Characters: Derek/Stiles (Slash!)

Length: Short

Prompt: Kiss (You'll see)

Takes place: Waaaaay before the list, a week after texting pt 1

Warnings: Slash. Unbetaed/unedited. Short. Rambly. Short. Btw - Texting translations BTSOOM (Beat The Shit Out Of Me)

Disclaimer: Teen wolf isn't mine.

If I tell you the sheer number of times that I sat down to write and failed, you wouldn't believe me. I have no excuse because it's been like an entire year but I AM back now and I come bearing treats. My laptop crashed and wiped all my stories which is why I initially stopped updating and then Sunday I wrote the hottest little one-shot ever as an apology but then my screen died on that laptop. I know, my life sucks...regardless while I wait for that to fix I'll give you this. A short something I threw together just to let everyone know that I'm back. I'm now balancing school and work so -_- wish me more luck than last year. And yes, I'll do a S2 fic eventually.

Derek scowled in distaste. Perhaps that was a little bit unnecessary in description; this was Derek Hale after all. He scowled as often as the Stiles talked. Which, said boy was doing characteristically as usual. See it wasn't so much that Derek was upset that made Stiles nervous enough to ramble on about the exact reasoning behind Pluto no longer being a planet. No, it was more that Derek was quiet about his anger.

He was trying so hard to restrain himself and Stiles was just waiting for him to snap and hit him or threaten him or do SOMETHING. Anything that would make his worries less with regards to the all too reserved man. See, Stiles hadn't meant to break him, he took a breath and paused and still Derek said nothing so he continued talking moving on the classifications of stars as he knew them. He'd made an off the cuff joke in the cinema a week ago, and suddenly Derek has started acting really, really upset with him.

Not usual upset either. This was a weird upset. He picked up Stiles almost every day from school, somehow knowing the days when Stiles would stay late or not have his truck. He'd be outside, waiting and the entire ride home would be silent. Derek tried to make conversation once or twice, sure, but it wasn't meaningful conversation. Not the way that Stiles saw it. Words were the expression of the soul and Derek was acting like he certainly didn't have one.

Rolling his eyes Stiles snapped for a moment and decided he'd had enough, "pull over Derek." The man looked at him with a raised brow and complied in silence. The look on his face clearly said that this was the middle of no where (Derek frequently took scenic routes home) and they shouldn't be stopping.

"If you're not gonna tell me what's going on, then I'm out of here" Stiles said confidently, hand already itching towards the handle as if to reinforce his point. He didn't honestly expect his threat to work on Derek so he was surprised when the man heaved a sigh and turned towards him.

He would admit that he knew Derek was probably really embarrassed about losing his cool façade in the cinema and the awkwardness that surrounded it, so he'd honestly expected him to be waiting to find a moment to equally embarrass Stiles.

"Just do it okay, do it and get it over with. Okay?" He was unaware of the fact that he was now practically prodding Derek's chest with his finger (somehow they'd both unbuckled themselves) and he was ridiculously close to the man. The camero's gear stick was practically digging into his ribcage. That was the last coherent feeling that Stiles would remember, because the next thing he knew Derek had leaned even closer, a weird look in his eyes.

Then he was kissing him. A soft, gentle kiss asking for permission. For all of 1.2 seconds. Then, Stiles' mouth was open and Derek was practically tongue raping him. Not that Stiles was doing much to stop him, besides from moaning deeply and desperately fighting for air and control of the kiss. He lost all train of thought and all sense of decency because when the kiss was broken he'd find himself with his hands wrapped around Derek and himself almost leaning over the gear shift to be with him.

Derek broke the kiss and Stiles smirked hesitantly, slowly, carefully even as his brain struggled to remember something; he had that nagging feeling that there was something he'd forgotten.

"If I'd had known that's what you meant we'd have started soon," he said but before the words were even fully out of his mouth Derek opened his own mouth to speak and then made the MOST unwerewolf like choking sound.

He sounded more like a kitten coughing up a hairball.

Oh, that's right, Stiles had been chewing gum..he scratched his head sheepishly…
