Important Author's Note: 8/10/11- I just saw on someone's favorite stories another CSI: Miami story which had the same name as this story. It was an older story, and i was not aware of it. Just so everyone, including the author knows, I did not copy it. I am thinking of names to re-name this story so there is no confusion and nobody thinks that i copied that author's story title. (:

If anyone has any ideas to re-name this story, let me know, i will give you full credit.

Thanks Everyone,


August 23, 2011
7:45 PM
South Beach

Ryan ran his thumb over the leather ring holder. He and Molly were sitting on the beach for a date, watching the sunset. Because of the fairly cold weather, they were two of the few only people at the beach that night. This was the night he wanted to propose to her. They had been dating seriously for a few months, and the only thing that was missing in their relationship was marriage.
He glanced over at Molly, who was enjoying the view of the sunset. She saw him glance over and she turned her attention towards him. Ryan leaned closer to kiss her, and he took the ring holder from his pocket, placing it into her hands. Molly broke away from the kiss and looked down at the palm of her hand. From the look of her eyes, she already knew what was.
"Oh my God Rya-." She said, getting cut off from her tears.
Ryan took her hand. "Molly Sloan...Marry me... I don't know what my life would be without you." He murmured.
"Oh my God." She said again, under her breath. "Yes!"
Ryan grinned, took the engagement ring, placed it on her finger, and kissed her.
"I love you." He said in one breath.
Molly wiped the tears from her eyes. "I love you too."

August 24, 2011
9:45 AM
Crime Scene

Ryan pulled the crime scene tape up over him, so he could walk under it. He examined the crime scene. The first person that caught his eye was Calleigh, who was near the body, collecting evidence. He briskly walked over to her.
"Ryan!" She exclaimed. "I heard about you and Molly, congratulations!"
"Thanks." He replied quickly, shoving his hands into the front pockets of his pants.
"I'm going to throw you guys an engagement party tomorrow." Calleigh winked, going back to focusing on collecting evidence.
"Ha-ha, you don't need to do that.."
"But I'm going to." She smiled.
"Eight tomorrow night, I'm inviting the whole lab."
Ryan just chuckled as he took various pictures of the body.
"My house, don't be late." She said, standing up.
"I won't."
"Good. I'm going to get this back to the lab." She said holding up a gun that was sealed in an evidence bag.