Title: The Prophecy

Author: Annielle

Summary: Haldir, the Lorien Marchwarden is at the center of a prophecy describing the release of elven heroes from the Halls of Mandos. Only its accomplishment will convince the elves to stop sailing to the Undying Lands to stay in Middle Earth to fight alongside Men and finally defeat Sauron. But a crucial player was not born in Middle Earth...

Disclaimer: I do not own Lord of the Rings and any of its characters.

Warnings: Alternate Universe, some content not suitable for minors.

Cast: Haldir, Galadriel, Celeborn, Elrond, Mithrandir, Rumil, Orophin, Thranduil, Legolas, many original characters

Chapter One: The Prophecy

Galadriel left her garden, knowing her mirror was not going to tell her anymore tonight. Furthermore, Mithrandir, Elrond and Celeborn were waiting for her in the council room. As she slowly climbed the stairs to the royal talan, located at the peak of the greatest Mallorn tree of the forest, she was watching her city with concern. Evil times were coming, attacks at the borders were growing more frequent, as was reporting Haldir, the Marchwarden of Lothlorien. In all elvish realms of Middle Earth, elves were concerned about the threat raising in the East, and were sailing to Valinor in growing numbers. Galadriel knew that only one thing could bring back hope to the elves of Middle Earth until a way was found to defeat Sauron: the accomplishment of the prophecy announcing the rebirth of some of their beloved heroes.

Some twenty years before, Mithrandir had found an old parchment from the the second age, in a forgotten section of the library of Minas Tirith. In Quenya, a prophecy had been written:

When the fiery storm and the Lorien march meet,

the Halls of Mandos will release the fëar of the great

Scholar, minstrel, warrior, new blood in the Elven lines

Reborn kings, twin, father, hope in dark times

For in Men the Eldar must have faith

And unite to accomplish a glorious feat

before they sail to the Undying Lands

The Elven Lords had spent some time interpreting the prophecy, and were at a loss about who were these heroes to be reborn. Galadriel had waited many years for this unnatural storm to hit the border of her beloved woods. Until she started wondering if the storm and the march were not actually elves living in her own realm. She quickly figured that if this was the case, Haldir, the Lorien Marchwarden, must be the concerned ellon. Galadriel then used her mirror to try to locate his fëa-mate in Lorien, without any conclusive results. She extended her searches to all of Middle Earth, then to Valinor, but to no avail. The power of the Dark Lord was growing in the East, and if she was interpreting the prophecy correctly, it meant Haldir's fëa-mate had to be born by now. But where was she? She prayed Elbereth to bring her enlightenment, and the Queen of the Stars guided her search to another world, similar to Middle Earth but very different at the same time. There she found the fiery storm. A mortal woman living in a world called Earth.

Even before she reached the council room, Galadriel was hearing the voice of her husband Celeborn.

"My wife is certain: she doesn't live in Middle Earth. How is the prophecy supposed to take place if she is not living in our world?" was asking Celeborn to Mithrandir.

"Is she sure that this mortal is the woman described in the prophecy?" enquired Elrond.

"Yes," supplied Galadriel, sitting down with the ellyn and the wizard. "I have been watching her for months now. My only wonder is why the Valar would have let her be born in the wrong world?"

"I do not believe the Valar would have made such a mistake," replied Mithrandir. "There has to be a reason for it. Born and raised out of Middle Earth, she will bring us a new light, new knowledge and wisdom. The possibilities are endless," he continued, smoking his pipe with vague eyes.

"I agree. I might even consider moving to Lorien to spend most of my time with her," jested Elrond.

"You would be more than welcome! As long as you do not bring my grandsons with you. Lorien still has not recovered from their last visit ten years ago!" replied Celeborn.

For quite some time, they discussed the possibility and manner of transporting this woman to Middle Earth.

"There is another concern," said Galadriel. "Valerie, that is her name, seems to have a difficult temper. She wears her name Fiery Storm perfectly. And... she has a family. Children. Three to be more precise."

"She is already mated?" asked Elrond, confused.

"She is a widow. We need to realize that we cannot just bring her here, against her will and without her children. She would be very difficult. We have to proceed with great care."

They stayed silent for a moment.

"Is the Marchwarden aware that you suspect he is the ellon of the prophecy?" asked Elrond.

"He knows of the prophecy, for many years ago Celeborn and I warned him about a possible storm of fire hitting our forest. Since then, we told him we believe the prophecy is about two elven lovers. We haven't specifically said in plain words we thought he was concerned," explained Galadriel.

Elrond sighed. "Let's imagine for a moment that he knows of our suspicions, and that he helps us by... going in her realm to bring her back here... willingly."

Celeborn snorted. "Haldir? Our proud, aloof Marchwarden? He is the one who wouldn't willingly go there to bring back a mortal woman to be his life-mate!"

"She is his fëa-mate, whether he likes it or not. The instant he will see her, he will realize it. He would be foolish to act against the call of his fëa!" said Elrond, still longing for Celebrian, his wife who had sailed to Valinor many centuries before.

"So it is settled then," said Celeborn. "We will let Haldir know he is the ellon of the prophecy, tell him he needs to get his wife in another world and bring her back here so they can start this huge family of theirs. Sounds simple enough!"

Galadriel snorted. "And how do you think he will accomplish this?"

"As easily as he is seducing ellith in Caras Galadhon. If he fully accepts his destiny, and wants her by his side in Middle Earth, he will bring her back here within a month."

Galadriel's pearly laughter filled the room. "My dear husband, you have no idea what kind of woman she is!"

"I wouldn't mind seeing a little of her, my Lady. If you would consent to it?" requested Mithrandir.

