Finally. The last chapter of this story. Warning: This chapter goes into Gabe's disgusting mind.

And now... one of the ancient Greek Myths never told before for Poseidon and Aphrodite's sake. I, the wonderful and awesome person I am, have dug up this old myth from my very on backyard (No it's not real.). Pay attention as I shall only tell this story once.

Gabe Ugliano (what kind of name is that anyways?) shivered in the cold December air. He was in an extremely angry mood as he walked out of the bar. How had he lost his poker game? He'd used every cheat in the book. He'd even worn long sleeves and brought fake cards but even that hadn't worked. He brought out a cigarette and lit it. The cool feeling in his lungs was calming as he took another puff.

He didn't want to go home to Sally yet. Especially not that brat of a son she had. That women was only good for two things-money to help pay rent and pleasure. If it weren't for those two things he would've divorced her already.

He didn't notice the man behind him who had been following him for two blocks or the pissed off look he had on his face and his boxing outfit. He did however (with his old decrepit hormones) notice the fair beauty in front of him about twenty yards or so. She seemed to be standing around doing nothing. This just made the man behind him flare with rage and the women scowl.

Wait until Ares finds out about this. Poseidon thought. Nevertheless, Aphrodite acted according to plan and put a smile on her face. When Gabe got near her he abruptly stopped and grabbed her by the forearms.

"Hey!" Aphrodite struggled from his grasp half-heartedly as he dragged her into the ally. When they got to the ally Gabe leaned in close to her and said, "Look, my name's Gabe. How old are you?"


"I'm thirty-eight, not much of an age difference. Anyways, how about we go out and afterwards we could go to my place and-"

There was a sickening crack and Gabe's lower lip started bleeding. He stumbled around and got a good look just in time to see the green-eyed man with the boxing glove stare at him in hatred.

"Poseidon!" Aphrodite wined.

"What? His pick-up lines are horrible and you know what he was thinking."

Aphrodite rolled her eyes. "That's not what I mean. You didn't do it right." She stared in hatred at Gabe's form slowly starting to regain balance.

"Do what right?"

Aphrodite took one of her heels off and gave Gabe a solid whack on the head sending his figure sprawled out on the ground. He struggled to get up.

"That's how you do it properly."

Poseidon smirked. "And you say I didn't do it right?"

Aphrodite nodded so Poseidon lifted Gabe and punched him right in the stomach. While Gabe fell down he grabbed Poseidon's face and accidently tore off half of the mustache.

"OW! That took three hundred years to grow!"

"Three hundred years..." Aphrodite looked at Poseidon incredulously.

"What? That's the last time I shaved."

Aphrodite surveyed Gabe. She smiled and tsked. "That's still wrong Poseidon." She summoned a plastic baseball bat and was about to hit Gabe when Poseidon pouted and said, "Why a plastic bat?"

"Well he still has to work to take care of Sally and Percy. We can't hurt him that much." Then she grumbled. "No matter how much we want to make him listen to opera music while standing naked in a thorn bush."

She delivered a solid blow to Gabe's back and he laid sprawled on the floor. "Please.." Gabe breathed and grabbed his stomach. "Why are you... doing this to me?"

Poseidon and Aphrodite looked at Gabe with sickened expressions. "Do you know Sally and Percy?" Poseidon asked through gritted teeth. Gabe scowled and regained his breathing. "That's why you're doing this? That brat of Sally's is good for nothing. As for Sally, well if she ever does anything I don't say all I have to do is smack her-"

This time Poseidon and Aphrodite delivered the blow at the same time. Gabe coughed up blood and glared at the two. "You're making me bleed..."

Aphrodite's glare got deeper. What would Drew say at a time like this? "No hon. We're not making you bleed. That's the disgusting cigarette packs you have hidden in your jacket pocket that's doing that."

"You're lying."

"You dare accuse me of something I'm not doing?" Aphrodite demanded furiosly. She snapped her fingers and Poseidon hit Gabe in the arm.

On the other side of the street a passersby witnessed the scene and called nine-one-one. Three minutes later (During which Poseidon and Aphrodite took turns showing each other how to hit Gabe) the police arrived and cornered the three.


Poseidon cursed. "Blasted mortals."

"Come on." Aphrodite pointed to a ladder that led over the wall at the end of the ally. "I'll cover you." She said. "GO!"

Poseidon hesitated but climbed over. When the police moved closer to stop Poseidon, Aphrodite flashed a seductive look at the cameras and the police blockade and for a moment all of the police guards lowered their guns. Then she kicked Gabe between the legs. While he screamed three octaves higher than his regular voice she climbed the rope over the wall and descended on the other side with Poseidon's help.

"Well that was easy." Poseidon said.

Aphrodite agreed. "We should head back to Olympus and-"


Poseidon rolled his eyes. He grabbed Aphrodite's hand and was about to flash out but more news crews arrived and pointed their cameras at them.

Aprodite frowned and tried to think of something to do. Poseidon on the other hand smiled at the cameras and sucked in the lime light. "So this is how demigods feel... I don't know why they complain."


"Oh right!"

Aphrodite sent another seductive look at the cameras and while everyone was in a daze the two ran to the nearest beach. On the way there they were sacked teh cops realized what had happened and started following them. Near the edge of the beach Poseidon transformed into a beach comber and did the same to Aphrodite though she protested and nagged him about the colorful clash of colors. The police sped right by them and when the coast was clear they jumped into the sea and transported back to Olympus.

Two days later at the hospital.

"Sir, I'm afraid if you ever want to breathe without a machine again you have to stop smoking." Gabe's doctor said.

"What do you mean stop smoking?" Gabe moaned. Breathing alone hurt him and he coughed a little.

"Well," The doctor continued. "You've suffered from lung failure for the past two days and smoking after this willl only make it worse. It could possibly even kill you. But... it won't kill me. So..."

Gabe whimpered as the doctor took his last pack of cigarettes from his hands and smoked them in front of him.

Okay, so it's not as spectacular as I thought it would be but it's better than my original version... As least Gabe got beat up.
