I did this outtake for Fandom for Ovarian Cancer, a charity very close to my heart.

I'm happy to announce we made our target. Thank you to all who donated, and enjoy to those of you who have been waiting for this. I know it's been a long two months for some of you, wanting the last part of DIL. Your support for this story has been mind -blowing, and even now I am getting new readers to this story. I am truly humbled, thank you!

Enjoy guys!

Dedication – For you Sam, you are never far from my thoughts. Rest in Piece, Angel.

I do not own Twilight Stephanie Meyers has that right.

Thank you to my wonderful Beta's and friends NeeNee246 and toocute24

Set ten years after the end of 'Dangerously In Love'. This out take shows the future they both dreamed of.

Dangerously In Love

*A future Outtake*

By Bee1982

A future dreams are made of.

"Benjamin Masen, you put that down right now!" I was trying to be firm, but when his brown puppy dog eyes gazed up at me, I lost my composure. Why did he have to be so gorgeous? Just like his father.

"I'm sorry, Mom." His bottom lip quivered. "I know you told me to wait until after dinner, but I just wanted a taste."

"If you put the chocolates back in the box, we won't tell Dad when he gets back with Mia." I sighed, as he handed me the sweets.

"Really?" Ben smiled.

"Really. Now go and wash your hands so Dad won't know." Ben rushed up stairs. I had to whimper. My little man was growing up so fast.

It was hard to believe the suffering Edward and I had endured to get here. Losing him, only to find him three years later in Washington DC, I knew I would be indebted to Jacob Black for eternity for giving me my job at Cetra Black. What were the chances of Edward working there? It had to be fate. Edward and I were always meant to be.

I knew he still blamed himself for the events that followed. The Volturi brothers were a difficult and dangerous family to bring down, but I never regretted the pain or risk. In the end, we got justice for Edward and Alice's murdered family. We were left to sail off into the sunset, out of witness protection, and finally free.

The lake house in Alaska was just what we needed to escape and finally live. We had spent the first few years of Ben's life and conceived Mia there, but of course Edward and I knew we couldn't hide away in Alaska forever.

Washington DC was now home to us, and had been for the last five years. The house Edward and I had built while I was carrying Ben was the perfect family house. Ben and Mia attended the local school. Where had the time gone? I couldn't believe Ben was eight and Mia was already five.

Edward was back running Masen and Cetra Black, Ltd. with Jacob. They had doubled their profit within the last year. Jacob and Angela had children of their own - twin boys. I didn't envy Angela with that work load. At least I had a break between my two angels.

I was washing up, looking out of the kitchen window, when I saw Edward's car pull onto our driveway. Even after all these years, I still got butterflies in my stomach knowing that he was home.

Ben was doing his homework in the front room, but as soon as the front door slammed shut, he yelled and jumped to his feet.

"DAD!" Ben rushed to Edward.

"Hey, Buddy," Edward beamed, ruffling his hair. Mia was behind Edward, still dressed in her tutu. She had ballet classes on Mondays and Fridays, and damn if she wasn't one of the cutest things I had ever seen. I was biased, but I didn't care.

"Mommy!" Mia skipped over to me. I held my arms out, scooping her up.

"Hello, Baby. How was ballet?"

"Nancy pushed me over on purpose," Mia pouted, watching me with her big green eyes.

"I'm sure she didn't mean it."

"She did! Even Daddy says so," Mia muttered looking at Edward, who had wrapped his arm around me while I was holding Mia.

"I was humouring you, Baby." Edward teased, stroking Mia's cheek before turning to me. "Hello, my love." His voice still sent shivers down my spine, my body jolting as he quickly pecked my lips.

"Gross," Ben giggled, grabbing Edward's hand. "Can we play ball now, Dad?"

"After dinner, Ben, I promise."

"It will be ready in fifteen minutes," I replied proudly.

"What a domestic goddess you are," Edward smouldered, only I noticed the hidden meaning in those words. I had to concentrate. I still had Mia in my arms for Christ sakes.

