AN: I only own a few OCs. TrustInFaith gave me the idea and this is my first Faberittana. So go easy on me please.

Disclaimer:I don't own glee. or any songs that might be used.

WARNINGS: Mentions of rape. There is homophobia and hate.

I hope you enjoy the story.


"Lacey, I swear to Barbra that if there is any meat of any kind in my dinner, Aaron will be a widower." Rachel swore as she inspected her dinner.

"There isn't. Now dig in everyone. Meat food in the orange and white bowls, vegan in the green." Lacey said as the large group gathered around the table and like a buffet piled food onto their plates.

Aaron laughed and rubbed his wife's back. He was extremely lucky to find his soul mate so young. People said they wouldn't make it or make it. But Aaron can see them years in the future rocking their grandkids to sleep still very much in love.

Dinner finished and everyone was gathered in the living room.

"Where did you go?" Kurt asked.

"LA, with Aaron and Lacey." Rachel answered.

"What made you come back?" Mercedes asked.

"I missed you all. But I had to face this. Running away made me a coward and Barbra told me I was strong and a survivor." Rachel beamed at the last part.

"Barbra?" Tina asked furrowing her brows.

"Streisand." Rachel said and Kurt gasped.

"You better not be lying to me Rachel!" He said as Rachel giggled.

"I met her." Rachel smiled. "Lacey's grandmother is friends with her." Rachel said and Kurt looked to Lacey who nodded.

"How was it?" Kurt demanded.

Rachel told them about the dinner and the near panic attack and what Barbra had told her.

"I should send her a gift basket." Santana said and Lacey chuckled.

"Don't bother. She gets enough." Lacey said.

Everyone looked at her as if asking how she knows that. Kurt voices the question.

"And how exactly would you know that?" Kurt asks as everyone awaits the answer and Aaron snickers then whimpers in pain from the swift kick to the shin Lacey gave him.

"I used to vacation at her place." Lacey shrugged as if it was no big deal. "No I will not introduce any of you. Rachel didn't know it was coming and therefore she was too overcome with shock to fangirl her." Lacey said giving Kurt and Rachel pointed looks.

Kurt and Rachel stuck their noses up defiantly and Quinn who was seated on Rachel's left kissed her cheek and Brittany who was on her left giggled and leaned into her more. Santana reached over wrapping an arm around Brittany's shoulders and patting Rachel's.

"So what are you going to do next?" Megan asked reminding everyone that the three woman were in the room.

"Well first, well, first thing tomorrow I am going to the police department and hand deliver a signed statement and have them get a recorded statement." Rachel said proudly and bravely. She wasn't backing down. No. She was tired of running.

Every looked at her with pride visible in their eyes even as tears glazed them over.

"Then I am proud to take the spot as your lawyer." Marisol beamed.

"You don't." Rachel shut her mouth at the look Marisol gave her. No amount of arguing was going to change her mind. "I mean, thank you." Rachel said and Marisol smiled at her.

Santana snickered from beside Brittany and Rachel glared. The Mama Lopez glare still struck fear into those unfortunate enough to be under it.

"Well, I say enough sap shit." The parents and Rachel all looked at Puck disapprovingly at his language then Rachel turned her glare to her brother.

"What did I do?" he asks innocently.

"Don't act innocent Aaron Brandon Berry. It is because of you that Noah learned to cuss." Rachel scolded.

"As I was saying." Puck intervened. "Present time!"

That got a very enthusiastic response as everyone rushed to the living room where the big box was waiting.

Review please. =D

I know this one was very short but the next chapter Rachel goes to the police station and gives her statement and picks Karofsky out of a line up. Then Faberrittana fluff.