I'm sorry for making you wait my loyal readers, please forgive me! I don't own Harry Potter or Twilight. Please review!

I could barely breathe between the screams escaping my mouth, my body convulsing in pain as Professor Dumbledore tries levitating my body towards the hospital wing. While I couldn't see myself, I knew my face was beginning to turn red as less and less oxygen was making it to my lungs, causing alarm amongst the Hogwarts population. The only thing that could rival the agony coursing through my body was the fear clouding my thoughts, the fear I felt not for myself but for Alexander, the only family that counts. My body thrashes violently, and I fall to the ground with a thud as wave of accidental magic lashes out to send the professors away from my body. The only reason I knew it was the professors around me was because I could dimly hear their voices ordering the students to their common rooms.

"Harry!" Neville's voice tears through the air like a whip, his voice full of fear and desperation. I wish I could respond to him, my hands lashing out to claw against the ground in the direction his voice had come from. Professor Flitwick's voice is loud in my ears, his shouts for Neville to stay back making me cry out louder. I could hear their struggles, and the sounds of footsteps hitting the ground seem to echo in my head as Neville pushes past the professor to get by my side. My magic must have been keeping them back or they would have stopped him already, for his safety. However, I could care less if Neville was safe to be near me now, I needed someone familiar right now…and now that was Neville. The pain lessens briefly, and my mind clears so I can open my eyes to stare blearily up at Neville's round, tear stained face.

"N-Nev…" I gasp painfully, my voice dry from screaming. My body shudders underneath his hands as he moves to hold me gently, blood staining my lips as a cough racks my body. I could feel my magic still swirling around as like a shield, fending off the professors as the pain continues to move like waves through my body.

"H-Harry…it will be alright…" Neville says shakily, his whole body trembling as he struggles to keep my body upright in his arms. I could still feel my magic whipping around me dangerously, tendrils reaching out as if they were searching for someone or something. Unfortunately, there wasn't much else I was able to feel beside that and the pain setting my nerves aflame. The pain continues only slightly more bearable than before, until the feeling of cold drop of water meeting my skin makes my mind snap back into focus. Neville was crying, because of me…sweet, kind Neville…he should not be crying for any reason.

"I-I am f-fine…" I choke out, my pained voice making my lie obvious to everyone in the room. Neville opens his mouth to say something, probably something to make me feel better, but before the words can pass his lips someone's hands were grasping his shoulder's, tugging him away from me. I want to scream out in anger now, wondering who would make it through the shield to take away my anchor. The scream dies on my lips when Blaise's horrified eyes meet mine, his familiar hands taking Neville's spot to cradle me against his body gently. No one had ever held me so tenderly before, not even Alexander had. Alexander's name resonates throughout my body, and suddenly I was no longer aware of Neville, Blaise, or the Professors. How could I have forgotten about Alexander for even a minute, no matter what pain I felt? H e was probably in much more pain…I need to help him…I reach up with trembling hands to grasp Blaise's face gently, trying to focus on something other than the pain so I could focus.

"A-Alexander…" I hiss, clenching my eyes close as I delve into my own mind to find the source of my pain. The pain seems to intensify in response, my lips cutting into my bottom lip as I bite it to muffle my scream; I continue further into my mind though. Burning, red chords seem to tangle themselves throughout my mind, setting everything on fire as I try to find where they were coming from. I begin to follow one, trying not to get to close as I begin leaving my own mind to where the chord was originating. Almost immediately, the pain is gone and I am no longer within Hogwarts, within my own body. The now crimson red chords lead towards a huddled body in the center of a large throne room, their body twisting and arching as animalistic screams of pain escape their mouth. Their body wasn't able thrash about too much though, two red-eyed teens holding tightly onto their shoulders to keep them from attacking someone most likely. It is when their face turns to face mine that I find myself falling to my knees in front of them.

"A-Alexander…no…" I gasp, reaching out one had as if to grab hold of my guardian to protect him from harm. My hand phases right through one of his arms, making me cry out in desperation as Alexander's scream seem to rise in frequency and pain. I force my gaze away from Alexander, my eyes going over three men sitting upon thrones that looked down upon Alexander. These people were causing this; they were hurting my family, the one I loved most. Without realizing it my magic had lashed out form the link, smashing against the teens to send them flying into the wall with a loud thud. Alexander's scream cut off when the blonde's head met the wall and I find myself continuously smashing her slim body into the brick without a second thought. I didn't bother looking around me to see what was going on with the others around me, solely focused on the girl that had been hurting Alexander. It wasn't until her neck cracked loudly and her head visibly rolled off her shoulders that I stopped, a choked gasp escaping my mouth as I watch her head roll towards the center of the room. The shock of what I had done sends me slamming back into my own mind, convulsing out of Blaise's arms to puke onto the ground, falling into unconsciousness right after.

And so Alexander is saved….hopefully, but you never know how the Volturi will react to that…Don't worry, Harry didn't actually kill anyone…he didn't burn her body so she will be fine. Unfortunately, I can't say the same for Harry. He's going to think he murdered someone until he learns Jane isn't dead yet, which will definitely mess up Harry's head for awhile. Please review