Hourra! A new chapter! A big THANK YOU to Joanhello who helped me make that chapter way easier to read (because English is not my first language, I need help for the corrections). This chapter contains my point of view of Megamind's race and world.

I don't own Megamind.

The aquarium

Time was passing slowly in the coffe shop. Roxanne took another sip of her lemonade as two women passed her by.

"It will be a wonderful trip! Cindy can't wait to swim with the dolphins! I'm sure she..."

Roxanne closed here eyes for a few seconds. Dolphins. She didn't know a thing about those creatures a few months ago, except for common knowledge. Now she knew a lot about those fantastic creatures and a lot more about many aquarium species. And it was all because of a special date.

A bit before the museum opening, Megamind planned a date at midnight. When she asked for more information about it, he kept her in the dark.

"Why won't you tell me where we'll be going at that hour? Give me a clue! Just one!" pleaded Roxanne.

"Ah-ah, my nosy reporter! You'll have to wait!" answered a playful Megamind.

"Minion? Can you give me a clue, please?" asked Roxanne with a smile, knowing he would talk.

"It's a place the boss and I like to go when we want to relax," whispered the fish.

"Minion!" exclaimed Megamind, outraged that his friends had, once again, let information slip.

"It must be a nice place, then! Ok. I'll wait. But I hope nothing will come up and keep us from going there!"

"Me too!" said the two aliens in unison.

When the day of the date came, Megamind and Minion stopped at Roxanne's apartment to pick her up.

"Ollo, my sweet Roxanne," said Megamind, dressed in his usual clothes. He opening the car's door for her.

"Hey, handsome," she answered, kissing him on the cheek as she passed him by to sit down in the car. "Hello Minion."

"Good evening, Miss Richie!" said the driver.

"So where are we going?"

"It's a surprise!" exclaimed the hero.

When the car stopped in front of a big building, Roxanne was indeed surprised.

"The city aquarium?"

"Yes! The Metrocity Aquareeum! Come this way," said Megamind, excited. "But stay silent, we don't want to be spotted." He quickly take the lead toward a back door, moving as silently as a cat.

"But why are we coming here at midnight like this?" she asked. "It's open all day long and you can just walk in."

"Yes, but it hasn't always been like that," Minion pointed out patiently, holding a metallic box in his hands.

Megamind knocked at the door and a man around 50 years old opened it. He smiled brightly at the alien.

"Bugsy! It's been a while! Minion, nice to see you too! And I see you brought your girlfriend! Come in!" said the man, giving them some space to enter and looking everywhere to be sure no one had seen them.

"Roxanne this is Dan Jones, one of my uncles." presented Megamind. "Uncle Dan, this is Roxanne Ritchie."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Jones."

"Nice to meet you too, Miss Richie. Please, call me Dan."

"Uncle Dan took care of me and Minion in prison. When he got out, he found a job as night watchman here. When I was out of jail and wanted some time to relax with Minion, we would come here at night. It's important to never tell anyone that secret, because Uncle Dan would be in trouble and I don't want that."

"Don't worry, I won't tell a soul."

"Thank you, Ma'am, for your discretion. And thank you for being there for those two. They are free and happy, which is partly because of you. I couldn't wish any less for them."

Minion and Megamind looked at Dan, touched and lost for words. Rarely had an uncle said he wished for their happiness.

"Dan, thank you for your trust," said Roxanne. "I truly appreciate this."

"Now go and enjoy the night. You have until 4 am, to be sure you get out without being noticed," he said with a smile.

"Thanks, Uncle Dan! Come, Roxanne! This way!" exclaimed Megamind, as he took her hand and led her deeper in the aquarium. Minion thanked Dan and offered him a box filled with cookies before following the couple in the building.

At this hour, the aquarium was calm. They walked around, enjoying the different themes and tanks. The diffuse lights and the ambient silence gave a kind of magic to the visit. After a while, Roxanne noticed that Minion wasn't with them anymore.

"Where is Minion?"

"Oh, he must be swimming in the biggest tank. The water around Metrocity is polluted and he can't swim there without getting sick. Here, the water is great. In one of my escape plans, I was hurt by an explosion and Minion tried to find a place to hide. By pure luck, Uncle Dan found us and he helped me. After that, we came back when we could, so Minion could swim and I could relax. We help Uncle Dan too, when it's possible. It's the least we can do for his kindness," explained Megamind.

