C: Yay! Here comes the failed humor and the 1827 goodness! Thank you all for your reviews, favorites, and alerts! ;A; You all are too kind!

Dream36: Hiyaaaa~ -heart- ARE YOU OKAY? ;; LOL. Ehee, I'm glad you get the plot! C: . And eee, Tsuna hurry to school! xD. I hope you enjoy this, dongsaeng!
MissDinosaur: ;_; I'm sorry! Don't cry! I hope this chapter makes you smile! I'm so glad you like their friendship! And gasp! I'm so happy you like Invisible Gems, too! Thank you so much for your compliment! I try my best, hehe. You're too kind!
permasmile: asjdkljskdla I LOVE YOU. YOUR REVIEWS ALWAYS MAKE MY DAY. And our conversations! -heart- Was this chapter failed humor? ;;. Wait, it already is! -hugs with the group- C: . Thank you so much for your kind compliments! Rena doesn't deserve such kindness. D: ! And HAHA. Bluebell is kind of a brat, as you can see! She's more fun that way. :D ILYTOO. -heart- I'm sorry I can't really reply to your long review. ;; Rena feels bad!
egh: LOL. I like your name! :D. I'm glad you like the story so far!
ben4kevin: ;A; I'm sorry for making it sad! I hope this chapter is more happy for you~.
HibarixZhen: Ehee, thank you! (:
PockoChi: ;_; I'M SO SORRY I MADE YOU CRY! Forgive me! And I hope you like this update!
xBloodyAlice: LOL. I just had to add the line for Tsuna's dad! xD. I hope this chapter is more happier for yooo~!

permasmile IS THE BEST PERSON EVUR. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Thank you for proofreading, as usual! ;_;. If only I could do so much for you in return! jsdkaljdksal. -heartheartheart-

Disclaimer: I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn!

"H-Hibari Kyo-Kyouya? You mean that really s-scary person that beats up troublemakers in no seconds flat? That Hibari Kyouya?"

The girl nodded, a small blush appearing on her face. "Tsuna, I really really like him. But, he'll never acknowledge someone like me..." She fidgeted with the hems of her skirt. That was something she always did when she got nervous.

He was crushed. But he couldn't do anything about it. Whoever Nagi-chan liked was her decision, not his. He couldn't take away her happiness. He had to be there for her, no matter how much it would hurt him. That's what...best friends were for. Well, that's what being in love was for – to do his best for her. He couldn't be selfish. Nagi-chan was too sweet to deserve that. So all he could do was love her and value her happiness over his own...

"No, he will," the brunet said with determination. "You're a great girl, Nagi-chan. You're kindhearted and might be the person to tolerate Hibari-san's scary demeanor! Really. I think you have a better chance than the others girls! He rejected the others. He might consider you, though! I believe it."

A shy smile lightened up her face. "Y-you think so, Tsuna? W-will he...consider me?"

"Of course! There's no one else in the world that would ever reject a cute girl like you! I promise you that. After all, I bet you have many admirers in your school! And Hibari-san could be one of them! Definitely. So don't lose hope. I know he will say yes if you ask him out."

"Your determination is so contagious, Tsuna!" Nagi let out a heartfelt laugh with Tsuna laughing along with her. "I-I'll give it my best shot, then! ...Maybe."

He was hoping for that maybe to lean towards a no.

. 2796 .

That was two days before her fatal accident. If Nagi-chan had died by her heart stopping instead of being brain-dead, then the brunet could have probably died alongside Nagi if there were no donor hearts in time. Also, he probably could have avoided those scary tonfas. They were glistening from the sun's rays and even if they happened to look pretty...they were deadly!

Gah, Tsuna! What have you gotten yourself into? He's going to kill me! KILL ME! Get them away from me! I don't want to be hit! I never even said goodbye to mom and dad properly! Wh-what am I going to do? What do I say? Sorry isn't going to cut it! GOD, HELP ME.

Hibari could smell the fear emitting from the cowering boy. He smiled satisfactorily to himself. Herbivores, what can you do with them? And this one... This herbivore seemed too weak. Weaker than any other herbivore he faced. Ah, but what a waste if he gotten into a fight with a weakling. Maybe some other time when he needed to release some anger, he could always go back to this boy.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi, you're now listed as the number one herbivore."

"Hiieeee!" Is he serious? Number one herbivore? He had a list of them! Does that mean he'll be targeting me from now on? No! I just got better from the hospital! I don't want to spend more time there! Those white walls are just plain boring to stare at all day!

