Author's Note: A shot an angst. It kind of sucks horribly, but I tried. Enjoy, nonetheless. By the way, I didn't reread & check it yet, since I have no time until tomorrow, so ignore all errors.

Rachel Berry was minding her own business, scribbling musical notes on her notebook when her cellphone rang. It was right next to her notebook, and she quickly grabbed it. Quinn Fabray.

"Hello?" she said into the phone immediately as soon as she pressed the green button, standing up abruptly. "Quinn?"

There was a soft sniffling on the other line. "Rachel?"

"Quinn? What's wrong?"

"Can you come over?" Quinn questioned through sniffles. "Please?"

"Yes, of course," Rachel replied, "I'm coming over right now."

"Thank you," the blonde responded before Rachel heard the click, signaling she had hung up.

The brunette rushed downstairs and quickly grabbed a random jacket from one of the hooks near the front door. She grabbed her keys and sprinted outside to her vehicle.

When she arrived at Quinn's house, all the nights were out and it seemed to be empty. She dove for the front door anyways, and pounded on it. When there was no answer, she checked the doorknob, and was surprised to find it unlocked.

"Quinn?" she shouted, dropping her belongings on the nearest counter. "Quinn?" she screamed again as she explored the house.

She found the blonde in the kitchen, with her head down and her hands tightly clenched on the marble counter. There was a broody darkness around her.

The brunette immediately ran to her, and placed a comforting hand on her classmate's back. "Quinn, what's wrong?"

The blonde merely shook her head, as if she wanted to shake something away from her brain, as her head rose. "I-" she stammered, nodding towards the items around them on the counter.

Rachel glanced around and halted when she caught sight of a container for pills and a half-empty bottle of vodka standing next to an empty glass. "You didn't-"

The blonde groaned again, and was grabbing her head.

"Where's the phone?" Rachel inquired, searching for it frantically.

Suddenly, Quinn collasped and Rachel slid to her knees as she barely caught her. "Rachel." Her voice was weak, and her eyes were half-way closed.

"Quinn? Why did you do it?" Rachel asked, her eyes still searching for a phone nearby. She then remembered she left her cellphone in the front, and tried to gently get up, but Quinn clutched onto her shirt tightly.

"Please don't leave me," Quinn stated weakly, a few tears already streaming down her pale cheeks.

Rachel gingerly laid the blonde comfortably against her chest. "Okay," she asked again, "Why'd you do it?"

"I have no one. Beth, Puck, Finn, my parents won't even look at me," she sighed before adding, "you."

"You have me."

"No, you don't understand. I don't have you the way I want to," Quinn mumbled, a few more tears sliding down her cheeks. Rachel trailed a hand through Quinn's silky locks, then wiped away the clear tears as some of her own grazed her cheeks.

"What do you mean?"

Quinn leaned as best she could with the energy she had left and locked their lips together. Rachel froze for a second, before she carefully kissed back.

The kiss was halted when Quinn pulled away as she started coughing. "I love you, Rachel."

"Quinn, I-I have to call."

"No, please don't!" Quinn slurred, her eyes almost closing again. "I don't want to die in a bed of some-," her voice wavered, "-stupid hospital. I want to die in your arms. I want to spend my last moments in your arms. That's why I called."

"Quinn, if you let me call, I'll let you have me anyway you want me," Rachel pleaded.

"It's too late, Rachel," Quinn huffed out slowly as her eyes finally slid shut and her breathing slowed before there was none.

Author's Note: Please review! :D