Kaidan climbed out of his taxi shuttle, walked across a dirt parking lot, and looked out across the orange landscape of the Palo Duro Canyon. The strong wind whipped the desert dust into the air and picked at the sleeves of his dress blues. After taking a moment to readjust his uniform, he approached an older woman in black, who shared Ashley's strong nose and wide mouth.

"Ma'am." He saluted. "I'm Lieutenant Kaidan Alenko. I served with Gunnery Chief Williams on the Normandy." Ashley's mother nodded politely. Her eyes were red, and her lip trembled, but she held her composure.

"Of course." She took Kaidan's hand and shook it warmly. "Ashley wrote us about you. She said you were a fine officer."

"She was a commendable soldier, and a good person. I am going to miss serving with her, and I am very sorry for your family's loss. I also would like to pass on the condolences of Mr. Garrus Vakarian. He served with us as well, but has been reassigned and was unable to attend the services." Garrus had been correct in guessing the alien squad mates would not be invited to the funeral, and Kaidan always kept his promises.

"Oh. Please thank him for me." She turned her head slightly as a man in a suit came up to her, holding a large clipboard. Kaidan stepped back to let her attend to the other mourners, and looked around for other members of the Normandy crew. Captain Anderson was deep in conversation with Doctor Chakwas and Navigator Pressly, most likely about his upcoming transition to Councilor. He didn't recognize a lot of the people in dress blues, he assumed they were Ashley's friends from basic training and her other assignments. As his eyes searched through the sea of blue, the crunch of gravel behind him caught his attention. Shepard was pushing Joker in a wheelchair across the parking lot, and as they came closer, Joker's voice got louder.

"I don't see why you have to push me, Commander! I am more than capable of steering myself."

"No. You ran over my foot at the spaceport, so I turned off your controls." She looked up at Kaidan and smiled. It had only been a few hours since they had seen each other, but he felt like it had been forever.

"Hey, Alenko. Why didn't you take the troop shuttle from the spaceport with us? We had a brilliant time."

"Yes, the Captain threatening to court marshal you was really a highlight." Shepard rolled her eyes.

"What did you do?" Kaidan asked, incredulously.

"Someone wouldn't stop lecturing the driver about his lackluster handling skills and inefficient shifting. The poor man landed in Santa Rosa and refused to go any further. Anderson had to talk him into driving the rest of the way. We had to stick Joker in the back."

"I should have driven. We would have been here hours ago."

"A transport is not the same thing as a warship, Joker."

"Sounds like I missed all the fun." Kaidan laughed quietly. "No, shore leave starts tomorrow, and I'm spending it in Vancouver with my family. But I've been cooped up in space for so long, I thought it would be nice to find my own way up there."

"I know one thing." Shepard said, with an evil smile on her face. "I'm not getting back on that transport. Alenko, as your CO, I'm ordering you to drop me off at the spaceport on your way north."

"Huh. Riiight." Joker said, completely unconvinced by their pretense.

Kaidan was about to snark right back at him, when he noticed the other mourners all heading in a similar direction.

"Looks like its starting. Shepard, you should probably be with the Captain. I'll push Joker." She nodded and trudged across the parking lot ahead of them.

'Don't say anything, or I'll push you into the canyon." Kaidan hissed to Joker.

"Fine." Joker sulked as they rattled across the gravel. "But you guys owe me big for keeping quiet. And saving your asses at the Citadel. Who actually killed the Reaper? Oh right. That was me."

"Yes, yes, you are the big damn hero."

Kaidan pushed Joker's chair onto a small lawn half filled with chairs; Ashley's civilian friends and relatives would sit through the memorial, but the Alliance soldiers were expected to stand for a fallen comrade. They made their way to the front, and took their places behind the Captain and the Commander. As he passed Shepard, he let his fingertips brush across the back of her hand, and without looking at him, she gave a slight smile before putting her Commander face back on. The priest was organizing his notes when Kaidan felt a hand on his arm.

"Help me up." Joker said. "I want to stand. For Ash."

"You'll be okay?"

"As long as I don't bump into anything too hard. And if its a short service. I'll be fine."

Kaidan held his arm steady as Joker used it to pull himself out of the wheelchair. The pilot winced slightly, but got himself standing. He nodded to himself, then leaned over to whisper to Kaidan.

"If I need to, I'll grab your arm. I'm not sitting back down till this is over."

