Texts For Specs

I promised specsO-O I would write this sexting story ages ago!

I wrote it while watching a movie for the second time because some friends really wanted to see it, so it was written in crazy sprawled-out handwriting on a notebook in the dark! I can't believe I could read what I wrote later. Sorry it took me so long to post it, Specs.

So here it is.

It's rated M for implications. It's a true M, not MA, so that's pretty close to PG-13 anyway. (They're just texts...) *innocent fluttering of eyelashes

I don't think I'm really invading these characters' privacy any more than they are accustomed to on Glee. Not that I mind when people take the characters and put them in AU. Then it doesn't feel like invading the characters' privacy because they're no longer really the same guys from the show, in a way. But here, I have them in-character straight from the show, so I couldn't bring myself to push them to share with us any further than they signed up for on Glee. If that makes sense! I hope that doesn't make it much less interesting as far as sexting goes...

(And I disclaim any ownership and all that.)

A tip for reading this one: Pay attention to the text names.

PUCK 11:37 p.m.
Hey there K... How's my sultry Lima lover 2nite?

Noah Puckerman 11:42 p.m.
Ah… you're with the idiot right now, aren't you Baby?

Kay 11:43 p.m.
Maybe. What's it to you?

Noah Puckerman 11:43 p.m.
I've grown accustomed to u replying instantly. You can't resist me, girl.

Kay 11:43 p.m.
Gotta stop myself and give u some mystery one day. Damn. You're too f-ing hot 4 ur own good.

Noah Puckerman 11:44 p.m.
Almost worked tonight. Had me worried for a few minutes there.

Kay 11:44 p.m.

Noah Puckerman
U know what happens when u keep me waiting. Punishments...

Ooh I should have thought of that. Missed opportunity...

Noah Puckerman
You made me wait minutes! What happened, is idiot really over?

You're the idiot. What minutes? I try not to reply right away but you're a dangerous drug, Puckerman. My phone vibrates and my whole body instantly blushes for you.

It drives me crazy sometimes, remembering how I saw you blush the first time we met.

There you go. Nice job! Make me wait. Now I'm vibrating like your phone.

U remember that day we met? I think I've secretly been in love with you since then.

Noah Puckerman
Oh, you're worrying me now, girl!

I'm worrying you how? I was the last one who hit send, "boy"!

Noah Puckerman
You are such a tease, K!

You're describing yourself. Come over here and make it up to me.

Noah Puckerman
You are in so much trouble, Baby. Just you wait.


Noah Puckerman
You had better watch your window tonight, Miss K. The Puckerman invasion could come at any time.

Prove it.

OK, that does it. That slim waist and sensitive neck are getting some attention from ol' Puck tonight, not to mention that rockin' ass...

Give me a list of what you want me to do.

After Kurt's phone had buzzed loudly on the bedside table for like the sixth time or something, Blaine grabbed it to be sure there wasn't some emergency. Looked like just something from his friend Puck that could wait. What does "a list of what you want me to do" mean? Some Glee club thing maybe. Kurt looked so peaceful in his deep slumber oh god Blaine loved the way he looked when he slept next to him... oh man, how in the world did he get so lucky to be able to see this kind of beauty whenever he wanted? Oh WOW, whenever he wanted? OH, yes… yes, he wanted. He couldn't stop watching Kurt sleep even for the moment it took to toss the phone onto the floor where the vibrate wouldn't make any more noise.

Here I am trembling and waiting...

Noah Puckerman
OK I'll make the list. Step 1: I seduce you away from the idiot.

Good so far. (You really think I should drop him?)

Squinting to read the display on his broken phone, Puck was getting frustrated. He was already on his way to Kay's house, walking there in case her no-good boyfriend was there, so he could sneak in and once and for all rescue her from that idiot and convince her that she didn't have to take his abuse.

