
I. Do. Not. Own. This was originally written by StarryEyedLove on Quizilla but her evil cousin deleted all her stories. Someone sent me these and I thought I would share them with the rest of you lovelies... So! Without further ado, I give you... Meetings in the Tower. Happy Reading!

Hello! My name is Kyle (yes it can be a girl's name too okay?), I love writing and Harry Potter! I have the majority of this story already written on Word, it's pretty long. This is good news for you, because I will be able to update regularly unless there is a problem with computer. Anyways here's the first quiz!

Quick Description: Your name is Anna Darcy; you're sixteen years old, four feet eleven inches, with a petite, but athletic figure. You have wavy, shoulder-length, dirty blonde hair, freckly skin, and mischievous golden honey brown eyes.

"Well goodbye mum, I'll miss you!" you exclaimed, kissing her on the cheek, picking up your heavy trunk, and trotting off happily toward Platform Nine and Three Quarters.
"Anna Louise Darcy, you stay out of trouble now you hear me? If you get yourself expelled you will be in big trouble, young lady!" your mum said seriously.
"Oh come on mum, I've been going to Hogwarts for five years now and Dumbledore hasn't expelled me yet!" you exclaimed.

"I'm serious Anna, if you mess up it will not be pretty back home!" your mum yelled.
"I love you too, mum!" you called over your shoulder before running through the brick wall. You looked up at the large, steaming fire engine red train in front of you: the Hogwarts Express. Students and parents were all bustling around with their heavy trunks and hooting owls, rushing to get on the train before it left.

"ANNA!" someone yelled from behind you and you suddenly felt someone literally jump on top of you.
"Jeez I'm here two seconds and someone is already bloody attacking me!" you exclaimed before turning to see a beaming Hermione Granger, your smart, frizzy haired best friend.
"I've missed you so much!" she squealed pulling you into a tight hug.
"Aw- I've missed you too Herms!" you laughed hugging her back.
"I told you not to call me Herms!" Hermione scolded slapping you playfully on the arm.
"Why? Herms is so much cooler than Hermione, you have to agree!" you replied. She just rolled her eyes at you before grabbing your wrist and pulling you over to the train.
"Harry and Ron are saving us a compartment," she explained as she pulled you down the aisle to the very last compartment on the right. When she finally let go, you had a red handprint mark on your wrist.
"Wow Hermione I didn't know you could be so forceful!" you joked showing her your wrist.
She looked absolutely horrified at the sight of it, "Oh Anna I am so sorry! I'm just a little stressed out right now and a little nervous to be honest".
"Still stuck on the red head, huh?" you laughed, knowing that she meant she was nervous to be around Ron again. They had sort of left things off weird at the end of fifth year, they admitted they liked each other, but were yet to do anything about it.
"Yeah I guess..." she sighed before opening up the compartment door.

"ANNA!" Harry and Ron both yelled in unison before jumping on top of you much like Hermione had.
"Merlin! Do all you mental English people greet your friends by jumping on top of them? In Scotland we just hug!" you exclaimed in your famous Scottish accent. They both laughed before each giving you a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Harry looked very much the same as he did last year. He was quite good looking. He was medium height, with messy black and beautiful emerald green eyes. Ron also hadn't changed much; he was still tall and skinny, with his famous Weasley fiery red hair, freckles and bright blue eyes.
You all sat down in the same spots you had been sitting in every year for five years now, since the day you all first met on the train. You were next to Harry across from Hermione and Ron next to her. Hermione was fidgeting nervously with her hair and Ron was staring awkwardly out the window, turning redder and redder by the second.
"I reckon our friends have a bit of a crush on each other, hmm?" you whispered to Harry.
"I reckon they do" Harry replied with a smirk.
"What are you two whispering about?" Hermione asked clearly annoyed.
"Oh nothing" you answered in a singsong voice with a devious smile. Hermione opened her mouth to retort, but suddenly the door of the compartment swung open to reveal...

