Hey everyone!

So I know that I need to be working on some of my other stories, and I am they are just taking more time than I thought. So I'm still without my wonderful laptop that holds a lot of my chapters hostage. So I'm still updating with my journal via my cell phone. Yea it's pretty intense. So I've had this idea floating around for awhile and it finally spilled out onto paper. I know it's been done before, but I'm going to try and add my own spin to it. What if Rogue had stayed with the Brotherhood, but was a neutral mutant? Let me know what you think!



Disclaimer: I do not own X-men: Evolution.

They're a band of misfits, because who could ever really love a misfit.

Even when Rogue and Fred got off on the wrong foot, it was okay. He may seem stupid and she may seem uncaring, but they both forgave each other. Because they're family, and family always comes first.

They may seem like a bunch of miscreants, but they don't hide behind false pretenses. They are brutally honest, and know exactly what to expect from others and their own selves. Because, they've always been the losers, they've never had hope. So when this crazy person came to them and knew exactly what to say, they all joined because they really had nothing else to loose. They don't have a guiding hand to show them the way, but they have each other and that's more than they've ever had before.

It may seem weird and hard to understand, but they're a family. They will fight, argue, and constantly disagree, but in the end they'll be there for each other. They understand each other's quirks, and it's nice to finally have someone be there.

For Fred, he has a group of true friends. He has a best friend, and they don't hate him. They don't laugh at him simply out of malice, and when they do laugh it's either with him or out of joyful sibling humor. He may seem like a bully, but underneath all that mistrust and social awkwardness, there is a giant teddy bear of a brother for the others.

For Todd, there are people that don't shun him for his looks. Sure they may crack jokes and try to get him to shower, but they don't hate him. He acts tough, but he's been alone for so long that as long as he as a home he doesn't care hot they treat him. He actually has a best friend. He's the young annoying little brother of this family, but that's okay because he accepts his role fully. He doesn't know how to actually socialize or make friends, because he's always been alone, always been shunned because of his looks, he's always been treated badly. He's glad that he has a family now, because regardless of his unacceptable social capabilities they don't throw him away.

For Lance, he is able to take care of his family. He's been able to mature and grow as an individual because others look to him for help. It's a lot of responsibility, but he's glad to have to fill that role, because he's never been needed before. He'll always be a dead beat hood, so it's nice to know that someone believes in him.

For Pietro, he's able to finally fill the void of loneliness that has threatened to consume him since his real family was torn apart. He's annoying, and mostly thinks he's better than the others. He may not show it, but he's secretly glad when they put him in his place, because otherwise his ego would just grow. He never wanted to be this way when he was younger, but it happened and now he has people to fall back on.

For Rogue, it's about the knowledge that there are people there that won't push her. They won't backstab, use, or betray her. They wouldn't do this because they all share the same common denominator, trust and the lack of it. It's about having brothers that will have her back no matter what, even if they disagree. It's how they won't promise and not deliver and they won't try to change her.

Thanks for reading. This is just the first part; I promise it will be a bit more fleshed out eventually. This is kind of the opening start so that you can understand their view points about the Brotherhood. Basically I want to explore the idea that if they had more time to grow to trust each other things would have turned out a little more differently. Most of this will be based off of made up events that happen within that group. I appreciate any and all feedback, so please leave a review!
