A/N: Welcome, friends. I started working to fill this 5-times doohickey from the finchel-prompts Tumblr and intended for it to be more drabble-y, but you know how that goes. Thus I present to you, in separately-chaptered sequence, the five times Finn was distracted by Rachel's body and the one time Rachel was distracted by Finn's.

Endless thanks to JannP for her guidance and encouragement, especially helping me with the titles.

Oh, and this chapter is rated T. (One or two may border on M, depending upon how liberal one is with the designations.)

i. This Time I Really Need to Do Things Right

Finn stood next to the table of hors d'oeuvres in the Pierces' living room, discretely trying to consume as many puff-pastry-based items as possible. He was happy to be taking Rachel to the one fancy French restaurant in Lima for their pre-prom dinner, but Burt had warned him that the food there probably wouldn't fill him up.

Just as he attempted to figure out what exactly was inside a triangle of filo-dough, Puck sidled up to him.

"Yo man, I have the sickest stash for the lake house," the mohawked boy said proudly. "Jack, jäger, Patron, even those lame wine coolers that Berry likes."

Finn rolled his eyes. "That's great," he said absently, still focused on his latest appetizer treat.

"What's your problem, dude? Not excited for the post-prom weekend of debauchery?"

"Um, I guess I am. Yeah." Truth be told, Finn was really nervous. He wanted their senior prom to be absolutely perfect. Or at least not a disaster like last year. Rachel deserved that much from him after all they'd been though.

"Whatever dude." After looking around and ensuring that the adults present were all otherwise engrossed in conversation or fussing over their respective children, he continued. "This is merely the kickoff to a summer of pre-college insanity..."

What were the girls even doingup there? Finn thought as he shifted uncomfortably (damn tuxedo) and wiped his mouth with a napkin, wishing Puck would just shut up for once.

Just then, a pair of tan legs began descending the stairs. He'd recognize those legs anywhere, though he'd never seen them clad in such a sexy pair of strappy black heels. Giganticheels that made the legs look even longer and more toned than usual.

As the legs descended the staircase one dainty step at a time, the rest of Rachel's gorgeous form came in to view as well. Like the previous year her dress was mostly pink, this time knee-length and strapless, with a black sash at the bust.

Reaching the bottom step, Rachel turned and walked carefully into the living room. This afforded Finn a direct view of her face, which was adorned with subtle, pretty makeup and framed by curled pieces of her silky dark hair. They made eye contact and she smiled shyly, biting her lip.

He was fairly certain he was drooling, but he didn't really care.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to Finn, Puck was still talking. "... Zizes won't be able to resist the Puckzilla after that, right Hudson? Hudson! Earth to Finn!" The shorter teen waved his hand in front of his taller friend's face before giving up and following his gaze. "Wha- Whoa! Hot damn!"

Puck's comment served to remind Finn that there were actually other people in the room, and he managed to sneak in an elbow to Puck's ribs right before Rachel reached them.

"Hi," she said softly.


He was sure that this prom would be awesome.

A/N #2: That was really short, but the rest are longer.

Please let me know what you think! Reviews are love.