A/N: Last chapter for this story guys. Rated M and all for the yummy yaoi goodness. Oh and please watch for the next and last installment of the Time series.

Sora - about a week and a half later

I think the moment both Riku and I found out about every little detail that completed the puzzle that had been our situation, every bit of stress or tension that might have been there before between us, was gone... It was a very strange feeling in a way, hard to grasp as there was nothing magical or any of the like to worry about anymore. I would now live in 2011 with my boyfriend, living in the same apartment. And that was that. While this was a great thing, definitely, I was rather sure both me and Riku were afraid it might get taken away from us again, so we weren't exactly enjoying it in all ways we could.

After returning to Las Vegas, Riku had instantly put my name on the mail box beside his and over the next couple of days we'd moved all my painting material into the guest bedroom, pushing the bed against the wall and it was now more used as a couch than it was a bed as I constantly sat on it to sketch.

Riku had than said that maybe we should get rid of his furniture and buy new ones together so they belonged to both of us. Instead we'd calculated how much it would have cost us to re-decorate and given that money to charity instead, since Reno's account was really, really bursting... So much so, Riku and I didn't actually have to work anymore if we didn't want too. But Riku liked his job and I was looking forward to getting to know the neighborhood and streets through the job as a post officer which I'd start in a couple of weeks.

We had gotten me a Wacom tablet though, along with the Adobe drawing programs that went along with it so I could start drawing digitally. It was hard getting used too, but it was also a lot of fun. Especially because I could just scan in my sketches and paintings and then retouch and tweak them on the computer after wards if I couldn't do a certain effect traditionally.

We'd fallen into a routine. I got up earlier than Riku did. Still, usually by the time I'd taken a shower and got coffee started, Riku would get up, drink coffee, take his shower and start working a couple of hours while I either toyed with the drawing programs on a computer in the same office as he, or I went to my painting room. We took walks sometimes, we ordered food in, and he'd even taken me to a restaurant. We cooked and did the dishes together. Watching movies while cuddled up was something we very much liked as well. And although we did talk and made sure to kiss each other the right amount every day... There was something off. It was like we'd occupied ourselves so over the last week and a half to not be able to bring up the subject of the future together.

We just silently agreed on certain things like my painting room, the office and that charity donation. It was this strange strain that was looming over us, one that was heavier than the issues we dealt with before. We'd figured it all out, but we hadn't gotten any confirmation on the matter. Was Reno alright in 1910? Did he truly not want to come back, or had he changed his mind? Would he ever change his mind? Did the curse really break or did it become worse when Riku and I talked to each other, spilling our secrets and not keeping each other in the dark or clueless anymore?

Or maybe it was just really hard for us to realize that this was real, that I was staying in 2011 and nothing could change that. Sort of like being smacked in the face with amazing news and you need a moment to be able to process it and then figure out how to react to it, only instead of that moment of processing lasting a couple of minutes, it dragged on for a couple of days.

Thinking about it, I was rather sure it was that last one as every morning when I'd wake up beside Riku, the first thing that assaulted my mind was, 'I am going to be waking up beside him for the rest of my life...' Which was a very good thing, it made me feel very happy; it was just very big to absorb.

Running my hands through my hair, I frowned at the wall before me as my thoughts circled through my mind, trying to make sense of them and hoping I could figure out a way to put an end to this irritating stall Riku and I seemed to be stuck in. We weren't on pause, we were on slow motion. Our actions were anyway. My mind wasn't, I really didn't understand why we were being so cautious. Sighing softly, I leaned back into the pillow, wiggling my toes while peeking over to my left, smiling softly at Riku's sleeping form. His arm was flung across my hips, his face pressed lightly into my side and I knew that if I moved down just a bit, his lips on my skin would tickle me. Maybe we needed to learn to start talking to each other instead of letting it bottle up to the point of bursting and then having it burst out.

Letting one hand slip out of my hair, I gently placed it on top of his head, scratching his scalp and pushing the locks of silver out of his face. One thing I was very sure of though, was that I loved him. However strange the situation seemed to be right now, that particular fact didn't waver.

"Why, in the name of god, have you two not gotten laid yet?" I yelped as the voice of Larxene suddenly presented itself in the room and I felt Riku stir out of his sleep.

"She better not really be here..." He mumbled and rolled to his back, blinking his eyes open. Staring at Larxene's figure that had appeared in a cloud of smoke smelling like lavender, I tore my eyes off of her and smiled apologetically down at Riku, pointing at Larxene who was sitting cross legged at the foot of our bed.

"Don't kick me. I'll curse you." She warned pleasantly.

"Dammit..." Holding the blanket to his chest, he slowly sat up and kissed my cheek. "Good morning, Sora." He said smiling, before sending Larxene a narrowed glare. "Morning, Larxene. Why are you on my bed?"

She tested the bed springs. "It's comfortable." Pointing out the obvious she sent him a sweet smile. "So, how'd you guys sleep? Good? What's for breakfast?"

I grabbed Riku's shoulder, keeping him from pushing her off the bed. "Don't push your luck, Larxene." I warned.

She grimaced. "I sorta prefer Reno now."

I raised an eyebrow, "Really...?"

"Yes. It's the tailor that bites, not Reno. He's one big softie, so it seems." Saix? He liked men? Woah...

Riku snickered and elbowed me. "Told ya he'd break it."

"Anyways..." Larxene drawled out. "The curse is officially broken. Reno will remain in 1910 while Sora will stay here in 2011. I'd like to point out that I can't actually change this, so if you suddenly changed your mind? Tough. You're not going back. You're stuck in 2011 forever."

Riku shifted on the bed and bit his lip. "You're sure? He's staying?"

Larxene pursed her lips, looking at us carefully before waving her hand, a short knife appearing out of nowhere which then dropped into the palm of her right hand. Lifting her left, she cut a quick X in the center of that palm, the blood flowing out, but when she spoke it was like time rewound and the blood moved back into the wound she'd cut.

"Witch's promise." She said solemnly, the wound now fading, her skin no longer marked and the knife she'd been holding was gone too. My lips parted and that strain I'd been feeling the last couple of days was slowly lifting it's weight off my shoulders. "If that wasn't enough, you can destroy the painting..."

"Hey!" I frowned. "I spent months on that thing."

"We don't have to destroy it, no worries. I'm sure she's telling the truth." Riku smiled, putting his hand on my leg and squeezing it gently.

Larxene nodded in satisfaction. "Awesome. Now that everything is settled and done with, happily ever after and all that jazz... Can I get some pancakes? I'm on a tight schedule. Have to free some goblins in a French forest, get my hands on some pixie dust for a spell that'll remove acne, I also have to get my ass in Russia and make sure one of my whacked out fellow witch sister's doesn't claim in a shout out to the world that she's the lost princess Anastasia."

"We're making pancakes? Is that the future? Cause I was thinking eggs...maybe some bacon?" Smirking, Riku yawned and smacked his lips.

Jumping off the bed, she walked out of the bedroom and we could then hear her shout from the kitchen, "Just fucking feed me, okay?"

I grinned, flopping down on the bed. "How much better do you feel?" I asked Riku softly.

"Um...better? Very." He paused. "And horny. As in I really don't wanna get up and feed the crazy witch in my kitchen."

"You better!" Larxene shouted. "Or I'll turn your thingy green!"

I patted his chest, moving out of the bed. "And just because you called it 'your kitchen' and not 'ours', I'm going to feed the crazy witch and deny you any type of sex." Until she was gone anyway.

"God, the world hates me..." Dropping back on the bed, he threw his hand dramatically over his face. "I'm up, I'm up!"

Chuckling, I walked out of the bedroom, scratching my ass as I made my way to the kitchen, seeing that Larxene had started on breakfast herself, mixing the pancake batter. There was something on my mind, something that I'd been thinking about as I discovered and learned more about the unfortunate history back then. Everyone I knew in the past was potentially in harms way, some more than others.

