chapter three: Not so secret secrets revealed

disclaimer: I do no own Soul Eater but I do own a bundle of balloons full of helium and have been having loads of fun today because when I suck in helium I sound like Eisma from The Emperors New Grove when she turns into a cat.

After escaping the clutches of her lunatic dad, Maka and Soul went around and found their friends, Black Star, Tsubaki, Kid, Patty, and Liz one by one and asked them all to come over tonight for a little celebration and a surprise anouncement. After settling on everyone arriving at around seven they all went to their first classes. The day was as boring and uneventful as any other, Soul slept on his desk, Maka furiously wrote every word the teacher said, Patty, who was focusing very hard for Patty, was dutifully creating a giraffe out of her notebook, Kid made perfectly strait lines on a piece of paper and marveled at the beauty and symmetry of it, while Liz flirted with the guy across from her and making very rude gestures with her tongue and fingers. Black Star and Tsubaki weren't in any of their morning classes.

By the time lunch had rolled around the little group of friends were all very curious about what surprise anouncement could be, well everyone except Black Star, which was very suspious. Nether Maka or Soul would tell them what the anouncement was so they were going to have to wait the many hours until they arrived at Soul and Makas apartment before their burning questions were answered.

At promptly seven o' clock Maka had the table set and refreshments and chips on the table, she was excited about telling them the secret that had been bottled up for nearly two weeks now. It had been hard, keeping it from Tsubaki, her very best friend, well, besides Soul. She then thought about Soul some more, thinking of what exactly he was to her now, unofficially he was her boyfriend, but he was also her best closest friend. Thinking about it they hadn't decided weather to tell their friends about the new relationship yet.

"Hay Soul?"

"Yeah Maka, what is it?" He stared at her with those amassing red eyes that felt like they could see into her soul, which made her shiver a little bit.

"Well, I was just wondering, do you also want to tell them about..." she blushed, "Well, um.. uh..." She couldn't figure out how to fraise it 'Do I say relationship, us, our going out. Although we aren't really going out yet, but with what we've done I suppose it could be considered a relationship. right?' "Us?" She turned redder as he paused for a second thinking and then smiled.

"If you want to tell them be my guest," She was almost jumping she was so excited, they were going out.

A knock at the door interrupted her though, she went over to the door and just as she reached for the knob the door burst open and fell of its hinges as Black Star popped in.

"Yahooooo! Don't worry everybody I'M here." Tsubaki calmly walked in after him apologizing for him as she did and righted the door. She was followed by Kid, Patty, and Liz.

Everyone was greeted and wandered into the living room. Drinks were passed out and Maka got up and moshined for Soul to do the same. "So, as you all know we have an anouncement, its very exciting. Something the two of us only very recently found out." Maka began but was interrupted by Black Star.

"Yeah! Maka and Soul are going out!" All eyes were on Black Star and Maka and Soul turned pink.

"How could you possibly know that? And that's not the anouncement," Soul shouted

"We are also curious as to how you would come to obtain such knowledge." Kid said as calmly as ever even though he was dying to know.

"Well, when you see Soul and Maka making out in the park with Souls hand down the middle of Makas skirt, their either going out or he's raping her and it looked like she was enjoying it! SOOOO..." Black Star literally shouted.

Maka was as red as a tomato and the book on the end table came down before anyone even saw it, "MAKA CHOP" And Black Star was left with a smoking book shaped crater in his head.

The couple were hit wit a barrage of questions ranging from, "Are you really going out?" to "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" But then Kid drew every ones attention by clearing his throat.

"Did everyone else miss that Soul said that this wasn't their anouncement? So if this isn't then what is?"kid inquired and gave Maka a quick wink telling her he was changing the subject on purpose. She gave a little nod in thanks but other wise didn't change from hiding her face in Souls shoulder.

"Well, Makas not just a miester." Soul said because Maka was still very flush and didn't look like she would recover any time soon. He got a room full of blank stares as every one tried to figure out the meaning to Souls words. "Maka?" Soul asked and put out his hand. With the customary flash of light Maka turned into the compound bow, this was slowly becoming their own personal joke. At the sight of the bow Soul chuckled and blushed a bit, holding Maka in the same place he had the first time and Maka shivered internally. The faces in the room got even more confused and Black Star finally came out of the small crater in the floor he had been laying in.

