DISCLAIMER: I'm not J.K. Rowling and don't own these characters. Here's a first look at the sequel to 'The Stag and the Doe'! Sorry it's short, but I'm just beginning and wanted to get some opinions first. On with the story?

The only thing he could focus on was her hand- soft and silky enough to leave his calloused skin tingling- clasped within his, their fingers interlaced in a locking embrace he didn't want to end. It was a small thing- holding hands- but felt so monumental to James Potter he could hardly think about anything else (let alone want to think about anything else). Even Sirius's suggestive remarks couldn't affect him; all that mattered was that they were together, finally.

Lily Evans looked up at him, her sparkling green eyes capturing his with a clear question: what was he looking at? He hadn't realized it, but his gaze had admiringly fallen upon her soft face and fiery hair, leaving her searching desperately for something noticeably wrong in her appearance.

"You are so beautiful, love," He murmured, grinning when her cheeks reddened in embarrassment. He would always be the more forward one, he knew, and he took full advantage of the way he could compliment her now without getting smacked.

He pulled her closer on the cushy red couch of the Gryffindor common room, the warmth of her side against his seeming to burn hot next to the flames that danced in the hearth of the fireplace. Sirius, dark eyes and hair shining from the fire, watched them steadily.

"Where are your hands, Prongsy? You two better not be doing what I think you're doing," the animagus cackled at his own cleverness.

"It's only in your bloody mind, Pads," James shot back, the easy retaliation rolling off his tongue. Sirius snorted.

The seventh years dominated the room; Remus perching quietly in a corner with a dusty book, Peter flitting between staring at James and staring at Sirius, James sitting with Lily (treasuring her like a starved man would food), and Sirius cracking jokes from where he sat opposite to the new couple. The younger Gryffindor students had fled- although the marauders were subdued for the moment, there was no telling when a prank might fire off, especially on a day like valentines day.

Valentines Day, James reminded himself. He had been waiting for it ever since he and Lily started going out. Lily had, of course, forbidden any gift giving between her and James. Although she had repeated it (approximately 23 times) in her sternest voice, James had no plans of abiding her. After all, since when had he?

The present he had gotten was something he wasn't entirely confident about. Remus, the only one who had ever had an actual conversation with Lily before 5th year, gave his approval whole-heartedly when questioned.

"She'll love it, James. Don't worry," the werewolf assured him upon his 3rd time asking. James obliged (if begrudgingly) and tried not to stress about it too much (meaning pacing across the room while Sirius cocked an eyebrow at him).

James sighed, frustrated, and a light touch to his forehead startled him from his thoughts.

"James," Lily began, frowning. "Are you okay?" She asked, her silky hair tickling his neck.

He grinned, any fear falling off of him as he looked at her. "Absolutely wonderful, sweetums, yourself?" He joked, chuckling. Lily grimaced and swatted at him.

"That's what I get for worrying," She huffed, a slight smirk pulling at her lips.

He stared at her, bemused. "You were worried?" He wondered aloud, stunned. Lily just shook her head at him, eyes sparkling.

A taste of what's to come? I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Reviews and suggestions are welcome!