XashXdawnX - I honestly have no excuse for why it's taken me so long to write a chapter...other than I couldn't think of anything. But without further ado here's the new chapter.

Disclaimer - I own nothing.

It was the week of homecoming and everyone was excited. Friday was the night of the dance. But right now everyone was excited about who wouldpossibly be Homecoming King and Queen.

It was currently lunch and the gang was talking about Friday. Everyone was going with each other, the couples were at least.

"So Rocky, who are you going to go to the dance with?" Dawn asked.

"Oh...I don't know. I may not go." Rocky replied.

"What?! You have to go! We've all always gone." Leaf cried.

"I know, but I'll be a wheel and I don't want to be that."

"Dan...you don't have a date right?" May asked.

"No, but I'm not gonna go with Rocky."

"It'll be just as friends."

"No, I'll pass." Dan said.

The bell rang signaling that lunch was over.

Dan and Rocky still had to act like they couldn't stand each other. They really needed to announce their relationship.

Rocky's POV

I was walking towards the dorms listening to music. I had gotten out of class late and had decided to practice with my Pokemon before I went back to my dorm.

I looked up and stopped in my tracks.

Dan was standing a few feet in front of me kissing Cassidy.

Cassidy looked at me and I ran.

"Rocky!" Dan yelled.

I ignored him and continued to run.


He was close.

My wrist was grabbed and I stopped.

"Rocky, please let me explain."

I shook my head and refused to look at him.

"Rocky, please."

I turned and looked at him.

"You were kissing her." I said.

"She kissed me, Rocky."

"You were kissing her back. How could you?"

He smiled at me.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Oh...at first I was shocked and pushed her away because I was dating you. But then I realized I don't love you Rocky. I never really did. I just felt sorry for you."

"What?" I asked as tears stung my eyes.

"You heard me."


"I. Don't. Love. You. I. Never. Did."

The tears fell from my eyes.

"How could you, Dan?"

"See ya, Little Rock."

I fell to the ground crying.

I gasped and looked around. I was in the library at one of the desks.

"It was a dream..." I muttered as I touched my face and feeling the dampness.

I dug my phone out of my bag and looked at the time. Three thirty.

I sighed and put my head in my hands.

That hadn't felt like a dream.

I couldn't study so I packed my bag up and left, heading towards the dorms.

I blasted my music, wanting to drown out everything that I had dreamt.

As I neared the dorms I felt scared and nervous. What if I saw what I dreamt?

I scanned around and didn't see anything so I continued on my way.

I stopped suddenly and felt sick. There it was. Dan and Cassidy were kissing.

I looked down and ran towards my room. I couldn't believe this.

I ran into the room and closed the door, leaning against it and I wiped at my eyes.

"You okay, Rocky?" Dawn asked.

I gasped and looked up.

"Dawn!" I cried.

"You okay?"

"I thought you had a date with Ash?" I asked, avoiding her question.

"He wasn't feeling good after class ended. Rocky, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just have something in my eye. I have some homework I need to get done."

I knew that Dawn didn't buy my excuse, but she knew better then to push me.

I sat on my bed and removed my books.

"Rocky, I know you don't want to talk, but please tell me what's wrong." Dawn said.

I sighed and got off of my bed and sat on the floor.

"I just saw something that I didn't want to see." I said.


"I had a dream while I was in the library, but it was more like a nightmare. What I saw in my dream actually happened, but not to the full extent. I don't know what to think now..."

"What did you see? Who did it involve?"

I opened my mouth and closed it.

"Rocky, I won't tell anyone. I promise, this will stay between us."

"I can't share this..."

"Rocky, please you're upset."

She was looking at me, waiting for me to say something.

"Isawmyboyfriendkissingsomeoneelse." I said quickly.

Dawn blinked.



"You saw your boyfriend kissing someone else."


"I do that all the time. I just had to hear it again to figure out what you said."

I remained quiet.

"Who's your boyfriend?"

I shook my head.

"I can't say."

"Hm...well I'm gonna guess."



"Go ahead then, I bet you won't guess correctly."

Dawn smirked. "Dan."

If I had been eating, drinking, or chewing gum I would have just choked.

I stared at her in complete shock.

"Don't even try to deny it. I know it's true."

How? How did she know?!


I nodded my head.

"I'm not blind. I could tell that Leaf liked Gary and that May liked Drew and vise versa. Same goes for you and Dan, but I see the way you two look at one another when you think none of us are paying attention. Plus, I saw you two one day."

"Why didn't you tell the others?"

"Because I had done the same thing. It wasn't my business to share either. Now what did he do?"

"I saw him kissing Cassidy."


I nodded my head.

"Does he know that you saw?"

"No, I ran. Cassidy saw me though."

"Did you ask him about it?"

"No, I was scared it would be like my nightmare. He told me that he didn't love me that he never did."

"Oh Rocky..."

I pulled my knees up to my chest.

"Oh, I'm not going to be going to school for the next few days. I don't want to face him...I can't yet."


"I'll tell him that I'm sick."

"Okay...but Rocky you need to talk to him. See what exactly happened."

"I can't take the chance that he cheated. That my nightmare will be true."

Dan's POV

It was Friday, the day of homecoming.

