The thunder echoed in the halls. The bedroom was dark and the flame coming from the small candle didn't provide much light to the young boy cowering in its flickering shadows. The rain hadn't let up all night.

Zuko shivered not really knowing why. It wasn't that he was cold but something was wrong, the room was...menacing in a way. As if the monsters in the shadows themselves were scared.

But that was ridiculous, monsters didn't exist. Not the kind that lived in the shadows anyway.

Holding tight to his pillow, the young boy tried to soothe himself asleep by meditating to the flickering flame. Just as he was falling asleep he heard his door creak open. His heart raced as he tried to calm his breathing as he heard footsteps come closer to him.

"What's wrong little Zuzu? Are you scared?" Cooed a falsely concerned voice. It was the last thing he wanted to hear at the moment. His little sister, Azula.

"Of course not" He snapped defensively. "I'm just haveing a hard time falling asleep. That's all."

"Oh really?" She said mockingly, stepping into the edge of the light. "Would you like me to sing you a lullaby?" Azula asked with a sinister tone and smile to match.

"No no that's fine!" Zuko yelped fearfully. Knowing his sister she'd do something to try to scare him.

"No really I insist." She said menacingly. Zuko gulped nervously, hoping that she'd leave him alone if he agreed.

"Ok." he whispered cautionously.

She giggled and moved back into the darkness beyond what the small flames could reach. Her voice resounded in his room. "Well I'm going to sing my own song called Hush Little Zuzu. I hope you like it." And she sang in a sickly sweet voice,

"Hush little Zuzu, don't say a word
Azula's gonna slaughter you like a bird"

Zuko started shaking, wide eyed underneath his covers.

"But if little Zuzu continues to sing
Azula's gonna drown you in a spring"

"Azula stop." Zuko whispered in a pitiful tone.

"But if little Zuzu comes out uninjured
Azula's gonna dismember you unhindered

But if little Zuzu kept his head
Azula's gonna stab him bloody red"

"Stop". He whispered, "You're scaring me." His only response was a insane, high pitched giggle before she continued on with her song.

"But if little Zuzu prays he's dreaming
Azula's gonna make sure he keeps screaming"

He covered his ears with his hands and curled into his mattress desperatly trying to ignore the horrifiying lullaby to no advale.

"But if little Zuzu still has breath
Azula's gonna torture him until her death."

"Nighty night Zuzu." She whispered and with one last insane giggle she skipped out of his room, leaving her frightened, trembling brother to cry himself asleep.

Sooo. I don't really like how this turned out at all. It feels like Zuko's OOC, I'm reaaaaally not happy how the song flows, and I think I could have used more detail but I have no idea what to put. Unbetaed so if there is a spelling or grammar mistake then just let me know.

Critique is more than welcomed just be nice about it. This is my first fic people, I know it's not a masterpiece. Reviews are teddy bears and are hugged. Flames are logs used to keep my bonfire going whilst I roast mah marshmellows.