Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia. If I did, who knows what would happen...


America sighed and wiped sweat off his brow as he sat in the back of the Humvee as he and his teammates and their convoy made their way down a deserted desert road deep in the heart of Iraq. He had been here for a few months now, and missed his family and friends back home in the states, but he had to be out here with his people, fighting to protect his country and freedom like the hero he was. Though the stress of combat was beginning to take a toll on him. Sighing, Alfred scanned his surroundings, nerves tight and on high alert, looking for the slightest move that would betray the enemy.

"Yo Alfred!" Lt. Mark Cain said, turning to look at said person for a second.

"Whats up?" Al said, looking away from the window and leaning up to talk to Mark, who was driving their Humvee.

"You see anything?"

"No. Just sand. Why? Do you?"

"Yeah, there's this weird looking ditch in the road." At that comment, Alfred carefully stuck his head out the window, and, sure enough, saw a depression in the road.

"Pull over to the side of the road and stop, we should check to make sure it isn't an IED.(1)"

"Yes sir." Mark said as he pulled off the main road and prepared to stop the Humvee. Before he could though, an explosion came from the left, sending the car flying to the side. Alfred cried out in pain as his side of the car slammed into the ground, and he felt the metal dig into his leg as the Humvee began rolling down a sand dune. Soon it stopped, but Alfred's head was still spinning, and he couldn't see due to the blood running into his eyes from a cut on his forehead and the thick smoke that blanketed the area. Alfred could hear others in his convoy yelling and guns firing, but the pain overwhelmed him and he blacked out.

A/N: Hey! LittleK3 here! I know I am still writing another story, but this idea has been bugging me and I needed to get it out. I was just bored and thinking about stories and stuff when this plot idea came into my mind, and it wouldn't go away so I had to write it down. And VIOLA! We get this lovely piece of literature! I hope you all enjoy it and let me know if you think it's worth continuing!

1: IED- Improvised Explosive Device