The thing about her boyfriend was that he wasn't a horrible guy, he was just so obviously with her for the status and didn't care about her at all and talked about her disrespectfully behind her back. Puck had almost beat him up for it a couple times, but Kay was the one who needed to have her mind turned in order to learn not to be with that kind of guy.

The thing about his phone was that he could barely read the display through the spidery cracks that formed when he had dropped it out of his car window the other day, and every time he wanted to send a text he had to go all the way to the home screen and then back to contacts in order to be able to get a compose field to come up. He really was getting a new phone any day now. But for now it was seriously frustrating and wouldn't even be worth texting at all if it weren't for how hot this girl's texts always were. Plus, he had a plan. If he showed up at her house before he laid out the groundwork, he wouldn't be able to get her away from that idiot for good this time, the way he wanted.

She was a tricky one, though. She was very set in her ways and wouldn't listen to what anyone else said, thinking they were imposing their opinions on her. She had to be led to make her own decisions. He had to first get her away from that guy and back with him even if only for a night. She hated being told what to do... unless it was in Puck's bedroom. And that's where he planned to get her in phase one of helping her see the true nature of that jerk she needed to break up with.

Seriously, K. That guy is no good for you. He's just a pretty-boy. You need a man who doesn't try to control you, but can take you...

...over his knee when you're acting bitchy and all diva, and can bring u 2 your senses with mind-blowing kisses, Puck style.

Noah Puckerman
In short, you don't need him, Baby. You need Puck as often as possible.

Starting tonight?

Oh man I wish I could come over there right now and give you so much Puck you'll never have room in your brain again for another guy.

Kurt felt Blaine stir and he fluttered his eyes open briefly to see if his accidental bed partner was OK. He was just a little jumpy because he was sure his Dad and Finn and Carole must all be home by now, and Blaine hadn't meant to fall asleep in his arms, so when they realized, they figured they'd just have to sneak him out in the morning before anyone else woke up, which is the part that had Kurt anxious.

Somehow, just being held by this guy even in sleep and the peaceful look on his contentedly dozing face made any anxious thoughts fall right out of Kurt's mind. All he needed to do in order to regain his blissful surrender was to settle his head back down into that perfect spot he had found on this warm and comfy chest. He couldn't help brushing his lips across his sleeping boyfriend's chest once he breathed in his scent and felt the brush of the soft hair there he'd never gotten to sleep on before.

What was that annoying sound? Oh. His phone. It's vibrating on the floor. Why's it on the floor? Who on earth would be texting him in the middle of the night?

Noah Puckerman
But… maybe I can come over, maybe I can't... First, we must complete the list, since you wouldn't write one for me.

You were the one who started a list and then got all distracted from it. I believe you were on step 2.

Ah! So NOW you need the step 2 Baby.

Bleary-eyed, Kurt managed to grab his phone from the floor and tried to make sense of the text from Puck. What steps? To "Baby?" Kurt thought the New Directions guys already got Justin Bieber out of their systems while he was away at Dalton, thankfully. Since when does Puck do any of the choreography for the New Directions? Weren't they doing original songs for Nationals? Why would he be texting plans for dance steps to a dumb song like Baby? Kurt was too tired to scroll back to the previous text to make sense of it. It could wait until morning. There was a warm, sweet, gorgeous, cuddly boyfriend in his bed he needed to be snuggled up with again right now.

Noah Puckerman
Smooooth. You're not gonna beg for it. I like that. So I'll give it to you.

Noah Puckerman
Step 2: Once I get you away from idiot, I remind you what it feels like to be with a real man again.

I remember vaguely. Remind me.

Noah Puckerman
Remember the lifeguard shack last summer?


Noah Puckerman
Yeah you were mmmm-ing a lot louder than that when I got you into that shack.

Noah Puckerman
And up onto that table.

Ooooh. That table.

Noah Puckerman
Yeah that table, K.

Noah Puckerman
You have a desk in your room the same height as that table...


Noah Puckerman
I've never done anything about that before. Probably because I know there's no way you'd be able to stay quiet if I did.