"Wow," said Roxanne, happy to learn new things about her boyfriend. Behind his mask of arrogance, he could be really loyal to those who believed in him and would do anything for them. Megamind continued his explication as they sat on bench before the biggest tank of the aquarium.

"It's also here that we discovered that no fish on this planet could interact with Minion. We thought that nothing here could until we met the dolphins. They aren't fish, after all, and they're really intelligent creatures." continue Megamind.

"Do you liked dolphins?" asked the reporter.

"Yes, I do; they are like cousins to me," he answered softly, looking at the fishes swimming before them.

"Cousins?" she repeated, intrigued.

"Ah! Er... uh... It's a... I..." She looked at him as he was clearly panicking.

"Megamind?" He looked at her and she saw doubts in his eyes. She knew he needed some encouragement to feel safe to speak.

"Don't worry. You know I won't judge you," she said as she put her hand on his. "I love you," she simply added with a gentle smile.

He looked at her, clearly surprised. It wasn't the first time he had heard her said those wonderful words. But each time, it was a reminder that he had won the girl. And not any girl. She was his precious Roxanne Richie, the only woman he ever cared for. The only one he would love until his last breath. A cheesy smile appeared on his face and he sighed.

"It's something I should have told you a long time ago, but I never did. I was afraid of what you would think. Do you remember your questions when we planned a few things for the new museum? You talked about Metro Man's DNA sequence and asked me why mine wasn't in the new plan and what it looked like."

"Yes I remember. And right then, Minion came in and you never answered my questions." You looked really anxious that time, too, thought Roxanne.

"My planet was all blue. Most of my people lived in underwater cities. There were some islands here and there, but they were small. When... When I discovered the DNA researches, it got my attention and I improved them. I mapped mine and Minion's first. Then I mapped the DNA from some humans and most of the animals you can find in this aquareeum, in the zoo and in the street."

"You did that? But the researchers haven't done that much yet! And there are teams working on that year round!"

"They don't have the right technology, they don't have my brillant brain, and most of the money given out for research is not well invested. Anyway, with all those experiments, I discovered that my DNA is closer to the...the... to the dolphin's than the human's." He looked at her, sheepishly, almost afraid to see her leave or get angry at him for keeping such a big secret from her.

"So? It that supposed to be a problem? I've heard that human and dolphin DNA are quite similar."

"Yes, they are. I do share many characteristics with humans and I have some that I haven't seen in this world so far. I'm an alien, after all," Megamind said, as he gained some confidence in the fact she was still there.

"What traits do you share with dolphins?" asked Roxanne, inquisively.

A voice came from behind them. As it came closer, the distorting echoes died down and they recognized it as Minion's. "Dolphins are water creature who became earth creatures and went back to water. The boss' ancestors never went back to water. It's similar to the ape evolution to mankind, except with a kind of alien dolphin," answered Minion, wanting to help his friend. "The boss is a great swimmer. He has great hearing, and eyesight. His skin is more sensitive because he has more nerve endings and his body temperature is a bit cooler than humans. He is hairless, except for his face. He is playful too, but you already knew this. He never sleeps completely. He heals quickly. Oh! And his genit-"

"Minion! That's enough!" screamed Megamind, as he leapt toward his friend to stop him from saying something embarrassing. Roxanne laughed at his deep blush.

"Thank you, Minion, for the information. Megamind, come here," she said, indicating the place where he was sitting few minutes ago.

"I'll go pick up something to drink from the vending machines," said the fish, understanding what Roxanne was doing.

Megamind sat down, refusing to look at her. His face was still a deep lavender shade.

"You know," she whispered in his ear, "that would explained what I feel when I'm really close to your body." Roxanne felt him shiver as her breath brushed against his ear. Lately, she had noticed that her proximity had a strong effect on him.

"Temptress..." He breathed, eyes half-closed.

"Yes, I am," Roxanne agreed. "And I won't run away from you. I know you're an alien and it never bothered me before. It won't start now."

Megamind sighted as if an heavy weight had been removed from his shoulders. He looked at her with a lovesick expression. She could see he was really relieved to be accepted by her. He was more and more open with her, giving her access to his fragile heart.

"You fantastic girlfriend, you," he whispered.

She smiled at his unique way to say that he loved her. She leaned in. They were still kissing when Minion came back with the drinks. He left the bottles on the floor and went away, smiling.