"Well, I do try."

"Oh yes, you are always very trying, Love," Edward smirked, kissing my nose before leaving to get changed quickly for dinner. Family life . . . God I loved it!


Once our bedroom door was closed, however, family time was over, and it was just Edward and me.

I was already in our en-suite bathroom brushing my hair, when Edward wandered in wearing nothing but his sweats. Damn, the things my husband still did to me.

"I'm going to be late getting home tomorrow. Jake wants me to attend the Jackson meeting with him," Edward muttered, leaning against the door frame as he watched me.

"That's fine. I can leave your dinner in the oven," I mused, watching him in the mirror. Edward pushed off the door frame, making his way towards me. My body began to burn just from thinking about what he might do to me.

Edward wrapped his arms around me from behind, nuzzling my neck. "I can't believe you've been mine for ten whole years," he whispered, his lips skimming my neck.

"I've been yours longer than ten years," I panted, feeling his hands remove my robe. For once, I actually wasn't naked underneath. Edward groaned in disappointment as he noticed the thin silk night dress.

"I thought we had come to an understanding about this, Mrs. Masen," Edward teased, pulling gently on the small straps. "There is no point wearing these. I will only take them off you once you're in our bed."

"Maybe I like you undressing me," I giggled as Edward nipped at my neck.

"Umm . . . maybe I do, too," Edward groaned, sipping his hands into my night dress. I snarled as his hands swept over my nipples. "I think I need to get you to our bed."

"Mmm," I groaned, turning to face my husband. As soon as we were face-to-face, Edward crashed his lips against mine. I was pushed back onto the vanity unit as Edward slid in between my legs.

"I'm not sure we'll make it, though, Love," Edward groaned, his hand running up my thigh. "I might have to have you here."

"Oh, fuck . . . Edward!" I gasped as his fingers suddenly slid inside me.

"I'll take that as a yes," Edward chuckled, slowly rubbing me while his fingers eased in and out. I clung to his bare back, digging my nails in from the pure ecstasy he was giving me.

It didn't take long until I felt myself climbing, and once I collapsed around him, Edward was quick to thrust his length into me.

Edward held my legs tight using them as leverage as he continued to thrust into me over and over again. The pleasure was almost unbearable. Almost ten years of marriage and two children, meant that Edward and I knew each other's bodies inside and out. I could never get enough of him.

We came together, riding off each other's pleasure.

"God, you're amazing," I sighed as Edward slipped out of me.

"So are you," he muttered, kissing my lips softly before pulling his sweats back up. He helped me down, and it was hard not to notice the proud smile on his face. Yes, I looked well and truly fucked.

"You just had to take me in the bathroom didn't you?" I teased. "What's wrong with the nice comfortable bed?"

"Nothing. I was planning on taking you in both."

"Edward," I giggled, hitting his chest playfully. "Save some energy for the weekend. You still haven't told me where you're taking me."

"When will you ever get used to my surprises?" Edward tutted, following me into the bedroom.

"I don't think I ever will."

"I'm still not telling you," Edward smirked, helping me pull the duvet back.

"I could make you tell me," I purred, crawling onto the bed.

"And how would you do that?" Edward licked his lips, his eyes roaming my body as he slipped into bed.

"I can think of several ways, actually," I smouldered, moving to straddle his lap.

"Mmm . . . I'm sure you can," Edward groaned, his hands running up my body. Just as I was about to become lost in the taste of his lips, a small knock came from our bedroom door.

Edward huffed, his head hitting the pillow with a light thud. "You can always count on our angels to pick the best times to interrupt us." Edward smiled as I moved off him.

Yeah, I was in dreamland thinking once our bedroom door was closed, it was Edward and I time. Mia was having nightmares on a regular basis at the moment. Although, Edward and I had a feeling she was doing it on purpose now, just so she could sleep in our bed with us.

