No one needed to know who she really was-to the world, she was just an over-imaginative girl with fantasies of magic and time travel.

But what the world didn't know was that these fantasies were reality for her-her boarding school she attended during term was Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as a top student, and during the summer, she travelled across the universe and back in her TARDIS-a machine now a rare valuable to time itself.

Taron-she called herself-Taron Cronos, Time Lady. Of course, she was not all that Time Lady. Her father, one of the last of the the Time Lords, ensured that his offspring would be the most brilliant beings to walk the Earth by breeding with the most spectacular species possible. Taron's mother happened to be a witch who had never fallen in love at Hogwarts, and who had solemnly sworn to hold out for a hero, or in Taron's father's case, a mad man with a travelling blue box.