Mrs Northman: Family

Part 5

A/N: So here it is final chapter...hope you like, thanks so much for all the awesome reviews

Enjoy. . .JoxX

I made my way to the yellow sitting room, where I could feel Octavia Fant's pissed brain pattern. Ralph one of our were guards opened the door, "Her Majesty the Queen of Louisiana and First Lieutenant Ravencroft," as he spoke he beamed at me, pride rolled of him, yeah it totally felt good. An older woman rose to her feet. I inclined my head to her as did Pam after I elbowed her.

"Please allow me to apologise for my rude and abrasive cousin... there no other way to put it, he's an asshole...but we are very short on time. So I'll hope you'll forgive me." I shook her hand surprising her with both the apology and the hand shake.

"I am not in the habit of being accosted in my own home, your Majesty," Octavia spoke with a tone, I couldn't blame her.

"Either am I, but my house effect's all of the supernatural's in Louisiana, Nevada just tried to take over and I need your help... and please call me Sookie," I said suddenly weary from the nights goings on.

The witches eyes widened, she swallowed, "what can I do?"

"My husband the King is missing, I need him found like yesterday." At this point the witches eye's were bugging. "Can you help us?"

"I could do a location spell, but aren't you bonded to him? what makes you think he is still alive if you can't feel him...I presume you can't feel him otherwise I wouldn't be here."

"You are correct we can't feel him, Pam is his child, but I feel his hum in the back of my mind so I know he has not met his final death, Pam has not felt his final death."

"Okay, I would need a personal item of his and a drop of both of blood from both of you," Octavia said.

"Done," Pam left the room, to get Eric's personal item.

"How is it a Fae hybrid is now Vampire Queen of Louisiana?" Octavia answered.

"You don't want to know. I claimed the throne in Eric's steed tonight, he's a good King, he looks after his people and is as fair as our savage world will allow him to be."

"You love him?" she asked. The question threw me only for a second when I realised the answer a band of steel constricted round my chest. Holy shit.

"Yes, I do very much. He loves me...many see Vampires as heartless but Eric is capable of love, he is worth saving," I implored like I was fighting for Eric very survival. Yes Eric has done awful things to me...but from now on I am choosing to see it as an awful thing was done to us we both chose different ways to react to it. Neither of us went into this marriage with our eye open to the others expectations, what where we expecting? happily ever after? It was so bitter sweet, my revelations because the person I wanted to tell was missing.

"How did he go missing?"

"I have been having visions, hearing a little boy calling for my help. As you can imagine it's been very distressing," I licked my lips. "Eric went to look for the little boy a week ago, I could see warehouse buildings and something I said triggered some kind of recognition in Eric, he left the house to check it out."

"Do you often get visions, what aren't you telling me?"

"I am a telepath, I believe the boy is also one, I didn't feel he was real at first because everything was so hazy. But I think now he is being drugged therefore when I do get glimpses they are unfocused scrambled, but I just feel his fear. He's so very scared."

"You believe who has your husband also has the boy?"

Pam was back now watching the exchange, "it's a possibility... I am trying not to get my hopes up."

"Why does the King want another telepath?"

"He doesn't," I snapped.

Octavia looked like she didn't believe me, but it was Pam that answered. "It's true another telepath would be a great asset to the Kingdom but My Master would never exploit a child it's beneath him. I believe his actions in this case are that of the welfare of his wife, this child has no control over his gift and the visions cause Sookie a lot of pain, saving the child would be saving his wife pain thus himself as they are bonded. No more."

"It was hell growing up with this disability, I had no control, if I can help the boy I would be grateful, but right now my husband is the priority."

"Leave me," said the witch and we did just that leaving a drop of our blood on little glass slides as we exited the room, not before Pam threatened to rip of the witches head off with her bare hands if she so much as thought about betraying us.

As soon as we were out of the room, Pam turned to me, "Get some rest, Sookie."


"Sookie, don't be stubborn you have the fairy to deal with tomorrow at noon."

"I'll stay up another hour if nothing has happened I'll go to bed then. I am just weary from it all, honestly I am fine...just hate all the know for something to happen."

"What else would you be waiting for?" Pam shot at me, I looked at her confused then I understood. I shook my head at her, a Pam joke. Yeah, they didn't always make sense.

