A/N: hey people!

Yes, another story. I regret nothing.


Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Feliciano was silent in the car as his father continued to drive. On the other side of the car Lovino was scowling and kicking the back of their father's seat. Romulus on the other hand was smiling, humming, and ignoring the pain in his back that was starting to settle because of Lovinos kicking.

He glanced in the rearview mirror at his two sons.

"Come on you two." he said cheerfully. "We're starting over in a new town. A whole new life!"

"We had good lives back home." Lovino snarled. For a ten year old he did a snarl perfectly.

Romulus sighed. "I know you guys are mad. But my job…"

"Your job, your job, your job." Lovino mimicked. "That's all you really care about, isn't it?"

Romulus sighed and stopped talking; instead he continued to stare straight ahead.

"I know you guys are upset." Romulus said a few minutes later. "I am too."

"We had to leave all our friends." Lovino said. "And we need to leave our school."

"Your new school is better than your old school." Romulus said. "And you will get new friends."

Seeing his brother was about to start yelling at their father Feliciano quickly grabbed his hand to get his attention.

"Don't." he said quietly. "It's not going to change anything."

At his brothers pleading look Lovino sighed and bit back his remarks. Feliciano saw his father give him a thankful look in the mirror.

Feliciano sighed again and leaned against the window as he watched the scenery pass by.

They continued to drive in silence for another hour, something that Romulus tried to fill with music from the radio and then trying to get his children to sing along with him.

One burning look from Lovino quickly made him stop singing and turn off the radio.

Soon enough Romulus stopped the car outside of a house.

"We're here." Romulus said cheerfully. The two brothers shared a look as they climbed out of the car.

They both stared at the house in silence.

"This…is it?" Lovino said.

Romulus nodded happily. "What do you guys think? I got it cheap."

"Its two different colors." Feliciano said.

Romulus rubbed the back of his head. "Well…you see. There was a fire long ago and they had to rebuild the parts that burnt down. They tried to recreate it completely but…" Romulus shrugged. "That doesn't matter now. This is our new home."

A pair of blue eyes watched from the second story through the window at the two boys and man. His eyes narrowed as they walked to the front door

Romulus unlocked the door and held it open for his sons. Feliciano and Lovino walked into the house staring around the broad and open space.

"You guys get your own bedrooms and bathrooms." Romulus said. "Who wants the room on the left side and who wants the one on the right?"

"I want the one on the left." Lovino said immediately. Feliciano shrugged.

Romulus sighed after watching his sons for a moment. "I'll bring your bags to your new rooms. Go up and get comfortable please."

Feliciano bounced slightly on his new bed before he lied on it.

At least his bed sheets were familiar. As well as his books, desk, and art supplies. His father had been quick to set up the rooms to match the ones they had back home.

He rolled his head towards the door when he heard knocking. His father opened the door and stuck his head in.

"We're going out for dinner Feli." Romulus said. "A nice Italian restaurant. Coming?"

Feliciano nodded as he jumped off his bed and followed his father.

The moment the door closed behind them a blonde haired blue eyed boy appeared in the middle of Feliciano's room wearing part of a school uniform. He sat down on Feliciano's bed and looked around the room, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"What…the hell…happened here?" Lovino asked.

Romulus didn't say anything as he looked around their new house. Everything was in shambles. Books and clothes were flung everywhere. Furniture was tipped over and some were in pieces. The sinks and toilets had been stuffed and the water had been turned on causing something that resembled a river through the house. The frames had broken glass and the pictures were in pieces.

Romulus held his sons closer to him. "Both of you don't go anywhere, I am calling the police."

A few hours later, talks with the police and after discovering that nothing had gone missing and no evidence had been turned up the boys had been drained of energy.

The entire house was in the same shape. Toys, clothes, pictures, books were thrown around the house. It had taken hours to put everything back in order.

Feliciano tiredly climbed into his bed not bothering to pull his blanket up.

Moments before he fell asleep he was aware of someone pulling his blanket onto him however before he could see who it was he was deep asleep.

Ludwig sighed as he sat onto the carpeted floor watching the youngest son of the new family.

He wasn't sorry, that was for sure. He wasn't sorry for destroying and throwing everything around or for clogging the pipes.

He sighed as he lay onto the floor. He imagined the carpet was soft and tried to get comfortable. It didn't really matter. Floor, carpet, bed. Everything was basically the same to him.

He turned on his side and gripped the carpet slightly. It took basically all his concentration to make sure his hand didn't go through the floor.

He sighed again and stood. Choosing to take the long way he left through the door and walked slowly down the steps, one at a time, until he reached the back door.

Entering the backyard he quickly spotted the hammock that Romulus had put up. He walked to it and laid down trying to imagine the feel of the fabric that was covered in a blanket.

The view of the sky was nice and there seemed to be a breeze coming that caused the flowers and leaves to sway slightly.

He wouldn't sleep, he hadn't for years, and this night would be no different.

Ludwig sighed as he tried to pick out the few constellations that he could recognize in the sky.

I hope I made it clear what happened and what is going on here.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

Questions? Comments? Leave them in a review.

Until next time.

This is Phoenix-Fire Power over and out.