As the priest started the service, Kaidan found his gaze wandering. Protocol demanded he face forward, but he still had a decent view of the area. The small lawn they stood on was situated on the edge of a large cliff, looking out at the sloping walls of the mesa. The late afternoon light caused deep shadows to cut across the canyon floor, stark contrasts to the red of the rocks. Kaidan had never been very religious, so he stared out at the view until the priest actually started talking about Ashley. The nature of her death had naturally not left a body behind, so she was represented by her dress blues, pressed and neatly folded under a large copy of her official Alliance photo. The priest spoke of her love of family, sense of duty, and admiration of honor. He forgot allegiance to tequila. Kaidan thought to himself, and had to fight a smile. The breeze picked up, and he watched Shepard's short hair blow around wildy. That must be driving her crazy. She had mentioned the day before that she used to keep her hair long and braided, but some kind of mishap had resulted in it getting cut to her ears. The nature of the mishap was still being kept a secret, but her desire to grow it back out was not, she hated her short hair. As the wind blew it in crazy directions, he saw her ears turn red. She knows I'm looking at her hair. He stifled another smile. I should feel bad for laughing at Ashley's funeral. But she would think it was funny, too. She had that wicked sense of humor. He felt the pangs of guilt hit for the first time since Virmire. He glanced over at her mother and sisters. If they knew that Shepard had to decide between us, they would hate us forever. He shook that thought off, and tuned back into the priest. The old man droned on about Ashley as if he were reading her Alliance records, but finally he sat down and one of her sister's took his place. She spoke of of the Ashley that Kaidan knew. All wit and sharp tongue, but a faithful friend to the core. She told stories of their childhood that made everyone laugh, including herself, her face breaking out into the wide grin she shared with her sister. She ended her eulogy by reading Ulysses, Ashley's favorite poem.

"It little profits that an idle king, by this still hearth, among these barren crags, matched with an aged wife, I mete and dole unequal laws unto a savage race, that hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me..." Her voice echoed out into the canyon, Kaidan felt himself relax as he watched the wind carry leaves over the cliff edge. "Much have I seen and known; cities of men and manners, climates, councils, governments, myself not least, but honored of them all; and drunk delight of battle with my peers; far on the ringing plains of windy Troy..." He thought back to the many sides of Ashley he knew. Battle hardened, fierce fighter Ashley. Tequila shooting, elevator dancing Ashley. Snarky, gossipy, good friend Ashley. "Come, my friends, 'tis not too late to seek a newer world. Push off, and sitting well in order smite the sounding furrows; for my purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset, and the baths of all the western stars, until I die..." Kaidan tried not to react to the sound of Ashley's mother sobbing. It was one of the most heartbreaking sounds he had ever heard. "We are not now that strength which in the old days moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are, one equal-temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield." She finished the poem, and rejoined her mother and sisters. The priest gave the closing prayer, and Captain Anderson stepped forward and faced the assembled soldiers.

"Marines, Atten-hut!" He called out. They all snapped to rigid attention and saluted. Three Corporals stepped up and fired a three-volley salute over the canyon. Once the echos faded away, Captain Anderson presented Ashley's mother with a folded Alliance flag. She clutched it to her chest and let out another sob. Kaidan winced. "Marines, at ease!" Kaidan let his shoulders relax, and let Joker lean up against him. "Dismissed!" Finally able to move freely, Kaidan turned to help Joker back down into his chair. He pretended not to see the tears welling up in his friend's eyes. Unlocking the brakes, he steered he wheelchair back down to the parking lot, and into the small reception area.

As they made their way to the buffet line, Shepard came up behind them.

"After we mingle for a while, we should head out. I'm really not that good at funerals." Kaidan nodded, and she turned away to speak to Ashley's mother. Joker grabbed two plates and Kaidan loaded them up with food, then wheeled them over to a table in the corner. As they ate in silence, a shadow fell over them. They looked up to face Ashley's sister, the one who had recited Ulysses.

"You must be Kaidan and Joker." She said, standing between them. "I recognize you from the news and Ashley's vidmail. I'm Abby. That's Lynn and Sarah over with Mom." She pointed to two smaller Ashley look-alikes. "Thank you for coming. We really do appreciate it. We all knew this was a possibility when Ash enlisted. I'm just glad to know she had good friends in the Alliance..." She looked up suddenly as her mother called to her. "I have to go, but again, thank you for coming."

