Authors Note: Alright now I have a new story here that...OMG it has taken over my life. I swear, it was an idea that sprouted from a movie and it took me for a loop. I'm still reeling from it because it consumes me every freaking day. Anyways it's basically all written so there shouldnt be huge time gaps during updates. I'm going to try to update every monday or tuesday on this. I'm using this to get me back into some older stories that I have yet to finish and trust me i feel terrible about that. My daughter is finally at the point where she doesnt need me constantly and while that kills me it also makes me happy to have my writing back. Any way let me know what you think okay?

Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Dude, we're just friends:

Chapter One: I give up on love

My name is Bella Swan, and this is a story about love, well kind of. I guess it's really a story about hooking up and finding out that person you've been hooking up with this entire time was your soul mate. No wait scratch that soul mate sounds too cheesy. How about perfect person, yeah that sounds a lot better. So anyway this is a story about finding the perfect person, in other words it's about me. I bet right about now you're thinking is this chick full of herself and your answer is yeah, probably but who really cares so shut up and listen. This story starts out just about like any other. Boy meets girl, they fall in love, they fuck and then bam it's like the stars a-line and love is in the air. Even those damn fat babies appear you know the ones that are plastered over every sucker's wall come February. Any-who that's where this epic tale of mass proportions begins.

"So basically we've been dating for five weeks now and last night he told me that he was in love," I said as my two best friends started cracking up.

"What the hell? So is he in love with you or your vagina?" Rosalie, my sister in law, said.

"I have no idea. I hope it was the later because I definitely don't feel that way about him."

"Bella, you have known him for a really long time." Alice, my childhood best friend, chimed in.

"Seriously Ali, I don't care if I've known you thirty years you don't say that shit on a fifth date."

"Okay fine you're right," Alice conceited as I held up my hands in victory.

"Well if you don't love him then how do you feel?" Rose asked me.

"I feel like all I wanted was a simple relationship and what I got was a guy who says I love you after the fifth damn date."

"What'd Edward say when you told him?" I cringed as Alice started laughing.

"I don't care what Edward thinks about my love life."

"So you already told him then," I glared at Alice and took a long healthy drink from my corona bottle.

"Come on Bella what did he say?" Rose asked and I put my bottle back down.

"Fine, he just laughed his skinny little ass off until I finally walked out the door."

"He can be ass sometimes."

"Yeah an ass that happens to be your big brother."

"Yeah I know," Alice said before she looked me dead in the eye and pointed at me, "but he's also your best friend."

"Don't remind me."

We spent the rest of the night dancing and drinking until finally calling it a night. Rose called my brother, who showed up twenty minutes later with a huge fucking smile on his face.

"What the hell are you smiling about?" I asked him as he walked up to us.

"I'm getting laid to night." Emmett whispered and I pushed him away.

"Gross you sick ass, I don't fucking want to know that shit."

Rose smacked the back of his head and Alice rolled her eyes. This had been a common thing since we were teenagers, when Emmett had come back from college to a full grown, full-breasted Rosalie Hale living next door. The moment he laid eyes on her we all knew he was lost.

"Now you're not getting any for telling them you were getting any." Rose said as Emmett's face dropped.

"Rose, baby," He cried as he followed her down the street to their car. Alice and I followed silent behind them, though both of us were trying to keep from laughing hysterically.

"So he just laughed at you?" Alice asked, as we got closer to the car.

I nodded quickly before sighing. "I threw a pillow at him and he finally stopped. But by then the damage was done. I swear I'm never telling him a god damn thing again."

"Bella, you shouldn't swear about things you don't really mean."

"No this time I mean it."

"You said that last time after he laughed about your old prom pictures."

"I didn't tell him anything…for at least a month." I said as she giggled.

"Face it Bella you're going to keep telling him things just as he is going to continue to do the same with you."

"Whatever." I said before I gave her a small smile.

We finally made it to the car and I gently pushed Alice into the back seat.

"Where am I dropping you two off at?" Emmett turned around and looked at Alice and me.

We quickly looked at each other and exchanged a laugh. "Edwards."

The rest of the week went by pretty quickly and before I knew it I was on my date with Jacob. We'd decided to pick up some coffee and take a stroll through the park, his fucking girlie words not mine. We'd been walking for about twenty minutes through a park full of nothing but mothers and their little tiny children when he stopped.

"Bella, can we like stop and talk for a second?"

I rolled my eyes as I thought about what he could possibly want to talk about, 'great is he going to profess his undying love for me now?' I shook my head before looking up and giving him a sugar sweet smile. Instantly he started talking and all I could think about what why in the hell I found him attractive in the first place. I mean sure he was good looking, but his body, god how the hell can someone be that fucking buff? My brother worked out, but I had a feeling Jacob could put Emmett to shame. He stopped talking and I quickly realized I hadn't heard a damn word he's said. Realizing he'd been ignored he sighed.

