Disclaimer: Really? Really? Really.

Spoilers: Knockout

AN: This one popped in my head and rattled around a bit. I really wanted to flesh it out into a longer story, but couldn't manage it, so instead, here it is as a flash piece. Let me know what you think.

AN2: Sorry for the reupload. Just a note, as it says in my profile, reviews containing spoilers will be deleted (unless clearly marked as containing spoilers). Authors post spoilers to their stories, please return the courtesy and not post them in your reviews. Even in today's internet-based fandom people do try to remain spoiler-free. Thank you.


Propped up by pillows, Kate stared at the copy of Heat Rises resting on the bed next to her. She couldn't remember half of the last week—even after coming home she was still out of it from the drugs, but she remembered the events that lead up to her being in the hospital in the first place. She was grateful for her family—her father and friends—taking time be with her. In between work, family time, rehearsals, studying, wedding plans, and more, everyone had found time to keep her company. To prevent her from feeling forgotten and alone.

Once she was able to sit up on her own for long, Castle came by with the advance copy of his latest Nikki Heat book. He looked tired, but had a smile on his face that didn't quite reach his eyes and she knew he was trying to hide something, she just wasn't sure what.

He presented her the book and explained that he wanted her to have more entertainment than daytime television.

He only dedicates his books to people he really cares about.

Wasn't that what Kyra told her? It was so long ago she couldn't remember exactly.

Kate didn't know was how difficult it had been for him to get his publisher to change the dedication of the book this late in the game, or what he had originally written. She only knew that when she'd opened the book and read what was there, she cried.

Two simple words.

For Roy.