I opened the door to see Mia clutching her brown teddy bear tightly, her little lip pouting out.

"Have you had another nightmare, Baby?" I cooed, kneeling down in front of her.

"The closet monster is in my room, Mommy," Mia sobbed, clinging to me.

"There is no closet monster, Mia," I soothed.

"Ben said there was, and that he would come and get me when I was sleeping," Mia cried, holding me even tighter.

"You can sleep with Daddy and me tonight, but next week, you have to try sleeping in your own bed again." I picked Mia up, turning to Edward, who was shaking his head at me. I knew I was too soft, but I hated seeing either of our children upset.

Mia snuggled in between the two of us.

"I'll chase all the closet monsters away in the morning, Mia," Edward whispered, kissing her forehead. "Now sleep, Baby." I raised my eyebrow, watching him. Now who was being soft?

"Night, Daddy, Mommy," Mia yawned, snuggling down into the covers. She was asleep within minutes.

Edward sat up on his elbows. In the dim light, he was still stunning.

"I'll have a word with Ben tomorrow," Edward whispered. "He shouldn't be scaring Mia like that."

"I don't think he means it."

"We can't keep letting Mia sleep in our bed, Bella."

"I know," I sighed, stroking Mia's face. "I have to be stronger."

"Is it because she has started school?"

"I'm not sure; maybe." I was finding it difficult to let her go. She was my baby, after all.

"Parenthood," Edward sighed, looking down at Mia. "I never thought it would be quite like this."

"Tell me about it," I giggled. It was crazy and exhausting, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

"I guess we'll have to take a rain check on tonight," Edward pouted. "At least when I take you away for the weekend, I know there will be no interruptions."

"I'm going to miss them."

"It's only a weekend, Bella. They loved spending time with Carlisle and Esme."

"Will we be very far away?" Edward shook his head at me. "What?"

"I'm not telling you where we are going, Love," he chuckled, leaning to turn his side light off. "Good night."

"Night; sweet dreams," I whispered before turning my light off. As the room became engulfed in darkness, my eyelids soon grew heavy.


"Good morning, Bella," Kate smiled at me as I stepped out of the elevator. "I have those files you were asking for."

"Thanks, Kate," I smiled, making my way towards my office. Well, Edward's and my office.

It was empty when I walked in. Edward's desk was the usual muddle of paperwork. How he ever could find anything baffled me.

I was sifting through my emails when he finally came in.

"Hey," I beamed, watching his face light up when he saw me.

"I think Tuesdays and Thursdays are my favourite working days," Edward mused, leaning over my desk to peck my lips.

"Is that a coincidence that those are the days I don't work from home?" I teased, pulling his tie to draw him back to my lips. I really wanted to finish what we had started last night.

"You know it is, Mrs. Masen. I hardly get you to myself these days."

"Hmm . . . Mr. Masen, you know how I love desk sex," I purred, licking my lips.

"I'll have to hold you to that. I have meeting in ten minutes." I let go of his tie, pouting. "We have all weekend alone, remember?"

"Did you speak to Ben?" I asked once he was safely behind his desk.

"Not yet, but I will tonight if he isn't already in bed," Edward muttered, sorting through his paperwork. I sat watching him. It was difficult to believe that ten years ago we were on the run from the Volturi Brothers. Looking at us now, we were so – normal.

"What is going on in that head of yours?"

"Do you really want to know," I muttered.

"I always want to know."

"I was just thinking that all that running seems like a dream now." Edward's face softened as he dropped his paperwork to move near me.

"I'm happy you can think that way, Love," Edward whispered, touching my cheek as he pulled me up into his arms. "But it will never be like a dream to me."

"I know it was different for you; you spent so much time running, trying to get the upper hand."

"It was all worth it in the end, though." Edward voice was tender as his hands ran down my back. "Your love has made me the richest man in the world. This was what I was fighting for: You and a chance to start a family."

