This is an idea I just recently came up with. These modern-day, first person, OC Sweeney Todd fanfics are inspired off of Demolition . Lover . 14's work on them. Really, I did, indeed, get greatly inspired to write a story like that since I read her's. Not to worry though. This story has its own original twist (at least I hope).

Fuller Summary: After insisting on searching for their parents who never returned from a trip out of town, Valerie Lovett and her brother Seville find themselves staying at their grandmother's house on Fleet Street. They don't believe the bloody story that attatches itself to the building. Little do they know, they're actually far more apart of it than they ever would have believed possible.

Chapter 1

It all happened so fast.

So fast, we didn't even know what hit us, Seville and I.

I was sitting in my room, my upper back a little sore from leaning against the headboard with no pillow for cushioning, and reading, as I usually did. Any kid my age that lived around there would have thought me crazy for staying in the house on such a nice, sunny day...

...but truth be told, I never really liked the sun all that much. I absolutely hated when my skin peeled. I found it disgusting, unnerving, and of course, itchy.

Mum said that trait was passed through our family's genes...

I never really knew what she meant by that though. Little did I know that I'd be finding out sooner than I thought.

The sound of laughter from outside caught my attention, and I shifted around on my bed to gaze out over the window's sill, narrowing my eyes against the sun's glare that poked through the trees. My brother, Seville, was standing out on the sidewalk. He seemed to have halted from making his way into the house. I couldn't help but smile at him. He looked so much like Dad, with his messy bronze colored hair and hazel eyes. He even had Dad's smile, which wasn't hard at all to notice, and it was directed at the group of younger kids who were playing in the street.

I, on the other hand, looked just like Mum, with my dark reddish hair that always tended to fall a bit curly. Mum, however, liked to keep her's up, while I perferred mine down. I had dark green eyes as well, just like her's. One thing I had of her's which I didn't particulary care for was how pale my skin was. It was...almost frighteningly pale. I was usually teased in school for being an albino. Pfft, but anyone with a decent amount of logic would know that albinos have red eyes. Not green. (Oh yeah, I'm...kind of a nit-picky person, something to add onto that glorious trait about the sun.)

But then again, it was normally the dumb-asses who wasted time bullying, wasn't it?

Seville's skin was very faintly tanned. I suppose most girls like that stuff. But it wasn't like Seville cared. I'd say he's kind of an oblivious know, for being sixteen years old.

I'm twelve. Did you expect better? Eh, sorry. You got me. My name is Valerie, by the way. Valerie Lovett.

"Val!" Seville called, once again jolting me out of thought.

"What is it?" I snapped, apparent annoyance in my voice. I didn't like being interrupted from my reading.

"Come down here a sec."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes, yes! You must." He exclaimed in a playfully theatrical voice.

Unable to stop the silly grin that broke out across my face, I hurriedly swung my legs over the side of the bed and jumped up, leaving the opened up book on the mattress.

I opened the door and headed out into the hall, only walking a short distance until I reached the stairs. I peered down them, spotting Seville at the bottom. He was leaning against the front door with a bored expression on his face.

"Hey, Sev." I greeted casually, trotting down the stairs to hug him.

He returned the gesture. "What've you been up to?" He asked. "Getting lots of sun?"

I recoiled. "Heaven's no!"

He laughed. "I figured."

"Don't worry," I muttered. "I'll get plenty of sun when I'm forced to get a job."

"As will I when our little break is over." Seville agreed, winking at me pointedly.

My smile widened.

We were on summer break, and Mum and Dad were out of town, on their way to a friend's of a friend's funeral, offering support to those who were in mourning. I didn't really understand why they were going though; they hardly knew the people, except for one or two of them.

They had left Seville and I at home though, and I was actually sorta glad. I don't really like dead bodies...well, I suppose no one does, but still...there was just something so eerie about them.

But anyway, I was off from school (which, as you probably already guessed, is a big relief of stress for me), and so was Seville. Seville still had work though. He was a waiter at a restaurant down the street.

But, considering all the facts, which were: One, it was summer break, two, Mum and Dad weren't here, and three, Seville and I had a strange, much closer bond that most siblings usually didn't have, he would take off work days when he felt the need to spend more time with me. Not so many as to the point where he'd get fired. Just...every now and again.

