I own nothing!

Chapter 26: End of the Red Dawn and epilogue

It had been three weeks since the kage summit. After the attack by the members of the Akatsuki, Itachi, Tobi, and Deidara, the major villages had begun a manhunt for the final members of the Akatsuki. Their first area of attack was the village of Amegakure, but they didn't find anything.

They took Itachi's body, or what was left of it, back to Konoha, as was custom for most missing ninja who were killed by their old villages.

The Yamanaka were able to extract some information about the Akatsuki base from, what was left of Itachi's head, from what was left of the Uchiha's brain, which was surprising given the explosive finish the man was given. A group of ninja from all five village wen to the base which was just outside of the Amegakure borders, but they were surprise to find that nobody was there. The remaining members of the Akatsuki were in the wind…and no one had any idea where to find them.

They tried to find any information on the other two members aside from Kakuzu, but they hadn't been able to find a thing.

In Kiri, Naruto the rest of the demon blades were currently sitting around Naruto's house.

Loki let out a snarl and said, "I hate waiting."

Horo said, "Yeah, why don't we just go looking for these guys and just burn them down!"

Naruto sighed and said, "We can't just go out hunting for these guys. First off, we only know what one of these guys are capable of. Second, we don't know where they are, or even if the other two are the only members they have. For all we know, they could have a dozen or so other members."

This brought nods from the rest of the group. Loki growled, but managed to calm down. For now, all they could do was wait.

What they didn't know, was that they wouldn't have to wait very long.

Just outside of Kiri…

A few miles outside of Kiri, Pain, Konan, Kakuzu stood looking over the village. With them was the woman from the land of iron, and a four other people, all but one of them with orange hair and piercings all over their faces. They stared down at the hidden village as they stood in silence.

"To think it has come to this," Pain said as he crossed his arms, "we have to take matters into our own hands. If we are to achieve our goal of peace we must obtain the Jinchuuriki. We shall detain the Fukyu boy and his allies. We may be able to use them as substitute for the Bijuu."

The others nodded in affirmative, agreeing with the plan.

Pain ordered, "Spread out through the village. Separate the nine tails from his allies. One by one…they will fall before god's might."

The three then vanished via shushin and began their mission. This was the Akatsuki's last chance to get the bijuu for their mission. If they were to succeed they would need to restrain and capture Naruto Fukyu. They would either complete their mission or die trying.

An orange haired man was walking calmly through the streets. As he walked, many people of the village, especially ninja, were beginning to notice the man's attire. The black cloak with red clouds. He was walking uncomfortably close to the Mizukage tower.

A few ANBU appeared and approached him.

"Sir, you are in a restricted area," the ANBU leader said, "Leave now, or we will be forced to detain you."

A few of the ANBU stood by with their hands on their tantos, just in case.

The man turned towards the ANBU, before reaching to the clasps of his cloak and opened it, revealing a huge amount of explosive notes!


The cry came too late as a massive explosion tore through the area, sending people and ninja scattering.

Pain floated a good distance above the village. He raised his hand and flexed his fingers. Suddenly, a massive influx of chakra resulted in a massive pulse that smashed into a few buildings that were destroyed under the force.

In another part of the village, massive centipedes with piercings and purple and black and ringed eyes appeared and started tearing up the place.

In another a barrage of missiles came down destroying a good amount of the surrounding area and sending civilians and ANBU scattering.

In yet another Konan, flying with a large pair of paper wings on her back, unleashed a barrage of paper that had explosive notes tied to them.

In the final area, Kakuzu launched blast after blast of wind bullets and fire balls from his mask, while an orange haired man watched from the distance.

In Fukyu clan home, the group immediately shot outside. After hearing the explosions, they ran outside and looked on in shock and terror as they saw massive amounts of smoke billowing up into the sky from the ground.

"What the hell was that?" Horo asked, shocked.

Mei answered, "It must be the Akatsuki. They must be getting desperate if they think that they can attack my village and not face any consequences."

At that moment, an ANBU appeared.

"Lady Mizukage," she said, "The village has been attacked. Details are sketchy, but all of them seem to be wearing the signature Akatsuki cloak, black with red clouds."

Mei nodded and said, "What can you say about the attackers?"

The ANBU stood up and said, "Details are sketchy. We have identified Kakuzu as one of the attackers, joined by an unknown assailant. We also have an unidentified woman with blue hair scattering explosive notes mixed in with sheets of paper. We have a pale man firing heavy artillery, a woman summoning various beasts, a man showing extreme strength, and a man who seems to be using techniques similar to Fukyu-sama's force release."