His heart was beating so much right now. Just Hibari Kyouya even paying attention to him was making his face flush even more and make his heartbeat greatly increase in speed. He had to wonder how much Nagi liked the boy. For him to be feeling like this was...out of question! Tsuna was trembling in fear, but he was also burning all over his body. Fear and love did not mix at all!

And no! He did not love or like Hibari! It was because Nagi's heart was in him that he was feeling like this! This scene was exactly those kinds in those fluffy manga things! He was not a heroine in a shoujo manga! He was a boy. A BOY. A perfect male who should be a hero! Not...goodness, a hero seen with girlish features!

I can't blame Nagi-chan, though...! Hiieee, how do I respond to him? If I say something stupid, I'll just be embarrassing myself further and Hibari will consider me a bigger herbivore. Clearly, I do not want that! Oh, why why why did I have to face him right now alone? And Nagi-chan's heart, please oh please stop beating! If this was my heart...I wouldn't be feeling this way right now!

"You scream a lot compared to other herbivores, Sawada Tsunayoshi." A smirk replaced his amused smile. "Do you want to be bitten right now?"

And there's his catchphrase! For your information, I do NOT want to be bitten to death, thank you very much! You're kidding me, right? That should be an obvious answer! ...Why did my first day to Namimori Middle have to turn out this way? Seeing Hibari-san in front of me is a nightmare!

Tsuna shook his head side to side right away. Hibari made a grunt of regalement, still with the damn smile on his face. How badly did the shorter boy want to scrub that smirk off the scary person's face! ...Hah. Like the previous sentence said, Hibari was a scary person. If Tsuna made an attempt to go against Hibari...well, let's just say Tsuna would be staring at those boring walls again.

His mind was telling him that he did not like the confrontation. However, his heart was telling him otherwise. ...Then again, it was Nagi-chan's heart. But, eeeeek. Having a heart that did not belong to him did not help at all! Especially if his new crush was Hibari Kyouya! ...Wait.

"H-how does H-Hibari-san know m-my name...?" Tsuna inquired, a twitch made to show his surprise.

He was sure his heart beat even faster knowing the fact that Hibari knew his name. Gah! If only the person in front of him was...Nagi-chan... Even if Nagi was dead, he could feel the sadness of their now broken relationship. His heart was clutching in pain of losing the one person he loved. Even if he had Nagi's heart, he still knew the pain of losing her...

Hibari noticed the change in the other boy's expression. He could even feel sadness coming from the other. He put on a slight frown, seeing that the boy was much more of an herbivore than he came to conclude. Much, much more... Herbivores like him were left to die on their own. Pity was their best friend in order to survive. Too bad Hibari was nothing like that.

"Herbivore, you're new," he started explaining. "The principal told me to escort you. And, being new, it's not hard to forget your name. That goes for everyone new to Namimori Middle. Besides, the whole student body has been talking about you."

After hearing the explanation, the boy blinked. Everyone...knew him? Already? But he never even attended Namimori Middle! Well, some of them probably went to the same elementary school as him, but there were so many other students from other schools who attended Namimori Middle. So, how the hell did everyone know who he was?

Hibari couldn't stay patient with the other anymore. He took Tsuna's wrist and started dragging the poor boy away. And boy was the grasp deadly. Enough to squeeze the circulation shut. Poor Tsuna was having trouble feeling anything with his now pale hand, but of course Hibari wouldn't care about such an unimportant detail.

The only thing the brunet was thinking was pretty pathetic for him. Oh my god. He's touching me! Touching me! His hand is gripping my wrist really tightly... Ow. But, oh gosh! He's touching me! And my heart is beating so much! What the hell am I supposed to do? ...Okay, I'm getting those stupid twitchy, tingling thingy feeling in my hands... BUT I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S TOUCHING ME. Does he want my heart to race even more?

"Make any motion of escaping and I'll gladly bite you to death."

"Hiieee! I'm following! I'm following!"

. 1827 .

Tsuna let out a long, long, long sigh.

He was just in the darn school for just fifteen minutes and gosh was he tired! More tired than just being in the hospital bed for hours and it was tiring just laying your butt down in the same place for hours...and hours...and days. Tsuna shuddered. He seriously hated that place, no matter how it kind of became his second home. Sure there were nurses and doctors he was close with, but ugh! No more walls, please.

Hibari made his beginning just peachy. Tsuna was so scared that he would get bitten to death at any given time. How did girls even fall for him? Okay, so maybe Hibari was pretty handsome, but still! That guy was deadly! The boy loved to be with his tonfas. They were like his...dolls. Tsuna giggled at that thought.

"Please come in!"

Oh, there was his cue. Taking a deep, long breath, Tsuna clutched onto his book bag and entered the classroom.