Kaidan and Joker looked at each other, then spent the next few hours sitting awkwardly alone at their table. The other marines were all corporals or NCOs, and tended to avoid officers at formal gatherings. Kaidan was secretly glad Ashley's sisters never came back. He would always feel guilt about the way she died. Only the Normandy crew and Kirrahe's men knew about the choice Shepard had made, but he felt like it was a tattoo on his forehead.

"Did you already talk to Ashley's mother?" Kaidan jumped as Shepard snuck up again.

"Huh?" He turned to face her. "Oh, yeah, we spoke before the service."

"Great. I snuck my bags out of the shuttle, and called a taxi to get us back to the spaceport. It should be here in ten minutes. Anderson is distracted, so if we are going to leave, now is the time. I hate to sneak out of Ashley's wake, but if we don't go now, we won't have another chance. Anderson is already suspicious that I'm not taking the transport back." She glared at Joker. "You know nothing, Mr. Moreau."

"Lips are sealed, Commander. But can you send Chakwas over here so I'm not totally bored? I think she has a flask." Shepard nodded, and leaned over Kaidan's shoulder.

"I'll go talk to the Doctor, then I'll meet you at the taxi." She disappeared into the crowd.

"See you next week, Joker."

Joker held his fist up. Kaidan laughed, then bumped his knuckles to his friend's. He quickly glanced around the room, then ducked out a side door. Shepard was walking out the front, and jogged to catch up with him. Their taxi was idling quietly in the parking lot, the driving drumming his fingers on the dashboard as they climbed in.

"Where are we going, anyway?"

"Thought we'd head over to the Pacific Ocean."

"Nice." She laced her fingers through his, and the taxi took off, roaring into the night.

"I'm looking forward to being a normal person for a few days." She said, resting her head on his shoulder.

"How so?"

"I have to be 'Commander Shepard' all the time. I don't get to put my guard down. Even when I'm off duty, I still have to be the Marine, the CO, the Spectre. I have to get the job done. I don't get to be me, I have to take all of the fun things that make up the real Shepard and push them away, deep inside."

"How is the real you different from the Shepard I know?"

Shepard laughed.

"Well, she's a lot louder. She likes really bad jokes, and can barbeque like a champion. Hates moths."

"She sound's like my kind of girl." He frowned. "...Moths? Really?"

The taxi dropped them off at the Spaceport, and Shepard disappeared with one of her bags. Kaidan waited awkwardly near their gate, scanning the thick crowd for her return, and jumped as someone tugged his sleeve. Shepard had snuck around behind him, she had pulled her hair back with a white headband, and changed into a sweatshirt and cargo pants. He had never seen her in any clothes besides hardsuits and various uniforms, and seeing her in civilian clothes was a bit of a shock. As he looked her over, he laughed when he saw her feet. She was wearing a cheap white pair of sandals, exposing her painted toenails. Forgetting he was still in his formal uniform, he picked her up off the ground and kissed her fiercely.

"Isn't that sweet?" A voice said from nearby. Kaidan set Shepard down and they looked around for the source. Two old women had stopped to watch them.

"It's so nice to see young ladies supporting our boys in uniform." One said.

"Oh yes. And he's so handsome. You've got yourself a keeper there, girl!" They laughed loudly, and wandered off into the crowd.

"You should go change before we catch the next shuttle." Shepard said, grinning wildly. "We don't want you getting ogled by more grandmothers." He nodded, and left her with most of their bags to go change. When he got to the small locker room and pulled out his civilian clothes, he laughed to himself. Sweatshirt and cargo pants.

"I think this identifies us a military more than the uniform did." He said when he returned to Shepard. "We obviously don't spring for variety in our fashion."

They grabbed their things, and boarded the next shuttle to California.

After arriving on the coast, they hired one last taxi to take them to their destination. It drove them through a small ocean-side tourist town and pulled up at a quaint bed and breakfast.

"Really?" Shepard said, staring up at the old wooden building as they pulled their bags out of the trunk.

"I had to find a place where no one would recognize us. You, especially, oh great Hero of the Alliance."

She elbowed him in the side, and they walked through the front door.

"How are we going to check in? Obviously if I tell them I'm Commander Shepard, that blows our cover."

"Thought of that, too. Just keep quiet for a minute." He elbowed her back as an older woman walked up to the front counter.

"Hello and good morning!" She said, smiling broadly. "You must be Mr. and Mrs. Verner!"