Naruto's eyes widened when he heard that. Could the leader of the Akatsuki be another force user? It could be possible. Naruto then turned to his team.

"Okay," Naruto said after a moment of mental planning, "Choujuro, Haku, and I, will take on the potential psychic. Horo, Loki, you take on the animal woman. Shindou, Arashi, take on the paper woman. Terronor, you take on Kakuzu and his friend. Saleuce, Aki, you got the military man. Erlocc, Enton, you take on the super strong guy. Susanna, Stephen you stay here and act as bodyguard. If anyone tries anything, tear them. When you're finished, find the others and then head back here."

Naruto then turned towards Mei, Kagome, and Nami.

"In the meantime, see if we can get some ANBU down here. They may have a backup plan, or at the very least, someone searching for us or you. If they find out Nami and Kagome are the bijuu in human form, they will come for them."

This brought nods from the group. Mei approached Naruto and kissed his cheek. Kagome did the same.

"Stay safe," Mei muttered as the group turned tail and ran off towards their objectives.

As they ran Naruto shouted, "Okay, stay in contact with one another. If you take down your opponent tell us. If you can find the others find them quick."

The others shouted an affirmative.

The final battle against the Akatsuki organization was ready to begin.

Erlocc and Enton vs Naraka Path

Erlocc and Enton quickly ran for their quarry. They were quick find him. They found the man standing with two ANBU gripped in his hands. What really got their attention was the large head with an open mouth behind them.

"I'm telling you," the first ANBU said, "I don't know where he is."

There was a moment of silence before a large tongue came out of the heads mouth. The tongue split in two, before the two halves changed into hands. The two hands then proceeded to grab the two ANBU. Moments later, the two hands pulled, removing pale light blue translucent images of the two before pulling them into the head's mouth, which proceeded to close.

"Liars always die," he said simply.

He then turned to face the two members.

"Who are you? And What the hell did you just do?" Enton asked, brandishing his sword.

The man turned and said, "I am Pain. And I do not need to explain my powers to creatures such as you."

Enton snarled at this before reaching out with his powers. Several nearby carts were lifted into the air and then thrown at the man. Naraka responded by taking a deep breath and unleashing a massive blast of fire.

In moments the carts were reduced to cinders and flames were catapulting towards the duo.

Erlocc quickly jumped in the way and inhaled. The flames were sucked into his gullet, his cheeks puffed out. He then unleashed the flames, sending them right back at Naraka.

Naraka, in turn, fired a jet of water from his mouth, dousing the flames. With some embers still left, he called on some of the residual water to create a water barrier protecting him from the remaining flames.

As the water fell, Erlocc shot forward and stabbed his sword forward, intending to impale the man and drain the blood from the body. The man proved to be faster than he thought, as he dodged with incredible speed. He brought his arm up and prepared to swing his fisht down, only for a mouth to open on Erlocc's back and catch the fist, the teeth sinking into his arm, causing him to grunt in pain.

Enton interrupted by focusing his iron affiliated chakra into his fists and swung a punch, slamming right into Naraka's jaw and making him shout in pain. Enton proceeded to unleash a barrage of powerful punches to Naraka face, chest, and stomach. After being punched several times, Naraka brought his leg and slammed his knee into Enton's stomach knocking him backwards. Using his free arm, he brought it down on Erlocc's back, making him shout in pain.

Naraka pried his arm free and threw Erlocc into a nearby shore. Enton shot forward and drew his sword, slashing at Naraka. The man hardened his arm with earth chakra and caught it. the two grappled for a brief moment before Naraka brought a lighting chakra imbued knee into his stomach. The lighting chakra added a nasty shock. Enton felt his muscles tight and stiffen.

Unfortunately, Naraka was too focused on his grappling match with Enton to notice Erlocc had recovered. Erlocc shot up and drove his sword bottom of the handle in the side, causing his concentration to break.

Enton reacted by swinging his sword, leaving a nasty gash across the man's chest. Erlocc then took a deep breath and fired a blast of dark green venom right into Naraka's eyes, blinding him.

Enton took this as initiative and built up energy in his chest eye.

"Bye bye," Enton said as he fired.

The dark beam of energy enveloped the man causing him to scream as he was obliterated. After a few moments there was nothing left but a smoking ash pile. That and a building was now sporting a massive hole.