Draco Malfoy was standing in the door opening closely flanked by his ever-present gorilla-like cronies, Crabbe and Goyle. You looked up at him and felt your stomach do a flip-flop. He had definitely grown up over the summer. His long, shaggy platinum blonde hair was no longer slicked back, but left to hang free in front of his penetrating ice blue eyes. He was taller now and all that Quidditch practice had definitely made him more muscular.
"Potty, Weasel, Mudblood, and Anna" he hissed looking at each of you in turn.
"What no clever name for me Malfoy? I'm hurt, I really am." you said, sarcastically placing your hand over your heart.
"What do you want Malfoy?" Harry asked annoyed before Draco had a chance to respond to your comment.
"I just wanted to catch up with my old friends. I was hanging on to the hope that you had somehow gotten yourselves blown up over the summer." he sneered.
"Unfortunately, you don't have that good of luck, mate!" you chuckled.
"Shut it Darcy, I'm not in the mood to deal with psycho Ravenclaws right now." he hissed.
"The Psycho Ravenclaw, huh? I like it Malfoy! Hey, can I call you the Slytherin Asshole?" you asked in mock enthusiasm.
Hermione, Harry, and Ron all snorted as you said this. You had always been quick-witted, which pissed Malfoy off to no end. He hated to be shown up.
He glared maliciously at you, but to your surprise didn't respond. In fact he just turned and left the compartment without another word.

"He scared off quicker than usual this year," you laughed, "he seems sort of different though, doesn't he?" you asked becoming more serious.
"What do you mean?" Ron asked.
"I mean his hair isn't slicked back and everything, he is actually somewhat pleasant to look at this year. Plus he didn't go at us too much" you explained.
"Maybe he's sick" Harry suggested, "he's still Malfoy though, some things never change" he finished firmly.
"Yeah I guess you're right" you sighed looking distractedly out the compartment door.

"I'm going to go get changed into my school robes okay?" you said standing up and picking up your silver and dark blue Ravenclaw school robes.
"Yeah I think I'll go too" Harry said picking up his uniform and following behind you.
"I should get changed too-" Hermione began.
"NO!" you and Harry both yelled in unison clearly thinking along the same lines. You both wanted Ron and Hermione to spend some alone time in the compartment to get everything cleared up and their feelings out in the open. Hermione and Ron both looked a little surprised and offended by your sudden outburst though.
"I mean- you two should stay behind and make sure no one steals our stuff or takes the compartment." you said quickly.
"Yeah right, what Anna said!" Harry broke in nodding.

You both turned and walked down the aisle toward the changing stalls giggling with each other.
"Did you see their faces? We got to learn to be a little slyer Potter", you laughed.
"Yes we do, but let's just hope for now that they get everything cleared up. I mean it's obvious they're both crazy about each other", Harry said.
"Our babies are all grown up" you exclaimed pretending to cry.
He laughed and shook his head at you. "What about Anna, any new crushes this year?" Harry asked inquisitively.
"Nah- not really" you replied, "Boys are just so blah!" you said throwing your arms in the air for full effect.
"Oh come on you've never even had a boyfriend or a crush at all for that matter!" Harry whined.
"It's called playing hard to get my friend", you said with a wink. It was true you hadn't had a boyfriend in your five years at Hogwarts, but it wasn't like you never had the chance. You had been asked out by the likes of the two Quidditch captains Roger Davies and Oliver Wood, who all the girls drooled over. They just never really interested you as more than friends, no guys really had in Hogwarts. Then your mind flashed back to the feeling in your stomach when you saw Malfoy, 'no that's mental' you thought to yourself 'we're enemies'.
"What about you, anyone special you're after this year?" you asked.
"Well um- yeah I guess so" Harry replied, his ears turning a little pink and as if on cue Cho Chang, the beautiful Ravenclaw seeker, appeared from the girls changing room.

"Hello there Cho!" you greeted in a friendly voice, although you and her had never gotten along well. In your opinion she was a little on the stuck up side and a bit too prissy for your taste. Her opinion of you wasn't very nice either. In fact a lot of the Ravenclaws disliked you, because of your troublemaking ways. Ravenclaw had been winning the House Cup nearly every year, because they were all such perfect students until you arrived. You were always getting points docked off for pulling pranks and talking out of line. Filch and Snape, neither of which could stand you, took off most of the points.
"Hi Anna" she replied courteously, but there was unquestionably some coldness in her voice. "Oh hello Harry!" she greeted her voice brightening significantly when she spotted him standing next to you.
"H-hello Cho, have a nice summer?" Harry asked, his hands trembling slightly at his sides.
"Oh yes it was very nice. Well I hope I'll be seeing you around, Harry- and uh- you two Anna" she said before sweeping off down the aisle.

"Cho Chang... I should have guessed!" you laughed shaking your head at him.
"What can I say? There is just something about her, she makes me feel-" Harry started.
"All fuzzy inside?" you finished in teasing voice.
"Oh shut up shorty", he said before playfully shoving you in the shoulder causing you to bump into a group of chatting Hufflepuff second year girls. They all glared at you before walking away quickly.
"Oh I know you didn't just call me short!" you yelled pretending to be hurt. You only stood at four feet eleven inches and were often teased about how short you were. Harry just laughed at you before disappearing into the boys changing room. You walked into the girls changing room and leant against the wall waiting for a free stall to open up.