"What." Said Shepard, glaring at Kaidan.

"Yes, yes. I have it right here. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Verner, for three days and two nights! You have the end room with the ocean view. Lovely! Right this way!"

"I hate you so much right now." She hissed under her breath. He smiled at her, and hugged her around the shoulders.

"Of course you do, Dear."

They spent their first day lying out on the beach, talking about their lives, or just enjoying each others company in silence. Kaidan tried to nap, but couldn't stop glancing over at Shepard. She lay on her stomach in a black and red two piece, idly reading on a small datapad. I'm never going to be able to look at her again without picturing her like this. I think my military career is over. The longer they spent in the sun, the darker his already olive skin became, but Shepard exploded into a galaxy of freckles. Everywhere. He threatened to hold her down and play connect the dots with them, but she punched him in the arm. They grabbed dinner that night at a small restaurant, savoring their food too much to talk. It was the first meal either of them had had in months that hadn't been military rations, or awkward funeral buffet food. They left full and happy, then headed back to their room at the bed and breakfast. That night went much smoother then their first. Shepard wasn't a nervous wreck, facing what seemed like an impossible task, and Kaidan wasn't worried about Joker listening in. Not having a deadline, he took his time, memorizing the way her hair smelled, his fingers learning the curves of her hips, tracing the path of her scars. He only had a few nights with her before they had to go back to the Normandy and separation, he wasn't going to waste them. When they finally fell asleep, satisfied and exhausted, she was nestled against his chest, a small smile on her face.

Kaidan awoke before she did in the morning, and breathed a sigh of relief. Part of him was worried she would be up again, fully dressed and ready to leave. He kissed the top of her head, and closed his eyes, not wanting to spoil the moment. After twenty minutes or so, she gave a small groan and stirred, opening her eyes slowly to look up at him.

"Hi." She said, smiling lazily.

"Hi. Ready for breakfast?" She nodded, and gathered the sheets around her, trying to stand up. "Shepard, what are you doing?"

"Um, getting dressed?"

"What's with the sheet?" She blushed so furiously her new freckles practically disappeared. He decided to let her off the hook. She is still new to all this. So am I, come to think of it. "Fine. But you're making the bed later."

Looking over their options for their second day, they decided to explore the small town and the boardwalk. It took them all day, since Shepard stopped and talked to everyone they passed on the street.

"It's nice talking to people who don't automatically assume I want something." She said. "Or want me do do something. Or want to kill me."

"I don't know, that old man over there with the vegetable stand looks rather shifty." Kaidan said, laughing. Spending time with her was making him silly. He was never silly. He walked a few feet down the street before he realized Shepard wasn't with him. She was standing on the corner, staring out at the dunes.

"Hey. What's going on?"

"I want to go talk to that man over there." She pointed at a scruffy looking man in a floppy hat. He was carrying a large walking stick with bells on it.

"Not a problem. You've been talking to everyone. What's so special about this..." He stopped as a small head popped up over the top of the dune. He had goats. "You want to go see the goats, don't you."

"Yup." She called back to him as she walked across the street. He jogged to catch up, and spent an hour watching her be in complete bliss. She obviously still held affection for the small animals, she treated them with as much attention as she gave her arsenal. When the goatherd gave her a small kid to hold, she sat down with it, cradling it in her arms like an infant. Its so strange to see her in a nurturing role, as opposed to killing everything she sees. I wonder if she'd be a good mother. She'd be hard, but I think she'd do alright. She looked up at him and grinned. Letting the kid stumble off her lap, she took Kaidan's hand an pulled herself up.

"I really missed those little guys. They were like my family." They set off back into the town. "Did I ever apologize to you and Tali for holding you hostage in the Mako, forcing you to listen to me ramble about goats?"

"It was interesting! We were the first people to find out about your path. Besides, if you were going to apologize for anything, it should be your driving." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Anyway, I did the same thing to you, when you started asking about BAaT. You didn't need to hear all of my pointless ramblings."

"It wasn't pointless. It gave me a lot to think about."

"How so?"

They stepped into a small cafe, and took a seat near a window.