"Larxene?" I asked carefully.

She smiled at me, "Yes. I'll send Hayner to the west in your stead to keep him safe."

Biting my lip, I nodded. "Thank you."


I don't remember who's idea it was that we go to London to retrieve Sora's painting, but I just remember that I'd felt it was a good idea. If Larxene had mentioned it in any way shape or form, I wanted to get it in our possession as soon as possible. Who knew what would happen if the magic she'd used wasn't really over with? Better us to deal with it than some poor fool. The weight that had been hanging over us was gone, things were normal...er, as normal as they could be when it came to love and time travel. The morning after Larxene left, we booked our flight and just to be a little extravagant, we'd booked a luxury hotel for when we got there.

I'd done a little research on the house that Sora's painting was in, and it didn't seem to be owned by anyone, or rather, it was owned by a historical society and they didn't have a use for it at the time. We could easily sneak in, get his painting and sneak back out. I suppose we could have purchased the house, but we really didn't need a summer home in London even if we did have the money. So, we'd sneak in, grab the painting and then ship it back to the states as it wouldn't fit on the plane and hopefully the historical society wouldn't be checking up on it for awhile.

I'd made sure to pack plenty of condoms and strawberry lube for our time spent in London, and I snickered as I zipped my suitcase closed. I hope that I remembered that correctly. As fun as it would be to take Sora into one of the novelty sex shops in Las Vegas, there was one on every corner it seemed, to pick out what kind of lube and things he wanted, I'd decided that it would be a surprise. That hotel in London was going to be perfect. Almost like a honeymoon and I was going to have my way with Sora even if it killed me.

The flight to London was uneventful, Sora seemed almost a pro at traveling by now and since I'd opted for first class seating, it was relaxing as well. Of all things that amazed me about Sora was his ability to adapt to this time period. I mean, he could use a computer, flying didn't bother him, and when we got back we'd be working on getting him his drivers license. If I didn't know any better I would assume that he'd been born during this time period.

I glanced over at him as we got into the shuttle that would take us to the hotel and I could see him watching the buildings with a new eye. When he had first realized that he was in the future everything was just overwhelming, but now, he was pretty much assimilated and he was watching everything with new eyes. Maybe we'd rent a car and he could give me a tour of his hometown.

As the taxi pulled in front of the hotel, I gripped Sora's hand and smiled. "How does it feel to be back home so to speak?"

"You're home now. This is a vacation." Tugging on my hand, we climbed out of the vehicle, getting our luggage out of the trunk. Kissing his cheek and grabbing his hand, I stared up at the hotel in awe. It was really nice. Apparently, because I'd reserved a penthouse suite, they thought we were really rich and everyone, including the hotel manager, seemed very anxious to please us. Not that we weren't rich, thanks to Reno, but it was very weird to me when they offered to actually unpack our suitcases for us. Tipping the bellboy, I sighed in relief as we were finally left alone.

Walking over to the bed, I fell forward on my face and just sighed into the soft comforter. "Sora, this bed feels fantastic!"

"So is your ass." I popped my head up in surprise as I felt him lie down on top of me, his hands pushing up my shirt while his lips trailed kisses up and over my back. Humming as his lips tickled my sides, I maneuvered my shirt over my head and rolled over as he hovered above me. Grinning, I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down so I could kiss him, nibbling on his lips instead of deepening it. "So, Sora. What should we do, hmm?"

His hands we're grabby, already undoing my pants and trying to pull his own shirt off at the same time. Eyes filled with lust and his breathing was already picking up. "Soft bed, flowers on the night stand, dimmed lights and your boyfriend is horny, currently trying to rip your clothes off. I know it's not Paris, the most romantic city in the world, but please tell me London will do the trick instead." His mouth dropped down to my neck, paying attention to my skin there.

Trying to resist so I could tease him, I bit my lip to hold back a groan. "I guess London will do." I smirked.

