here, let alone go with you from the start."

That was hard to answer. I opened my mouth to talk, but nothing came out.

Katie kept talking. "Was I really that worthless to you, Travis? Am I just another toy? I can't believe I let myself go."

"No, Katie it's not like that! I swear, you mean something to me. I've never felt anything like this before to a girl." I looked in her eyes to show that I meant every word. I thought I saw them soften, but hatred filled them back up.

With a stern rigid tone, she answered, "Then tell me why you were with another girl."

I wanted to tell her I didn't do it. I wanted to say that slut is nothing to me. But I couldn't prove it. I could recognize if I had sex, yet it was hard to remember. So I had to tell truth.

"I don't know." She wouldn't forgive me by that answer. I buried my face in my hands. I felt defeated. It was all my fault. Before we could say anything else, we heard Nick walking back. We quickly composed ourselves.

With a big grin, he said, "Katie, did you clean the place while I was gone? The bathroom's spotless!" She smiled and said a quick thanks. As they continued with their conversation, I blurred them out to think. I guess this was it. We're over. Seeing her with Nick, Katie seemed to light up. They had common interests. They compliment each other. I just annoyed and irritated her.

But I couldn't have a future without her by my side. She's changed me as a person. I didn't know what I would do if she wasn't a part of it. I want to make it better. To work it out.

And I'm not ready to let go just yet.

Hey, so am I forgiven? Really truly and utterly sorry I wasn't updating... A confession is that I'm a lazy person, and I'm proud of it (x

So a heads up is to expect another chapter next year! Haha I'm kidding... I hope :p

Thanks to Claire for reminding me sooo many times I update!

And big thanks to Tyler for giving me advice for the story!(: I was stumped for a while, another reason why I haven't been updating

kik me - waves_of_wisdom !
