SOTP: Hey everybody! After the succucess of " A Kings transfomation" I decided to write another Yugioh 5D's parody! Yes this will be Jack/Yusei and the next story will be yet another classic! The little mermaid! I hope this will turn out to be just as good, if not better than the last one!

WARNING! This is yet another Yaoi, so you all know the rules. If you are uncomfertable with Yaoi lemons, limes, or are under the approprate age, YOU DO NOT BELONG HERE! Thank you, now please enjoy my new Yugioh 5D's parody: Underwater Romance.

Disclamer: I own NADA! Nothing!

(The kingdom of Neo Domino)

I'm sure you all know stories about a prince or a princess falling in love. This story however is different, because the prince just so happened to a merman. A merman who had fallen in love with another prince, who was human. The merman was the son of a king, who ruled over all the waters of Neo domino kingdom.

He had tan skin and coal gray hair with gold lighting streaks. He also had a royal golden mark on his face, and eyes just as blue as the ocean itself. The young merman was celebrating his eighteenth birthday.

His name, was Yusei Fudo, the prince of Neo Domino Atlantis ...

Yusei swam through the waters of the kingdom as fast as his fins would carry him.

He was getting tried of being surrounded by all the mermaids who were flirting with him at his birthday party. He asked his father who allowed him to leave early. For which, Yusei was grateful.

The young merman always loved to swim fast through the ocean. His sliver colored tail would often be mistakened for a shooting star in the night sky.

Yusei was very excited as he began to swim even faster upwards. For today, on his eighteenth birthday he would be allowed to travel to the surface. That was something special that every young mermaid, man or women would dream of. Yusei was no different.

He was curious about what life was like where the humans dwelled. He had heard both good and bad stories about them. However Yusei wanted to make an opinion of his own about the world above.

His heart pounding from the excitment as he swam. He eyes widened in awe as he finally reached the surfuce for the first time.

"Wow...This is amazing."

Yusei said to himself as he took his first deep a breath of air. He gazed up at the night in wonder at seeing the beautiful lights called stars. The moon was even more beauiful.

So much so, that Yusei found a nearby cliff and spent time just stairing at the night sky. So many thoughts and ideas began to flow through his mind.
He couldn't understand why his best friends Crow and Kalin found the human world borning.

Just then Yusei heard a loud boom coming from behined him. He turned around and his eyes widened at site of a large castle.

The loud booms kept coming and bright different colored lights followed soon after the noise. His curiousity getting the better of him, Yusei jumped from his cliff. He quickly swam towards the castle to see what was going on.

(Wow, I wonder what this is all about...)

Yusei thought as he stared in awe at all the people in a merry mood when he swam close to the castle. They seemed to be having a great time, dancing, singing and enjoying themselves. Just then Yusei caught the glimps of a man who made his heart beat skip.

He stood on the balacony. Wearing a long white suite with a purple cape and sliver boots. He had golden blond hair and deep voilet eyes. He also seemed to have an air of strength about him.

Yusei watched as the man sat gazing at the moon with focuse in his eyes. Yusei would have never guessed, but this was going to be the beginning of the greatist adventure of his life.

An adventure, that would lead him to his one and only true love...

SOTP: Not bad for a start if I do say so myself. Read, review and repeat with other fics you read.

Your princess commands you!