"Wow! Soul that's so cool, lets see who's better, come on we gotta fight right now! Lets go outside right now!" Everyone in the room sweat dropped because of his comment mostly the 'SOUL that's so cool' All of them wondering how it was Soul that made this cool and not Maka. And with that he pulled the small gathering out the door and to the small training ground.

"See Maka, that's why I wanted to wait, because of just this," Soul told her, her face flashed on the bow and nodded.

"You were right, what weapon do you want Soul, something we've tried, or something new?"

"Yo Black Star what weapon form are you going to use with Tsubaki?" Soul shouted

"I was thinking of using chain scythe, why!" Black Star shouted back.

"Ok Maka, think you can Maka a chain scythe?" Soul asked a smile on his lips.

"Probably, but are you sure you want to go with that one? He's had years of practice with that weapon, where as you've had absolutely none. Don't you want something at least a little bit easier to use?" Maka said but she sighed when she saw the determination in his eyes and changed forms. she was now two silvery green scythe blades, one larger and thicker than the other, attached by a long silvery green chain. Everyone in the training ground gasped, shocked that Maka could change forms because the only one who can is Tsubaki, Black Star was startled but that soon turned into a wide grin as he thought how interesting this match would be.

Soul made the first move charging ahead and watching for any move from Black Star, the two hopped around for a wile whirling their chain scythes around and blocking attacks from each other. Then out of nowhere Black Star shouted "Tsubaki, ninja sword mode!"

"Maka?" Soul questioned.

"Of course" And with that the two continued their battle both fighting with the six inch long ninja swords one had a forest green handle and a silvery green blade and the other had a black handle with silver diamonds on it and a silver blade that met the handle with a gold band, Black Star was supervised to say the least when Maka changed again following Tsubakis change.

'I WONDER!' Black Star questioned to himself "Tsubaki, First Form - Chain of Blackness!" And Tsubaki changed again into a long black metal chain attached to a five foot blade. Maka mimicked the change before Soul could even ask. The only difference was that instead of a black chain the chain was the dark green of her eyes and the silver on Tsubaki was that silvery green on Maka. "How many different weapon forms do you have Maka?"

"You know, theirs not one weapon that I've tried to turn into that I couldn't, so I don't know." Maka answered.

"That's amassing!" Black Star and Soul fought for a good hour before Tsubaki and Maka forced them to stop, nether one would have given up on their own.

"So Maka, why did you and Soul keep this from everyone for so long?" Liz questioned starring accusingly at Maka and Soul.

"Well, it was really Souls idea, but I have to agree he made the right decision because as soon as we told you guys Black Star had to have a fight. If we told you when we found out then we would have been beaten into the ground, if only because Soul didn't know how to fight with a weapon, and while I don't mind loosing every once in a wile to someone who's obviously stronger I am, I'm not going to lose unless their's no other choice," Maka said very seriously with determination in her eyes.

"That's all well and good, but I meant why you didn't tell us you two were going out?" Maka blushed as she remembered how they had found out. 'Black Star and his big mouth! I think I might just have to kill him for this'

"Well, we were going to tell you all tonight after our anouncement," Maka had been going to tell them but now she was wishing that they didn't know.

"Really, so... how far have you two gone?" Liz asked the expression on her face one of pure evil as her lips curled upward at the ends and Patty giggled at her sisters question. Maka turned scarlet again and looked around the room for help, Soul and Black Star were arguing again and Kid just gave her a I-wish-I-could-help-but-there's-nothing-I-can-do expression. "Well I suppose you two have already groped each other by Black Stars description of what you were doing in the park. Have you had sex yet?" Maka didn't know how but she turned an even brighter shade of scarlet. "Is that a 'YES' Maka?"

"Of course we haven't had," Here Makas voice dropped to a whisper before she said the word so low that they couldn't hear her, "Sex" Not that they needed to.

"Are you sure Maka, you're blushing an awful lot?" Patty nearly sang. The two Thompson sisters gave each other devious looks as they thought of a very fun game to play, who can make Maka blush the most.

The night went on like this, Soul and Black Star arguing with each other, Liz and Patty making Maka blush furiously and Kid utterly helpless to stop them.

I know that its a little shorter than the last two chapters but I will continue making more chapters... eventualy. I have to be in the right mood to wright, and happy comments put me in that mood. *hint hint* Well? What did you think? Be honest now I can take it.