We didn't get far from the doors we had left the witch behind when Thalia appeared, the doors open to the sitting room both women said at the same time, I know who has the king.

Pam and I didn't know who to look at first, I finally settled on Thalia, "he was captured by witches, for De Castro. According to Victor the witches couldn't believe there luck when Eric showed up as the very next day they were meant to come here to take him. Victor was meant to end him but the Coven leader took a fancy to him..."

"And what!" I implored what was Thalia of all people not telling me. Thalia was brutal, so what did it mean when she was holding back?

"As payment she asked for Eric to entertain her for seven nights..."

"Doing what?" then I sucked in a load of air, "he would never do that!" I implored.

"Your Majesty, he cares for you," Thalia (disgust on her face) began, my shoulders sank in defeat she didn't need to say it, Eric is a survivalist, Thalia believed he would do what it takes to survive.

Pam took charge as the wind had total been ripped from my sails. "Where is he now?"

"I think I may be able to help with that, the actual location was hard to pin point as this witch seem to have a lot of wards in place but I have been able to narrow it down to the meat packing district, here in Shreveport," Octavia answered.

"We will take you there you will tell us where our Master is," Pam ordered. The next few moments passed in a blur as we all organised to get ready to leave we had to leave in small groups in case the compound was still being watched. According to Thalia, Clancy had been most proficient in getting Victor to talk. Victor had no idea where Hallow (the witch ho) who had Eric was hiding out at, so we couldn't confirm where Octavia was taking us.

It was with a sicky feeling in the pit of my stomach that I stood outside, Big Al's slaughter house. I could 'read' nothing from the outside but Octavia assured us this was the place. The place gave me the willies and I wanted to turn back something fierce, Pam told me that was the magic, part of the wards.

While the Vampires debated how to get past the wards. I pulled Pam's silk scarf off her neck, she eyed my oddly, I tied it over my ears leaving the ends to dangle down my back, I hunch down a little walking up to the doors leaving the rest of them hidden. A silver dagger in my pocket of my hoody. I knocked on the door a Were came to answer.

"Hi, I parked my car down the road, it's got a flat and the spares a bust, I couldn't use your phone to call my brother, could I?'s kinda creepy out there, it's giving me the willies," I smiled, shivered a little, you know played up the whole damsel in distress.


"I'll be so quick, just in and out you'll hardly notice I was here," I smiled.

The were, by now I was sure she was a were witch, stepped out and looked around, before gesturing me inside, "Come in, make it quick you got two minutes, office is to the right." The woman all dressed black said.

"Oh great! That's all it will take, Vampires of Louisiana you are invited," within seconds, all off the Vampires who came with me were inside before the Were witch could even speak Pam had ripped out her throat.

"Sandra, who was it?" some discombobulated voice sounded, from way back in the warehouse.

"Pizza," I yelled back, just reacting. Shit.

"Who the fuck ordered pizza? fuck sake! Secret fucking hide out people!" ranted the voice. Then silence.

"Do I smell tiger?" shouted the voice, again. Quinn winced, shrugging mouthing 'sorry.' As he smelt his own arm pits. Eww.

"Delivery driver," I yelled back wincing- would I get away with it? I was counting with my fingers all the were's in the building with a hand curved into a claw shape to represent were's I was gesturing where to find them all. And with using both my index fingers as make shift fangs I was indicating where I felt the two voids, I had sensed. I just prayed one was Eric.

"The delivery driver was a Were tiger?" the voice yelled again. Mean while three of the claw gestures had signed off and where no more the Vamps that had dispatched them had also returned. Blood dripping from Thalias fangs


"Huh, now you don't see that every day," the voice commented. Three more dead Were's. "So what did you get?"

"What?" I answered, panic rising in me.

"Pizza, what kind did you get?"

"Come get it while it's hot," I yelled back. The last of the group was furthest back there was four of them with two voids nearby and a human signature that seemed almost coma like.

There was a knock on the door and every eye went to the door again. Everyone stood stock still, in the end I went to answer it. I just stood mouth agape, but so did the visitor.

"Niall?" I hissed in a low voice.

"Sookie?" he hissed in an equally low voice.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered.

"I could ask you the very same thing?"

"Who the fuck are you taking to now? I can hear you whispering!" yelled the voice.