Eyes stared at his entrance automatically. Beads of sweat rolled down his face. He hasn't been in front of a bunch of people since...well, never. Tsuna never liked being in the center of attention. He preferred to be isolated with Nagi-chan. Crap. He was thinking about her again.

"I-I'm S-Sawada Tsuna...yoshi." What a great introduction. Yes, there was sarcasm in the previous sentence. "It's n-nice to m-meet you a-a-all... I-I hope y-you all take g-goo...d care of m-me...!"

Lame, lame, lame! I'm such a loser!

Someone's clapping broke him from his thoughts. The brunet looked around the room until he saw the source of the clapping. His eyes widened when he saw a familiar girl smiling to him. That was...right, Uni! There was more clapping...coming from Bluebell and I-Pin! Soon the whole class echoed with applause and the boy was left in front of the room with a small blush on his face.

"Hi, Sawada-san!" Uni greeted loudly, waving a hand to him with a bright smile on her face.

Bluebell and I-Pin both joined in the waving and the boy happily waved back. At least there were some people he knew. He was glad to have ended up in the same class with the three girls. Really. The boy knew no one else except for those five girls he met face-to-face at the funeral. Thank Nagi for that.

"Why don't you sit down in the empty seat in the back next to Bluebell?" the teacher stated, not really saying the sentence as a question.

Tsuna nodded in response and hurriedly walked to the chair before grabbing even more attention. That kind of failed, though, since many of his new classmates were still staring at him. That kind of reminded him of what Hibari told him about how most of the student body knowing him. ...That was freaky. Knowing him? He might have heard that wrong?

A folded sheet of paper landed on his desk. That paper even had his name on it. Blinking, Tsuna looked around the room to see who wrote it. The only one looking at him mischievously was Bluebell. She handed him a pen to write a response.

The boy opened up the note. Half of him was curious to know what was written in the note and the other half of him was kind of afraid to find out. Hm...

So, Tsuna, since I have a window seat I noticed that stupid prefect having a chit-chat with you. And boy, did I see you all nervous and stuff! Is he your crush or something?


The lecturer turned to the now risen student with an annoyed glace. "Sawada, do you have a problem you would like to share with the class?"

"N-n-no sir! I'm s-sorry!"

The eldest in the room rolled his eyes and went back to the lesson, not sparing another look to the poor teen. Kids these days. Did they not know the beauty of education? Sheesh!

Tsuna sat back down, now blushing red from humiliation from the attention and the note. D-did Bluebell actually write that? No way! He did not have a crush on Hibari Kyouya! That was...Nagi's heart crushing on him! ...Oh, who was he kidding? Now he was the one to deal with the heart. That meant he was the one with the crush on the prefect... GOSH.

Gripping the pen tightly in his hand, Tsuna started to scribble some words down.

I do not have a crush on Hibari-san! That's absolutely absurd!

. 1827 .

"Are you sure I could have some of your food, guys? I feel bad..."

"Don't be silly, Tsuna-san!" Haru gleefully answered. "You could take as much as you want! Right, girls?"

He received nods, except from Bluebell who preferred to stick her tongue out playfully. The boy let out a sigh, but nonetheless sat down with the girls. Oh, why did his mother not pack him lunch? She must have forgotten, the ditzy woman. Oh well. He was pretty forgetful, too...

They were all on the roof of the school building, unpacking their bentos. Except Tsuna, that is. The boy was reluctantly (and hungrily) waiting for the delicious meals. Gosh he looked so stupid with his mouth watering. Hospital meals got pretty boring.

"How was your first day so far, Tsuna-kun?" Kyoko asked with a gentle smile embroidered on her lips. A giggle then escaped from her mouth. "I heard some screaming before from your class. I have a feeling that came from you, Tsuna-kun."

Bluebell let out a laugh while Uni and I-Pin giggled. A few beads of sweat dropped from the boy's forehead as red scattered across his cheeks. That moment was...embarrassing! Oh, why did Kyoko have to remind him? And...ugh, Bluebell!

Said girl was snickering. The concrete below the picnic mat looked lovely right now. Tsuna wanted to smack his head on it. Hard. Just until he forgot the humiliating first minutes of school.

"Sawada-kun was screaming over a note Bluebell wrote to him," I-Pin started saying with light fits of laughter.

Tsuna was shocked that she was the one who chose to speak. "NO, I-PI –" The boy was cut off by Bluebell's hand covering his mouth. "Mmpfh!"

I-Pin handed the note to the two girls not present in their class. In case anyone was wondering, Bluebell had handed the note to Uni and I-Pin right after class. Darn the long, blue-haired girl! Devious little girl.

