Author's Note: Hi everyone! This is my first full length, full blown story about my favourite manga couple Usui Takumi and Ayuzawa Misaki. As the title suggests, its about their married life. I'll be writing about any random incident in a single day of their lives. The stories will most probably not be limited to one chapter (those who've read this story on Manga Fox know that the first incident lasts for 7 chapters) and there is bound to be some time span between two incidents. However, most of the characters will be known to KWMS readers; they're both old and new, in the sense that I have taken the liberty to be a bit OOC. Although I have preserved their essential mannerisms and nature, I added these changes as it gave me more freedom to shape the story and characters. Also, there are some new characters too. To know more about them, read on!

Disclaimer:I seriously wish I owned Kaichou Wa Maid Sama by Hiro Fujiwara, which just implies that I do not own it!

A Day In The Married Life Of Misaki & Takumi Usui

The wide, gilted doors of the church were thrown open and she was standing in the doorway. All the guests were seated, so she had an unhampered view of the scene beyond the pews. There were three people at the altar- a short, balding man, the priest who was facing her. The other two stood with their backs to her. Both were in dark suits. On hearing the doors open, they both turned around to look at her. The first was a tall, skinny, brown haired man, the cut on his cheek still clearly visible from that much distance. On seeing her, Shintani beamed, his face lighting up with boyish enthusiasm. His brown eyes seemed to say, "Wow Misaki chan, you look so pretty! And thanks for making me the best man!" The other person, slightly taller than the first, lean & blonde, too was smiling at her, but it was different. On seeing his smile, a warm sensation spread in her chest, while a lovely blush appeared on her face. She too returned the smile tentatively.

Then, the organ started playing. "That's your cue, Misaki!" came Sakura's voice from behind her. She took a step forward and started walking down the aisle. Everywhere she looked, there were happy faces around her. Her friends from school, Yukimura, Kanou, Shizuko and other alumni. There was the staff from Maid Latte, Satsuki's face with the broadest smile, the air around her full of moe flowers. Those three idiots were there too, gazing dreamily at her in a lacy white silk wedding gown. And her mother in the front row, smiling with tears in her eyes. As she walked on, matching her steps to the wedding march, she heard Suzuna mutter from behind her, "Yes Sis. You're doing a great job."

The walk down the aisle seemed too long to Misaki, the train of her gown which Sakura and Suzuna were holding aloft felt too heavy. But then, she blinked and suddenly, she was at the altar, standing next to Usui. He was gazing down at her and the look on his face made her heart beat faster and her breathing to slow down. And then, the priest started reading the vows so both turned to look at him. He asked "Do you, Usui Takumi, accept Ayuzawa Misaki as your lawfully wedded wife?" Usui replied in his most silky voice "I do." Then the priest turned to her and asked, "And do you, Ayuzawa Misaki, accept this man as your lawfully wedded husband?" She replied softly, "I do!" The priest smiled at them and exclaimed, "Then I declare you both as man and woman! Till death do you apart!" He spoke to the groom, "You may now kiss the bride."

Misaki turned to face him, a blush of expectation and shyness on her face. She looked up, into the face of... Igarashi Tora, grinning at her evilly. She gasped and exclaimed, "W-What are you-, and where is Usui?" She looked around frantically but couldn't find him. Her thoughts were in a muddle."What the heck! Where did he disappear? One moment he's here and the next... but what is that Igarashi doing here?" On that thought, she whirled around and demanded from him, "Why are you here?This is my and Usui's wedding! And you're not invited! Now get lost from here! I've to go find my husband!" She started to dash away but felt a strong, cold hand on her arm. She started to yell at him but he said, "You're really slow, aren't you? You just married me, right? So now..." his face loomed closer to her. "I'm your husband... & you're mine now..."

On hearing this, Misaki froze. He looked her up and down, and leered, "Oh look! You're already prepared for honeymoon. That's a very interesting outfit you're wearing..." She looked down and found herself in that same maid costume which she'd worn only once before in her life, the one Igarashi had prepared for her welcome to Miyabigaoka. "What on earth's happening here? I can't even seem to loosen his grip on me!" His face was coming closer and closer to her.

"The guests! I'll call to them for help!" She moved away from him, to call out to the guests, but only found a shifting black world all around her. "Where's everyone gone?" The darkness seemed to be shimmering. Out of the gloom appeared hundreds of monsters, the foulest ghouls, the meanest ghosts, the bloodiest corpses and all of them were approaching her. She screamed. She struggled. She fought. But there was no escape. And then Igarashi was saying, "You heard the priest. Its time for a kiss!" All she could see was Igarashi's cold, feral eyes, his face in a twisted pervy smile seemed to fill her vision...