"Niall come in," invited my Great Grandfather in, in a low whisper. Then turning to yell "No one," I called.

"Doesn't sound like no one," huffed the voice.

"It's the High Prince of the Fairies, who do you think?" I yelled. Niall's face was aghast for a split second, then he smiled.

"No need to be like that. I was only asking."

"Yeah, well he says he's here to kick your ass," I grinned, I held out my hand as Pam silently slapped it.

"Yeah, yeah...very funny." I think so.

"So you coming to get some pizza or what you lazy bitch?" I shrugged and scrunched my nose up at the Vamps, Quinn and now my Great grandfather.

"What did you call me?" the tone was no longer playful it was laced with piss and vinegar.

"Hey ugly! I called you a lazy bitch." Now that got a reaction, a low growl erupted.

"I dare you to come here and say that," the voice rumbled with a growl.

"See, now you're just proving what a lazy bitch you are, if you want me, you come get me," I yelled, gesturing to the Vamps, Quinn and Great Grandfather, trying to convey; what the hell was it gonna take to get her to come to us.

More growling but no major movement. Urgh! What was it going to take?

"You too busy fucking your brother again?" I tried, I didn't know if she had a brother or not, this was total stab in the dark.

"Urgh," loads of growling now joined by another Were growling.

This time a man's voice answered, "That was one time, when we were high on vamp blood how the fuck was I supposed to know it was Marnie when I had a fucking gimp mask on, I couldn't see shit out, we were high as fuck?"

There was no smart come back's for that one, my face was a mixture of shock, horror and disgust, Quinn was actually biting his hand, to keep quite, he had tears in his eyes.

I just held up my hands, I had nothing more I could say to these people to lure then out. The Vamps had their lips curled in disgust, when the Were man had mentioned Vamp blood. By now even Niall rolled his eyes, which just looked odd on the distinguished looking fairy. He stepped forward tucking his cane under his arm the vamps took a healthy step backward from him. I still had no idea what he was doing here. He picked up the dead Were woman as if she weighed nothing then hurled her high into the air so she landed with a large thud past the little wall that block the view to the back of the warehouse.

A blue handkerchief appeared in Niall's hands he very delicately wiped his hand's, when he was done the hankie disappeared.

"What the fuck was that?" the male were shouted, where these the laziest witches on the planet?

Niall put his finger up to his lips. So I remained quite.


I still said nothing.


Oh geez it would be dawn by the time these inbreeds had the notion to come check us out.

"Fuck sake, Mark can't you see I am buzy, go check it out." I just read red haze from her mind, so I couldn't tell what she was up to, snippets, horrid baby skitters coloured carpet and flashes of sixties furniture in teak wood. A TV but anything else wasn't clear. In fact none of the Weres here were easy to read.

"I am going to kill that bitch...urgh I am about to beat my high score, this game has no pause," snarked the Were man, "can't you go?" he whined. What is he twelve?

The frustration was over whelming, I actually had my hands on my head pacing in circle. Frustration + Vampires + Were tiger = rising blood lust, not good for human/ Fairy hybrid like me. More and more they were eyeing me like a juicy steak.

"I AM BUSY," it came out as a roar, easy to see who was the alpha in this pack.

"Trying to fuck your pet Vamp, give it up Marnie, he's not into you," The male voice sneered. My blood had run cold I was walking forward before I even knew it. A firm hand clamped down on my wrist before I even had a chance move very far forward, I was about to chew out who ever was holding me back but my eye's met Niall's just as he lifted my hand.

My creepy hand, the creepy hand was back. The sequel, it was creepier than ever, the fingers had grown long and bony the nails long, sharp and pointy, the colour had taken on a decidedly grey bluey tone with a translucent quality.

Niall looked at it, then me and smiled, as he smiled the number of teeth in his mouth increased they became long and sharp. His eyes glowed. I was mesmerised by the change in him.

Suddenly he moved dragging me along with him, only he wasn't dragging me. I moved as fluidly as he did. Just as we rounded the wall that hid the front doors and loading bay, the Male Were, I presumed called Mark came out of the office he looked a mess, skin pale, stains on his once white wife beater, sweatpants hanging so low you wondered what kept them up. He gasped in shock first at the dead Were- Sandra that lay on the floor, then at myself and Niall.