"Bella, I'm breaking up with you."

"Wait, what?"

"You heard me. I can't do this with you. I want a girl who is all there and you obviously aren't."

I looked up at him, my face completely void of any emotion, "But you told me you loved me."

"No, I didn't," He said, his face showing the confusion he felt.

"Yes you did." I replied as I started grow angry.

"When did I say that?"

I rolled my eyes, "While we were having sex, you know last week when I decided you need to see what a reverse cowgirl felt like."

"Oh," he smiled as the memory washed over him before quickly looked back at me, "yeah I didn't mean it."

"What the hell Jacob? Do you just regularly blurt that shit out?"

"Fuck Bella," he said, throwing his hands up, "it felt so fucking amazing that it just sort of came out."

"Whatever," I said as I mentally checked out of the conversation.

"Bella, look you're really awesome,"

I cut him off with nothing but a glare. "Fuck you I know I'm awesome."

"Bella, wait!" Jacob called as I started walking away.

"Adios bitch!" I called as I walked towards the exit of the park, my middle finger flying high.


Alright it's my turn. So she may say this isn't a love story, but I firmly believe it is. Actually it's what I would call a unique love story. Like all love stories in the past, this one too begins with a girl, a very annoying and opinionated girl.

"Shut the fuck up Edward!" Bella screeched as I held my sides laughing my ass off. Bella glared at me before a pillow was suddenly flying at my head. I felt it hit as the laughter began to die down.

"Okay, I'm sorry."

"Whatever," she flipped me off before storming out my front door.

I really couldn't help it, I mean her date had blurted out I love you during his first reverse experience and I happened to find that shit hilarious. Bella, however, didn't and I should have known better. Ever since her third year at U-dub when Mike Newton told his buddies that fucking Bella had been like sleeping with a blow up doll, she'd been very sensitive about her sex life. I knew I should have been more sensitive being that I'm her best friend and all, but come on that shit was classic. He'd basically professed his love to her pussy. I started laughing again and from the hallway I heard a very distinct go to hell Edward, which only caused me to laugh harder.

I leaned against the building, smoking a cigarette, as I waited for my latest vapid blonde to show up. I'm not even sure why I keep getting sucked in by these girls, maybe I was lonely or maybe it was because they were all easy lays. I don't know, but I knew I was getting really sick of it. "Eddie," Tanya, the girl I'd been seeing for the last month and a half, said as she slinked up to me.

I tossed my cigarette aside and pulled her up against me. "Hey baby,"

"You think we could walk a little?"

"I thought you wanted dinner and dancing."

She pushed away from me and put her hands on her hips, "Now I want to take a walk."

"Alright," I let her lead us towards a small park down the street before she made her way over to an ugly brown bench before sitting down. She motioned for me join her and I knew what was coming before she even said it.

"This is the talk is it," my words came out more as a statement rather than a question and her blue eyes shot up to my green ones.


"Who did you fall for?"

She looked shocked and I gave her a quick nod of encouragement.

"Fine, it's Demetri."

"Ah, I knew he liked you." I looked down at the ground as I felt her fidget beside me.

"Are you mad?" Tanya asked as I stood up and looked down at her.

"No I'm not," I took her hands into mine and smiled, "it happens more often than you realize, don't worry I want you to be happy." I dropped one of her hands before kissing the knuckles of her other one. She smiled at me before I turned and walked away.

"Edward," Alice, my pixie of a sister, called as I felt someone else wrap his or her arms around me. I was barely through my door when this attack occurred but I already know who it was.

"Bella, weren't you two here last week like this?"

She pulled her arms away before walking around to face me. "You got dumped."

I closed the door before moving across my modest living room to sit beside my sister.

"Tanya fell in love."

Bella laughed before plopping down on my lap. "Wait, really? How that hell does that keep happening to you."

I wrapped my arms around her and rest my head on her shoulder, "I don't know, but when you figure it out let me know."

Bella looked beside me and started laughing quietly. "Ali doesn't care apparently."

I looked around Bella and laughed. My sister was passed out with her mouth hanging open.

"Can I crash here tonight?"

Without answering her, I slipped my right arm under her legs and tightened my grip on her back with my left before standing.

"I can walk you know."

I only nodded as I made my way up the loft steps before depositing her on my bed.

"Thank you," She whispered as she crawled up the bed before passing out. I was use to sharing a bed with her, hell we'd been doing this since the Mike Newton disaster four years ago. I quickly changed into sleep pants and a green U-dub tee before I noticed that she'd fallen asleep with her shoes on.

"Awe Bells, what am I going to do with you," I pulled the 'torture hells', off and curled up beside her, "Night Bells."

"Good night Edward," She mumbled before we quickly fell asleep together.

"He dumped me!" Bella announced as she waltzed in my front door.

"Come on in Bella," I said as gave me a small smile.

