Anything you recognise - it's JKR's work. First chapter may seem a bit tense - but it will get better and more interesting! Review if you like or have any critisism! Happy reading!

-Chapter One-

I died

Everything slowed down. The taxi slowly struggled to get over the train tracks, whilst the train prowled closer...and closer...and closer. I had never believed in the whole 'your-life-flashes-before-your-eyes' thing. I had always thought that that was just something the directors made up to make a movie more dramatic.

But now, facing death in the...well...face, I completely understood what they meant. Everything zoomed past my eyes; all the birthdays, the beatings, heart-break, adventures, accomplishments, failures, the changes, school days, home days, the names, the games, running away, coming back, surviving, starving, hurting, pranks, jokes, laughing, crying. All the people that I would miss; my grandmother – oh god, how will she take my death? This will kill her! And my dog – oh, Moony - what is going to happen when I'm gone? What will my parents do to you? Let's hope that my gran takes you in after I'm gone...

Funny how I could cry over my dog but didn't give a damn about my parents... Well maybe that was because Moony cared about me more. He would protect me. Care for me. Make me feel safe and warm. Scavenge food for me to eat. He looked after me when others didn't. He was my best friend.

Oh great - I'm getting all teary eyed. I can feel the salty moisture running down my face, down to my lips or to drop off my chin. I don't want to die. What if it hurts? Please god let it not hurt! Hell, what am I thinking, it will hurt – I'm going to get run over by a train for god's sake! Damn it all!

This was so unfair! The only reason I was in this godforsaken situation was because I had been running away from my damn parents! I'm thirteen for god's sake! I haven't lived yet! I hadn't had a life that I deserved!

I had phoned my grandmother and had explained to her what I was going to do. I was going to live with her instead. I had wanted to walk to her house, but my grandmother thought that was too dangerous. Well, looks like the tables have turned...Oh god! She'll probably blame it on herself! Damn it all! When I get up there, I'm gonna kick some ass!

The driver was still struggling with the wheel and clutch. It sounded like the tire was stuck in one of the gaps on the train tracks. The driver had been an idiot. A complete and utter idiot. And, for that, two people were going to die tonight.

I guess I wasn't that scared of death, it was just the thought of being able to do nothing; feeling hopeless. At the very least, I should say my goodbyes to get my mind off it. I grabbed my phone, crossing my fingers that she would pick up, and quickly dialled the number. As usual, she picked up on the first ring.

"Hello? Dear, where are you?"

"Nan?" My voice shook.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

"Nan, I-I love you – and y-you're the best grandma in the world. Take care of Moony for me."

"Zaria? Zaria what's going-

Too late. Before everything was slow, now everything went in fast forward like someone was playing some sick game (again, I'm gonna kick some ass). The power of the train pushed the car onto its side, making me fall out of my seat and bang my head on the glass window.

The last thing I remembered was the metal being crushed by the force of the train, before everything went black.