"Hey guys," I greeted.

I looked and didn't see Rocky.

"Rocky still sick?" I asked.

I had sent her countless of texts, emails, and even called her but she hadn't answered anything.

"Rocky? She's not sick, she's just skipping." May said.

I saw Dawn shoot May a look.

"I mean...she's sick." May said uneasily.

She's lying. Dawn knows something.

The bell rang and we all started walking towards the building.

"Dawn, what's wrong with Rocky?" I asked.

"She's sick."

"She's ignoring me and you know why. What's wrong with her?"

"Why don't you ask her?"

"She won't answer anything I send her!"

She stopped walking and Ash looked at her.

"Go on ahead, I need to talk to Dan." she said.

He nodded his head and the gang continued on their way.

"You wanna know what's wrong with your girlfriend? She saw you kissing Cassidy, you hurt her."

I stared at her. How did she know Rocky was my girlfriend.

"Fix this, Kuso cause one of my best friend's hurt because of you."

"Cassidy kissed me that day. I shoved her off as soon as she did it. I didn't even know Rocky saw that."

"Well she's coming to class today, but she told me not until lunch. She'll show up at lunch, so you have until then to figure out what to do."

I nodded my head and Dawn walked off.

"Stupid Cassidy. She messed everything up."

Lunch came and I knew what I was going to do. I had asked Dawn to do something and she had told me that everything was ready.

"Thanks, so much again Dawn." I said since we were the only two at the table at the moment.

"No problem, I hope this all works for you." she replied.

"You and me both." I muttered.

Rocky sat down beside Dawn.

"Hey Rocky, feeling better?" she asked.

Rocky nodded her head and started eating.

Lunch was about halfway through and everyone in my group had finished eating.

I got up from the table and stood beside it.

"What are you doing?" Leaf asked looking at me.

"Attention!" I yelled.

The volume died slightly.

"Can I have your attention please!" I yelled.

Everyone was quiet now and looking.

A kid from the garden club ran up and handed me a bouquet of flowers.

"Thanks," I said to him and towards Dawn who had set that up.

"Rocky, will you please come here?" I asked.

She raised an eyebrow, but got up and walked over to me with her arms crossed.

"What?" she asked, sounding very annoyed.

"I know that you saw something the other day, but that wasn't how it appeared. I didn't do what you thought I did. Rocky, I love you and only you. You're the only girl for me, which is why I want to ask will you go the homecoming with me?"

Girls went aww and I waited, anxiously for her answer.

Her eyes were watering. "It wasn't true..."

"No, she kissed me. I love you, Rocky."

She lunged towards me and hugged me, her head buried in my chest. I stumbled from the unexpected hug, but regained my balance and wrapped my arm around her. I kissed her hair and she looked up at me.

"I love you too, Dan and yes I'll go to homecoming with you." she said, standing on her tiptoes and kissing me.

I smiled in the kiss and when we pulled apart, I looked down at the flowers. I held them out to her, but they were now ruined from the hug. She laughed and took them.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you. I should have talked to you."

Mutters had broken out in the lunchroom, probably because a new relationship had just been announced.

We walked back to the table and Dawn was smiling.

"I'm glad you two made up." she said.

"How long have you guys been together?" Drew asked.

"Since the summer."

"Well, that was a cute way to announce your relationship." Leaf said.

"Cute asking her to the dance too." May added.

"Happy for you." Ash said.

"Seems like we all got together during the summer." Gary said, causing everyone to laugh.

Normal POV

It was now May and classes had ended and it was time for everyone to move back home until next year.

"I'm going to miss seeing you every day." Dawn said as she held Ash's hand.

"I'm going to come and visit during the summer." Ash said, squeezing her hand. "And I'm going to miss you, too. It's going to be weird."

Dawn laughed and nodded her head.

"Attention all students the buses have arrived. Attention all students the buses have arrived."

It was time for everyone to say goodbye.

"Oh! Picture!" Leaf cried removing her phone.

The gang laughed at her, but nodded their heads.

"Hey Blue!" Leaf called.

Blue looked over and walked over.

"Can you take our picture?" she asked.

"Sure," he said, taking her phone.

Leaf smiled and hopped onto Gary's back. Gary laughed.

"Really, Leafy?" he asked.

"Yep, but you love me." she said, smiling and kissing his cheek.

Ash was behind Dawn with his arms wrapped around her waist and her hands were on his hands. They were beside Gary and Leaf. Rocky was leaning against Dan and they were beside Ash and Dawn. Drew had his arm wrapped around May and they were beside Dan and Rocky.

The picture was taken and Blue handed Leaf her phone back.

"Thanks so much." she said.

She looked at the picture and showed her friends. She slid the picture and saw that Blue had also taken a picture of her on Gary's back and kissing his cheek. She smiled at the picture, because it was cute, but mainly because of the love that showed on Gary's face. She made that picture her lock screen.

"We all need to meet up during the summer and do something." Dawn said.


"Well we better go before the buses decide to leave us."


They all said goodbye to one another and headed towards the buses that would take them home.

And that's the last chapter. Hope you all enjoyed and again I apologize for how long it took me to write this chapter.

Please R&R