Maybe I could

Noah Puckerman
Oh yeah? After I toss you up on that desk and then saunter toward you? Not even a whimper?

Sure, I could do it.

Noah Puckerman
And after I pull your legs around me? You'd stay totally silent?

Uuuummmm I'd try. Might quiver a lot, trying to stop the sounds from escaping these kissable lips. Maybe if you let me bite down on your hand the whole time...

You can have my hand in your mouth to use however you like while I do things to you that would normally make you scream.

...and stay silent yourself, maybe I could be quiet-ish then.

Blaine was dreaming that his mom was shaking his shoulder to wake him up. Then he actually woke up and realized that something really was shaking his shoulder. Oh, there was something uncomfortable under his shoulder. Felt like a cel phone. Why is there a phone under my shoulder?

He couldn't move without disrupting Kurt who was draped over him, his head settled on his chest (exactly where Blaine wished it could stay forever, with this warm breath periodically wafting across his pecs… oh man how did I get this lucky) and his arm pinning him down, his hand lazily curved over Blaine's shoulder ah so that's how the phone got there.

He couldn't use his other arm, as there was a boy on it at the moment and he didn't want to change any part of that. All he could do with that arm was reach up to stroke Kurt's back all he wanted, but that was all that arm wanted anyway.

The phone buzzed again, so he reached with the arm attached to that shoulder, bending his elbow as much as it would go, trying not to move around too much to disturb his sweetly cuddling boyfriend, and awkwardly fumbled with his fingers at the phone until he dislodged it from under him and took a look at it.

I don't think you can stay quiet at all. Especially when it reminds you of the ecstasy I brought to the table last time.

He just stared at the text while that stupid iPhone "slide to unlock" prompt kept flashing, until the screen blinked off again and went black. He didn't want to swipe the "slide to unlock" thing to open the phone up even though Kurt didn't have any password lock on it. If he swiped he'd have access to anything on Kurt's phone. He really didn't want to do that. It felt like a breach of trust. He knew Kurt so well and trusted him and knew how well Kurt knew and trusted him. This was nothing. This had to be just some weird phrasing related to whatever glee club list thing Puck was texting about earlier.

He decided to put the phone back on the floor. Until it buzzed again in his hand and another text popped up.

I can picture it now, you struggling to muffle your screams from all my Puck magic on your neck, your shoulders, those cute ears...

Blaine's vision almost went white and his ears started to buzz. What is this about? What is Puck doing? Is he drunk? He's so definitely straight, though. He's a stud who can have any girl he wants. What the heck? Then again, he's kind of overly into sex, and seems to go for as many partners as possible. That could be just a facade, though. Maybe he's really sweet to the girls he's with. Then again, maybe he doesn't actually get that many girls. Or maybe when he's drunk he realizes he's attracted to guys too. Maybe it's just Kurt, which is entirely possible for anyone, Kurt is so gorgeous and perfect and amazing. Oh my gosh at Regionals, Puck looked so emotional when we sang our duet. He was practically in tears. And I thought I saw him give Kurt the sign language sign for love, although he might have just been clutching his chest, which is really not much less emotional. But why would he send a text like this to Kurt in the middle of the night? Does he take drugs? Wait. "Last time?" That last text... He talked about a table and "last time." Oh, god. What is going on.

Oh man you're doing a great job with the mystery tonight. Making me wait for your responses. The idiot IS there with you, isn't he?

Noah Puckerman -missed call

Ooops missed your call! Fell asleep for a sec there. Dreamt of you though.

That's OK. I know you're dreaming of me. It's only natural.

Noah Puckerman
You're dreaming that I'll come over there and take you away from him and show you how it's really done.

Oh yeah, and what are you going to do exactly?

You have no idea how much of a tease you are to me, K.

I'm waiting... What are you gonna do?

All I want to do is ravish that body repeatedly until you're mine and only mine.

