
Previously uploaded on my other channel ALDETwilight14 which I do not use anymore.


"Careful!" The Hatter said and steered Alice around past the post, which she was going to hit.

"Is it really necessary to close my eyes?" Alice said and gingerly held her arms in front of her trying to navigate her way through the darkness.

"Yes its completely necessary my dear!" he said and Alice felt him turn her sharply to the right.

"Okay…..OPEN" he declared and Alice opened her eyes.

She was standing in a large airy room with sunlight coming from small windows around the room. It was mainly occupied with a large working desk in the far right corner, which had various tools, and hat models situated on top of it.

There was also a cosy large bed with a patchwork quilt spread on the bed, and a massive marble chimney put next to it.

"Oh My Goodness! This is….absolutely stunning" Alice breathed and stroked the quilt with one finger.

"Oh fantastic! I hoped you would like it. See I have put my desk over here so I can work from home and I've put a bed for you and I…well us… to sleep in…and relax….and…and" he trailed off and coughed. Alice smiled privately and turned her hand and placed her hand on his face.

"Its lovely" she laughed and he relaxed, smiling as Alice stared around the room, visually intrigued.

"I'm glad" and they smiled in unison. Behind her the clock chimed five.

"We're late" he muttered and lazily looked at the clock.

"For a very important date?" she whispered and the Hatter bent down and kissed her slowly.

"Exactly" he said against her lips. They stood in the centre of the room for a long minute, until they heard some running footsteps.

"Duck" Alice guessed and they bent down at the exact moment the March Hare burst into the room and threw a teapot at them.