Enton reached for a com and said, "We took care of this guy. We're heading back for mansion."

Saleuce and Aki vs Asura Path

Saleuce and Aki ran into what could only be described as war zone. There were craters and burned bodies everywhere. There were even slash marks and entire walls cut through.

They came across the man they were looking for, given the tattered remains of an akatsuki cloak around his waist, but his appearance shocked them. He seemed normal, except for the multiple facial piercings, and the fact that he seemed to have grown a two additional faces growing out the sides of his head, two extra pairs of arms for a total of six, and he had a giant serrated blade coming out of his back, poised like a scorpion's tail.

"Dang," Saleuce said, "This guy makes Erlocc look like a guy in the top ten potential boyfriend list. And that's saying something."

The bizarre looking man grinned, all three faces actually, and turned towards the duo.

"So they send two little girls to stop me? I feel insulted," he stated with a smirk.

Aki's mutated arm clenched and Saleuce's tail began to sway back and forth like a predator's.

The three faced man said, "The name's Pain. Now…I suggest you tell me where the Jinchuuriki are…or we can just do this the hard way."

The two looked at each other before charging.

"Hard way it is. Bazooka Arm!"

The man held out one of his fists. To the girls' shock, it shot forward like a rocket, flying forward. The two dodged the punch and were glad they did, as the impact destroyed a good portion of the road.

Aki leapt upwards and swung her claws, but was intercepted by the razor tail.

Saleuce shot forward and spun on her heel, swinging out her tail. The man's extra arms proved to be incredibly durable as he caught the tail before it even met his side.

Aki kicked the tail away before lashing out a kick. Asura's extra arm caught the offending limb, but was unprepared for a lightning covered fist to slam into his chest. The lightning shorted out his mechanical systems for a brief moment, as well as causing his muscles to lock up.

Aki followed up with a round house that sent him flying backwards, releasing Saleuce in the process.

Aki shot forward quickly, with her arm coated in wind chakra. A quick slash later, Asura's razor blade tail was slashed off.

Saleuce reacted just as quickly, throwing out her spear like tail and making the edge spin like a buzz saw. She sliced the top most two arms.

The pain cut through the man's temporary paralysis. Something Aki, noticed a bit too late. The man's head opened up, revealing a cannon. The girl performed a substitution just in time to avoid the blast.

Appearing above the pair, via ninja logic, the woman brought a wind chakra enhanced claw down and swung. Asura let out a cry of pain as he felt the remaining two left arms get sliced off.

Saleuce quickly shifted her tail and wrapped them around the remaining right arms, and moved her tail fast enough to slice through them.

Asura let out another scream of pain before turning with a dark growl. His head opened up and prepared to blast them again. However, before he could a clawed hand went through his chest.

Aki smirked and said, "What a clown."

The removed her demon arm and let the body of the man fall to the ground.

Putting her finger to her com and said, "We got ours taken care of."

After a moment, Terronor's calm voice rang over the com and said, "Good. I could use some help. Kakuzu and his friend are a bit more troublesome then I thought."

Terronor vs Kakuzu and Preta Path

Terronor dodged to the side to avoid a fist that nearly turned his head into mush.

He blocked another punch from Kakuzu before slamming his fist into the S-rank ninja's stomach. He then had to launch a barrage of dark mass spears out of his back to stop Kakauzu's orange haired partner, who referred to himself as Pain.

He also found out in a grappling contest earlier, that Pain had the ability to absorb chakra.

"Fire Release: Searing Migraine!"

The former experiment of Orochimaru dodged to the left to avoid the massive blast of fire aimed at him. The blast rocketed right towards Pain, who absorbed the technique.

Then, he turned towards Terronor, mixed the fire chakra from the searing migraine with wind charka and fired a blast of white hot flames at the man. Terronor quickly turned into his werewolf form and teleported out of the way.

Still transformed he launched forward with his claws outstretched and slashed at the orange haired man. Pain let out a grunt of pain.

The then acted quickly, launching his head forward and tore into the man's neck, his powerful jaws crushing his neck with a sickening crack.

Dropping the corpse, he turned to Kakuzu.

The miser of the Akatsuki launched forward and the two grappled. As they did, the fire mask appeared on his chest as and lit up firing a blast, point blank.

The blast was strong enough to send Terronor flying backwards, as well as Kakuzu.

As the S-Rank criminal got up and unleashed the black tendrils of the Earth Grudge Fear. They merged together and three masks appeared. Each one opened up revealing, a fireball, a ball of concentrated ball of wind, and ball of electricity. Just as they were about to fire, a familiar tail pierced his back, and hauled him into the air, Alien style.

