Author's Note: I do not own S.A. Only the story.


3 Months Late

He had been avoiding me. For the past 3 months, actually. Whenever I tried to get close, he would mutter something under his breath and walk away. If I followed, he would run out of site. If I tried texting or calling him, he wouldn't pick up or answer.

I eventually gave in. I gave up trying to figure out the simple question: why?

When did he start avoiding me? The day after we broke up. The day before, we were walking side by side. Then, out of the blue, he says that we're breaking up and it would be better if we both moved on.

So, why now? Why does he suddenly want to meet up with me?

It all started when I was walking home. Ryuu was volunteering someone, and Jun was out with Sakura, which left me all alone.

It was a crisp fall day, the trees were full of reds and oranges, autumn colors. When I unlocked my door, there laid an envelope on the floor in front of me.

Bending down, I picked it up. Hand scribbled on the front was my name.


Carefully ripping the tape off so I wouldn't ripe anything inside, I slipped my hand in and pulled out a small letter.

Megumi, we should talk. Meet me at the park tomorrow at 4.


My first intention was to call his phone and yell at him for pulling a prank. Then I realized I no longer had his phone number. I deleted it in an attempt to 'move on', just as he had said.

I remembered the last time I stood him up. It was before we dated, and broke up. My Mom wanted to meet him and invited him to a concert, so we pretended he was my boyfriend.

I didn't think he'd even go, so I was with Akira and everyone else for tea. But then he came and pulled me towards the concert, mad that I hadn't come and left him waiting.

When did I fall for this guy, anyways?

Was it when I pretended to like him? And then, it slowly fell into more than that?

I sighed. It would be better to go than have him come and embarrass me.


After school the next day, I packed up all my stuff.

"Megumi, where are you going?" my younger brother, Jun, asked me. I was surprised he wasn't with Sakura.

'I'm going to the park,' I wrote.

Jun nodded. "Okay… I guess I'll be at home then. Call me if you need anything."

I waved him goodbye, understanding why'd he'd be worried. I didn't really go to the park anytime, nowadays.

Hikari and Kei were arguing in the corner of the greenhouse. Kei started laughing, then pulled Hikari into a kiss, which surprised her. When he let go, she was blushing mad and stammering. Kei started chuckling to himself, and I sighed.

What if me and Yahiro were still dating?

Why now, Yahiro? Why now?


I put my arms around myself, sitting at one of the park benches. It was chilly, and I didn't have a jacket.

I checked my phone's time. If Yahiro didn't show up by 4:05 then I'd leave. It was cold and I wouldn't want to wait around, freezing, if he might not even show up.

"You came."

Whipping around, I saw Yahiro standing there, looking amused. It was the first time I heard his voice in a long time.

I turned back around so I wasn't facing him.

He took a seat next to me on the bench. "I didn't think you'd come."

For some reason, this made me angry. "Well I didn't think you'd break up with me!" I yelled back to him. I held in the tears that were threatening to fall. He said to move on, but I hadn't. Not at all.

When I turned to look at him, he was looking up into the sky, before setting his gaze onto me. "Do you still like me?"

'What makes you think that?' I wrote, before turning away to cross my arms.

He didn't answer my question with a reply, instead, he answered with a question of his own.

"What if I still like you?" When I turned back around, I could tell this was no joke. His look was serious. His eyes bore into mine. I gulped, not knowing what to say.

But still, I was cautious. He's played these kinds of games with me before, and I didn't want him to hurt me anymore than he already has.

'Don't joke around,' I wrote. Even if this was real… it made no sense. Why break up with me, then 3 months later come back saying he still likes me?

"It was a question. What if I do still like you?" I wasn't sure what I felt at that time… maybe he would take me back, but would I be ready?

"Then it wouldn't make any sense! Any sense at all! You broke up with me and for 3 months, you've avoided me! Then out of nowhere you suddenly want to meet up and talk to me! I just don't understand, Yahiro… I really don't…."

I felt like I just screamed out everything I was feeling. But it was true. Yahiro wasn't making any sense. I wasn't sure why, but after my outburst, I wasn't as mad. Still mad maybe, but not as much as I was when I received the letter.

"Don't talk," he murmured. "Don't you want to save your voice?"

I nodded. "But first… Yahiro… honestly. Why do you want to meet up with me all of a sudden?" I wanted this answer. That's all I wanted right now.

He sighed. "Megumi, do you how crazy I am about you? How every day, you're the one thing on my mind? How those 3 months, I wanted to see you so bad? Did you know that?"

All of a sudden, I felt weak. Maybe he still did like me. But even so, it just didn't add up.

"Quit joking! If you felt that way, then you wouldn't have made me feel this way for 3 months, and now… now you say you still like me? Do you think this is a game or something?" I was using my voice on him. But I didn't care.

"Megumi… I have my reasons. But it's okay now… Listen-"

I cut him off. "It's not okay! What reason do you have?"

He paled. I knew it.

"Megumi… I answered your question, now you answer mine. Do you still like me?"

My heart stopped. What was he trying to do? I felt like I was in a movie, and this was the climax. The turning point. Of our relationship. But still…

"Yes! I do!" I yelled back at him, before running away.

"Megumi!" he yelled after me, running. "Wait!"

I didn't want to face him, though. I didn't wait to see him. I just couldn't.

"Go away!" I yelled back to him.

He caught up to me. I guess it wasn't a surprise, considering I hate sports, and running in general.

Pinning me up to the ice cream shops wall, he let go of my arms.

"Megumi, you still like me."

"Well you still like me!" I retorted. He didn't have to state the obvious. Didn't I just tell him that before running off a few minutes ago?

"I do."

I turned so I was facing him. Even though he could be a jerk sometimes, he still made me happy. I was hoping that he did have a good reason for the break up.

"Megumi… listen to me. You might not understand exactly why I broke up with you for this reason, but…" He looked down, looking shaken up. Was he nervous? The oh so rich and powerful Yahiro was nervous?

"I'm trying to figure out how to say this. Well… I broke up with you because of a bet."

"You did not just say that." A bet? He dumped me because of a stupid bet?

"Megumi, listen-"

I shook my head, walking away. "I'm tired of listening to this."

Running off again, Yahiro didn't dare follow me.


How was it? This was originally supposed to be a one-shot but… let's see where it takes us :)

5 reviews? Pleaseee?