Kyoko and Haru burst out laughing. The red on his face became so clear at that point. It looked permanent, haha. Poor Tsuna.

"Oh, Tsuna-kun. I didn't know you had a crush on Hibari-san!"

"Tsuna-san, I support you one-hundred percent!"

After much struggling, Tsuna was freed from Bluebell's grasp. Gosh, that girl was strong! "I-it's not l-like that, though! I d-don't have a...cr-crush on H-Hibari-san!"

"Nuh-uh!" Bluebell teased, waggling her index finger back and forth. "You're so red right now, Tsuna! Besides, Hibari always beats up new students as a memento of their entrance! All the freshmen in this school have a mark on them or two. He's always threatening everyone to commit themselves to Namimori, pfft."

"And you don't have a scratch on you!" Uni concluded, still laughing.

He couldn't believe it. The girls were supporting him? What part of DO NOT HAVE A CRUSH ON THAT PREFECT did they not understand? Obviously the crush part and not the DO NOT. And so what if H-Hibari-san didn't smack him with his tonfas? That didn't mean anything...at all!

Tsuna took his pair of chopsticks (good thing I-Pin brought extras) and stuffed an egg roll in his mouth. He was pouting and glaring with denial, but the girls still continued chortling like no tomorrow. Didn't he know his girlish features did not have show any signs of him looking mad? Cute, but not mad.

The food was completely forgotten by the girls. The brunet let out a sigh.

"Okay, so maybe I do have a crush on H-Hibari-s-san," Tsuna started saying, getting devilish smiles from most of them. "B-but that's because Nagi-chan h-had a crush on h-him! And you know I have her...h-heart right now... Her heart is still b-beating...for h-him."

The laughing completely stopped at that point. She, Chrome, was brought up in the conversation. No one dared to say a word after his listless explanation. They continued eating in silence and the tension surrounding them only furthered the quiet atmosphere to last longer.

They all missed Chrome. She was just so sweet and shy. They never forgot the memories with her, mostly of her cute and demure talks about Hibari. Just for their good friend, they all would try making an effort to strengthen the relationship between her and the prefect. The girl was hopelessly in love with him. She would talk shyly and sometimes nonstop about the disciplinarian. It was adorable, but none of them would hear that now. Chrome was gone now. Out of sight. Scratch that, out of the world...

The door of the rooftop slammed open a little while after. And who was it...?

"Of course it's Hibari," Bluebell said, rolling her eyes.

He glared at her, which the girl didn't bother flinching to. "Herbivores, get off the roof."

"And why should we?" the blunette snapped. "For your information, we always eat lunch on the roof and no one said anything about it before, not even you! So...bleh!" She stuck her tongue out at him.

Hibari gave her a cold look. "I'm going to take a nap, so get out of my sight."

Tsuna felt the prefect's attention turning to...him. The brunet's heart skipped a beat and his insides were flipping out on him. Tsuna was sure that he never felt this strongly for someone else, not even Nagi. ...Oh, why did she have to feel this much for such a scary person? If Hibari knew about this, well...

Welcome to hell, me...

"We'll leave," Kyoko said. The orange-haired turned back to her friends. "Let's just leave, guys. Lunch break is almost over, anyway. We should hurry back to class before we're late."

"R-right," Tsuna agreed. Really, if we don't leave now, I don't think my heart will be able to handle this...! As much as my heart loves getting attention from H-Hibari-san, my mind is telling me to get out of his sight! I think it's best if I avoid getting into trouble by him, anyway...

The raven-haired teen waited until no one was present on the rooftop. He sighed contently and plopped down into his usual napping position. Ah, peace and quiet. Just the way things should be instead of there being noise from herbivores crowding around. People these days just did not understand tranquility anymore. That's why troublemakers should just get bitten to death.

He couldn't nap right away, though. There was something troubling him. That boy... Why had he not given the original "bite-to-death" welcoming like he did with other newcomers? Of course. Hibari had thought about it and was looking forward to the herbivorous screams given by such a frail boy, but...

So much for a nap. Darnit.

. 1827 .

"So, Tsuna..."


. 27 .

xP... Meh.

Oh, so I have the girls calling Tsuna differently.
Kyoko - Tsuna-kun.
Haru - Tsuna-san.
I-Pin - Sawada-kun.
Bluebell - Tsuna.
Uni - Sawada-san.
Just in case, for reference, hehe. (:

I hope you guys all enjoyed this! Failed humor. ;A; I really can't write humor to save my life... But, anyway, I'll try to update soon! Thanks for wasting your valuable times to read this! -heart- Review if you like! xD.