Then you can finally leave that too-handsome pretty boy and come be with me, where you belong.

Seriously K, you need a stallion like me. You've always known this.

Noah Puckerman
You know you've always wanted me more. Who makes you moan, K?

Mmmm. OK I surrender. I won't be able to be quiet. You'd better sneak me out of the house.

Of course. I know your dad has a shotgun.

And he doesn't trust me. When I figure out how to make him trust me, I'm gonna be at your front door all proper-like.

But tonight...

Noah Puckerman
Tonight's a different story.

Tonight you shouldn't think of anything but our bodies moving together.

Noah Puckerman
Tonight is all about you and me and nothing else.

I'm ready to liberate you from pretty boy.

Hey K, I want you to remember that kiss. Last summer. Before I dragged you into the lifeguard shack. That kiss. THAT kiss. Keep that in your mind until the next time I see you.

Blaine's mind was spinning with ideas for how this could all be in Puck's head or... something. Anything. He'd gone from confusion to anger to rage as these texts came pouring in. Then absolute shocked horror at that last text.

His dizzy head went back to confusion as he grappled blindly for any explanation. Please let Puck just be really drunk or, or, or near-dead from a violent head wound and texting from jail or something. Come on, chill, Blaine. Calm down. Breathe. Maybe he took some drug, something hallucinogenic? There had to be an explanation.

Kurt didn't kiss him last summer.

Did he?

Noah Puckerman 12:26 a.m.
Baby, look out your window. I'm here.

Kay 2:04 a.m.
I remember what a real man is, Noah. And I'm not going back.

Noah Puckerman
K, you made me turn away from you to look at my phone and it's a text from you. From the other side of the bed. U crazy.

Then why are you typing replies instead of getting back over here?

Noah Puckerman

Two hours after the texts stopped, Blaine's mind was still spinning, looking for any explanation to all of those texts he had seen from Puck. There is no way Kurt would have deceived him about his first kisses and the other related parts of his history that were such important pieces of his story and his psyche and the very things that he and Blaine shared about each other and worked through together. They could not all be lies. They couldn't. He couldn't possibly have kissed Puck.

But Puck said it. Plain and simple. No room for interpretation there. That kiss. Last summer. There is no other possible meaning to that. Unless it was some kind of acting thing? For glee club or some summer theatre thing? Maybe Puck was affected by some fake stage kiss and wanted Kurt to know that? But he said he pulled him into a lifeguard shack! What the heck?

Maybe if he opened Kurt's phone and read all the previous texts from Puck it would shed some light on these later ones. Maybe it would explain everything. What if the first texts would instantly put his mind at ease? He should just look.

He looked around the floor searching for where the phone had ended up after he had literally thrown it earlier. It was almost on the other side of the room. He started to get up, and Kurt made a small sound into his neck then slid his head back down to that better-than-a-pillow spot on Blaine's chest. If he got up to get Kurt's phone, he wouldn't have this sleepy cuddly thing of perfection warm against his body for a few minutes! He couldn't bear that. It was the first time he'd gotten to sleep with his boy in his arms. He tightened his arm around Kurt and caressed his side while dropping his head back to the pillow and staring up at the ceiling for some kind of insight.

The texts waiting in Kurt's phone, unread by anyone, meant for Kay, assumed by Puck to have been read by Kay, innocently (in the sense that the texts themselves thought that they were perfectly appropriate for the intended recipient) actually made no sense in Kurt's phone, but eerily looked like they could, in some alternate universe. Such as maybe Puck's altered mind if he had been in the worst state of all that Blaine imagined, and had taken some hallucinogenic drug...

Hey there K... How's my sultry Lima lover 2nite?

It drives me crazy sometimes, remembering how I saw you blush the first time we met.

There you go. Nice job! Make me wait. Now I'm vibrating like your phone.

U remember that day we met? I think I've secretly been in love with you since then.