"I love you so much," I whimpered, crashing my lips against his. If someone hadn't have knocked on our door, I was sure I would have let Edward back me onto my desk. It wasn't like we hadn't done it before. I actually had lost count when it came to Edward making love to me on his or my desk.

"I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Masen, but Mr. Black is ready for his meeting with you, Mr. Masen," Claire, Jacob's new PA, called from the door.

"Tell Mr. Black I'll be right with him," Edward muttered, his eyes still holding mine.

"I'll see you later," I sighed as Edward released me.

"I'll try not to be home too late tonight," Edward called as he was leaving.

With Edward gone, I could finally concentrate on my emails. I looked after the administration of Edward's top clients. He didn't trust anyone else to handle them. It seemed to work well, and most of the work I did from home.

"Bella," Angela was at my door when I looked up. "Jake asked me to come at get you. He and Edward want to take us to lunch."

"Has the meeting finished already?" I asked confused, looking at my watch. Edward had only been gone two hours.

"They're on a break," Angela beamed. I grabbed my coat and followed her. Edward and Jacob were already waiting for us. Edward had a crazy grin on his face. The meeting was clearly going well. I could read my husband like a book.

The four of us had a light lunch at a restaurant not too far from the office. Edward and Jacob had sealed the deal with Jackson Organisation, hence the lunch date.

"How much?" I gasped, choking on my drink.

"The Jackson holdings are worth over one hundred billion," Edward muttered as a matter of fact.

"And you have to control the accounts for that," Angela replied.

"We are going to expand." Jacob smirked at Edward. "Angela sweetheart, you know how you've always wanted to be closer to your parents in New York?"


"Edward and I have purchased an office building there."

"You've bought an entire building?" It was Angela's turn to gasp.

"It's going to the head office of Masen and Cetra Black," Jacob grinned. "I want us to move to New York." Holy hell! If Jacob and Angela were moving to New York, who was going to run the office here in Washington? I turned to see Edward smirking at me. Oh, okay; now I get it.

"We are going to running Masen and Cetra Black in Washington?" I whispered to Edward.

"We practically do anyway, Love," Edward teased, taking my hand in his.

"I can't do any more hours, Edward. The children . . ."

"Bella, don't worry, we are hiring more staff. We will be taking a more hands-off approach; we will only deal with the high clients," Edward soothed. I relaxed instantly. Damn! I could hardly believe how well Edward and Jacob had done in the last ten years. Was there no end to my husband's talents?


"Ben!" I shouted. "Please don't climb up so high." He knew I hated it when he climbed trees, but it never stopped him. Edward never should have taken him rock climbing last year.

"I'm okay, Mom," Ben called down while I stood on the lawn. Mia was busy making daisy chains.

"Just don't go too high," I glared as he found a branch big enough to sit on. He swung his legs over, daggling them before turning to give me a breathtaking smile that he had inherited from his father.

"Don't stress so much, Mom," he sniggered.

"Just be careful," I called, going back to Mia. "They're pretty, Baby," I smiled as Mia held up her daisy chain proudly.

"Will you wear it? It will make you look even prettier for Daddy." Mia asked.

"Of course I will." I moved my arm and let Mia put the chain on my wrist. God, she was so adorable.

The children were in bed fast asleep by the time Edward got home. He looked exhausted as he undid his tie.

"I think this weekend away will do you some good, too," I smouldered, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"This is a big deal; just the paperwork is intense. I can't even get my head around starting to access their accounts." Edward sighed. "You are okay with this, aren't you, Love? Jake and I . . ."

"Edward," I grinned, caressing his face. "I'm so proud of you. What you and Jake have done with the firm in the last ten years is incredible. I think you'll do a wonderful job running Masen and Cetra Black here in Washington."

"With your help I know I will," Edward beamed.

"Your amazing, Mr. Masen," I grinned, pecking his lips.

"I just wanted to make sure my family was taken care of."

"We already had that before you became partners with Jake." I rolled my eyes at him.

"You know what I mean. I have to be kept busy. It's the only way I know."