Saleuce smirked as her tail snaked around the man's body before constricting tightly.

Aki leapt up and with a swing of her demon arm, slashing off his arms, unleashing a small stream of threads.

Saleuce then threw her target into the air.

Terronor got up and changed back to normal before holding out his arms and merging them together forming a familiar dragon head. The jaws opened and fired a blast upwards at the man. Kakuzu let out a scream as he was turned to ash.

Terronor reached for his com and said, "This is Terronor. Kakuzu and Pain are down."

Aki said, "Hey wait, big guy, we took down Pain."

"Uh, guys," Saleuce said, "I think we may have a pattern here. Hey, Enton, Erlocc, did you two happen to fight an orange haired person named Pain?"

Shindou and Arashi vs Konan

Arashi let out a cry of shock as he glanced backwards.

He and Shindou had easily managed to find the woman easily.

It was pretty easy to find a woman when she can fly high above most of the buildings in the area. However, she wasn't as hard to hit as he was easy to find.

Konan, as she introduced herself, was able to turn herself into paper, and unleash massive swarms of paper. Usually, with explosive notes hidden amongst them.

Right now, he was dodging a giant chakram made entirely out of paper. Originally, he laughed it off, until he saw it tear through a brick wall like it was made out rotten wood.

As he flew around avoiding the projectile, Shindou was unleashing wave after wave of chakra from his scythes in an attempt to hit her. Unfortunately, this woman was just as skilled a she was pretty.

Paper shuriken rained around Shindou, as he dodged left and right to avoid getting turned into a giant human paper cut.

Bringing a finger to his com, Shindou answered, "The only person we're fighting hasn't referred to herself as Pain. She called herself Konan. Listen, we're going to have to call you back, we're a bit busy."

With a grunt, he pulled one of his scythes from his back and swung it, sending out a massive blast of lightning.

The paper woman managed to dodge the blast, and her concentration didn't waiver.

She flew down and her arms transformed into long blades made out of paper. She launched forward and the two began to duel. The blades met with the staff and blade of his scythe. He two continued, small splinters of wood and sparks from the clashing metal rained on the ground beneath them.

Meanwhile, Arashi fired a blast of lighting from Mjolnir, his hammer, to destroy the chakra, but it split up and formed a pair of smaller ones. With a grunt, he continued flying to do his best to avoid the massive weapons.

He glanced down and saw that the woman. With a grin, he got an idea.

He flew up to avoid the chakrams before performing a dive. He focused his chakra and clapped his hands together, a ball of light forming in his hands.

"Light Release: Flash Bang."

With a small grunt the boy threw the ball downwards. The ball of light flew down between Shindou and Konna. Recognizing it, the scythe user quickly covered his eyes, just in time for the blast of go off. Konan let out a cry of pain as she covered her eyes.

With a victorious grin, Takeshi performed a sudden rise, causing the chakrams chasing him to crash into the ground with enough force to actually, create a large cloud of dust.

Immediately, Shindou shot through the smoke and slammed the flat side of his weapon into the blue haired woman's stomach with enough force to knock her out.

The two stood over their downed opponent and Takeshi said, "We took ours down. And no she didn't refer to herself as Pain…nor was there anyone here who did."

Horo's voice came over the com and said, "Well, ours is!"

Loki and Horo vs Animal Path

Loki was currently grappling with the orange haired woman. Horo was busy a whole slew of different summoned animals with his sword, and a few blasts of fire. There were birds, bugs, salamanders, and all kinds of weird creatures.

Loki, brought a knee up into the woman's stomach, knocking the air from her lungs. Putting a small amount of distance between them and performed a round house that knocked her into a nearby wall, forming a spider web of cracks.

After slicing through some twisted monstrous bird, Horo turned on his heel and with a grunt extended his blade. The blade shot forward like a bullet, impaling the woman through the chest.

Before she could even let out a cry of pain, Loki jumped up as gold and black chakra burst to life around his arm and swung hard, slashing through the woman with a noise that sounded like a howling wolf.

The woman screamed as the chakra tore her apart. After a moment, the sound stopped and she died.

Horo and Loki looked at each other and nodded before running back towards the Fukyu clan home.

Haku, Naruto, and Choujuro vs Deva Path

The fight had been much more difficult than the trio had thought it would be.