"SHIIIIT," he yelled as his face caught in surprise. White light blasted him from Niall. I knew before he hit the floor he was dead. A hive of activity began in the room next to the one Mark had come out of, it was easily heard through the flimsy partition wall's.

Niall signalled to Pam and Thalia to bring the wall down. They looked at me and I nodded, this seemed to please Niall.

As the wall came down it was my worst nightmare. Eric was lying on the bed naked as the day he was born, like there was no other place he'd rather be. He wasn't restrained, my eyes instantly filled with tears. He could have killed everyone of them in this building yet, he was laying naked on a bed doing good knows what. While Pam and I, had been going demented trying to find him.

Two Weres came out another room alongside the makeshift bedroom immediately began shifting, I don't know what happened to them. I was just stood transfixed, looking at Eric who seem to be smiling and looking at a Were woman who was no looker, like she was the best thing since sliced bread or in Eric's case bottled blood.

"If you've come for the Viking your too late he's already mine," the woman snarled, her hands elongating into claws.

"I am hers," Eric said getting off the bed. I was numb to totally numb, he placed his arms around her nuzzling her neck. I felt sick. I couldn't think straight, I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces, all the healing of my heart sickness coming undone at the seams. I couldn't see anymore, I couldn't stand it. In the matter of seconds I was totally hollow, I had nothing left inside. I began to walk away. I think it was Pam who tried to hold me back but I wrenched my arm free of her grip. She spun me round, slapping me across the face- hard.

I was totally shocked, as I looked at her with total disbelief bring my hand up to my stinging cheek. "She's a fucking witch," Pam snarled. I know but what are you slapping me for? I felt like saying.

I looked back up at Eric and the woman I presumed was called Marnie, her lips where moving quickly she was mumbling something but what really caught my eye was Eric cradling the same cheek Pam had hit me on, with a confused look on his face. She's a witch. Doh!

"Pam hit me again," she looked like I had lost my mind,

"Hit it me again."

This time she punched my shoulder, it hurt like a motherfucker, as I staggered back so did Eric, this time holding his shoulder. He looked even more confused, he could feel me but he couldn't remember the bond because it was clear as day he was confused.

A rage like I had never felt swept through me, Eric seemed more and more confused taking steps backwards looking at Marnie then at me, like he couldn't understand what was happening. I was so over come with anger for him, that this bitch could have reduced him to this. A thousand years old and in front of his subjects too.

"Get the other Vampires and leave-NOW," I hissed to Pam.

"I am not leaving you," Pam insisted.

"I SAID NOW," I could feel a power deep inside me erupting, like hot lava forcing it's way up to the surface.

"Take the boy," Niall thrust a small bundle at Pam, "Get every one out, now. It's not safe," Niall commanded.

"Just let it consume you child," Niall whispered to me. Then next thing I knew I was the air and the water they were me. I was back where I had been when I blacked out the first time I had touched the spark, but only this time. I was in a warehouse, Big Al's meat packing plant.

I reached out to the particles of water and air I could see in the Were bitch. Suddenly she stopped mid motion. Her face contorted in agony. "Get Eric out of here, please Niall," I spoke but my voice sounded strange even to my own ears as I forced the words out past the howling winds. Blinding light surrounded me as soon as I heard the pop. I let go. I let go and all hell broke loose. Everything burnt. The water in the building split in two, oxygen and hydrogen. The hydrogen ignited, oxygen fuelling it. I couldn't see a thing. I could feel my knees give out. It felt like I'd been caught in the eye of the storm. Things moved around me, I curled into a little ball. I screwed my eyes tightly shut.

I don't know how long I was there for but I felt the power that had come forth from me folding back on itself returning to me. I steadied my breathing, my chest was heaving like I'd run a marathon. I stayed like that eyes screwed tightly shut, my lungs clawing for breath. When I finally opened my eyes I could see Quinn crouched down, beside me shaking me. "Sookie, Sookie," he was calling.

"Tell me she's dead," I looked up at him.

"And then some," I gingerly got up looking around, gone was the warehouse, I was sat in a massive crater black scorch marks stopped about ten centimetres around me.

"Eric!" I cried in a panic.

"He's okay, he's okay."

