Authors Note: HEY GUYS! So guess what? This is my VERY FIRST FAN-FIC! :D *fan-girl squeeee!* Anyways, This story is just a little fun, might involve some fighting scenes and fluff and whatnot, but since this is my VERY FIRST fan-fiction, please DO NOT HESITATE to give me constructive criticism and ideas for my story, because I would LOVE to hear them! I write what you guys want! (And what I want, don't forget, I'M THE AUTHOR HERE! : P ) Please note that Soul is not such an asshole in this story, or it would be harder to write the fluff scenes, so his personality doesn't exactly match all the time, but he's still as mean as he always is in some scenes. Since of course, that's how we all love our Soul. Right? ;P

(P.S.- Since this is only the first chapter, there might not be too much fighting and action and whatnot. But don't fret readers! There is more excitement to come! : D)

The bell that rang in Maka's ears was like the sound of heaven. Spring break had finally arrived at the DWMA! Meisters and Weapons filed out of the school like ants, chatting among one another and making plans for their 3-week vacation. Souls silvery hair reflected the sun and sparkled as he and Maka walked together back to their apartment, and he flashed her a sharp-toothed smile. Soul, Tsubaki, BlackStar, and Maka were all excited to be spending their vacation down at the beach with Liz, Patty, and Kid at the Shinigami summer cottage. Of course, since the cottage was located in the South, Lord Death was unable to come with them on their trip, but the fun would not be ceased! Maka fiddled around with her keys at the apartment door, and it opened with a quiet creak.

Blair was in the kitchen when they entered, cooking fish to udder blackness on the stove, and making their apartment smell horrible.

"Oh hey guys! Is anyone hungry? I made a snack!"

"Uhm, as much as I love fish Blair, I'm gonna pass today." said Maka in a nasally voice as she plugged her nose and almost ran to her bedroom to get away from the burning fish smell.

Dragging her black suitcase from under her bed, she swung the top open letting it fall to the edge of the mattress, and started hurling in things at random. Laptop, cell phone, swimsuit, little sundress, hoodie, underwear, shirts, shorts, all the essentials. Kid had only informed them all about the trip two days ago, so Maka had only four hours left to pack her belongings. She seized another huge, reusable grocery bag from a drawer in her red oak desk and walked over to her bookshelf, taking out books from every shelf and shoving them into the black grocery bag.

She found that the smell of burnt fish seemed to have ceased to intoxicate the air in the house when she opened the door and made her way to the bathroom to grab all her toiletries.

"Lets see, toothbrush, hairbrush, razor, shampoo, conditioner… AH, hair elastics!" she recited in her head, and checked the things one by one off her list.

When she looked up into the mirror to check her pigtails, it rippled like water and a vision of Kid in the death room appeared in front of her. A small cry of surprise escaped her lips at his sudden apperance.

"Oi, Maka! Almost ready to leave?" He exclaimed.

"Oh hey Kid!" She said after catching her breath from his surprise visit. "Yeah, I'm almost ready, just grabbing the extra stuff!" Maka said, and gave him 2 thumbs up.

"Alright then Maka, see you in 3 hours!" He flashed her a winning, symmetrical smile and the mirror went back to her fixing her blonde pigtails. She strolled back to her bedroom, arms full of bathroom products that were all stuffed into her suitcase along with the rest of her clothes and books. The handle slid easily out of its case and she rolled her stuffed suitcase into the kitchen, where Soul was waiting with a duffle bag. Decisions had been made that Blair was to stay at the DWMA under Lord Death's wing until we returned, mainly because we all knew how Blair could get with all that time to herself…

"Almost ready to leave? I made us something to eat before Kid gets here." On the table was of course, pasta, none other than Souls favorite food. They sat and ate together as the wonderful flavors made her taste buds silently cheer. How did Soul get so good at cooking? Of course, anything would taste good after a look at Blair's blackened fish, which had already been eaten by Blair herself.

Before they knew it, the black Corvette pulled into the complex parking lot as Soul and Maka bid farewell to Blair and wheeled their suitcases down the hall to the slow, old elevator.

The thoughts crept up on her, when she silently realized that this would be her first time flying in an airplane. Her hands started to shake on the handle of her suitcase and she felt her face flush and get hot as she started breathing harder.

She shook her head a little to clear the thoughts of the plane ride, when she felt a pair of eyes looking at her strangely.

"Uhm, you feeling okay Maka?" Soul asked curiously, his ruby red eyes gleaming with confusion.

"W-what? Yeah! I…I feel fine…" She whispered and lowered her head so that her bangs covered her eyes, gripping the handle of her suitcase tighter to ease the shaking.

"Maka, that's not a very convincing act. What's wrong?"

The way he asked it sounded like more of a demand than a question, and she knew that she had to trust her weapon, but the embarrassment that came with telling him was more than enough scary.

"R-Really Soul, its nothing…" She said, shaking even more.

"Damn it Maka, just tell me what's bothering you, I promise I wont laugh." He said with a chuckle.

"Well, its just that, this…this..."

"This what?"

