This is the story of a female and teenage Raito Yagami, and how she becomes a lit like Helen Keller. She loses not only her seeing and hearing abilities, but also her basic knowledge of how to communicate with the outside world, all when she's only seventeen years old. But then L Lawliet comes along, and is basically her sign language teacher, much like Helen's Anne Sullivan. Can L save her from the scariest world out there; the world of darkness and silence?

BTW, to be less serious and dramatic, there will be lots of cute L and Raito moments, especially one that the very, very end of it.

Sight and Sound


In the fields behind her house, Raito Yagami was just strolling along, minding her own business. Then, all of a sudden, without warning, something light hit her on the head, and startled her. Once it hit the ground, she saw that it was a notebook of some origin. She picked it, read the cover that said Death Note, and then looked up at the sky right above her head. There wasn't anything, not a measly cloud in the sky, just the approaching sunset.

The short brunette girl looked back down at the strange notebook, and opened it to the first page. Inside was a black page with white handwriting, and it was in English. Raito didn't take English classes at her high school, so she had no idea what anything said. As she flipped through the pages, the black papers quickly ran out, and the rest was just ordinary, regular-looking, lined notebook paper. Raito found no use for this notebook, so when she got back inside her large home, she put the Death Note in the fireplace, and she never gave that decision a second thought. Raito soon went to bed after that.

The next morning, when the brunette girl woke up, she could not see, hear, or make sense of anything going on around her. She could not understand the games of charades her family would play to make her understand, nothing made sense anymore. She did not even know her own name, or anyone else's names. She didn't even know what a name was anymore.

All of that pure and rich knowledge was suddenly taken away from Raito overnight, in the blink of an eye! All she knew anymore was the way around her house, her nameless family members, and that she was trapped inside her own body with no idea how to save herself.

Once she found someone by touching them, she patted her eyes and ears to try telling them what was wrong. The person she'd found was her mother, Sachiko, and she screamed once she saw her daughter's eyes. As she lifted her daughter's face in her hands, she could see that her once bright chestnut eyes were now clouded and light grey over her irises and pupils.

No one could have predicted, however, that this was her punishment for destroying the Death Note. And the person who inflicted this punishment onto her wasn't a person at all, or even human, he was a Shinigami. The Shinigami King to be more specific.

And no one could have guessed that only one man could free her from her prison of darkness and silenceā€¦

So hopefully this idea caught your attention. I hope you will enjoy reading this! The chapters will hopefully be short, sweet, and to the point. Because I notice that I add detail after detail, and the story just goes on forever.

Also, I am only taking a short break from Adopting and Adapting to upload this. Yes, it's a mean thing to do, but this little "side dish" story will hopefully entertain you too.

Get ready for fluff! Lots and lots of fluff!