"I'm just grateful your job no longer involves the FBI."

Edward sighed, pulling me into his arms. "Me too, Love," he cooed, content.


It was difficult leaving the children with Esme and Carlisle. Edward squeezed my knee in reassurance as we hit the highway.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going now?" I asked, leaning over and running my fingertips over his jaw.

"I have a feeling once we get closer, you'll guess," Edward mused, turning to smirk at me.

"So we are going somewhere you've taken me before?"

"Maybe." Edward wasn't going to tell me, so I leaned back in my seat and just enjoyed the journey with my husband, knowing wherever we were heading, we were going to be alone.


I was still giggling as Edward carried our bags to our room - the same room we had used over ten years ago. As soon as I saw the signs for Casanova, I knew where we were heading. Our dirty weekend, the weekend Edward and I finally claimed each other again.

"Never did I think you would bring me here," I sighed as we wandered into the room. The décor had changed, but it was still the same bed. Holy hell! I was burning already, remembering just what we had done on that bed.

"I thought it would be apt," Edward whispered from behind me, his hands taking place on my waist. "I was under the impression you had always wanted to come back here."

"I did." I groaned, feeling his teeth graze my earlobe.

"Happy anniversary, Love," Edward moaned, turning me to crash his lips against mine. I responded instantly, wrapping my arms around him. I was swiftly lifted up and placed on the bed. "I remember this bed well," Edward mused, undoing my shirt while I was already working on his trousers. God, I couldn't get him naked quick enough.

"Mmm . . . so do I," I panted, feeling his hands meet with my lace covered breasts.

"Here's to an entire weekend without interruptions," Edward teased, before leaning down to capture my lips.


"Edward," I giggled as his lips travelled down my ribcage. "I thought we were going to get ready for dinner."

"I think we should just stay in our room all day again," Edward muttered against my skin, slowly kissing up towards my chest.

"We need to eat at some point," I groaned as his lips met with the bottom of my breasts.

"Dinner isn't for another hour."

"But I need to get ready," I panted as his tongue began to swirl around my left nipple. "Oh God, Edward!"

"Just give me a little longer. I'll make it worth your while," he breathed, his hands moving down towards my heated centre. I was lost the moment his fingers slipped inside me. "That's it, Love, just feel me." I obeyed, going under with the power of his touch.

Edward and I were a little late going down for dinner, and as we entered the restaurant. I was a little confused to suddenly be led outdoors.

My eyes fell on a candle-lit table for two outside, set on a gazebo full of twinkle lights.

"Edward," I gasped, holding my chest; it was beautiful.

"This is all for you, Mrs. Masen," Edward whispered, helping me take a seat.

"I can't believe you arranged all this," I sighed as the waiter poured our drinks.

"I just wanted to make this special for you, Bella."

"Edward, you have done that and more," I blushed as our food was brought over.

"I know a lot has changed with Jake moving to New York. I just wanted to make sure you know all of this is for you and the children."

"As long as you come home every evening, and we have you to ourselves on weekends, I'm happy."

"I wouldn't want it any other way."

"Well," I smiled, holding my wine glass up, "here's to a wonderful ten years of marriage."

"Here's to many more yet to come," Edward muttered, raising his glass while watching me lovingly. "Happy anniversary, Mrs. Masen."

"Do you think the children are okay?" I asked Edward once we were eating our desert.

"They will be fine, Love."

"What if Mia has another nightmare?"

"I'm sure Esme will be able to handle it," Edward chuckled, shaking his head at me.

"I'm worrying too much, aren't I?" I smiled.

"You're just being yourself," Edward smirked. "And I love you for it."

"You need to speak to Ben about climbing that tree in our garden, too. He practically gives me a heart attack every time."

"He never goes too high, Love." Edward watched my face. "But, I'll speak to him."

"So what are we going to do now?" I raised my eyebrow seductively once we had finished our meal.

"I think we should take the rest of this wine to our room." My husband had the best ideas.