"I knew there was something happening. Between us. But you were so hung up on her. You obviously don't deal well with abandonment." Kaidan opened his mouth to protest, but she held up her hand. "Not rejection, but abandonment. You loved her, and she disappeared from your life without a trace. It practically destroyed you for 10 years. I knew it would be a career risk anyway getting involved with you, but I had to be sure it was something we both wanted badly enough. I couldn't be another woman who walked away from you." She put her hand in his. "I'm not walking away from this. If the Alliance finds out, and transfers one of us, then we'll make that choice together. But I'm not going to abandon you. I'm not going to just disappear."

"I would have never pegged you as a romantic, Shepard." He held her hand tightly in his.

"Don't tell anyone. I have a reputation as a bad ass to uphold." She took a sip of the coffee a waiter had dropped off. "Do you still think about her?"

"Rahna? Not really. The guilt about what happened will always be there, but I think I just needed a good mental kick to get back in gear. I can't believe I spent so long obsessed with finding her." He sighed heavily. "I must have been so whiny. Why was anyone friends with me?"

"It's the hair." Shepard said, and Kaidan's hands instinctively went to smooth it down. She laughed loudly, startling people at other tables. "I can't believe you just did that."

After paying for their coffee, they stopped by another small store to buy dinner to take back to their room.

It feels so good to be doing normal things. Grocery shopping. Holding hands in public. This can't be the last time we do this. As they ate their takeout and watched an action vid, Kaidan felt something nagging at the back of his brain. It wasn't until later, when they were in bed, did he figure out what it was.

"Hey, about what you said earlier..."

Shepard rolled onto her side and propped herself up on one elbow.


"When we were at the cafe. You said you weren't walking away from this. What did you mean?"

She sighed, but gave him a shy smile.

"I meant... I don't consider this a fling or anything. I know we've not really known each other for that long, but our lifestyle breeds strong relationships. I want this to keep going." She looked him dead in the eye. "I'll be with you as long as you want me."

He grinned and kissed her softly.

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear. I was thinking... Remember Noveria?"

"The stupid bureaucratic snow planet?"

" Yes, that one. You said you never thought about what you wanted to do after the military, since you always planned on dying?"

She raised an eyebrow at him and nodded.

"Well, I was thinking of mustering out in five years when my contract comes up. I'll have saved up enough to move back to Vancouver and get work as a mechanic or something. You should... come with me."

"Muster out? You don't think I should go career?"

"Do you really want to spend the rest of your life alone? Not knowing if you are going to get shot, or blown up every five minutes? Never having a real family of your own? Not goats, but actual kids?"

She looked thoughtful, staring at the wall.

"I honestly never really thought about it." She said softly. "I guess I do want that. Anderson is career, and has a family, but he's not N7, or a Spectre. I don't know if I can muster out by then, but I'll talk to Anderson. Maybe once we get another human Spectre, I can step down, eventually." She looked up at him. "Will you wait to muster out until I can?"

"Seriously?" He rolled her over onto her back and gave her a deep kiss. "You'll do it? You'll leave the military with me for a life as a civilian?" She nodded, and kissed him back.

"Now sleep, we both have long days tomorrow."

He groaned. The last thing he wanted was to split off from Shepard at the Spaceport and go see his parents. They stared out the window as a storm rolled over the ocean.

"It almost looks like Virmire, doesn't it?" He said, watching lightning jump from cloud to cloud. She nodded, her hair rustling against his chest. "I really thought I was going to die there."

"I wasn't going to let you."

"It's funny. I've always thought of myself as the guy who protects people. Who puts himself out there to keep other people from getting hurt." He sighed and idly twisted a strand of her hair in his fingers. "And how many times now have you saved my ass?"

"Well, its very nice." She grinned up at him wickedly. "You did your fair share of saving, too. There was that fancy trick with the biotics on Therum. That sniper would have shot me through the heart if I didn't have your extra protection, and Eden Prime. You brought me back to the Normandy."

"But Eden Prime was my fault in the first place, so that doesn't count."

"Oh, and that time I broke my nose and couldn't see out of my helmet."

"Yes, you were so delightful."

She wrinkled her nose at him, yawned, then flipped back onto her stomach, and fluffed her pillow into a ball. Slowly, he pulled the blanked down so her back was exposed.

"What are you doing?" She asked sleepily.

"Playing connect the dots." He let his biotics flare, and traced his finger across her back from freckle to freckle. She gave a shiver, and let her eyes close as he drew shapes on her skin with blue lightning.

The next morning, Kaidan made breakfast as Shepard packed their things.

"Alenko, you make a mean omelet. I should fire you as Lieutenant, and just keep you onboard as my personal chef."