"Great!" Sitting up, he pulled the shirt over his head, undoing the buttons of his pants and taking those along with his boxers off while I pushed my own jeans and briefs off. Once both naked, he leaned back over me, kissing me softly while my hands ran over his back down to his ass. "I've wanted you for so long..." He moaned against my mouth, our erections bumping into one another.

Finally letting out the groan I'd been holding back since he'd jumped on top of me, I simply nodded as I took the opportunity to just touch his skin. I wanted this to be good for him, I knew I'd enjoy it, but he needed to as well. "Lube..." I mumbled against his lips, trying to tell him I had some in my bag.

"Yes..." His voice breathless, mouth open on top of mine, moaning softly before moving off and away from me so he could get the bottle. I'd kind of wanted him to just lie back and relax while I got the items, but when he bent over to get them himself right in my line of vision, I guess I couldn't really complain anymore. Straightening, he turned around, grinning. "Strawberry! You remembered..." He said in a voice that sounded like he was saying 'you remembered...' in response to something like, 'you didn't forget our anniversary...'

"How could I forget something as important as strawberry lube?" I said, leaning up on my elbows and watching as he walked back over to me, my eyes just drinking in the sight of him. Licking my lips, I wiggled my eyebrows and motioned him back over to me with my hand. "Come on, I'm dying here..."

He grinned, "Can't have that, now can we?" He slowly moved back up onto the bed, placing his knee on either side of me, straddling my waist and offering me the bottle. "I am so lucky..." He whispered, placing soft kisses against my jaw, his arms coming around my shoulders.

Taking the bottle, I quickly rolled us so I could hover over him. Kissing him soundly, I concentrated on his lips as my hands opened the lube bottle. He was going to get the best I could give and I just wanted him to sit back and enjoy this. Pulling reluctantly away from him, I stared down and repositioned myself so I was straddling his one leg while I let hand trail down to wrap around his length. Stroking it slowly, I held the lube bottle above my hand and his cock, letting a slow trickle dribble out and be spread all over and around.

"Uh- Riku..." His voice breathless while his hips pushed off the bed, his dick moving in a quick motion upwards into my hand. His chest was heaving as he was panting, fingers holding onto the sheets while his blue eyes stared into mine.

Dropping the lube bottle so I could put my hand on his hips to hold them still, I chuckled. "Easy there, Sora. We're just getting started." My hand was coated pretty well, so I released his cock and gently spread his legs, trailing my hand under his dick, gently coating his balls and finally stopping with my finger pressed against his entrance. Leaning over to kiss him, I watched his face for any signs of discomfort as I pressed my finger gently inside.

He breathed in carefully through his nose, relaxing his body while adjusting to the intrusion. Kissing me back softly, he smiled. "I knew it wasn't going to hurt with you."

Smiling against his lips, I continued pressing inside of him, knowing that slow and steady was going to make this enjoyable for him, but definitely having a hard time not rocking my hips into the leg I was straddling. "Bend your knee." I murmured, trying to get better leverage in stretching him. Leaning back and away from his kiss, my finger still inside of him, I grabbed the lube bottle and opening it again, I quickly removed my hand and drizzled a bit more, the strawberry scent filling the room.

Dropping the bottle, I saw his knee was bent with his foot resting flat on the mattress. "It will make it a bit easier, okay?" I leaned over and rested my hand next to his head as I went back to his entrance, coating it in more lube as I gently inserted two fingers this time, keeping my eyes on his face again, hoping to see no discomfort.

He chuckled breathlessly, "It feels kind of strange, but not in a bad way..." His eyes closed, tongue slipping out to lick his lips which he then left parted, tiny moans escaping him as my fingers stroked in and out of him. Scissoring, trying to keep it gentle, but still stretch him, I covered his lips and kissed him catching his moans as he panted against me. He was relaxed and so fucking sexy like this. Unable to stop my hips from moving, I bumped my dick against his leg and gave myself just a little relief as I moved my hand inside of him. "God, Sora...I want to be inside of you so bad..." I was moaning with him now, trying to control and hold myself back so it could be good for him.