Edward placed the wine bottle down while I stood in the middle of the room watching him. How was it that after ten years, I still felt the same adrenaline as the first time we had been in this room?

"You are so beautiful," Edward muttered, pulling me into his arms. I groaned into his mouth, feeling him begin to undo the zipper on my dress. I was out of my dress and laid across our bed in just my black underwear in no time. I leaned on my elbows, watching Edward get undressed in front of me.

"I don't think my eyes will ever get used to you naked," I purred as Edward crawled up the bed towards me.

"I know the feeling, Love," Edward murmured, hooking his fingers into my panties so he could drag them down. I was slowly beginning to lose it just from watching him between my legs, and as he pushed them further apart, I knew just what he intended to do. I thrust my head back onto the pillow as I felt his tongue make contact with my centre.

"Oh God . . . Yes!" I yelled, my fingers digging into the sheets as he slipped his fingers inside me. Edward was quick to push me off my cliff. I barely had time to come down from my high before he thrusted himself inside me. Oh, it was heaven, watching him rocking over me. His hands gripping my legs, so he could use them as leverage as he pushed into me.

"Fuck . . . Bella . . . so . . . good!" Edward was rambling as he slammed into me over and over. I was becoming dizzy with pleasure. Our bodies were so in tune as we climaxed together.

We both lay panting, tangled in each other's bodies.

"I love you, Bella," Edward whispered into my ear. "Always." I smiled up at him, capturing my lips with his as a silent agreement.

I knew Edward would always be by my side. After what we had been through, it only made us appreciate what we had that much more. We had been through hell to get here, but it had been worth it for moments like this.


"Daddy!" Mia was laughing hard as Edward tickled her. "Daddy . . . Stop!" Mia looked up at me. "Help me, Mommy," she giggled as Edward began to blow raspberries on her tummy.

"Maybe Daddy needs to be tickled," I smirked. Edward looked up at me playfully. Oh, how I loved our weekends together. Jacob and Angela moving to New York had hardly affected our family time.

"What if I tickle you first," Edward challenged.

"It's three against one, Dad," Ben smirked, jumping down from the tree.

"That hardly seems fair," Edward pouted as Mia escaped him, running into my arms. "How about I count to ten so you can all hide, because whoever I catch first, is going to get tickled until they can't take anymore."

Ben and Mia got up quickly, squealing as they ran to hide. Ben hid behind the garden shed, while Mia ran behind one of the huge flower pots.

I had no idea where to go, but Edward had almost counted to ten so I flew behind the large oak tree Ben was always climbing.

"Here I come," Edward called, and I tried to hold my snigger, watching him as he searched the garden. Mia was the first one to be found by Edward, and Ben, being the big brother he was, was trying to save Mia from Edward's tickling hands. It was useless though, because Edward managed to trap them both in a tickling hug. It was so adorable to watch. I was still hiding behind the tree when Edward and the children began to whisper to each other. I knew they were all going to go after me. I loved playtime with Edward and the children.

As soon as I could hear their feet running towards me, I made a run for it from my hiding place.

"She's getting away, Dad!" Ben called, but Edward grabbed me round the waist before I got too far.

"I've got her," Edward laughed as he began to tickle me.

"No!" I yelled, laughing. "Please, no . . . that tickles!" Mia and Ben joined Edward, and soon I was rolling around on the ground, giggling so much it was starting to hurt.

"Okay guys, I think Mom needs to breathe," Edward grinned, helping me sit up.

"That wasn't fair," I pouted.

"I thought it was fun," Ben called, already playing with his football.

"Well, I guess I better start dinner." I sighed, getting up.

"Would you like a hand?" Edward asked.

"No; you do your Dad duties," I grinned.

"I love you, Mrs. Masen," Edward beamed, slapping my ass playfully.

"I love you, too, Mr. Masen," I called, just before I walked into the home. "Always." I think only Edward and I knew just how truthful that statement was.