I got the idea yesterday when I went to Niagara Falls. It would be fine, if that thing that shall happen to Hermione in story didn't happen to me, too.

Read the story. It's short, but I needed about two hours to get it right.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione didn't want to spend another Christmas Holidays at Hogwarts, so they decided to go somewhere else. Parvati and Lavender went to Cuba, Seamus and Dean to Alps, Fred and George were in Australia, and even Draco featuring his two cronies, and his wannabe girlfriend Pansy, went to Iraq.

Harry wanted to go to India, but on the end they decided to go to Canada. It's not that they wanted to go there, they wanted to go to USA, but that Commonwealth thingy made them go to Canada.

They were sitting inside Hagrid's hut and discussing where in Canada should they go.

"I know, we could go to Vancouver!" said Ron, excitedly.

"What's the point of going there? The writer never went there, and she can't write about it. I don't want to spent whole time inside a mall," Hermione was retorted.

"How about Cape Breton?" Asked Harry.

"Excellent. There are lots of things that we can see." Said Hermione happily.

"Why don't three of you just go to Niagara Falls?" Said Hagrid, trying to brush Fang's hair.

"That's right" Harry said, jumping and pointing with his index at ceiling, "The Simpson are going to Canada!

"Harry, Simpson have already been to Canada," reminded Hermione patiently. Ron was pretending he knew what they were talking about.

"Oh, sorry. The trio is going to Canada!"

They didn't know how to Apparate and Canada was too far away, so they decided that Floo Powder was the right thing to use.

When they got there they went everywhere. They went to "Ripley's: Believe it or Not Museum", "Guinness", "Wax Figures Museum", they even saw the falls, McDonald's, "Rock Hall of Fame", Parks... (it's not that I'm advertising the Canadian side of Niagara Falls, but Holiday Inn is currently has that deal that if you spend a week....)

Then Ron said:

"I want to go to House of Horror."

"They are boring." Hermione licked her ice cream.

"I wonder if there is Voldemort inside it?" Said Harry.

"Let's check it." Said Ron, and they all went away towards the building where it was.

Just when they reached it, and Harry was buying tickets, Hermione stayed outside shocked.

"What's up with you, Herm?" Asked Ron, looked at Hermione's terrified face.

"This is too scary; I can't go there," said Hermione and ran away.

Ron just sighed, and glanced on the sign that said "During the ride, to make it
less scarier, you will listen to Backstreet Boys all the time."