Kyoya pushed the limo's door open and stepped out into the rain. He slammed the door shut and ran up the steps to Haruhi's apartment, not even bothering to look at his surroundings and notice the car parked on the opposite side of the street. Reaching the door, he slammed his fist frantically against the hard painted wood.


Tamaki had his car drop him off at Haruhi's house instead of going home. He instructed his driver to stay here while he ran inside. He knocked on the door and Haruhi answered.

"Hi," she said nervously, trying to sound upbeat.

"Haruhi!" Tamaki said, smiling widely. He stepped inside and pulled her into a hug. "Haruhi, I missed you so much! I'm so glad you decided to give me a second chance. I promise I won't let you down again."

Before Haruhi could say anything else, Tamaki crushed his lips to hers. Their eyes were shut, just the same as with any kiss, but this time Haruhi was biting back tears. After a few seconds, tamaki broke the kiss. Haruhi tried to look as cheerful as she could.

"We… we should probably sit down and talk this out," Haruhi said.

"Yeah, that would be a good idea. Let's go," Tamaki took Haruhi by the wrist and led her through the doorway of her bedroom. Haruhi took a seat on the edge of her bed and Tamaki pulled up her desk chair to face her.


Ranka pulled open the door, causing Kyoya to almost fall through the doorway.

"Kyoya!" Ranka exclaimed in surprise. "Why are you here."

"I need to talk to Haruhi. It's extremely important- before either of us does something we're going to regret. I just need to see her," Kyoya said. It was clear that he was distraught. Before Ranka could respond, Kyoya gently pushed past him and made his way towards Haruhi's bedroom.


"…and I guess I'm just confused about all of this…" Haruhi rambled on, extremely on edge. Tamaki cut her off by kissing her, making her heart beat even faster. She couldn't decide whether it was out of passion, or fear.

Tamaki gently lowered Haruhi down onto the bed, still not breaking the kiss. She wanted to push him away, to run out of the room and kick and scream and cry. She wanted to be comforted. She wanted Kyoya.

But that would be impossible. Mr. Suoh's words echoed on her head. Are you aware who has the power to revoke your scholarship?She needed to keep her scholarship at Ouran so she could be a lawyer and follow in her mother's footsteps, even if she felt horrible about what she had to do to keep it. She swore to herself that she wouldn't let anything stop her from achieving her dream.

She knew the consequences of pushing him away, but nothing in the world could make her kiss back.


"No!" Ranka shouted. "You don't go in there!"

"I need to talk to her," Kyoya said back. He turned the knob on the door and burst though into Haruhi's room. What he walked in on made him want to die.

Tamaki was on top of Haruhi, forcing his tongue into her mouth and running his hands up her sides. Haruhi's arms lay limp on the bed, not embracing him, not stopping him.

When the door opened Tamaki broke the kiss and looked up at Kyoya. Kyoya grabbed Tamaki's shirt and slammed him against the wall.

"What did I tell you!" Kyoya said, shaking Tamaki as he spoke. "What did I fucking tell you!"

"Kyoya, stop!" Haruhi yelled. "It isn't his fault! Stop it!"

"Don't you everlay another hand on her ever again. Got it?" Kyoya threatened, his voice dark and menacing. Tamaki nodded and Kyoya let go of his shirt, allowing him to sink to the floor. The raven-haired boy turned to Haruhi and almost felt his nearly heart break when he noticed the tears on her face. Ashamed and unsure, he turned and walked out the door.

"Wait!" Haruhi yelled after him. He stopped, and she continued with her voice a small whimper. "Please stay."

He thought for a second before turning.

"Okay, but can I talk to you for a minute?" Kyoya asked. He looked at Tamaki. "Alone?"

Haruhi nodded and followed Kyoya into the living room. He turned to Haruhi.

"What's going on here?" Kyoya asked, concerned. "I'm completely in the dark. I know this isn't you- you would never cheat on me, and you're a good person. You aren't acting at all like yourself. What's wrong?"

Before speaking she pulled him close and kissed him. In that she tried her best to say I love you, I'm sorry, and please forgive me. Once they broke apart, she spoke.

"I love you," she whispered in his ear. "I love you, and I'm really scared now, and you're the one I want, the one I need to help me through this."

And then stood in front of him and spoke, "I should tell you both about this."


"… and then he told me that he would take away my scholarship if I didn't," Haruhi finished. The three students had gathered in the small living room of the apartment to listen to Haruhi to explain everything.

"Haruhi, I'm sorry that my father put you through this," Tamaki apologized. "If I had known, I definitely wouldn't have taken advantage of you. I'm sorry."

"And you need to tell me these things when they happen," Kyoya said. "That way, we wouldn't be in this mess right now. I'll help you out of this. We'll make it together," He glanced at Tamaki and added, "All three of us."

Haruhi smiled weakly. "Thanks, guys. But what should we do?"

Author's Note: I am SO sorry that I've put this off for so long! I feel horrible! Don't hurt me! But in all honesty, I kind of just forgot... I'm going to try to aim low and just see how far above the bar I can shoot. My goal is to update every one of my fanfics at least once a month, and just up that when I feel I can. And if you want to read some original work of mine, I have a FictionPress account with the same name, so that's there. Thank you to all that reviewed and encouraged me to write more! This chapter would never have happened without you! See you in a month!