"Hello Anna, how are you doing?" a breathless voice asked from behind you and you turned to see your friend Luna Lovegood standing behind you. She had long, sandy blonde hair that now went all the way down to her hips. She had dreamy, grayish blue eyes that always seemed to be staring off into space. She wore a homemade bottle cap necklace around her neck and various clips, pins, and flowers all through her hair. Luna had always been one of your favorite people at Hogwarts, because she was the only one who could rival you when it came to craziness. Plus she was one of the few Ravenclaws who really accepted you.
"Hey Luna! I'm doing pretty well, how about you?" you replied happily.
"Oh I'm alright, I guess" she replied dreamily. "Did you hear what they are calling me now? Loony Lovegood! I must say they're getting cleverer with their nicknames" she laughed.
You laughed too; you always loved how Luna referred to the rest of the school population as them. She was never specific about who them actually was, but somehow you always understood what she meant.
"Well I think I've just been dubbed the psycho Ravenclaw!" you exclaimed, "Mwahaha!" you yelled out to some passing Slytherin third year girls who looked utterly repulsed by you. "Not too friendly Slytherins, are they?" you thought out loud.
"Nope, not friendly at all" Luna agreed shaking her head at the girls.

Finally a changing stall opened up, "I'll see you around!" you called to Luna before walking into the stall. You changed out of your long black, navy blue and gray patchwork skirt, your fishnet tights, black trainers and your black t-shirt that read 'Jinx' across the front in large, bold gray letters. You replaced these clothes with the gray pleated skirt, knee socks, black buckle shoes, white colored shirt, and blue and silver tie. You looked into the mirror and laughed at your reflection. You did look cute in the schoolgirl fashion, almost half way normal actually, but you felt so out of place in it.
You walked out of the changing stall holding your old clothes in a bag at your side. You walked out the room quickly, the constant glares from the Slytherin girls were making you a little uncomfortable, but in your haste you accidentally smacked right into someone sending you plummeting toward the ground.

"Watch where you're going Darcy!" Draco yelled rubbing his arm a little bit.
"Oh yeah- sorry about that Draco, just was in a little bit of a rush that's all" you said still on the ground trying to gather up all your clothes.
You looked up to see Draco was still standing there looking at you like you had three heads or something and you suddenly realized why. He had just been completely rude to you and you hadn't snapped back or come up with some witty remark, in actuality you had apologized to him.
To your shock he outstretched his hand to you, you took and he helped you up off the ground. He was still staring at you as if you were mental though.
"Is there something on my face?" you asked.
"Oh uh- no, I was just thinking that's all" he replied sounding a little embarrassed. He turned to walk away, but then stopped. "You know you look kind of cute in that uniform, you're one of the few girls who can pull it off", he said out of nowhere.
This caught your completely and totally off guard. This never happened to you, Anna Darcy had never before been left speechless. He smirked at you, seeing that you were struggling to find the right words for a response.
"Well you'd be pretty good looking yourself if you didn't wear that smirk all the time!" you finally responded before brushing past him. You could feel his eyes still on you as you turned and walked into your compartment.

"What happened to you?" Hermione asked as soon as you closed the compartment door.
"What are you talking about?" you said a little confused.
"Well you're blushing bright red for one thing and secondly you've got a bruise the size of London on you're stomach" she answered matter-of-factly.
You looked down to see you had forgotten to button the last few buttons of your blouse; enough was open to reveal the bruise that was beginning to form on your lower stomach. You quickly buttoned up your blouse hiding the bruise.
"I must have bumped into Malfoy harder than I thought" you said with a shrug.
"Did he hurt you?" Harry asked quickly getting up from his seat.
"No, no, no! It was more I hurt him actually. I was in a bit of a rush getting out of the compartment and boom!" you explained clapping your hands together to show that you two bumped into each other.
"So why are you blushing?" Hermione asked curiously.
"I don't know, I guess I'm not used to wearing such a short skirt" you replied while attempting to make your skirt a little longer by pulling it down.
Harry and Ron laughed at you, "You look good in a skirt, Anna, don't worry" Harry said.

You rolled your eyes at him and walked over the other side of the compartment to put your clothes away in your trunk. Then you sat down in your regular spot next to Harry and you all spent the rest of the train ride talking candidly about your new year at Hogwarts. For some reason though your mind kept wandering back to thoughts of Draco...