Teeth and Prince Charming

The first day of school is the worst. For Ulqiorra Chulfeer it's even more so. He doesn't hate school itself, just the people who went to it. Because of his cloths and his birth marks and the fact that he was small and looked slightly girly everyone has made fun of him since . They didn't even have the decency to do it behind his back; they just say what they feel like to his face. It didn't bother him in the beginning; being an "Emo" (something the other kids had labeled him) he doesn't express emotion very often. But then the attacks turned violent at the end of his Jr year in high school. Some of the boys in the baseball team had cornered him one afternoon after school while he was on cleaning duty.

It had just started out with their normal snide remarks and insults. He had heard these so many times that by then he was immune to all of it. He had been in his own little world and hadn't noticed that the six jocks where closer than he should have let them get and looked irritated. He realized he had fucked up and couldn't escape anymore. The senior in the group had suddenly lunged at him, grabbing his arms and with the help of his mindless minions successfully pined him to the wall. It was after school and most of the teachers had already gone and his friends would be too late to help.

If they would have just beaten him he would have been able to hold it together and just brush it off. He didn't mind pain; in fact under the right circumstances he enjoyed it. But the senior, pissed that he wasn't getting a reaction from his captive had done the unthinkable for a straight guy. He molested Ulqiorra. He had hurt him and had forced himself on Ulqiorra without any preparation or lubrication. They had left him bleeding and broken in the dark corner of the school. He hadn't given them the satisfaction of crying out in pain or pleasure. He had closed his mind down and had won that battle out of sear spite.

With all the damage the baseball boy's had done he hadn't been able to hide the incident from his friends. By the end of the next week all those boys had turned up in a dark alley cut up and beaten within an inch of their lives. They all had cuts on their faces starting from the bottom of each eye all the way down to their jaw line. They mirrored Ulqiorra's blue/green birth marks. He had done that part himself. He was sure that would stop most of the attacks but it had just quieted them. Within a month they intensified three fold. His friends had taken to walking him to every class and making sure at least one of them was with him at all times otherwise.

Over the summer things had been quiet and uneventful. He had almost forgotten about the horrors of school, until he walked through the front gates his senior year and was instantly flanked by Stark and Grimmgow.

Everyone took one look at him and quickly turned away or smirked and made rude gestures toward him as he passed. He sighed inaudibly and kept walking, eyes emotionless and blank. One more year and he'd be out of this hell hole. He planned on going to the States or maybe Rome and starting his own fashion line. They'd made it to the front doors when he head soft gasps and aw's behind him. He tensed and turned to see what it was.

Walking through the front gates was a lone boy. He looked new. In fact Ulqiorra was more than sure he'd never seen this guy before. He had bright orange hair, toffee brown eyes, and a strong jaw line that suggested a stubborn side. His shoulders where broad and his chest with it's slightly too tight t-shirt was deep and muscular. His pants fit him like they had been personally designed to fit his body, hugged his hips and framed his legs perfectly with every step. His shoes even said monuments about him. They were slightly worn and extremely expansive, though very few people here would notice that.

He walked with an "I don't give a shit" swagger and looked like he didn't even notice he was at school. He never looked at any of the obviously fawning girls as he made his way across the yard. As he got closer Ulqiorra noticed his eyes were sort of blank like his own, distant and uncaring. But when he passed Ulqiorra saw that this hansom stranger had earphones in that where so small and flesh colored that unless someone was right next to him they wouldn't have been able to see them. He didn't care because he was off in his own little world listening to his music. Ulqiorra was starting to become more and more interested in this stranger, which is odd for him. He defiantly wanted to find out more about the new guy. And his expensive and yummy smelling cologne.

Bahahhahahah! Well there it is! My very first fanfiction! Please RxR! Any suggestions would be loved! If u have a fanfiction suggestion or request don't hesitate to speak up! Thank you!