"Of course, my friends, I will share Valerie with you! Please follow me to my personal garden."

They were now gathered around the basin, in which Galadriel was pouring the purest of water.

"I will show you the significant events of her life."

The water became blurry, and before their eyes appeared two little girls, running on a beach hand in hand. One of them seemed to be about eight years old, brown haired and she was wearing a dark blue swimsuit. The second girl, a couple of years younger, had red hair, and a green swimsuit that perfectly matched her eyes. They were laughing and screaming with delight, while their mother, who had the same hair color than the youngest girl, was chasing them.

"She is wearing rather immodest clothing," commented Celeborn, eyeing the two-piece swimsuit the woman was wearing.

"Different world, different customs," supplied Mithrandir, unmoved by the view. "But I can see Haldir having a hard time adapting to this. He is a little... uptight."

"Can you show us her third child?" asked Elrond.

"There is no third child... yet. Valerie is the youngest girl, not the woman!" laughed Galadriel.

The three males got closer to the mirror to watch carefully the young child, now in the arms of a man that had appeared in the scene shortly before. They were standing in the sea, and suddenly, the man lifted the girl high in his arms and threw her far away in the water. The ellyn were outraged by what they had just witnessed, but were relieved when they saw the girl swim back to her father, asking for more. The action was replayed numerous times until the father showed signs of back pain. The girl couldn't hide her disappointment, and left her father to go back to play with her sister.

"She had a happy childhood. Very comfortable as compared to the life of mortals in Middle Earth. Loving parents, giving their daughters the means to fulfil their ambitions. They both turned out as outstanding women."

The water became blurry again, and now they saw the same girls in young adulthood, sitting at a table, reading books and writing notes.

"They both are scholars?" asked Mithrandir.

"The eldest is a healer. As far as Valerie is concerned, it is more difficult to ascertain. The organization of their society is significantly different than in Middle Earth, even for the Gondor or Rohan societies. She seems to be the steward of a vast group of people that sew and trade clothing. The extent of their advancement is mind-blowing," Galadriel replied. "I am certain that you are eager to see life in this realm, but I would prefer to save this discussion for later, when she is with us and can properly explain what we are witnessing."

Elrond and Mithrandir nodded their ascent, while Celeborn, disappointed, promised himself he would soon convince his wife to bring him back to the mirror when they were alone, so he could watch some more of this society. Galadriel smiled at him knowingly, and gracefully touched the water.

In the mirror, Valerie was now dressed in a white gown, holding hands with a young man, and was pronouncing wedding vows that none of them could understand.

"She doesn't speak any language that we know," confirmed Galadriel. "Do you still think Haldir will bring her back within a month?" she asked Celeborn playfully.

The following scenes were showing the birth of each of their three children, a girl and two boys, all very close in age. All of them had inherited of their mother's red hair.

"Valerie's husband lost his life not long after the birth of their third child, when his two-wheeled means of transportation hit a tree. These things go very fast, and when the mortals lose control of them, they often die."

Galadriel touched the water again, and now Valerie was sitting at a big table with a dozen other people, heading a council of some sort. She was calmly listening to the conversation around her, but then firmly took the lead and started giving them directives. The elves and the wizard kept watching as Valerie was walking around the premises, followed by another woman who was taking notes.

"This looks like someone I know," said Celeborn eyeing Elrond.

"Now let me show you something that will tell you more about her than my words," said Galadriel. Valerie was now sitting at a desk, holding a small black item to her ear, when her face became red and she jumped to her feet. She ran out of her office while speaking abruptly in the small device. She reached a vast hall were rows of shelves high up to the ceiling were containing thousands of boxes, where she met a man that was awaiting for her, also holding a device to his ear. When she arrived, they both discarded their devices and starting arguing face to face. After a few minutes, it appeared that Valerie had taken the upper hand, and she left the hall to walk back to her office.

"In her realm, women and men are equals, unlike in mortal societies of Middle Earth. It is a good thing she is to live with elves, who do not make gender differences when it comes to possibilities. But... she is an unusual woman. She has a passionate temperament. She is strong willed."

"I wouldn't think any other kind of women could raise alone three children while having steward responsibilities. And think about it. The woman of the prophecy will need a lot of strength to see it through," said Elrond.

Celeborn was frowning. "Although he is extremely discreet about it, I know Haldir has had ellith friends in the past, and still has some. All of them have a gentle, simple character. This woman is nothing that he usually likes."

"The relationship with a fëa-mate is not always idyllic. Haldir always chose uncomplicated relationships, but never developed any attachment to these ellith. He never was challenged. Valerie will. She will challenge his mind, his heart, his emotions. He will be attracted to her, and she to him. I have foreseen it." Galadriel reassured him.

"Let's give him six months to bring her back," said Mithrandir. "I will start working on the spell."

"What of the children?" asked Elrond.

"We cannot just bring her here. We cannot separate them from their mother. She is all they have now. I will never accept that," said Galadriel.

"But the prophecy needs to take place! These children are not part of it!"

"It will never take place if we bring her without her family. She will rebel, and will have to be held in some kind of custody."

"Do we all agree that they should be brought here too?" asked Elrond.

Galadriel was now showing them Valerie and her three children, all in a vast bed, playfully fighting and tickling each other. The children were now between the human age of 10 and 5, and all looked vigorous and healthy. It was a happy family, despite the loss of their father.

"The children are coming too," confirmed Mithrandir.

"I will send word to Haldir to come back from the borders," said Celeborn.

"So soon?" asked Elrond. "Mithrandir will need some time to work on the spell!"

"And we will need some time to work on Haldir," supplied Celeborn, exchanging a knowing glance with his wife.

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