OK, that does it. That slim waist and sensitive neck are getting some attention from ol' Puck tonight, not to mention that rockin' ass...

Give me a list of what you want me to do.

Seriously, K. That guy is no good for you. He's just a pretty-boy. You need a man who doesn't try to control you, but can take you...

...over his knee when you're acting bitchy and all diva, and can bring u 2 your senses with mind-blowing kisses, Puck style.

Oh man I wish I could come over there right now and give you so much Puck you'll never have room in your brain again for another guy.

Ah! So NOW you need the step 2 Baby.

You can have my hand in your mouth to use however you like while I do things to you that would normally make you scream.

I don't think you can stay quiet at all. Especially when it reminds you of the ecstasy I brought to the table last time.

I can picture it now, you struggling to muffle your screams from all that Puck magic on your neck, your shoulders, those cute ears...

Oh man you're doing a great job with the mystery tonight. Making me wait for your responses. The idiot IS there with you, isn't he?

That's OK. I know you're dreaming of me. It's only natural.

You have no idea how much of a tease you are to me, K.

All I want to do is ravish that body repeatedly until you're mine and only mine.

Then you can finally leave that too-handsome pretty boy and come be with me, where you belong.

Seriously K, you need a stallion like me. You've always known this.

Of course. I know your dad has a shotgun.

And he doesn't trust me. When I figure out how to make him trust me, I'm gonna be at your front door all proper-like.

But tonight...

Tonight you shouldn't think of anything but our bodies moving together.

I'm ready to liberate you from pretty boy.

Hey K, I want you to remember that kiss. Last summer. Before I dragged you into the lifeguard shack. That kiss. THAT kiss. Keep that in your mind until the next time I see you.

As Blaine stared at the ceiling and concentrated on the rise and fall of Kurt's chest against his side, and the smoothness of his skin under his caressing hand, he felt this perfect warm amazing boy stir and looked to see him open his eyes for just a split second. He made a sound of "mmm" which was so clearly a sound of happiness at awakening and remembering that here he was sleeping with Blaine. He smiled blissfully up at Blaine, squeezing his eyes at him and then looked like he just couldn't open them again and fell right back asleep on Blaine's shoulder. Feeling his sweet boyfriend's breath on his neck, all Blaine could see anymore was that look. Blazed into his eyes forever was that look Kurt had on his face in that brief moment of waking and finding himself in Blaine's arms.

And then all at once, everything became simple. All of the racing thoughts in his mind came together to one point of light and shone brighter than any decision he had ever made before. He trusted Kurt. He knew Kurt well enough to know he doesn't lie or deceive or hide anything. He knew that all of this would make sense at some point, and no thinking he could do on his own tonight was going to do it. He knew without a shred of doubt that once Kurt was awake and read all of the texts, everything would become clear. He could go back to sleep now, worry-free, in his boyfriend's arms.

He ran his fingers through Kurt's hair and kissed the top of his sleeping head. Kurt stirred a bit and then adjusted onto his side, nuzzling his head onto Blaine's bicep now, and Blaine curled over toward him, their legs intertwined. He took Kurt's hand that was lying between them barely touching Blaine's chest, and even though he was asleep and wouldn't know it, kissed Kurt's hand and then kept their fingers laced together for the rest of the night.




-Tweet by Curt Mega, April 30, 2011: "Love is... slipping your hand into someone else's while they are asleep and still they hold on tightly."



-Tweet by Curt Mega, May 30, 2011: "Beauty is... a passing glance between two hearts, where eyes speak admiration more loudly and clearly than words ever could."




A/N - I wrote some more stuff about the next morning and so forth, but I think it's nice to end it here, showing how clear it is that their relationship is so strong that we simply know they'll figure it out. But it could be fun to see if they mess with Puck or something. Or take his texting example to heart…

Maybe make it a two-shot to get some of that in? What do you think? Is it more powerful to end it like this?

Thanks for reading, and remember: beware of what you text! It may not always be as private as you assume...