I was having trouble getting up, Quinn gently and silently picked me up, as he stood up I was able to see the total devastation I had caused. For about a quarter mile in every direction, the crater extended. The ground was still smoking.

"Everyone's okay?" I asked my voice, terrified, weak, almost a whisper- scared of the answer I guess.

"Yeah. I think we found your Casper, he's in really bad shape and Vampire called Jessica she is not in good shape either but she will heal, they drained a lot of blood from her, she's very young. The Prince is working on Eric to remove the spells from him. Pam has already called Dr Ludwig for Casper and Jessica. Come on let's get you home."

I was exhausted, but I needed to see Eric. He was sat in a circle Niall was chanting breaking the witches magic. Suddenly the circle glowed blue. Eric's fangs snapped down he looked at Niall then down at his naked form, "Sookie?" he asked with a total what the fuck look on his face.

I just ran to him, nearly knocking him over, as I launch myself at him, "Oh Eric," I grabbed his face between my hands.

"Why do I smell of Weres and Magic? And you of Tiger- Urgh. What the hell is the Prince doing here?"

"You don't remember?"

"Remember what. . .Sookie?" then he growled.

"It's really you," I traced my hand over his face, my hands shaking.

"Who else would I be?"

"Hush, I just have to tell you something before anything else happens, I love you, I love you so damn much. . ." I couldn't push any more words past the lump in my throat, the tears breached their dams.


I kissed him for all I was worth just to show him how much I loved him, he kissed me back with enthusiasm and considering he was naked his enthusiasm was poking me in the leg.

Niall cleared his throat, "I'll see you tomorrow Great Granddaughter," Pop and Niall was gone. Okay so I should be totally red faced jumping my naked husband in front of my Great grandfather, but seriously I couldn't bring myself to care.

"Shower," I hissed as Eric nipped my jaw. I wanted him. I could hear Pam clear her throat, I sagged in Eric's arms leaning my forehead on his chest, could everyone please just get out, so we can get to the good stuff already.

"Not now Pam, can't you see I am busy," Eric smiled never taking his eyes off me.

"Good to see Sookie has finally come to her senses, I just wanted to say it's good to have you back," I looked over Eric's shoulder, to see her leaving.

"Now lover, not that I am not enjoying all your attentions and declarations would you like to explain what the hell is going on?" on attentions and declarations Eric waggled his eyebrow's.

"I promise, I will but I just need you, as in need you as in the biblical sense, there isn't much time, dawn will be here soon," I punctuated what I was saying with kisses.

I could feel shock in the bond, it was then I realised it was back, "Oh Sookie."

I giggle, leading him to the shower. No more words now, was the time for actions it wasn't long till dawn.

"I've missed you," I whispered when I had finally washed every square inch of his luscious body. Working hard not to allow my mind to go to that Were skank. Not very Christian of me but if I could kill her again I would.

"How long have I been gone?" Eric asked. He hissed when I grabbed hold of his length.

"What does a girl have to do around here to be pillage by a big Viking? Do you happen to know any big Viking?" I pumped his rock hard cock, swiping my thumb over the end, causing him to moan and shudder.

Apparently it was my turn to hiss as my back hit the cold tiles, Eric lifted me pressing tight against them and himself. "I don't want to hurt you," Eric voice was hoarse, I could tell he was referring to how long it had been since I last had sex.

"Do it, I just need to feel you inside me right now, I want you so much, I am done waiting," I spoke into his chest biting down his nipple.

"Fuck, you are so precious to me," Eric yelled filling me completely I gasped, gripping his shoulders. Eric is not small by any means, I could feel his thighs shaking with him holding back waiting till I adjusted to his size.

"I love you," I moaned as I rolled my hips.

Eric pulled out, then filling me again and again, "My wife, My wife," he just kept repeating it as he took me. I was grateful for the water raining down on us from the giant shower head, as my temperature just soared.

"Oh God yes," I gasped as he hit the spot inside me. He was driving me closer and closer, "bite me, I need you too," I cried as I came.

"Mine," then he struck, feeding from my neck drawing out my orgasm longer than I thought possible, finishing his in his own spectacular release. Pressing his bleeding wrist to my lips. I was, no we were complete again, I could actually feel the hole inside Eric that had just been healed by our coupling. I didn't realise until then how much he had missed an us, too.