"…this is my first time…flying, in a plane I mean…" she whispered and ducked her head even lower as her cheeks reddened in embarrassment.

She felt a smooth hand slip under her chin and pull her head up gently, as two ruby red eyes burned right into hers. He put his hands lightly on her shoulders, then realizing she was blushing a dark shade of red, and laughed to himself.

"As your weapon, it is my solemn purpose to protect you, Maka. We're flying on Shibusen airlines. The chances of anything bad happening are as slim as the chances of Kid walking past a tilted picture frame without any fuss." He chuckled. "Honestly Maka, I would never let anything happen to you. And if I did, I couldn't live with myself. Okay? You're sitting with me on the plane. I promise, nothing will happen to you with me around, got it?" He said to her in a gentle voice.

When the elevator door slid open, Kid had men in black suits already waiting to take our bags from them and out to the car.

Just then, the doors flung open and a familiar annoying voice intruded her thoughts. An aqua-haired boy put his foot up on the edge of a flowerpot next to the door, and began reciting his usual 'greeting speech.'

"YAHOO! THE GREAT BLACKSTAR HAS ARRIVED! I'LL BE GIVING OUT AUTOGRAPHS HERE SOON! JUST LINE U—" but he was cut off abruptly by Tsubaki clasping a hand over his big mouth, waving at us with the other, and dragging him back out to the car.

"Hey Soul, Maka! Ready to leave yet?" Kid had come in through the doors and waved energetically with both hands.

"Of course!" Said Soul, happily.

"What about you Maka?" Asked Kid curiously.

"Oh, y-yeah! I'm ready!" She said, in the best excited voice she could force out.

They all piled back into the car and drove off to the airport. Normally, Crona and Ragnarok would have come along with them, but he had already made plans to see Professor Stein about his black blood.

The car pulled up to the airport and the Shibusen guards ushered them all in. "YAHOOOO!" Yelled BlackStar, a little too loudly, as they all sat together while waiting to board their flight to Shibusen Island in the Death City Airport.

"BlackStar and I are gonna go check some stuff out around here, anyone wanna come?" asked Kid as he stood up and stretched out his long limbs.

"Sure!" said Liz cheerfully, and Patty followed her sister. Tsubaki went along with them, mainly to keep BlackStar in line, leaving only Maka and Soul alone at the boarding wing, waiting for Lord Death's private jet. He owned the Shibusen Airlines, so their transportation to the cottage was no problem.

Sitting across from Maka, who had her nose stuffed into as book, trying to forget the fact that this was her first time flying, was Soul, who walked over to sit next to her and pulled the book down gently so he could see her now red face.

"So, on a scale of one to ten, how excited are you for this trip?" He asked curiously, his head tilted to the side a little.

But as the flight arrival time neared, Maka's heart beat faster and her hands and fingers shook so much she couldn't turn the page on her book.

Soul must have seen the fear in her eyes, because he put a stern look on his face and started to speak.

"You know Maka flying really isn't that bad, it's just like…" but Soul couldn't finish his sentence, because just then Tsubaki and BlackStar returned from exploring. Tsubaki sat down next to Maka and put a coffee in her small, shaky hands.

"Just to wake you up, we'll be on the plane for a while." Said Tsubaki with a smile.

"Wow, thanks Tsubaki!" Maka exclaimed, and took a huge gulp of coffee from her cup.

A rumbling sound swam through Maka's ears and she glanced nervously out the huge window to see a very symmetrical looking jet rolling towards the boarding tunnel. It had a huge skull on the front, just like the Shinigami's.

"Where are Liz, Patty, and Kid?" shouted BlackStar.

"I'll be right back, you guys wait here." Said Soul, as he took off running down the hallway.

'No turning back now…' she whispered to herself in her head.

After about 10 minutes of Tsubaki trying to calm Maka down, and BlackStar talking to himself about how he would surpass God on this trip, they could spot Kid and his two weapons, Liz and Patty, in the distance, running along down the hallway with Soul beside them. BlackStar waved frantically and shouted for them to 'pick up the pace.' Maka could feel drops of sweat forming quickly on her forehead, and Soul gave her a funny look and chuckled at her, putting his arm around her and squeezing just lightly enough for her to feel comforted.

"What's going on with Maka? She seems jumpy ever since we picked her up." Kid asked Tsubaki, as he picked up his symmetrical skull suitcase and pulled the long handle from its case.

"Oh…uhm…" Maka had never told Tsubaki whether or not telling anyone else was allowed, so she silently panicked and searched through her head for an excuse.

"I'm not really sure!" She said a little too loudly, scratching the back of her head nervously, but the black and white haired shinigami still was not convinced.

She glanced over at Soul who had just let go of his meister, and, was handing Maka her suitcase and coffee. Tsubaki patted Maka on the back lightly as she rolled her blue suitcase and bag of books towards her so-called doom.

The 7 DWMA students all piled into the plane, and Maka sat down with her coffee next to Soul, and shivered slightly.

"Are you cold Maka?" he asked, beginning to shrug off his sweater.