As they fight began, Naruto was relieved to find that this orange haired man, referring to himself as Pain, didn't have any link to the force. However, he found that this guy was powerful. The man seemed to be a one trick pony, but that trick was very effective.

As they were trying to figure out how to get past this guy's defense, Naruto was beginning to see a pattern. The people who referred themselves as pain all had different powers, but they all had either orange hair or piercings. He also noticed that whenever one of the other's fell, that he seemed to flinch, it was almost unnoticeable, but it was visible.

Was there some kind of connection between them all. While putting up another attack, Naruto reached out with a small bit of the force. His eyes widened, as he realized something.

The man they were fighting was dead.

The thing keeping him alive, were the multiple piercings in his chest. Reaching into his mind, he felt a several links that had been severed. Only two remained. Using that link, he saw through the eyes of someone who was fighting Horo and Loki.

He realized that all the people they were fighting were Pain. Or at least, extensions of him in some way. Using the final link he focused on someone a fair distance away.

All of this took only a few seconds before he was pushed back by Pain's technique.

Using the force, Naruto formed a link with his fellow sannin and thought, 'Guys. I figured out why everyone is fighting Pain. They are a hivemind. All six of them, are commanded by a single consciousness.'

Haku glanced at her opponent and thought, 'How do we fighting him then? If we take this down, the real one will show up. Plus, we have no idea what the real one can do.'

Naruto looked at Pain and then, came up with a plan.

Naruto relayed his plan through the force, sent his plan to the others.

Nodding in confirmation, they all activated their sage modes. They charged forward and all focused on one spot. They drew their weapons and swung.

With an almost bored expression, Pain held out his hand and performed his signature Shinra Tensei. The trio met the invisible defense and stood their ground against it. Had they been using normal chakra they would have been launched away by now. The square off continued for about a minute before they began to feel the move fail.

With a smirk Naruto focused his chakra and force energy performed a technique.

"Force Release: Force Repulse!"

Naruto released a shockwave with the same amount of force or his force repulse, only much more concentrated.

Pain let out a scream of pain as the shockwave, shattered bones, pulverized organs, and sent him flying down the road.

The blonde smirked as he walked over to the downed man, Haku and Choujuro stood by, ready in case something else happened.

Naruto then grabbed the downed man by his hair and, with his free hand, placed it against his face.

With a focus of nature chakra flooded the pericings in his face. The powerful chakra flooded the body, obliterating the chakra system that kept it alive.

Miles away, the original body of pain screamed as he felt the pain. The pain of the chakra overload flooded his system. After a few moments of screaming blood began to leak out of his nose and then…he stopped screaming in fell over.

From his position, Naruto could feel the link between the bodies cut off and he felt the original body of the Akatsuki leader die.

He reverted back to his normal self and nodded at his allies, who proceed to congratulate him for his victory.

It was finally over.


With the death of the Akatsuki, peace came to the elemental nations. Due to the having a common enemy they managed to bond and they got rid of the some of the animosity between their villages. While, there was still some old grudges and a few issues here and there, it was definitely better than having the constant threat of war.

A year after his victory, Naruto, Mei, and Kagome got married in a village wide celebration. They eventually had three kids. Mei gave Naruto twins, Boruto and Katara. Boruto got a mix of the Kuro Shinka and Mei's steam release, while Katara got the mix of the Kuro Shinka and lava release. His child with Kagome was Shippo who developed his own mix of the force release and some of Kyuubi's chakra abilities.

Horo and Susanna wound up dating after the battle and eventually got married. They had a daughter who would become one of the highest decorated members of the ANBU force in the future.

Loki wound up keeping and alliance between Kiri and Kumo by marrying Hana, who became attracted to him after a joint mission between them.

Stephen wound up going on a mission to snow country and fell in love with the woman he was meant to protect, Koyuki. With a princes/actress as a wife, he got some serious screen time, and he wound up becoming a very famous, if slightly overdramatic, actor.

Isaribi and Terronor got married after a few years and had a daughter. The result was a mix of the dark mass and Isaribi's fish transformation. She became of the best deep sea dives/explorers and got a lot of money to the village.

Aki and Enton got together after a while, as did Saleuce and Erlocc. They had a double wedding which was celebrated by close friends.

All in all, things had gone very well for Kiri and the elemental nations after the end of the war.

Years later, as his children became genin, Naruto became the new Mizukage and lead Kiri into the new golden age. Naruto lived out the rest of his life in peace alongside his wives, his allies, and his friends.