His hands slid down my sides, fingers holding me tightly as he encouraged my moving against him. "Need you too..." One of his hands went to wrap around his cock, but with a smirk, I swatted it out of the way. He wasn't going to finish without me.

"Bad Sora..." Deciding that it was probably a good idea to add the third finger, I quickly slicked up my hand and bit my lip. This was the moment. "Okay, just to warn you...this might twinge a little..." Trying not to show him my worried face, I pushed the three inside, holding them still as I watched his reaction.

At first he tensed, but he remembered not long after that he wasn't supposed to do that, breathing in steadily as his walls relaxed some, the wince on his face disappearing. "Okay, you can move now..." He gave me a quick smile in reassurance before leaning up, pressing his lips onto my mouth. I worked him slowly and thoroughly, gladly wanting for this to take an hour and have him not be in pain, than rushing it and ending up hurting him accidentally in the process.

Panting, I felt the strain starting to wear on me as he moaned and started moving back onto my fingers. "Sora...I...are you ready? I don't know how much longer I can hold out..." I was seriously having a hard time not just giving in and coming all over his legs.

"Yes." He panted, moving his body up so my fingers slipped out of him. "Quick." He then urged, reaching for a condom and pushing it into my hands with an expectant and impatient look on his face.

I couldn't keep the smirk off of my face as I quickly ripped open the package and rolled it down my length. "It's strawberry flavored too." Snickering as I moved his legs apart and hovered over him, my left arm holding me up as I used my right hand to slowly position myself at his entrance..

His hands grasped my hips and he looked up at me with big blue eyes. "Just push-" He started but then shook his head and before I could stop him, he pushed his ass down onto my length, while putting pressure on my hips to move into him at the same time. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as I was now enveloped by his tightness, his movements stilling, leading me to assume he needed to adjust, but it was only a couple of seconds later that a long moan tore out of him, his body trembling and his arms coming around me to hold me tightly against him.

"Holy fuck, Sora..." I panted out, trying very hard to hold my hips still, but dying to pound into him. "You okay? Take your time." But dear lord, I hope I could last. When he nodded, I moved my head down to capture his lips as I gently started moving my pelvis. Oh my hell. Using willpower I didn't know I had, I kept the speed slow to start out, only increasing the rhythm as his legs started pulling me back inside of him faster. Trapping his dick between our bodies as I pressed myself harder down on top of him, I moaned as I felt the lube slide him around, no doubt giving him delicious friction.

But... Taking a hold of his right ankle, I pushed his leg up and he automatically let it rest over my shoulder, his eyes curious for a split second breaking through the lustful gaze he'd been sporting this entire time. "Ri-" He cut off his question with a load moan as I started moving again, the new angle hitting his spot just right. "Jesus christ!" He shouted out, nearly making me want to chuckle at the utterly surprised look on his face.

Moving faster now, finally giving in and wanting to reach that peak as fast and as good as I knew we could, I started pounding into that spot, knowing how good that would feel. Despite what Marluxia had assumed, I didn't exclusively top all of the time, I'd done my fair share of bottoming. I knew that as I wrapped my fingers around his dripping cock and hit his prostate, that I could count on him coming soon.

Faster than I'd expected, even, as I barely rubbed him once and his back arched off the bed while his release pulled out of him, his ass clenching tightly around me and his fingers digging into my skin while moaning out my name loud enough that say had we been in our apartment, the neighbors surrounding us would have complained. Surprised enough that I lost my rhythm and the ability to control myself, I felt my body respond and the most amazing orgasm rippled through me a few seconds later and I threw my head back, eyes closed, hand still holding onto Sora's dick, letting my moan blend in with his. My hips were still slowly moving, milking both of us to the very end, and I fell forward my arms barely catching me, protecting him from my weight.

Opening my eyes finally, I looked down at his sweat dotted face and felt a silly grin cover my face. "Please tell me that was perfect for you...cause I've never had it so good."