"W-what? Oh, no, not really…just…" She said, lowering her head, and sighing, her hands shaking as they gripped around her coffee. She wondered to herself why Soul was acting so caring lately. He usually teased her about her flat-chested-ness or her height, but he had been acting, more gentlemanly since they left for the trip. But a warm hand sliding under hers and squeezing it lightly interrupted her thoughts of him. She lifted her eyes to see an excited looking Soul gazing down at her with his red eyes, his silvery hair swaying a little bit. But when he realized she was looking at him, he quickly shifted his gaze up to the ceiling of the jet with a small smile, a smile that Maka didn't get to see.

Kid settled down in a leather seat next to Patty and Liz after talking to the pilot for several minutes, whispering in Liz's ear.

"I'm really worried about Maka, she looks like she might jump out of her own skin." Whispered Kid in Liz's ear as he eyed Patty, drawing Giraffes on herself with a ball-point-pen, then coloring them in with a highlighter and giggling loudly to herself.

"Yeah, I noticed too, but don't bother her Kid. I might be wrong, but I think this might be her first time flying. I'm pretty sure Soul has it taken care of though. Just chill, she'll be fine, seriously. It will only stress her out more if you try to talk to her about it…"

Kid sank down deeper into his seat and sighed. He wanted to do something to help Maka, but Liz was right. Soul was her partner. He couldn't just go and butt in on their heart to heart moment. He wouldn't appreciate it if Soul did that to him and Liz or Patty.

The jet engine started and Maka jumped slightly, her grip tightening on Souls hand, which was still laced together with hers. He felt her small hand start to shake and quiver, and squeezed it tightly back, looking at her with concerned eyes. She was looking out the window of the jet, which was shaped like a Shinigami skull. He watched her intently as she turned her head more towards the window, likely so that he wouldn't see her blushing. He reached out and ran his fingers through one of her blonde ponytails, and she turned her small head to look at him with her huge, emerald green eyes. He could see she had been crying through the red in the whites of her eyes and in her cheeks. She sniffled and turned away quickly, but not quickly enough.

"Maka…" He whispered, his voice heavy with concern.

"What…?" She said, slowly turning her head back towards Soul, her bangs once again covering her green eyes.

"Please listen to me, I'm telling you these things for a reason. We are going to be alright. With Lord Death running things around here, we don't need to worry. Seriously. Do you think he would let something happen to his son if he had control over it? A better question, do you really think I would let something bad happen to you if I had any part in it? No, I didn't think so. Just relax, it's only a 3 hour flight, and I promise I wont leave your side the entire time."

"Thank you Soul, it—" but her voice was suddenly silenced by Kid at the front of the jet, who had decided it would be a good time to show everyone emergency routines.

"May I have everyone's attention please? I would like to go through the precautions we must take in the risk of a plane accident."

At those words, Maka froze in her seat, and Soul felt her fingers practically digging right into his skin.

'Relax.' She said to herself mentally, and her grip loosened slightly on Soul's large, comforting hand

She listened carefully to all that Kid said, taking in every bit of it like she was in Dr. Stein's classroom. Soul looked at her and laughed quietly to himself, thinking that she should have a pen and paper, copying it all down and taking detailed notes on every sentence. Kid thanked them all after his safety speech, and then went back to his seat, sinking down once again.

About 5 minutes later, the seatbelt sign flashed on and Maka started breathing heavily, and her hands shook again, much more this time than ever. The jet started to move; rolling down the takeoff lane just like a car would, and then gained speed. Maka felt her body being pushed back into the seat as the jet gained momentum, and then the wheels lifted off the ground and the jet rocketed through the sky and up through the fluffy white clouds, Maka shaking the entire time. The seatbelt sign flashed off after about 5 minutes, and she sighed in relief, Soul patting her on the back, and smiling. She reached behind and pulled his arm from her back, around her shoulders, and she rested her head on his chest, feeling the faint bump of the huge scar from their first fight with Crona in Italy. The night when he almost gave his life for his meister. The night she could have lost it all. The night when everything she ever cherished in her life was nearly gone with the wind. Just the thought of it gave her shivers up her spine. But thanks to Professor Stein and her creepy old man, Spirit, her precious scythe was saved from certain death.

'Jeeze, am I lucky to have Soul as my weapon…' She thought to herself, as her eyes grew heavy, and she fell asleep to his beating heart, her head still on Soul's rising and falling chest.

Authors Note (again…): …So how was it? I tried to fit in some mild fluff so that we wouldn't all be bored to death.

-3-… anyways, leave your comments, questions, ideas, and whatnot in a review or just PM me, I'll get back to as many of you as possible! Thanks everyone who got this far in my story, pat yourselves on the back, I love you all. :3 So yeah, tell me what you think of it, I really would love to know, so I can improve future chapters! Also, if by chance I do get a few fearless people, who decide to throw some ideas around, I will usually use them. Remember, I write what the readers want…sometimes. ;)

That's about it! Leave a review! Send me a PM! See you in the next chapter!

(Please note, that I do not own Soul Eater, the anime/manga/merch, or any of that stuff. BUT, don't forget. I DO OWN this storyline. No stealing things that aren't yours, or I'll take your soul. ;)