"Sorry," She tossed her purse on my kitchen counter and looked up at me, "Are you working?"

"I'm almost done."

She gave me a nod before she sat down on the couch to watch television. Bella knew I could work with the sound; after all being a web designer was easy and working from home made it even easier. After a half hour I logged off and went down to sit beside Bella.

"So, what happened?"

She glared at me and I realized I'd interrupted her show.

"Seriously, haven't you seen this episode before?"

"That was season one Edward, this is season three."

"But it's the same chicks from season one."

"Yeah it is."

"Is that Amber chick still on here?"

"Yep, can we talk when it's over please?"

"Bella, you do know that I have a DVR right? You can record it and watch it later." She looked at me as a smile came across her face.

"Really, awesome, thanks Edward."

After she set the show to record she crawled into my lap and I wrapped me arms around her.

"He broke up with me."

"Wait, even after he fell in love with your pussy?"

"Oh, he didn't remember that."

I coughed in disgust at the trash she'd been dating, "Asshole."

"Yeah, pretty much. Oh well, it works out for me."

"Why's that?"

"Rose wants me to go out with her brother next week." She said as she ran her finger through my hair.

"Wait, the one who lives in Nashville?"

"Her one and only,"

"You with a southern gent…I don't see it."

"Me neither, but maybe that's what I need right now."

"Bella, honey there is absolutely nothing wrong with you," I said as our eyes made contact and for the first time in almost a year I saw the vulnerability that existed in my best friend.

"Then why do I keep attracting these assholes? Do you remember James?"

I sneered at the sound of his name. James was Bella's college boyfriend, who she'd given her virginity to during her first year. "That asshole should burn in hell."

Bella laughed, "He's married now you know." She whispered and I shook my head.

"Let me guess he married the slut he cheated with?"

"Of course,"

I tightened my grip on her and kissed the top of her head. "Someday you'll meet someone who deserves you and you'll have an amazing life."

I heard her hiccup and knew she was crying. "I'm so tired of being a hard ass; I just want someone who really loves me for me."

"Oh Bella," I hated hearing the pain and uncertainty in her voice, "Maybe Rose's brother will be that guy."

"I hope so or I'm switching to bitches."

"Oh please let me be around for that." She smacked my chest and I laughed.


"My brother is pretty quiet," Rose said as we sat down with Emmett at the restaurant.

"So what, that may be perfect for me, you guys know I talk too much."

"Hell yeah you do Bellsy."

"Love ya too big brother."

Rose suddenly stood up and I realized her brother was here.

"Hey darlin', sorry I'm late."

"It's fine Jazz," Rose said before she quickly hugged her brother.

As he shook hands with Emmett, I took my time checking him out. He was as tall as Rose and had dirty blonde hair that was cut to his ears. He was dressed in a simple blue button down shirt, dark jeans and cowboy boots. 'Yummy,' I thought to myself as he made his way towards me.

"You must be Bella," He extended his hand to me before pulling mine up to kiss it, "It's a pleasure meeting you again."

"Wait again?"

He laughed as I withdrew my hand, "We actually met briefly at the wedding last year."

As his words sunk in I remembered our first awkward meeting, which consisted of me being drunk and my dress being too short, "Oh god I'm so sorry."

"No harm done," he said before sitting down next to me.

The rest of dinner went by quickly and I found myself actually enjoying Jasper's company. We had a lot in common, such as our interest in bad reality television and the history channel. Finally we made our way to the club where Alice and Edward were supposed to meet up with us.

"So, are you a big dancer?"

I laughed and Emmett decided to answer for me. "My sister has a tendency to trip over air,"

I smacked him and he started laughing.

"You are either retarded or slow you big oaf!"

Rose laughed as we walked inside the club. I tried to find out friends with no luck until Rose gestured to a table in the back. We made our way over as Edward noticed us. He smiled at me and winked when he noticed my arm hanging off Jasper's.

"Edward, this is my brother Jasper, Jazz this is Edward."

The boys shook hands as I looked around for Ali.

"Where's Als?" I asked as Edward looked around.

"Dancing as usual," As the words came out someone grabbed my arm and turned me to face them.

"Hey, you're here, come dance with me." Alice said as Jasper finally turned, our arms still hooked together.

Alice stopped pulling on me the minute her eyes met Jaspers and he released his hold on my arm.

"I'm Jasper," he whispered as he took her hand and kissed it, completely letting go of my arm in the process.

"Alice," She whispered back as I watched them.

I knew exactly what I was watching as it was happened, they'd just fallen in love.

"God damn it."

A/N: What do you think? Do you like it? Is it any good? I have two more chapter written that I can post but I need to know if anyone likes this first.

This has been a bad month for me when it comes to beta stuff. I was basically told that my writing wasnt good enough to warrant anyone really reading it by four potential beta's and it really burned me. So if this isnt any good just say it and I'll walk away from it. I just dont want to get burned like that again.