"As long as I get to sleep in your cabin."

"So its true. You are using me for my bed."

"Caught again."

They smiled sadly at each other. The odds of them getting breakfast like this again in the near future were slim to none. Once they were back on the Normandy, they were being sent out on long patrols. They wouldn't get another shore leave for at least another year.

After they checked out, they carried their bags into the parking lot and waited for their taxi. They watched as a small boy ran up to various groups of tourists on the beach and the nearby boardwalk, before making his way to them.

"Souvenir picture?" He asked, smiling through missing teeth and waving a large camera at them. "It prints right here, you can take the picture home with you, for only five credits!"

Shepard shrugged at Kaidan, and flipped the kid a 10 credit chip.

"Alright, small fry, but make it quick."

Kaidan put his arm around her shoulder and she leaned her head on him. The camera flashed, and spit out a small holophoto.

"You'd better keep that somewhere safe." Shepard said as their taxi pulled up. "Don't let anyone find it."

"I'll keep it at my parents." He agreed, tucking it into his bag. They climbed into the cab, and watched as the ocean disappeared out of sight.

"The night before Ilos... you were right." Shepard said softly. "Nothing can change. We can't let this get in the way of our duty to the Alliance. We have to keep it secret. If they find out, they'll separate us, maybe even court martial you."

"I know." He said sadly.

As the taxi approached the spaceport, Shepard leaned over and gave Kaidan one last kiss. He pulled her in close, not wanting to lose her softness, but had to let go as they pulled up to the curb.

"You're really going to spend the rest of your shore leave on the Normandy?" He asked, pulling their bags out of the trunk. "That completely defeats the point."

"I have so much paperwork to fill out." She groaned. "Admiral Hackett wants me to go over some of the reports about Cerberus. There is some disturbing stuff going on with that group. I'll see you onboard in a few days." She glanced around at the crowds of people. "Let's make this look official, and not like the depressing thing it is."

Kaidan nodded, and saluted sharply.

"Aye aye, Ma'am. I'll see you when I report back in three days."

She saluted back.

"Enjoy your leave, Lieutenant."

They stared at each other, not wanting to break eye contact, until Shepard grabbed her bags and slipped into the crowd towards the larger space faring ships. Kaidan made his way to the local planet shuttles, and settled into an uncomfortable chair to wait. I didn't looked at the picture. He reached into his bag and pulled out the small holophoto. Shepard was laughing, her head resting on his chest, looking at the camera. His eyes were on her, staring down at her, a content smile on his face, even as her hair blew into his eyes. Five years, and I can put this where everyone can see it. He sighed heavily. Five years of sneaking around, fearing for our lives, risking everything we have for everyone else. But we'll make it through. She drove a Mako through a mass relay. If we can survive that, we can survive anything, and in five years, we'll be free. He tucked the picture back into his bag, and dreamed of his future.

(A/N wow. I cannot believe I finished it! I haven't accomplished something this big in a long time. I waited to post this until I finished the first chapter of my ME2 sequel, which I am calling "Repairing the Present". There is totally going to be a theme. Or motif. Or something. Anyway, I waited to post it so that it is easier to find. I guess if you just click on my lovely user name, it will appear. So yeah. Direct sequel. But I'll post more about it in the note to that story.

I really want to thank everyone who read this. Everyone who subscribed and commented holds a special place in my heart, but all you lovely people who read it are fantastic. I had a creative writing teacher basically tell me I sucked, and would never write anything of note. (she was a horrible teacher.) But I just finished something that over 700 people read. From all over the world. (On that note, hello to the UK, Poland, Australia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, The Philippines, Afghanistan, New Zealand, Hong Kong, The Czech Republic, Finland, Singapore, Italy, Brazil, Switzerland, Japan, Russian, Ukraine, Panama, Sweden, Belgium, Bermuda, Israel, Mexico, The Netherlands, Portugal, Austria, Ireland, Korea, Thailand and Venezuela! And my fellow Americans, and lovely neighbors to the north, Canada! Yes, I geeked out a bit when I discovered that tracker on the website.) But yeah. Thank you all for taking the time to read about the silly things I imagine these characters doing. Bioware told an amazing story, I just wanted to throw in how I saw it. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this, and like my ME2 story. Go find it!

Finally, thanks again for reading, and if you celebrate a mid-winter holiday, I hope it is a wonderful one, and Happy New Year!
