
Curled upon Jades jet black couch Cat shivered staring at her host.. Seated on the other side Jade glared at the gore playing across her television. Together they'd choreographed bloodier scenes she could not thathom why the red head eeped with every half eaten corpse. Flinching at the bothersome sound again she turned her glare on her guest leaving it there for effect before casting her gaze back on the television. Another Eep shattered the stop and flow.

"If you don't want to watch the movie, go to bed."

Withering under Jade's anger Cat almost burst into tears.

"I can't sleep. My neck really really hurts! When I twist it to put my head on the pillow it burns! Jade make it stop, please?"

Jade wanted to watch Zombies.

"Then put your head against a wall so nothing rubs against it AND let me watch my damn zombies!"

And Cat was crying leaving the room Jade sighed turning up the television. The redhead knew better than to leave the apartment she could deal with everything after the movie. She needed to escape from the fact that everything was shattering around her. As she began to finally drift away her phone began to vibrate. Screaming with angry jerking motions she reached over and grabbed the cursed device. Glancing at the caller id she sighed as she hit talk.

"Beck. Speak."

She had to pick up he was the only aspect of her life that wasn't falling screwed to hell.

"Jade, I'm not going to….we're done."

How could he? He knew how difficult it was for her to express emotions that did not include gore, when they'd started dating in a rare show of form she'd even admitted that she cared about him and explained why she didn't want to . The second you actually care about someone they do this.

"It's Vega."

Rage burned her vision when he did not deny her accusation. He was leaving her for the two bit sorry excuse for an actor?

"You ran out of practice today. You just left everything with no explanation alright? You insult my family. You abuse our friends. When was the last time you did something nice for someone else? No personal gain nothing more than just looking out for someone you care about? I'm sorry Jade, take spring break off I'll cover tech."

She didn't hear anything more as her phone crashed against the wall. Staring at the thousand pieces Alone in the dark living room with gore on her television she lowered herself to the floor bringing her knees to her chest and bracing her back against the couch. She wouldn't cry Jade West didn't cry. Emptiness began to consume her as she forced herself back into the void. Until a knock on the door brought her back. Whoever it was would leave because she refused to move but they didn't and after five minutes of pounding she wasn't sure how much more her door could take. Stalking towards the door her mascara smeared eyes dark angry she readied herself to lay into whoever was stupid enough to bother her.


"O. Vega."

Great the sperm doner of a boyfriend thief.

"I brought Cat's pain killers and ointment to apply on the burns. There are a few thing I need to discuss with her."

Cat! The spacey red head had been in the apartment the entire time! She was probably on the phone with Vega gossiping reassuring her that there would be no retaliation. Growling she stepped back hostility rising as the stupid man dared to step through the threshold of her apartment.

"Come in."

Sarcasm dripping through her words she walked towards her bedroom not caring weather he followed, or not. She was done with every stupid idiot in the world that thought they could break Jade West even if she would never admit it to herself Beck had at the very least done some damage.


She growled as she strode into her room ripping her comforter off the bed she found nothing. Moving to Glancing around to see where Cat was hiding she her anger grow. One living room a kitchen a bedroom a closet and a bathroom. Two places left to check. Moving to her bathroom she pounded on the door, when there was no response she reached for the handle only to find that it was locked. Great.

"Cat I know you're in there open up."

Envisioning the red head texting Tori on a pear phone her rational brain didn't even argue that Cat's purse was locked in her car. Running on raw pain that had been converted into anger at Beck and Tori's betrayal and the betrayal of those she'd loosely considered friends by association she once again slammed on her door.

No response.

" in my room there's a wire hanger bring it to me. CAT!"

Moments later Jade was preparing to trigger the lock.

"Go. Now. Wait in the kitchen."

Modesty was the least of her worries but pounding he was in on the charade, even if he wasn't no cop would stand by and let her pound anyone. Storming through the door metaphorical guns blazing she stopped m id step at the sight before her. Cat sleeping? Under what had to be a freezing shower fully closed the gauz on her neck gone. Instead she was finally able to see deep burns matching her hair. Anger drained from her instantly then returned when she thought about the man that had done that. But he wasn't there. She was the only one in her bathroom with Cat who had to be hurting whose neck was a raw Jade's seeping rage. Slowly walking toward the shower she flinched as freezing water pelted her arm and shoulder when she reached in to cease the flow. The second chilling water stopped Cat wearily opened her eye's weakly protesting.


Groggy eyes gazed up at her before looking away and for one of the first times in their relationship Cat was silent.

"Get. Out ."

Whimpering Cat stared up at her with wide disbelieving eyes. Kicking her abrasive disposition Jade made the effort to soften bite.

"The shower! Cat. Do you want to get sick?"

Grabbing a towel she wrapped it around her friend before leading Cat to her bedroom. Sighing pulled out black pajama pants and a grey V neck.

"Put these on. Officer Vega's here."

"I'm sorry. Please don't make me leave."

Can't you just do something nice for once?

"Vega just wants to talk to you. You're not going anywhere."

She waited for Cat's usual explosion of cheerfulness the world of ponies and ice cream, when it didn't come she looked back at her friend eyes widened as she threw her soaked arms around Jade. For a moment however brief Jade allowed herself to take comfort in Cat's hug before stepping back.

"Now I'm soaked. Change into this, I don't want anything to do with any Vega's let's get rid of him."


"Is there anything I can do for you guys?"

Cat had fallen asleep the second the pain killers hit her leaving Jade alone with the third person on her list of people she didn't want to see. Glaring at him she was tempted to snap. You insult my family, you abuse your friends, can't you just do something nice for someone else for a change? Glancing down at the red head leaning on her shoulder she sighed. He'd redone the bandage around Cat's neck.

"There's money on the table. I don't have any movies that she likes and a night light."

Pausing for a moment arguing with herself she forced herself to look up at him repeating in her mind 'this is for Cat.'


Nodding he let himself out while Jade sat with Cat's head in her lap. Staring blankly at the television every moment with Beck spinning through her mind. Dizzy. He was a testament to why emotions shouldn't matter.

"I love you Jade."

And Cat with the gauze around her neck trusting her, loving her…meant something she just hadn't figured it out yet.

As usual I don't own anything. Hope everyone enjoyed the newest chapter and yeah drop a review….

Peace out

-Girl ITGS Laces.