We lay in bed, I very sleepily told him what had transpire, the last thing I heard before the sandman came was, 'I love you Mrs Northman.' I knew then everything was going to be okay.

The next day, Quinn knocked on the door around the eleven am. "Niall is here to see you," he woke me. I caught the tail end of his thoughts, which went along the lines he wished he had met me first and how he would give anything to have a woman look so beautiful as she slept in his bed.

I scrambled to bring my shields up, to stay out of his head but I wasn't fast enough for my blush which swept across my face. Quinn looked guilty for a few seconds. I shook my head as if I was shaking the sleep form my head.

"Tell him I'll be out in a few, just need to wake up some and could you ask someone for a coffee for me as won't be held responsible for my actions till I've some," I smiled. See life can't be that bad I managed a joke. I had Eric back and we had found Casper.

Niall informed me that the boy I had named Casper, was actually called Hunter and he was my second cousin, Hadley's son. The surprises and revelations didn't stop there. He had the spark and in his torture it had called out to Niall as the patriarch of our family- it was fairy thing. I can't say I fully understood what Niall had been telling me and I don't mind admitting that on more than a couple of occasions he totally lost me as my eyes glazed over.

As if Niall ending up at the warehouse the night we found Eric wasn't strange enough, he also informed me my cousin Hadley who we all thought was lost to us was Sophie Anne's lover and had been for the past three years. She had give up her own son to the witches as part payment for the witches helping with the coup. It got worse Hadley was now also a Vampire.

That's why I felt Hunter in Rhodes, he had been with them, I wondered if Hadley had feed of her own son- I shuddered at the thought. I'll tell you one thing, I had a sharp piece of wood with her name all over it.

The reason for Niall's visit today was to ask me to give Hunter refuge and raise him. The boy was very damaged and would need a lot of care and love, the Prince simply didn't have the time to give him what he needed. With or without his request I was going to help. Hunter was a telepath, it was the only thing that could explain how he had been able to push his thoughts to me like he had, now I knew he was kin I was sure of it.

I left Hunter in Quinn's capable hands, he was still asleep. Dr Ludwig had set up an IV of fluids, she said he would still be out for hours yet. I just didn't like the thought of him awaking alone, but I had a job to do at Claude's so I took Alcide and a contingent of Were guards. An hour late but it only took me fifteen to find the culprit so that has to count for something.

As I sat on the edge of Hunters bed, I'd been sitting there hours running my fingers through his dirty blond hair, I knew. I knew that now Eric and I where all right, everything was going to be okay. Not much more we could go through, right? Felt liked I'd earned a t-shirt or something having been there and done that.

An arrange marriage from hell, my Gran's death, Eric's FF's (feeds & fucks), Rhodes bombing, nearly killing my husband and his child, saving said husband and child, narrow escape from a serial killer, heart sickness, Hunter screaming fear in my head (totally forgiven btw), surviving a bloodless coup, going all fairy (how could I forget that!) surviving not so bloodless Were witch inhalation, exploding? Or whatever you call levelling a quarter square mile of real estate. Raising my telepathic cousin cake walk, right?

"Mother is a good look for you, lover" I looked up to see Eric, leaning on the door jamb I hadn't realised it had gotten so late, I smiled at him.

"You think?" Eric smiled bigger, nodding.

I smiled at Hunter as he cracked just one eye, then other, "I knew you would come," he croaked out his eyes huge. Something exploded inside my chest, I was overwhelmed with love. Love for this little boy. I tried to speak but the lump in my throat wouldn't let me. His faced morphed from wonderment into confusion.

"Your safe now," I forced out, the edges of my vision like a kaleidoscope the tears blurring everything till they were just colours and shapes glittering like gems. I gripped his little hand tightly bringing up to my lips laying a soft kiss there.

"I can't hear your mind, but why do you have an extra brain in your tummy?"

Well hell. Claudine's baby?

I looked up at Eric Expecting to see shock, but all that greeted me was the biggest smile I've ever seen my husband crack. How could I have missed that? I looked down at my belly, laying my hand there- yes, oh my God. Suddenly Hunters little hand appeared over the top of mine, followed by Eric's larger one; Family.

That's all folks. . .

Please check out all my other stories if you have enjoyed this one

Thank you so much for Favouriting me, and reviewing
