Author's Note: Just a extremely quick sequel. I can't write hospital stuff for some reasons I'd rather not say, so I just took the other turn. Enjoy.

Rachel Berry wakes up suddenly, her body automatically sitting up as she tries to breathe. There's sweat beading her forehead, and her entire body aches. She turns to her side, eyeing the alarm clock. 3:47am.

It was a dream, just a dream. Quinn's didn't overdose on pills. Oh god. What if it's a sign? She can't possibly like me back.

She raises a hand to her eyes, rubbing away the sleepiness lightly. A moment later, she tosses her comforter off her body, and searches for a jacket, but instead settles for a hoodie. She pulls it on as quickly as she can, before rushing downstairs as quietly as possible. She didn't want her parents to catch her.

She silently starts up her vehicle, then begins driving to Quinn's house. Rachel needed to be sure Quinn was alright. Because what if the dream really was a sign?

She arrives in minutes, and she storms out of the vehicle. She didn't want to wake up Quinn's parents who hated her, so she fished out her cellphone and sent a quick text.

Come outside, Quinn.

Her cellphone dings a second later, signaling she had received a text. What, Berry?

Just come outside.

There's no reply for a few minutes, and the brunette was close to sending another text, but the front door swung open before she could.

"What do you want?" Quinn questioned, crossing her arms.

Rachel doesn't reply, but instead surges forward and takes the blonde's face in her hands, cupping her chin. Out of the corner of her eye, she sees Quinn's arms fall to her side, restraining herself.

"Rachel," Quinn whispered, "W-What are you doing?"

Rachel shuts her eyes close, and takes a risk, diving forward and then gingerly brushing her lips against Quinn's.

Quinn's hands are on her shoulders almost immediately, gently pushing her off her. "You just kissed me."

"Yeah, I know," Rachel replied after a moment, awkwardly scratching her neck.

"What for?"

"I just had to," Rachel explained. "Do you feel anything for me?"

Quinn quirked an eyebrow. "And why would you think that?"

Rachel shrugged, cracking her knuckles inaudibly. "I guess I'm going to go now." She spins around on her heel, and takes a step.

"I do feel something for you. I have for awhile," Quinn murmurs shortly after.

Rachel turns around again, realizing her dream was a sign. "Really?"

"Yes," Quinn answered, taking a step forward. She grips Rachel's waist, tugging her closer, and the brunette tosses her arms over Quinn's neck. "You must feel the same if you kissed me."

"I do."

"But why did you drive over at four am, just to kiss me? Can't you wait until tomorrow."

"Because I lov-like you," Rachel stumbles with her words.

Quinn stares at her again, before connecting their lips.

Author's Note: Review. & For readers that read my other fics, I'll be sure to update everything after Hurricane Irene if I survive. I can confirm that every single oneshot will result in a sequel, and I have several other oneshots that will shortly be written.