She jerked upright, her body shuddering. Her breath came in gasps. She glanced around crazily. She was in her bed, in her room. A soft golden light was filtering through the window into the room, making it bright.

"Haaaa..." She took a deep breath and released it in a sigh. "What a terrible dream! And I can guess why I had it today." The other side of the bed was empty, all made up. "Really, even after all these years, I still can't say when he gets up and how he makes the bed so quietly, without disturbing me." She turned to look at the clock. It was before the time she usually woke up. "But I don't think I'll be able to go back to sleep now, not after that horrible dream!" So she got up and went into the hallway. There were sounds coming from the kitchen. She walked quietly to the kitchen and stood in the doorway. Usui was standing at the counter, cooking, his back towards her. His hair was shining in the light coming in from the window, his lean hands moving busily, yet with a mesmerising grace.

She remembered the day, right after their marriage, when she'd apprehensively entered the kitchen to make a meal for them both. Before she knew, he'd swept her off her feet and carried her to the bed and gently put her down. He'd said, "Leave this to me Misa chan. Every morning, it'll be me who'll prepare breakfast for you. And then I'll wake you up and serve you breakfast in bed. This way, when you'll get out of bed everyday, you'll be fresh and full, with no battles fought in the kitchen by you." She'd argued with him on the matter, but like in other instances, she'd lost against him. So ever since that day, he'd served her breakfast in bed.

Usui suddenly said, "So, you're up already," waking her up from her reverie.

"Uh-huh, yeah. Good Morning."

At this, he turned around and said with a little smile," Just a 'good morning', eh? Nothing more?"

"Ehh... ahhh, about that..."

"But tell me, how come you're up early? Do you have an upset tummy? Or did you fall off the bed? Or did you snore so loudly that you woke yourself up? Or did you have a bad dream or something?" Weird, comical expressions appeared on his face.

"I-Idiot, don't ask stupid questions! Anyways, what's that you're cooking?" She moved next to him on the counter, looking at the frying pan. The last question had been bang on mark, so in order to avoid answering him, she changed the topic.

"Scrambled eggs."

"Hmmm... it does smell delicious. Make sure you don't burn them!" She warned him unneccessarily, as if he would ever let anything get burnt.

Usui looked at her closely. "She is behaving a bit strangely today. I wonder what's up." He noticed the slight frown on her forehead, the shadows under her eyes. "So, you did have a bad dream, and such a bad one that you couldn't go back to sleep. And you won't even tell me about it." He felt a bit sad at the thought. He raised a hand and touched it lightly to her soft cheek. She looked up, her golden eyes full of beautiful lights, a slight pink tinging her cheeks. He said, "You can tell me what's worrying you, Misa chan." He leaned down and kissed her tenderly on her cheek. "Happy Anniversary, my love." The blush deepened and a small, sweet smile appeared on her face. "Happy Anniversary to you too," she murmured.

On seeing that she was distracted from her worrying thoughts, he straightened up and turned back to cooking.
"So, now that you're already up, how about giving me a hand with the cooking? Its quite a job, cooking for four people, that too all alone," he said airily. Next to him, Misaki grew rigid. "I hope you'll be able to prepare some coffee? Err... no, leave that, you'll probably end up blowing up the percolator." His teasing mode was back on.


"Then you pour out some orange juice. Its in the fridge." On seeing that she was still staring at him, dumbfounded, he sighed dramatically and said, "The fridge is that big, white machine on your right." Shaking his head in mock exasperation, he uttered, "Ahhh... why do I have such a useless wife!"

Misaki saw red."Who are you calling useless!" She yelled and grabbed his shirt collar. "Its only because of you that I'm not able to do any of this! Because you wouldn't let me learn how to! And after that, you've the nerve to call me..." her voice trailed off as she noticed how close they'd gotten, the mysterious gleam in Usui's eyes, the soft curve on his lips. He said, "You're so cute when you get mad like this Misa chan. And even after so long, I haven't got used to it."

He lowered his face and kissed her warmly on the lips, once, twice, till he heard a girl's voice saying tonelessly,"If you guys don't mind, would you please stop that? It's still early in the morning."

Usui and Misaki broke apart to see a small girl standing in the doorway of the kitchen, her blonde hair tousled and her hand rubbing one eye. She yawned and opening her green eyes, she said, "I'm hungry. Can we have breakfast now?"

A/N: If you read the story and have any thoughts on it, kindly reply. I welcome critical appraisal.