His body shuddered in tiny like aftershocks caused by the orgasm, his eyes unfocused, skin sticky with sweat, his hair even more messy than usual and his lips properly swollen. "Can we just stay like this and start over when our erections come back?" He panted while smiling.

Rubbing my nose against his, I chuckled. "How about we conclude our business in London and spend the next week and a half in this bed?" Grimacing, I pulled out of him, missing the connection and flopping onto the bed next to him, boneless now.

He quickly rolled over so he could settle himself into my side, placing the occasional kiss wherever he could reach. "Do we nap and then shower, or shower and then nap?"

"Shower. But only because sleeping covered in cum is very cringe worthy." I chuckled as I leaned up to remove the condom and tie it off, dropping it into the waste basket beside the bed. Looking over at Sora, my breath caught and my heart warmed at his relaxed and happy expression. "Gods, I love you. And holy hell, that was the best sex I've ever had." He truly needed to know that I couldn't be happier with how this had turned out.

He hummed appreciatively, "Hmm, it was amazing..." He agreed. "Love you too, Ri... Very much."

Jumping up and suddenly feeling more energetic, I tugged on his legs. "Come on, up! Shower and then nap! Last one in has to order the room service." Taking a few steps backwards, I waited to see if he would get moving.

It took him a few seconds, but then he giggled, scrambling off the bed and running towards the wrong door, already outside and into the hallway before I'd been able to go after him. He re-appeared though, blushing furiously, his hands covering his crotch.

"That wasn't the bathroom..." He mumbled out sheepishly, quickly skipping towards the only other door available, which was the actual bathroom. Laughing, I took my time, silently thanking my cousin Reno for falling in love so that I could find my love as well.

Dear Riku and Sora,

What's up bitches? I hope you're liking 2011 the way Larxene told me ya'll were. Thanks for giving up 1910 Sora, I really appreciate it considering I am so ridiculously in love with Saix Taylor, 2011 just couldn't become my home anymore. Ya know? Home is where the heart is and all that.

So, if you're reading this it means that for some ungodly reason you guys returned to London and decided to check out the painting, which, why, really? But whatever your reasons, I figured why not give this a shot. Which is what this is, thought I'd write you both a letter to assure you that I have no intention of coming back to 2011, and if, for some reason, Sora decides he wants to go back? Too bad sucker, this time period is mine. There. I then stuck the letter in between the painting and the wall. So I guess if you're reading this, you took the thing off the wall. You should really burn it, no offense Sora, but ya know? Avoid having any lingering type magic floating around and all that.

Riku, I'm not sure if you care at all, but I want you to know that I remembered world history and informed Saix that we had to move to the country at some point to avoid getting dragged into any kind of war. Not that I don't want to be heroic or anything, but I kinda stayed in 1910 to be able to be with Saix, not fear for his life or him for mine.

I don't know what our ancestors are up too during the wars, I figure they are safe since, well, ya know, we happened to be born at some point so our bloodline survived. I'm guessing that's when they decided to immigrate to the US.

Err... Okay well, I think I covered everything. Saix says thank you and wishes you the best. Oh! Also, if you can, go by the penthouse I rented in London and adopt my cat. He could be dead considering how much time went by... But maybe not since I don't think Larxene would have let that happen.

I guess that's it. Bye Cuz. Take care of each other. I'm not going to tell you I love you, Riku, because that would just be weird.


I chuckled at that last bit, and shook my head. "He's such a dork."


A/N: Thanks to all those who have stuck with us so far. This is the fifth story in our Time Series, and by far one of the hardest to write. At least in my opinion:D This and Come in, stranger! were both hard because we had to match timelines with the previous stories. Which we hadn't really counted on when we were writing them, lmao. Reviews are greatly appreciated and for the couple of people who wanted the preview, you know who you are, expect the first couple of pages of the next fic in your inbox. And, because I'm feeling very gracious, I'm gonna spill the title of the very last installment.

Alakazam! You're in magic land! will tell the story of the unlucky Hayner and the very awesome Seifer:D Thanks again for all the reviews!