In London, it was several days after the day that the first letter was sent from Taron's flat. Already, the Time Lady had rearranged some furniture (she got so bored) and moved around a few posters as she awaited Hugo's answer anxiously. It was pretty likely that he didn't like her, but the fact that Jesper hadn't arrived yet added to her worry and her concern.

She kept a poster of her father and his TARDIS in one corner of her room. He was an icon to her, and she wanted to venture around the entire Earth taking care of the human race if he ever decided to not… no, that was too difficult of an idea to bring into her mind. Taron loved her father and she hoped that, as a Time Lord, he would live out his "curse of the Time Lords," as he called it, and live for at least 1000 years. She didn't want him to go yet. Regenerate, maybe. But she was still her daddy's little girl. Nothing could break that bond.

As she sat letting her mind wander, she heard a scratching from somewhere in her sitting room. Getting up from her bed (where she was laying down) with a grunt, she realized that Fawkes, Hugo's beautiful owl, was sitting on her windowsill with a delicate letter stuck in his beak. As she let the great horned owl in, he soared around and landed on the edge of an antiquated chair, dropping the letter right into Taron's hands. She excitedly snatched the letter up into a proper position and ripped it open like a small child on Christmas morning. Fawkes loyally took his spot in Jesper's cage, eagerly waiting to get back to his master with a new letter. Taron took a few seconds before the words of Hugo's letter sank in.

Excitedly, she jumped out of her chair—nothing could ruin her day. Despite the idea of so many of her fellow Ravenclaws from Hogwarts, she did not just have a human crush on Hugo. It was something that only people of Gallifrey would understand; she felt the air fill with electricity every time the fiery ginger Gryffindor stepped in a room, she saw his past flash before her—she knew him inside and out, but he didn't know her hardly at all.

That was why Taron knew what she had to do—she had to show him Graceling, he had to know not whom she was, but what she was. To everyone besides her dad and herself, Taron was either a crazy girl who fantasized, or a skilled witch with the highest marks in Hogwarts; but to her dad and her, two of the last Time Lords, she was a Time Lady, someone who was living in her second body and someone who had the whole of time and space at her fingertips.

The day seemed to get brighter as Taron again heard the familiar "vworp" that sounded just a bit different from Graceling's engines—the Doctor had come home again.

Taron ran out of her building toward the police box in its same corner as usual, but stopped short of giving him a hug. There was another woman in the TARDIS with him—someone Taron had never met before.

And all Taron could hear was, "look at this face. Does it look BOVVERED to you?"

"Hi, dad!" Taron faked the excitement in her voice.

"Taron!" The Doctor exclaimed, embracing her. Over her dad's shoulder, Taron saw the woman's eyes glow with curiosity and sarcasm—two traits that no one but a Time Lady would have noticed.

"Don't believe we've been introduced," the lady said, pursing her lips.

"Right! Taron, this is my new friend Donna," he looked to Donna, "Donna this is my—erm—daughter, Taron."

"How many more daughters could you possibly have?"

"Well," he replied, tilting his head, "all honesty? Two." He held up two fingers. Donna's jaw dropped.

"So why did you want me to travel with you then, huh?" Donna challenged the Doctor, hands on her hips. By now, the Doctor had let go of Taron and sighed, turning between Taron and Donna.

"We went over this, Remember? The night with the Adipose? I want a mate to travel with. My daughters are successful enough in life that I can leave them be now."

"Well, good, 'cos I'm not matin' with you, Space Man! I just want to see the universe."

"That's the plan," the Doctor responded, and winked.

Now, Taron felt she could ask her dad a question of Donna. "Had you met Donna before you came to visit last?"

"Oh, yeah!" The Doctor explained that now that Donna's mother and eccentric grandfather knew him, he had to let Donna stay with them for sometime. It was like a contract they had going.

Taron didn't seem to know what to think about this Donna figure. Her first impression certainly wasn't an excellent one, but as a Time Lady and a caring Ravenclaw, she felt inclined to invite her to tea.

"Why not," Donna responded, "since I've been tossed like a salad in this crazy machine for the past few hours." She elbowed the Doctor jokingly and began to walk behind Taron, but the Doctor convinced Donna to go ahead so he could have a short conversation with his daughter.

"No. Magic." He warned. "She reacted, well, reluctantly when I told her about our race, but wizardry—it's a whole different beast.

As they stepped out of the TARDIS, Taron chuckled at Donna, who was investigating the green 1960's Volkswagon beetle.

"I never knew they did green in the sixties!"

Taron looked over to her dad and mouthed Graceling's name, tilting her head to the side questioningly. As he nodded, Taron continued with what she was going to say. "That's because it's not really a car. That's my TARDIS. Her name is Graceling. Want a peek?"

Donna's facial expression reminded Taron of a toddler in a candy store. "There's more than one?"

Taron nodded simultaneously with her dad. "This one is different from mine though," the Doctor stole Taron's thunder, which she immediately stole back.

"Because its Chameleon Circuit works. Watch!" Taron disappeared into her TARDIS, and before Donna knew it, the beetle had accelerated through time to a fancy 2005 model, then back to a classic. After showing off, Taron popped her head out and waved Donna and the Doctor into Graceling.

"Wait, I'll make it easier." As she ran into the small-ish TARDIS, it suddenly morphed into a perfectly normal-looking telephone booth, aside from the fact that it was lime green and said "GRACELING" along the top, rather than "TELEPHONE".

Now, Taron stepped out of the doors, seemingly appearing out of nothing, for she was not visible through the glass. "That should do it. Ah, I love having a working Chameleon Circuit."

After Donna got an inside look at Graceling's intricate interior design and her beautiful console, the three joined back together inside Taron's flat, where they shared tea around her perfectly simple coffee table and chatted up a storm.

"So, Taron, where will you be attending in the fall for the start of term?"

Taron exchanged glances with her father. "Well," the Doctor began, tilting his head to the side again, "I've sent her to a very selective school up to the North—we're not actually supposed to mention it."

"What, is it like a school for secret agents?" Donna asked, rolling her eyes.

Taron took charge here. "It's so small, that if I mentioned it to anyone, they wouldn't have the faintest idea."

"Oh," was the only response from Donna.

"Of course, it would be silly to say that if I told you, I would have to kill you," Taron chuckled, "because that is exceedingly violent and unnecessary." The entire group laughed.

As her father, the Doctor had to bring up his favorite subject: embarrassing Taron. "So, how's that date with that boy coming along, sweetheart," he asked.

Taron rolled her eyes, but played along. "Oh you know me, dad. I'm lucky when it comes to boys," she winked.

"Alright then…" Donna chuckled.

The day grew into the night, and warm conversation filled the air. Taron attempted to cook a meal without magic, and it was actually quite enjoyable. Life, according to the Time Lady and her father, was good or maybe even perfect. It was just as Taron had hoped it would be going.