Hello readers! Thank you for reading this story because it would mean a lot to me.

Percabeth fans, this is your cue for squealing and happy jumping because this story will have tons of it! This fanfic is Romeo and Juliet themed (I don't know if anyone's done this before) and will have a lot of drama and fluff and humor, etc but WITH A TWIST! Poseidon is reluctant on sending Percy to high school because the Chases go to school there. Percy would eventually crush on the popular girl who is 'one of a kind' (anyone who can guess who the girl would be gets Percy's favorite blue cookies!) and then there's a party, and you know the rest of the plot. So I hope that you like this story :D

William Shakespeare owns 'Romeo and Juliet'. Rick Riordan owns 'Percy Jackson and the Olympians', etc. I own the rest, whatever it is.


"Oh, I am fortune's fool!"

"This is not good,"

I saw my dad pacing back and forth in his office looking worried through the hole in the lock of the door. Mom was sitting with a disappointed tone of voice. Now I know what you're thinking, what is a guy doing spying on his parents? To be honest, I've been suspecting something fishy going on recently. Perhaps they were having problems with the Chase family.

You see, I was raised to hate the Chase family because Lady Athena Chase is my dad's biggest rival in politics. She always wins and makes my dad look bad. But my dad, Poseidon Jackson, is actually a really great guy who only tries to do the best for his family. So the two families are rivals and everytime they meet, gangs beating each other up would erupt. I mean, sometimes it gets really dramatic and I'm fairly sure that all this beating and killing because we believe in different things is a little silly. But me? I'm the 'good guy' in my family because I don't get into fights that make other people die. Of course I get pissed off easily, but I only fight people who offend my family, not because they support the Chases. Who am I exactly? Perseus Jackson, one of Poseidon's sons besides Triton Jackson. He's the popular guy and I'm barely recognisable among the crowd. Now you know why you've barely heard of me.

"It's okay, darling," my Mom, Amphitrite, tried to calm my father. "Look I'm sure that he'll be safe in public school." WHAT? Are my parents serious about sending me to public school!

"No it's too dangerous." Dad stated. See? He's nice because he cares about me. But it does get annoying when he's overprotective. Mom? Not as much. She wants me to be an independent figure who can do and face anything without difficulty. "Besides, I don't trust public schools because I do not want my child to be involved and mingling among the Chases."

"There's barely 10 of them and there are 400 students in Goode High School." True...

"It's not fair that Triton gets to go to private school and Perseus can't because of 'financial problems' and he's dyslexic." You see? Good reasoning skills. And why isn't my father currently the president? Because Athena is apparently more sensible and mature (which is stupid because my dad is older than her!).

"Look, I've raised him as my own and I'm sure that he's capable of handling them." The soda can I was drinking dropped as I heard that. I can't believe it. I'm not their child! "What was that?" They heard something. I was too frozen to move but I managed to run away towards my room when my parents came out of the office.

"Perseus!" I was fighting back tears – tears that 16 year olds shouldn't even have. I can't believe that they would lie to me like that! No one can picture how disappointed I am to realise that my parents aren't really my parents and Triton isn't even my brother. Now I understand how Triton gets everything he wants and my problems were minor compared to my oh-so-perfect brother. I locked the door to my room and anger took control of my body, making my room a mess. Then I sat down on my bed and began wondering: who are my parents?

Then I heard a light knock on the door. I ignored it. "I know you're in there." I recognised that voice as my good ol' dad. I ignored him even more. "I'm sorry, son, but if you let me in I'll explain everything."

I considered it and decided to give him a chance. I opened the door and let him in. I layed myself on my bed and my father sat by the side. He began by asking me, "How much did you hear?"

"That my whole life has been a lie." That came out really harsh. I can see that my father looked upset that I'm being all emotional.

"Not entirely," I raised my eyebrows. "I am your real father, although you mother..."

I can't believe that he my mom isn't my real mother but my dad is! Does that mean... "So-"

"Amphitrite isn't your mother," he interrupted. "But I still am your father. I am so sorry, I feel so ashamed for being unfaithful to her, if only I wasn't you wouldn't be here feeling so disappointed and annoyed, and-"

"So you're saying that I'm your mistake?" My frustration is boiling inside of me. Perhaps my dad isn't exactly the nice man everyone talks about.


"I've had enough." Then I sat up shooing him out of my room as he left reluctantly out of my room.

"Wait," I stopped him. Then I walked towards him and glared into his eyes which were sea green, similar to mine and asked "Who is my real mother?"

He sighed. "I can't tell you, or-" I slammed the door at his face. Pathetic, that's what he is.

So like every time of need, I climbed out of my bedroom door and went straight to the market place to meet two of my best friends: Nico and Tyson.

Yay! This is the first chapter and the second one will be coming really soon, kay!

Things I'm considering: Should I add the Lost Hero characters? Will it end as a tragedy like the the real Romeo and Juliet, or should they have a happy ending? PM me your ideas for this story to actually make it good or include it in your reviews.

You know what to do now: