So, it truly has been 3 days shy of a year since I've written, so here you are. Thank you to all of you who've come back to read this and are still faithful readers! Thank you so much! :)

I must've sat outside for 15 minutes before anyone came to talk to me. It was Annabeth.

"What's going on?" She said, closing the door behind her. She looked fine, but the hand mark was still there.

"Who knows, but thank the gods you're awake," I said. After that, I explained everything that I knew. I could tell she was very disturbed.

"You don't think I could be Aang?" She asked, hesitating a bit before she said his name.

"I think they told me he was in the infirmary, but I didn't see him when I went up there earlier." The whole thing was confusing. Now that Annabeth was up and I could see and talk to her, it was time to talk to Chiron.

We held hands walking up the hill. A couple people came up and told us how relieved they were about us being awake and okay. That just made it worse because I didn't feel like anything bad had happened to me, but I felt like I'd come so close to losing Annabeth.

When we got to the Big House, Aang, Katara, Zuko, Cat, Greg, and Rosie were all sitting around the Rec Room with Chiron.

"Good, you two are here," Katara said angrily. "Now you can tell us what kind of sick games you are playing here."

"We don't play games," I said defensively. "We train. Hard. Not play in water."

"There is no way we're related," She shot back.

"Good," I retorted. "I don't want to be related to you."

"Quiet!" Chiron yelled. "We have to figure out how to handle this…diplomatically."

"What is a quest?" Aang asked quietly. "I'm kind of intrigued. Are they fun?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes. "When are you people going to realize that not everything about being special is fun. Believe it or not, there is some amount of life or death danger in our lives."

"They know," Zuko spoke up for the first time. "Trust me, they've been through their fair share of life or death fights, so shut up."

"Don't tell me what to do," Annabeth said through her teeth.

"Calm down!" Chiron yelled again. "There will be a quest. I think Aang is the one who needs to see the Oracle, this time." He looked down at Aang who looked very confused.

"Who's that?" he asked.

"This is why we can't send newbies on quests!" Annabeth exclaimed. "He doesn't even know what the Oracle is!"

"You, Luke and Thalia survived for quite a while," Chiron pointed out.

"Who's Luke?" Aang asked. "I met Thalia, right?"

"Aang," I warned. "I would shut up right about now." He nodded and looked down. "Guys, I think any camper or non-camper-"

"So, anybody," Katara interrupted to correct me.

"Yes," I said, trying not to sound annoyed. "-should have a chance to prove themselves in the real world." I looked to Annabeth for support and she nodded.

"Aang," Chiron said. "I'm going to send you to the little house in the middle of the pond. That's where the Oracle now…lives?" He looked to us for a better word. We all shrugged. "She will tell you what you need to know."

Aang looked quite frightened, but he got up. He looked to Katara and Zuko, and they started to get up. I don't think they understood that Aang was to go alone.

Chiron cleared his throat and the three of them looked to him.

"We will hear what you've learned when you get back," He said, looking at Katara and Zuko. They looked unhappy to have to stay back. No, they looked mad at us for telling them what to do.

Aang looked to Katara and she nodded unhappily. He turned and walked out the door. Annabeth and I went to the window and watched him walk across the dock to the little house in the middle of the pond. After he stood there for a little over a minute, he disappeared inside.

Green shone through the windows and we heard a scream. We watched to make sure he was okay, and then started to laugh. Everyone gets scared the first time.

I'd forgotten until now who the Oracle was. Rachel. A lump formed in my throat. I didn't want to rehash any of the previous drama with two girls and a hero (pst! The hero's me!) but then I dismissed that thought. Aang and Katara were a lot closer than me and Annabeth were when Rachel happened.

But still, Katara got jealous and angry pretty fast…