He already got yelled at once...and we actually had a nice, long laugh about it.

"Say," Seville broke the short period of silence. "I have a taste for pizza. Wanna order some?"

"Sure." I replied absently, turning on my heel to head into the living room. I didn't bother telling him what I wanted on it; He already knew how I liked it.

We were lounging on the couch, gorging ourselves with pizza (that had pretty much everything you could think of on it), and watching The People Under The Stairs on TV. Yeah, we were in the mood for horror. And though the movie wasn't horrifying, as we already knew from watching it before, it was actually pretty good and funny in parts, and it did have a really great ending.

By the time it was over, it was like 10:26, or something like that. The pizza wasn't completely done with though. We had waited a while for it, as the deliverer was late (Seville had to pull me back from lunging at him).

"Alright," Seville sighed. "I'm off to bed."

"Already?" I demanded.

He gave me an amused smile. "I've got work in the morning." At my blank expression, his own grew affectionate. "When you're older, you'll understand, Val."

"Lucky I'm not old yet." I smirked at him. "And neither are you, really."

"Glad you think so." He reached down to ruffle my hair, but I ducked out of the way with a scowl. My hair was simply too perfect for him to mess up.

"I'm being totally serious, Val. Honest." Seville insisted firmly. "One day, you just might regret not savoring the days where you got to rely on your parents for everything."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm relying on you right now. Not them." I pointed out.

Besides, what did he know? He still relied on Mum and Dad just as much as I did. If, by relying, he meant all the times he asked Mum to make him breakfast, then yeah, I rest my case.

Seville stood a little taller. "I s'pose you're right, heh."

I rose an eyebrow at him.

"Anyway," He shook his head. "Just...ponder on that. Okay?"

"Sure." I responded flatly, absentmindedly picking up the remote and flipping the TV off.

What was it about his words that were just suddenly getting to me? I definitely didn't feel like watching any more.

"I...I think I'll read." I mumbled, blankly following Seville up the stairs.

He took an odd look at me, and I forced an easy smirk.

"Night, Val." He yawned, closing his bedroom door gently.

"Night, Sev." I copied his actions, though I wasn't really tired at all.

I crossed my dark room and sat on the beanbag-like chair next to the window, gazing out over the lawn and into the dusky street. I was actually beginning to wonder when they'd be back. Dad had reassured me right before he and Mum left. He said, "We'll be back before you know it." Those were his exact words.

Well, I was starting to "know it", and I made a silent vow to let Dad know that as soon as he and Mum returned.

For now, however, I crawled back into bed and grabbed hold of the book I had previously been reading. Before Seville...grr...interrupted me.

It didn't seem like much longer after that when I put the book down and stuck a bookmark in to hold my place. I simply turned to lay on my side, facing the wall. I didn't even get to try to fall asleep, before I already did.

Not much happened here, I know. But, you were introduced to the two main characters, Valerie and Seville. Characters from this time, who quite suspiciously have the last name "Lovett". Hmm...

By the way, if you hadn't already guessed, Seville is pernounced "Sev-ill". (I totally got Valerie's nickname for him, "Sev" from Harry Potter X3)

Anyway, review and tell me if you think I should go on!

Oh, and think of it this way: Sweeney'll show up faster if you do. ;)

Edit; here's a picture of Valerie (I'll be coming up with protraits of the others soon enough): h t t p : / / i m a g e s h a c k . u s / f / 8 3 5 / 2 0 0 6 r e d c u r l s . j p g / - Take out the spaces, of course!

And hey, in my own defense for her perhaps looking a tad too old to be twelve...she just looks mature for her age, following her personality. *Lame excuse*

Another edit; here's a picture of Seville: h t t p : / / i m a g e s h a c k . u s / f / 1 9 3 / e o g h a n q u i g g 5 9 3 6 8 t . j p g / - Once again, take out the spaces.

Yes...Seville is a bit...tense. That'll be explained. ^^ And also why his skin is on the pale side in this picture, when I described it to be somewhat tanned in writing.