I hope you enjoy this overdue update...


Sam had been so immersed in his thoughts that he didn't notice the band was taking their places upon the stage. Jerry elbowed Sam in the ribs to get his attention and nodded towards the stage. The three senior officers raised their beers to their mouths to take a long pull as the rookies quieted down. An eerie silence fell over the group as everyone's discomfort begin to amplify. No one knew what was going to happen tonight, and that included Sam. Everything screamed at him that he wasn't going to like it at all.

The band members looked like a mixed group of guys in their twenties and then hunky soldier boy also known as Jake walked across the center of the stage to the main microphone. He was clearly relaxed and in charge and Sam found that oddly likable about him, which only disheartened him more. Hard feelings had been rampant between Callaghan and Sam for years, but Andy being in the picture had just heightened the existing dislike between the two men. Watching Jake walk across the stage with his powerful presence and easy comfort at being in the spot light, Sam cringed. He knew that he would have liked this man save for his apparent intimacy with Andy and the way he had of getting her to behave so differently than she normally did.

Sam had watched Jake take the microphone and talk to the crowded bar, but hadn't heard a word he said. Instead, he was sizing up his competition. Jake was definitely well built, good looking, and had a grace about him that set him apart from the clumsy bumbling of most men. Clearly, he had the poise of one who was well trained, which made sense considering that Sam had just seen him in military uniform not so many days ago. The easy carefree smile that lit up Jake's entire face made Sam a bit jealous. He himself had seen Andy smile like that and shook his head to try and dispel the disquieting thought that Jake gave Andy that smile, even when she had been with Sam.

There clearly had to be more to their story, but truthfully, Sam didn't know if he could sit by and loose her again to someone else. Even if that someone else, might be better for her than him. He'd put up a fight this time, but Sam knew he wanted her to be happy. If it was with Jake, then Sam would finally take Boyd up on his offer for the longterm undercover op. Maybe by the time he got back, his heart would be quieted of his love for Andy and he could be there to see her happy.

Jake had been speaking to the crowd and turned towards the wings of the stage with a warm smile on his face. "This song has special meaning to someone in my life," he laughed a bit and looked back at the crowd. "Too bad she's too much of a chicken to do anything about it."

The joke had been leveled and Sam inhaled a bit closing his eyes. He had to be talking about Andy but without knowing what song was, he was somewhat nervous about what it could imply about him. The music started and it was upbeat and the type of music that would make people want to sway along. Sam cringed and took a long sip from his beer. This night might just be torture after all.

Jake smiled as he got into the song singing to the sing of the side of the stage area.

Your lips are moving but I can't hear you
wish you would talk your way right over here

Andy stepped into the stage lights with an easy smile on her face. She sauntered toward Jake and danced a bit to the beat she sang. Sam was in awe of her self-confidence.

I see you looking, boy, but I can't feel you
why don't we just disappear?

Andy finished her line and hung back near the blond guitarist who seemed to be sharing a joke with her. Sam watched as the man leaned towards Andy clearly trying to get her attention as they laughed. It was magical to see her face lit up as she was having fun. Jake shook his head clearly put out at her actions and sang to her again.

I'm getting jealous of the way he's leaning
you make him feel like it's all alright.

Andy looked to Jake with a smirk on her face and laughed somewhat ignoring the guitarist trying to catch her attention. She shrugged and raised her mic to sing again, raising her eyebrow in a teasing manner that was driving Sam insane with desire.

Boy, if you only knew the things I've been thinking,
you'd be meeting me outside

Sam nearly choked at the blatant innuendo of Andy's words. He desperately wanted to hear those words from her. To see her playfully tease him like only she could. Sam didn't know whether or not to laugh, get pissed off, or be dejected by Andy's apparently easy manner being so suggestive with Jake. He knew that there were easily explanations enough for the close relationship and maybe even her behavior, but he needed to hear them from her lips. He watched as they both raised their microphones to sing from their opposite sides of the stage.

Cause last night I was calling you mine
discovering each other til the morning light
and I don't know where this is going,
but it sure feels right
I don't wanna leave you here tonight
so let's do what we did last night...again

Sam coughed a bit at the lines they sang together and prayed that life didn't imitate song. How many times had he taken her home from the Penny hoping for just such a situation. He was feeling this song in his gut in a way that he wouldn't have thought possible. Andy laughed and swayed to the music clearly getting into the song and Sam allowed himself to smile at her antics.

Jake took a step towards the center of the stage and sang at Andy in a daring manner.

Your friends are looking like they're ready for leaving.
Girl, you look like you can't make up your mind.

Andy quickly countered managing to look as equally innocent as she did confused as she pretended to pat her pockets down for her keys. She took a step towards the center of the stage. Sam could feel his heart beating in his chest as he realized how beautiful she was and how he'd do anything to make her happy, even at his own expense.

I'm fumbling, acting like I can't find my keys
well, maybe you could give me a ride

The tempo of the music picked up again and Sam watched as Andy and Jake turned towards each other to sing again.

Cause last night I was calling you mine
discovering each other lit the morning light
and I don't know where this is going
but it sure feels right
I don't wanna leave you here tonight
so let's do what we did last night...again

I can't wait, I can't let you go
No I can't wait, no I won't let you go
let you go

Cause last night I was calling you mine
discovering each other til the morning light
and I don't know where this is going
but it sure feels right
I don't wanna leave you here tonight
so let's do what we did last night...again

As soon as they had finished the chorus, both Jake and Andy took a step away from each other and made their way to the opposite sides of the stage. The tableau's from earlier in their song began to form again. Each on their own side with their own little group of "friends."

Jakes tenor voice crooned in a sad but hopeful tone. Andy pretended not notice and involve herself into her "group" as he sang to her.

Your lips are moving, but I can't hear you
wish you would talk your way right over here..

When the last notes of the song died down, applause erupted. Sam looked at his bewildered coworkers and just smiled at their shocked expressions. None of them, including him knew that Andy could sing so well. She was simply amazing to watch. But the thing that got Sam the most was the song.

How many times had he watched her at the Penny laughing and joking? How many times had he been forced to watch men, particularly Callaghan fawn over her for attention? And how many times had he seen her watching him and had goaded her into getting worked up when a woman showed him attention?

Whereas Sam's friends were worried about his reaction to such a song, he as actually smirking. With Sam Swarek, that could mean two very different things. It could be really, really, really bad or it could mean that Sam was about to show no mercy and walk away victorious leaving devastation in his wake. There really wasn't much in between when he smirked like that.

Even Jerry and Oliver viewed his reaction with caution. Truthfully, they were all too nervous to move. Much like a T-Rex, they thought that staying perfectly still would hide them from his notice and consequently from his wrath. What none of them could really know was that this smirk foretold his victory.

That song held special meaning to Andy and it described their relationship perfectly. It was for them that she sang it. For the first time since he had heard of her engagement, Sam Swarek had hope and that was all he needed to keep fighting. Andy would be his.

I hope you guys liked it. I promise I am going somewhere and I am so sorry about being predictable. But it was necessary to get Sam all worked up. There will only be one more song and I think it will really seal the deal for these too. I think I lost the general feel of the piece from lack of time to crawl inside of it and write, but I hopefully am patching it up enough to make it worthwhile reading!